মিরনজিল্লা হরিজন কলোনী উচ্ছে*দ নয়,স্থায়ী বসাবাসের দা*বীতে জাতীয় প্রেসক্লাবের সামনে

  • 2 months ago
মিরনজিল্লা হরিজন কলোনী উচ্ছে*দ নয়,স্থায়ী বসাবাসের দা*বীতে জাতীয় প্রেসক্লাবের সামনে
00:00We have the right to protest.
00:02You know, only one person stood in front of the trunk during the protest.
00:07We are our own children.
00:09That is why the whole world is protesting in front of the old man.
00:13I am a boy and I have risen from the new birth.
00:16We were waiting for our new birth to come,
00:21to remove our sorrows, our anxieties.
00:25This government could not pass any constitution.
00:29This government said that all people have equal rights.
00:33All people should be allowed to vote.
00:35So, Mr. Prime Minister, we believe in you.
00:39You are our wisdom.
00:41You are our confidence.
00:43So, how can we violate your freedom?
00:47We will hope that this government,
00:50the human rights government,
00:54the Dalit Bandhu government,
00:56the Prime Minister of India,
00:58the Dalit people, the Harijan people,
01:00all of them have voted for you.
01:02You will come forward.
01:04We hope for that.
01:06Those who are present here today,
01:10and those who have joined us in unity,
01:16we know that they are safe.
01:19And I would like to say to you once again,
01:24that apart from wealth,
01:26apart from armed forces,
01:28we will not be freed.
01:30No one will stand by us.
01:32And to make the world and humanity
01:34more diverse,
01:37you should stand by us.
01:39Be with us.
01:41Spread our news.
01:43And I would like to tell you
01:45that the name that you are giving us,
01:48it could be a part of your struggle.
01:52We are proud of our Commonwealthy Selim.
01:56We know that you have done a great job.
02:02We know the value of this name.
02:04We hope that one day,
02:06you will spread this message.
02:08Thank you all.
02:10And please don't leave this place.
02:14As long as we are here,
02:16we will not be given our rights.
02:18We will not be given our land.
02:20We will not be given our land.
02:22We will not be given our land.
02:24We will not leave this place even if it is not our land.
02:27We will not leave this place and we will not leave this place.
02:30I thank all of you for this hope.
02:33The meeting is now over.
