6倒戈议员议席不悬空 慕尤丁抨击议长玷污联邦宪法

  • 3 months ago
新闻报报看 | 国会下议院议长佐哈里今天裁定,早前公开表态支持首相安华的6名土团党国会议员,并没有违反反跳槽法,因此不需要悬空议席。土团党主席慕尤丁对此大呼失望,并抨击议长玷污了联邦宪法。(主播:颜江瀚、洪欣仪)


00:00Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:30The six members did not violate the anti-dumping law, so their seats do not need to be vacated.
00:36In other words, the six Democratic Party members kept their seats.
00:42They don't need to have six more elections, and people don't need to vote again.
00:46This result disappointed the chairman of the Democratic Party, Mu Youding.
00:50He said at a press conference in Congress today that they received a letter from Zuhari yesterday.
00:55According to Article 49A of the Federal Constitution, the seats of the six Democratic Party members will not be vacated.
01:02Mu Youding said that Zuhari's decision clearly violated Article 49A of the Federal Constitution.
01:08The anti-dumping law is like an illusion.
01:10He also criticized Zuhari's reason, which is shallow.
01:13Zuhari has already violated the Federal Constitution, and only the court has the power to interpret the Constitution.
01:18Therefore, he believes that Zuhari's decision has gone beyond the scope of the chairman's power.
01:23When Mu Youding attacked Zuhari, he did not forget to issue a group registration law in 1966.
01:30The Article 18c of the relevant law states that the party has the final right to interpret the Constitution.
01:37Since the six members of the Democratic Party have been disqualified,
01:42it means that the final decision of the Democratic Party cannot be questioned and cannot be challenged.
01:49Mu Youding said that the Democratic Party will take follow-up action
01:52and appoint legal experts to take appropriate actions to maintain the Federal Constitution and the party seal of the Democratic Party.
01:59The Democratic Party held a press conference here.
02:01As an ally, the Democratic Party is not idle.
02:05Chairman of the Democratic Party, Liu Huacai, issued a statement today,
02:07criticizing the united government, fake democracy,
02:09in order to consolidate the regime,
02:11again betray the trust and political principles of the voters,
02:14to reason with the six defiant members.
02:18Liu Huacai reminded the Action Party
02:20not to forget that they have been framed by political frogs twice,
02:23and lost their power and central power.
02:26Therefore, he urged Lin Guanying, chairman of the Action Party,
02:28and Secretary-General Lu Zhaofu to express their position
02:31and make it clear whether they agree with Zuhari's decision to refuse to vacate the party seal.
02:36Although the Action Party has not responded to the questions of the Democratic Party,
02:40Secretary-General Lu Zhaofu asked the media about the decision of the party seal
02:44at the press conference held in Congress today.
02:47Lu Zhaofu said that Zuhari's announcement of not vacating the party seal
02:50did not have any impact on the Action Party,
02:55and he believed that the chairman of the party
02:57made the decision not to vacate the party seal
02:59after hearing the opinion of the chief procurator,
03:01according to the federal constitution.
03:03At the same time, Lu Zhaofu also believed that
03:05the situation of the Action Party and the Democratic Party cannot be compared.
03:09Because the Action Party has already amended the party seal
03:12before the 15th national election.
03:14It shows that if all the elected YBs disobey the party seal,
03:17they will lose their party rank.
03:19But the Nationalist Party only amended the party seal after the national election.
03:23Therefore, the six YBs who support the government
03:25do not know that they will lose their party rank because they support the unity of the government.
03:30That's Lu Zhaofu's opinion.
03:32However, the chief procurator, Zuhari, does not think so.
03:36He warned that the decision of the chairman has a deep impact
03:39and may eventually go against the government.
03:42The government will suffer in the end.
03:44Shahriar published an article in the Facebook group
03:46titled The Political Frog that Won't Jump.
03:49In the post, he criticized Zuhari's decision
03:51to only care about the interests in front of him and not consider the future.
03:54He asked,
03:55if these six YBs,
03:57you said they didn't jump the fence,
03:59just left their party by accident.
04:01If your statement is true,
04:03it's just because they support the prime minister.
04:05Then what will happen?
04:07That is,
04:08if they don't leave their party,
04:11and withdraw their support for the prime minister,
04:13can this be allowed?
04:15Obviously, the chairman's decision
04:17cannot guarantee political stability.
