PJ Masks Full Episodes w- ♠♠ Superherro Cartoons For Children ♠ Compilation Pj Masks Part 19

  • 2 months ago


00:00Owlette and the Battling Headquarters.
00:05Greg? Connor? Do you read me? Over.
00:09We hear you loud and clear, Amaya.
00:11Me too. Over.
00:12You guys want to go bike riding tomorrow morning?
00:14Sure. That sounds like fun.
00:16It'll be extra fun for me. I just got a new bike for my birthday yesterday.
00:21Cool! A new bike? I totally want a new bike too. Huh?
00:28What was that? It's a school bus.
00:31And there's a Ninjalino driving it.
00:33And there are more buses right behind him.
00:36I see them!
00:37We need to find out what's going on.
00:39PJ Masks, we're on our way!
00:41Into the night to save the day!
00:45Night in the city, and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day.
00:57Amaya becomes...
01:06Greg becomes...
01:15Connor becomes...
01:27The PJ Masks!
01:32We need to find out where the Ninjalinos are taking those buses.
01:35Uh, guys? I think I know where they are.
01:42Night Ninja!
01:44The buses are in the park right next to our headquarters.
01:47What's he doing with them?
01:48There's only one way to find out. Come on!
01:55Look how tall his bus tower is!
01:58PJ Masks, isn't it a lovely night to park in the park?
02:03Night Ninja, what are you doing with all those school buses? Put them back!
02:08I don't think so.
02:10Say hello to my Fortress of Fury, the best headquarters ever!
02:15Sorry, but we already have the best headquarters ever.
02:18Now put those school buses back so kids can ride them to school.
02:22Make me!
02:23I'll fly up there and see if I can get a closer look.
02:26Super Owl Wings!
02:34Ninjalino, let's give the noisy bird girl a nice loud greeting.
02:51That's loud!
02:53Owlette! Super Gekko Muscle!
02:56Super Cat Speed!
02:59Phew. Thanks, Catboy.
03:02That's it, Night Ninja. We're taking you down.
03:05I'm sorry. Did you say something? My fortress is so loud I couldn't hear you.
03:12That horn defense is pretty powerful. We should totally get it for our headquarters.
03:16Why? We don't need noise. Our base has lots of stuff to stop Night Ninja.
03:20Guys, let's use our vehicles to stop his fortress.
03:23We could. Or we could use a new noisemaker to stop him.
03:28But Owlette, just because he has one doesn't mean you need one too.
03:33To the Cat Guard!
03:35What are you PJ Pests going to tell me how great my fortress is?
03:40Go on. Say it.
03:45We're taking those buses back!
03:52Catboy, I'm going to knock all the buses loose by whacking them with my tail.
03:56Great idea, Gekko. And I'll make sure they don't get damaged.
04:02Uh-oh. It's starting to rain sticky splats.
04:08Sticky splats, sticky splats.
04:14There. Listen to this noise, Night Ninja. It's the cat's meow.
04:22Here comes the tail.
04:29My fortress is built ninja tough.
04:41You'll have to do better than that to knock it down.
04:44Sorry, Catboy. I didn't know the mega meow would make you spin out.
04:48Yeah, that mega meow was more like a mega mistake.
04:53Looks like it's up to me. Gekko-mobile camouflage!
04:58Where has that goofy Gekko gone?
05:01Ninjalino, why are you out of the buses?
05:04Get back in the buses and stop Gekko.
05:25I must think Gekko's unstuck.
05:28There you are. Ninjalinos, let him have it.
05:33Uh-oh. Looks like this is my stop.
05:38Super Gekko camouflage!
05:44No way! It has sticky splat catapults? We need those things too.
05:49No we don't, Owlette. Our base has lots of defenses already.
05:53Yeah, Owlette, think you can give us a hand out here?
05:56Well, I could...
05:57Hello again, PJ Nincompoops.
06:00Admit it, my headquarters is the best. And now I'm going to destroy yours.
06:06Not when we've got our own furball catapult flingers.
06:11Take this!
06:18Missed. You're no owl. You're as blind as a bat.
06:25Just wait until I adjust my aim.
06:28Hey, Owlette, we're on the same team.
06:32There you are, Gekko. Let me take you for a little spin.
06:41Hold on, Gekko.
06:48Fluttering feathers! His fortress can spin, too?
07:11I hope you're not growing tired of this battle, PJ Masks,
07:15because you're about to get really tired.
07:17Ninjalinos, fire the tires!
07:20Help! Help! Help!
07:31He's filling the moat with tires? But why?
07:35To make a bridge, bringing his fortress over to destroy our base.
07:43We gotta stop him.
07:44And we will, by getting our base to spin just like his does.
07:49Wait, no, Owlette. We don't need to spin.
07:51Our base has tons of great defenses already. We need to use them.
07:56Right after I get the headquarters spinning.
07:58I have a plan, Gekko. I'll distract Night Ninja so you can get rid of those tires.
08:07Spinning through this. Owlbeam!
08:20Goodbye, tire bridge.
08:23Alright, now we're spinning.
08:25Wait, what?
08:41Oops, did I throw that sticky slat?
08:43Let's do it again.
08:48Enough playing around, PJ Masks.
08:52Soon, only one fortress will be left standing. The best fortress, mine!
08:59Oh no, now he can cross the tire bridge.
09:02This is all my fault.
09:04Night Ninja's fortress has all these new things, and when I saw them, I wanted them too.
09:09You guys were right. We don't need new things just because someone else has them.
09:13That's okay, Owlette.
09:15I'm sure there's something we already have that can stop him.
09:18We'll get the school buses back.
09:20There is something we can use to stop him. A few somethings.
09:25It's time to be a hero!
09:30Who has the best base?
09:32You do, Night Ninja. We don't even have a base anymore. Ours got squished.
09:39Ha ha ha!
09:42A giant furball? What are they trying to do, gross meow?
09:47Nice shot, Catboy!
09:49Thanks, Gecko.
09:56Owlette, you're sure we only need to hit three of the buses on the bottom with furballs?
10:02Just three. And when we yank them out of position, the rest of the buses will all come loose.
10:08How do you like that, Night Ninja? Here's a couple more for you.
10:17Impossible! My turn!
10:20Firing Owl Claws!
10:25My fortress is the best!
10:29Super Gecko Muscles!
10:36Gotcha! Good job! Awesome!
10:39Well, it was the best! It was!
10:45PJ Masks, all shout hooray!
10:48Cause in the night, we save the day!
10:54Gecko and the Mayhem at the Museum
10:58Hi, kids! Is everyone ready to build their model rocket?
11:04I'm gonna make the best rocket ever! It's gonna have lasers and boosters and it's gonna be this big!
11:11Come up and grab your supplies, everyone.
11:13And I'm going to paint it green. It has to be green.
11:16Come on, Greg!
11:26There's no more paper towel rolls. How am I supposed to make a rocket now?
11:31Maybe you can use something else.
11:33Amaya, there's only one way to make a rocket. With a paper towel roll.
11:38Come on, Greg. There can't just be one way to do anything.
11:41Maybe you'll be inspired after our trip to the Science Museum.
11:44There's even a rocket display.
11:46Really? Awesome!
11:48Actually, the trip to the museum's been cancelled.
11:51Oh, no. Why?
11:53It's the strangest thing.
11:55All the buildings around it are fine, but the power is out at the museum.
11:59The lights are off and there's no electricity for the displays.
12:02That is strange. And it's worth checking out tonight.
12:06PJ Masks, we're on our way!
12:08Into the night to save the day!
12:12Night in the city.
12:14And a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains
12:18to stop them messing with your day.
12:24Amaya becomes...
12:34Greg becomes...
12:43Connor becomes...
12:46Fat boy!
12:55The PJ Masks!
13:01That's weird. The lights are on at the museum.
13:04Didn't the teacher say the power was out?
13:06And that's not all. Look!
13:08Gasping geckos!
13:10Romeo's lab!
13:12So that's who's behind this.
13:38Yep, definitely Romeo.
13:42How dare you take over the museum!
13:44That's right! I have taken over the museum!
13:47What are you up to, Romeo?
13:49My lab's battery needs to be charged, and it's taking forever.
13:54So I've decided to use the museum as my base while I finish my big box of bad.
13:59Big box of bad?
14:01Exactly. When it's finished, it'll turn the whole city into my own private town,
14:07dedicated to me. I'll call it...
14:11I thought you were calling it Romeopolis.
14:13I haven't decided yet.
14:15Forget it, Romeo. We're coming inside and putting an end to your plan.
14:19Oh, I don't think so.
14:21You see, I've booby-trapped the entire museum.
14:23There's no way you're getting in here.
14:26Oh, we'll see about that.
14:28Gekko, stop!
14:33Super cat jump!
14:46Thanks for testing out my booby-trap, lizard legs.
14:50Night-night, PJ Monkeys.
14:54You okay, Gekko?
14:56I'm fine, but I'll be even better once we're inside.
14:59Gekko, you heard Romeo. The entire museum is booby-trapped.
15:03Maybe getting inside's not the answer.
15:05But getting inside is the only way to stop him.
15:08What if, instead of us trying to get inside, we try to get Romeo outside?
15:13Great idea, Owlette. I think I know just the thing.
15:21Hello, I'm Robot. Hello, Robot. My name is...
15:29I know that sound. It's an ice cream truck.
15:36I love ice cream. I hope they have double tofu pistachio.
15:43Romeo's coming. Now's our chance.
15:46I've got you now, Romeo.
15:48A trick?
15:50I really wanted ice cream.
15:52You'll pay for this, PJ Masks.
15:55Super lizard grip!
15:57You PJs never learn.
16:00Get back here, Romeo!
16:07Ha! You fell for it. Again!
16:18Gekko, look out!
16:21Gasping Gekko!
16:44My Gekko-mobile!
16:46Okay, now I'm really mad.
16:48Hang on. I have another idea we can try.
16:57Oh, what is that horrible smell?
17:00This stinky cheese is sure to stink Romeo out of the museum.
17:04I sure hope so. I can barely stand to be this close to it.
17:08I can't take it anymore, Cher.
17:18Romeo's outside!
17:20Gekko, hold on!
17:22I've got you now, Romeo.
17:24What? I don't think so.
17:26Tonight's forecast calls for...
17:31Super-duper smelly spray?
17:38Gekko, are you all right?
17:40Now for the super-super stink!
17:53Gekko, there's more than one way to solve a problem.
17:56Running after Romeo isn't working.
17:58Yeah, we have to keep Romeo out of the museum
18:01so that we can get in and get the big box of bad before it's finished.
18:05Too little, too late, PJ Stinks!
18:08I've finally finished my big box of bad!
18:30All that for a little flake?
18:33Well, I guess that's not so bad.
18:35Cher, skip the best part.
18:52Oh, look!
18:58What's happening to the city?
18:59Don't you mean in Romeo-opolis?
19:04Why are you doing this?
19:05I'm not doing anything!
19:07It's all thanks to my big box of bad!
19:10And some simple transfigure modification.
19:12Oh, this is all my fault.
19:14I kept trying the same thing over and over again to stop Romeo.
19:19If I hadn't been so focused on doing things one way,
19:22Romeo would have never finished his big box.
19:25That's big box of bad!
19:27If you're looking for me, I'll be inside.
19:30On my phone!
19:34We're never getting in there.
19:38You're right, Catboy.
19:40But maybe there's a way to get Romeo out here.
19:44It's time to be a hero!
19:59Now do I want to be Mayor Romeo or King Romeo?
20:04Master, you need to look outside.
20:10My lab is moving?
20:12That's impossible!
20:13It's not charged!
20:18Get out!
20:19Get out!
20:23Super Cat Speed!
20:31Why won't it go?
20:32It was just moving!
20:34Yeah, it was moving.
20:35Thanks to my super gecko strength.
20:38You tricked me!
20:40My box!
20:44Master, remember the...
20:46Booby traps!
21:01Are you all right?
21:03I'm fine.
21:04As long as we don't step on another...
21:09Booby trap!
21:16My big box of bed!
21:23It's okay.
21:25Is it?
21:47Hey, my lab's charged!
21:49It worked!
21:50The city's back to normal.
21:52I'll be back, PJ Masks!
21:56PJ Masks all shout hooray!
21:58Because in the night, we save the day!
