
  • 3 months ago
00:00In 100 years, which is like the year 2124, we will all be with our families and friends, resting in peace.
00:09Strangers will live in the houses we worked so hard to build, and someone else will own everything we have today.
00:16Most of our stuff will either be given away, thrown out, or destroyed.
00:20Even the expensive car we bought may end up in a scrapyard.
00:24Our descendants probably won't know much about us or remember us.
00:28I mean, how many of us know the name of our grandfather's father?
00:31After we pass away, it might take a few more years, and then we're just a picture on someone's wall.
00:37A few decades later, our old photos and accomplishments become part of history, and are forgotten.
00:44If we stop and think about these questions, we might realize that worrying about 95% of the things that occupy our minds every day is pretty pointless.
00:54If we can keep this in mind, our thoughts and actions could change for the better.
00:59We might feel more free to enjoy our lives.
01:02So remember this. If it won't matter in five years, don't spend more than five minutes being upset about it.
01:09If you're not following the BizThoughts project, you're probably never going to see us again.
01:14But if you are, congrats, you're on a journey of continuous growth.