Ben Maguire North Cornwall

  • 3 months ago
Ben Maguire, Lib Dem, for North Cornwall took the oath of allegiance to the Crown in the House of Commons in both Cornish and English. (ParliamentTV)
00:00Would you like to swear the oath in the corner?
00:02Please collect your youth's best will, state your name and constituency.
00:05Ben Maguire, North Cornwall.
00:07And do you like to swear the oath in the corner?
00:10Which holy text would you like to swear on?
00:12The Bible, please.
00:13King James Bible?
00:14Yeah, that's fine, thanks.
00:15Just fine, please.
00:16I've prepared a phonetic version. Do you need anything to hold that up?
00:18Yes, of course. Do you want to also hold the...
00:20Yeah, I'll find you the...
00:31I now swear the oath in the corner.
00:38Which holy text would you like to swear on?
01:00I swear by almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles, his heirs and successors, according to law, so help me God.
