Revitalisasi Stadion Utama GBK Capai 30 Persen, Uji Lapangan Oktober

  • 2 months ago
Revitalisasi Stadion Utama GBK Capai 30 Persen, Uji Lapangan Oktober
00:00The revitalization of the main stadium of Glora Bungkarno SUGBK Senayan Jakarta
00:06has reached a significant stage with a progress of 30%.
00:12The revitalization of the main stadium of GBK
00:16aims to improve the quality of the field
00:19to be ready to be used as the base of the Indonesian National Team
00:22in the Asia Zone World Cup Qualification 3.
00:28Head of the Development and Conservation Division of Glora Bungkarno, David Prastian,
00:33who was met at the main stadium of GBK on July 10,
00:37explained that this revitalization focuses on the evenness of the land on the field
00:42with the plan of re-planting grass that will be started on July 21
00:47and the test of the function of the field will be scheduled at the end of October.
00:53For the current progress, the evenness of the land has been done.
00:58We expect that grass will be planted on July 21
01:02until the end of July.
01:04Then we will do a drill-in for the strength of the grass for about 3 months
01:07so that at the end of October we can test the function of the field
01:12so that later we will be fit for the preparation of the World Cup,
01:17the Asia Zone World Cup Round 3 on November 14 and 19.
01:25Meanwhile, General Director of GBK, Hadi Sulistia, said
01:29to improve the quality of the field,
01:31a comparison study has been carried out to the National Stadium of Singapore.
01:36The recipe they obtained will be applied
01:39in maintaining the quality of the grass on the field of the main stadium of GBK.
01:44To be able to reach a level like the Tottenham Hotspur stadium
01:49or Santiago Bernabeu, it is not possible.
01:52Why? Because it has to change the structure of the physical building
01:56of the main stadium which is a cultural center.
01:59So the expectation is not possible.
02:02Therefore, we are looking for a reference, a benchmark
02:08which is approximately applicable in GBK.
02:11What is applicable is Singapore.
02:15The revitalization project of the main stadium of GBK
02:19allows the Indonesian national team to play again
02:22and welcome Japan and Saudi Arabia on November 14 and 19 later.
02:27Previously, the Red-White squad would first compete against Saudi Arabia on September 5
02:34and then against Australia on September 10.
02:38With the completion of revitalization in October later,
02:42the main stadium of GBK is expected to be ready to welcome football fans
02:47with better international standards.
02:50From Jakarta, Muhammad Ramdan, Antara News Agency, reporting.
