BC/PC/Field/KC, 1977

  • 3 months ago


00:00The Game Show Network.
00:10Ladies and gentlemen, from New York City, Joe Gargiulo!
00:19Thank you.
00:24Thank you. Thank you very much.
00:27Thank you, Alan Coulter, and welcome to To Tell the Truth.
00:30Hey, first up, we have a man who has worked in the White House
00:33since the days of Dwight Eisenhower.
00:36Now, what's his job? Well, you're gonna have to wait,
00:39because first, we're gonna meet our panel. Here they come.
00:41Here they are. Come on!
00:47Judy Carlin!
00:53Dr. Frank Field!
00:59And Peggy Cass!
01:09Ah, yes.
01:11Okay, well, you met them as they came out,
01:15but let's say hello to our regulars once again,
01:18Carlin, Carlyle, and Cass.
01:20There they are, our regulars, by golly.
01:26See, they're the ones that always have something to say to me
01:28when they come out.
01:30Our fourth panelist is an old friend.
01:33He's not a fair-weather friend either. How's that?
01:35Dr. Frank Field.
01:43Why do all the cold air masses always come from Canada?
01:47I don't know.
01:49Every time.
01:51Okay, I'll tell you what.
01:53We're gonna meet a gentleman right now
01:55who works in the White House.
02:05Number one, what is your name, please?
02:07My name is Robert J. George.
02:10Number two?
02:12My name is Robert J. George.
02:14And number three?
02:16My name is Robert J. George.
02:20Don't miss a word
02:22of Robert J. George's Christmas greeting.
02:25I don't know if number three's gonna make it over there.
02:29I, Robert J. George,
02:31am the official Santa Claus
02:33to the President of the United States.
02:35Part of my job is to dispense goodwill
02:38and hearty ho-ho-hos
02:40at Washington, D.C.'s annual Christmas pageant for peace.
02:45Appointed in 1956,
02:47I have returned to the White House for Christmas
02:50to play Santa for Presidents Eisenhower,
02:53Kennedy, Johnson, and Ford.
02:56My present assignment to President Carter
02:59is particularly exciting
03:01because Amy is the first small child
03:04to be living in the White House in 15 years.
03:07Signed, Robert J. George.
03:11Just think about it.
03:12Santa Claus comes down the chimney
03:14with four Secret Service men in the White House.
03:16A little crowded out there.
03:18Hey, we'll be back to ask some questions
03:20and get some answers right after these messages.
03:23Attention Game Show Network viewers.
03:26Here's a chance to win a free mattress
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03:51After planting the last water lily,
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06:22On our stage, we have three bewhiskered gentlemen,
06:26all of whom claim to be Robert J. George,
06:28the presidential Santa Claus.
06:30And we're going to start with you, Kitty.
06:32Thank you. You all look absolutely lovely.
06:34But number three, why is it called Christmas for Peace?
06:37That's the name of the official...
06:40I have a little laryngitis.
06:42I work outdoors, you know.
06:45You're already starting to come down from the North Pole?
06:48Oh, yeah. I've been out a long...
06:50Thank you. Number two, do you rent your costume every year
06:52or do you keep it in mothballs?
06:54No, no. I have 44 Santa suits.
06:57Why is that?
06:58Well, I dress a lot.
07:01You mean you don't just do the Christmas party at the White House?
07:04No, I wear this every day.
07:06Number one, do you wear yours every day during the year?
07:09I sure do. No, no, no. Goodness sakes, no.
07:12No, no, no.
07:13During the whole year?
07:15No, no, no.
07:16Only the month of December.
07:17How many suits have you got, number one?
07:19I have 38.
07:20Uh-huh. And number three, when you come to the White House,
07:22do you bring presents or do you just kind of make an appearance?
07:28Number three?
07:29No, I don't bring any presents.
07:31Oh, number two, do you bring any presents?
07:33No, no. No presents.
07:34Well, number one, why is it important then there's a child in the White House
07:36if you don't bring any presents?
07:38Well, I want to take the Christmas order then.
07:41You take the Christmas order for next year?
07:43Buzzer! And let's go to Frank Field.
07:46Number one, when you arrive at the White House,
07:48how do you get there?
07:52Uh, limousine or taxi.
07:55Number two, what is Amy's stocking size?
07:58Well, she has a big stocking right now.
08:01It's shaped like a peanut.
08:06Number three, how cold is it at the North Pole?
08:09How cold is it?
08:10You ask how cold is it at the North Pole?
08:12That's what I ask.
08:14Why do you think I'm talking funny?
08:16It's very cold in the North Pole.
08:19Number one, is it a civil service job?
08:22No. My goodness sakes, no.
08:28Number two, what do you do when you're not Santa Claus?
08:30I'm a barber.
08:32Number three.
08:35Let's go to Peggy Kidd.
08:36Number three, since this job only keeps you occupied for one day,
08:39what do you do the other 364 days of the year?
08:43I plan the events.
08:44I make many appearances in shopping centers and department stores.
08:48But it's a short season, isn't it, number three?
08:50It's a lot of planning and preparation.
08:53Okay, but number one, why do you need so many suits?
08:56I want to keep myself looking nice.
08:58Yeah, but you know, you must be changing clothes from morning till night.
09:02Now, number two, do you do anything else like help out at the Easter egg roll?
09:05No, no. Just Christmas.
09:07Starts around early December.
09:09Make appearances right on through.
09:11Now, number three, what is the pageant for peace and where do you pageant?
09:14That's the official name of the tree lighting ceremony at the White House.
09:19And we do it across the street from the White House where the official tree is.
09:24Now, number one, do they pay you for this work?
09:28Number one, they don't.
09:30Well, you mean you buy those suits all on your own hook and they don't even pay you?
09:33I'm the real Santa.
09:38How do you like those bananas? Okay, Bill Cullen.
09:41That's exactly what I was thinking, number one.
09:43Number two, when the Nixon administration was in and things were different at the White House,
09:49did you have trouble getting in on Christmas Eve?
09:51No, no, no. I just came right in the front door.
09:54Number one, do you remember who the Santa Claus was, the official White House Santa Claus in 1942?
10:01He, you know, was shot down by anti-aircraft when he was on his way into the White House there.
10:08Number one, have we found out what you do when you're not being Santa Claus?
10:12We have one barber. What do you do the rest of the year, number one?
10:18I just get ready for next year.
10:20Are you paid for this job, number one?
10:24Number three, being the official White House Santa Claus, is that a civil service job?
10:30No, it's an honorary thing. I don't get paid for that, but I get paid for all the other appearances I make.
10:37And are those other appearances, number three, made as Santa Claus?
10:40Oh, yes, yes.
10:41That's your bag, you know.
10:43That's his bag. Very good choice of words there, Bill.
10:46That means our game's over. Now it's time to vote.
10:49Name us, mark your ballots. No changing, no consultation.
10:52Do you think it is number one, or do you think it is number two, or do you think it is number three?
11:02Okay, ballots are marked. Kitty, we started with you.
11:05Well, thank you very much. I voted for number one because he's independently wealthy.
11:09He has no other job. It's not a civil service job. He doesn't get paid.
11:13And the real Santa Claus has got to be very rich.
11:16Ah, Frank Field.
11:18Well, I was thinking of number one by a nose, but I like three's nose better.
11:25So I'll take three.
11:26You took three. You want to put it down there, Frank? Right there. Okay, Peggy.
11:30Well, the thing is, the real person on this show has to tell the truth.
11:33And I don't believe any Santa's loony enough to have 38.
11:36One has 38 suits and another 44. So I voted for the suitless Santa, number two.
11:41Suitless Santa. Well, that scatters the votes out pretty good.
11:44Bill Cullen, you are going to be the tiebreaker.
11:47Well, Peggy, I might be wrong, but I thought it was number two who said he had 44 Santa Claus suits.
11:53No, it was number three who said he had 40.
11:55Oh, dear. Well, in any event, I eliminated him for that reason.
11:58And a good ho-ho-ho would kill number three, and I was left with number one.
12:07Okay, so the votes are all in.
12:11Let's ask the question.
12:13Will the real Robert J. George please stand up?
12:30There he is. All right.
12:37Okay. Now, before we talk to our imposters, let me show you four pictures that Robert J. George brought into the studio here with him.
12:45And I think you'll enjoy seeing these pictures.
12:47Here he is with Mamie and President Eisenhower.
12:52And number two, Mr. George played Santa Claus for the Kennedys, too.
12:57And here is former President Nixon exchanging greetings with the White House Santa.
13:04And President Ford, seen here with Mr. George a few days before Christmas of 1975.
13:11Some great pictures there, Mr. George. We thank you for bringing them.
13:15Let's find out about, okay, let's find out about our imposters now.
13:19Number two, what is your name and what do you do?
13:22Yeah, who is it?
13:24I think you're an a**hole.
13:42Boy, a guy wouldn't know his own kid on his show.
13:49And I'm his competition on an opposing station. I'm with ABC.
13:53I do the weather and science and medical reports.
13:57Stormfield, Frankfield's son who does the weather on ABC.
14:05Kenny, you remember the time they had Joe Jr. and your son?
14:08That's right.
14:09And we didn't recognize him. Don't feel badly.
14:11Okay, let's find out about number three.
14:14Number three, what is your name and what do you do?
14:17That's my mother over there, Peggy.
14:24And I got a mom!
14:40Thank you, Frank.
14:42Well, I'm sure you recognize Gene Rayburn in the start of a match game.
14:48Oh, boy.
14:50I'd say that's the first time I ever heard Santa Claus sound like the godfather.
14:56Hey, thank you very much, Mr. George, Stormfield and Gene Rayburn.
15:00Thank you all for playing to tell the truth.
15:02Thank you very much.
15:14Oh, boy, that was okay.
15:16Hey, would you believe that the ancient Hindus actually detonated an atom bomb over 4,000 years ago?
15:23Well, I tell you what, that's what our next guest claims.
15:26You stick around. We'll be right back.
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16:57Call now, 1-800-578-7242.
17:00The greatest stars in television history appear on Game Show Network.
17:04Hi, I'm Roseanne Arnold.
17:06And I'm Tom Arnold.
17:07And we're on Family Feud to start a family feud.
17:11100 people answered. Tom wants this bad.
17:13Name one thing people say they could always use a little more of.
17:20Is money the bullseye?
17:25So mad at you, honey.
17:26See your favorite stars on Game Show Network.
17:31And now let's meet someone who knows some astounding secrets about the past.
17:43Number one, what is your name, please?
17:45My name is Rene Norbergen.
17:48Number two?
17:49My name is Rene Norbergen.
17:51And number three?
17:52My name is Rene Norbergen.
17:54Make notes, if you will, panel, while I tell you what Rene Norbergen has to say.
18:00I, Rene Norbergen, contend that a superior race of man was responsible for inventions of a sophistication and variety that have not been equaled until the 20th century.
18:13For the past 50 years, historical and archaeological finds have been bringing to light numerous, mysterious, out-of-place artifacts known as Uparts.
18:25From them, it seems clear that an atom bomb was detonated in 2400 B.C.
18:31That a model glider plane was tested on the banks of the Nile during the reign of the Ptolemies.
18:38That x-rays were used in China in 206 B.C.
18:43And that a small computer calendar was constructed in Greece at approximately 80 B.C.
18:50I discuss many of the new discoveries of advanced technology in ancient civilization in my book titled, Secrets of the Lost Races.
18:59Signed, Rene Norbergen.
19:09Okay, let's start off with Dr. Frank Field.
19:13Number one, there was an atom blast, supposedly, over one part of the Earth in the not-too-distant past. Where was it?
19:20Over some part of the Earth?
19:23In the recent past?
19:25Well, I haven't followed recent history, you see. I just follow...
19:28It's only up to 2400 B.C.
19:29...what happened 3,000 years ago. If I maybe haven't been reading the right newspaper, but...
19:35Number two.
19:36In China.
19:37Number three.
19:38In India.
19:39Number one. How was the x-ray discovered?
19:43The x-ray? Well, the x-ray that I'm talking about, that I have read accounts about, is about a prismed stone that they used that was cut just right.
19:56And by having this stone behind a person, they were able to actually see through the person.
20:02Number two.
20:03Dr. Rankin.
20:04Number three.
20:05Number three.
20:06These were found in London, where a number of archaeologists had deciphered a number of ancient Chinese documents.
20:11Number three. How did this x-ray...
20:13Let's go to Peggy Cass.
20:15No, but you said, Dr. Rankin, about the inventor of the x-ray, but it says here that they used x-rays in China in 206 B.C.
20:23Well, Dr. Rankin wasn't around there.
20:25No, Dr. Rankin did the x-ray that we use nowadays.
20:28Yes, but who...
20:29The old was in China, which was a gem, and it was like a mirror, four by five feet.
20:34Thank you.
20:35Number three.
20:36Have you found that gem that did that, or have you only read accounts of that gem?
20:39No, we have not.
20:40We've only read accounts of it, the ancient Chinese documents.
20:42Thank you.
20:43Number three.
20:44Could you tell me why there are now such a rash of secret books, like the Secrets of the Pyramids and the Secrets of the Mayans?
20:49What an airfield, apparently, in Nazca.
20:51What makes people go for this stuff now?
20:53I have no idea.
20:54I guess we're all attracted to the unknown and the weird and the mysterious.
20:57Thank you.
20:58And that may be one of the reasons for it.
20:59Weird's right.
21:00Number one.
21:01Now, about a computer calendar.
21:03Now, aren't there indeed many computer calendars from ancient times?
21:06I mean, Stonehenge is supposed to be one.
21:08Machu Picchu.
21:09So what's so great that they have one in India?
21:11Everybody had one.
21:12Well, basically, this is just one example of technology that a lot of people really didn't attribute to people of that age.
21:18Thank you.
21:19Well, number three, do you think it's astonishing...
21:21Let's go to Bill Cullen.
21:22Number three.
21:23In the end quote here, you say, it seems clear that an atom bomb was detonated in 2400 B.C.
21:29Clear to whom, number three?
21:32The historical documents were discovered in 1900, dating back to way before Christ, that relate, tell the story of atomic blasts in the Indian area.
21:40No, number three, am I not correct that they tell something that sounded like it might have been, by interpretation, an atomic blast?
21:46They're talking about firing the Agnaya weapon when the weapon exploded, created a pillar of fire, ending in a mushroom cloud, elephants running away in flames, people disintegrating, birds falling out of the sky, and so on.
21:56Number two, don't you think that any large explosion like that would, as far as they were concerned, be a pillar of fire?
22:02Indeed, yes.
22:03What happened between 64 B.C., which was your, 80 B.C., and now?
22:08In other words, all these three things you mentioned were all prior to 80 B.C.
22:12What happened between 80 B.C. and lately that erased all that knowledge from human minds?
22:17It is not erased, it is still found, but it's very difficult to explain.
22:24Let's go to Kitty.
22:25Number three, you said these documents were found that describe this extraordinary holocaust. Where were they found?
22:31A number of British archaeologists found these in India.
22:34And where are they now?
22:35They're now in Britain, as far as I know, the British Museum.
22:39Oh, in the British Museum. Number one, are you an archaeologist?
22:41I'm a historian, basically.
22:43And number two?
22:44No, I work at the Oriental Institute in Chicago.
22:48And you're an historian?
22:50What are you?
22:51I'm taking my doctorate in Oriental Studies.
22:54And number three, what about this glider plane that was presumably found on the banks of the Nile?
23:01They found a small glider plane in a tomb in Saqqara, about seven and a half inches long, and it flies.
23:07And number one, how?
23:09Buzzer, buzzer. That means that the game is over now.
23:12They must vote. They must mark their ballots.
23:14No changing, no consultation.
23:16Do you think it's number one?
23:18Or do you think it is number two?
23:22Or do you think it is number three?
23:26Okay, ballots are marked.
23:28Frankfield, you've got to start. How did you vote?
23:30I'll go for the number two.
23:33She knew Roentgen and had some smattering of science.
23:37Okay, number two, Peggy.
23:39Well, you know, I don't think it's so terrific to find a glider plane seven and a half inches long.
23:43Every kid has a glider plane when they're little.
23:45I voted for three.
23:47I mean, what's so great about having a glider plane? Is that going to change history?
23:50Well, me, Peg.
23:53That's going to Phil Collins.
23:54King Tut used to have peanut butter.
23:56I know that. Very good.
23:58I read it.
23:59Number three, I don't know.
24:01I think number one protested too much.
24:03I think number three is.
24:04All right. Kitty, how did you vote?
24:06Well, I voted for number three.
24:07He had an awful lot of very good facts and he had a Scandinavian accent,
24:10although number two did too.
24:12But I think number three is the real one.
24:15Right. The votes are all in.
24:18For the real Rene Norbergen, please stand up.
24:25Ah, they got him.
24:31They got him.
24:33Let's find out who the imposters are.
24:35Number one, what is your name and what do you do?
24:38Well, my name is Fred Tibbetts and I'm corporate sales specialist for Flagstaff Corporation in New York City.
24:43Flagstaff is an international food service corporation.
24:49OK. Number two, what is your name and what do you do?
24:54My name is Margarita Sundin. I'm an investment banker with White Weld and Company.
25:04Mr. Norbergen, just out of curiosity, have they found anything that indicates that there was television in those days?
25:11You got a calculator?
25:12No idea at all.
25:13No idea?
25:14We haven't even gotten that far yet.
25:15What we have uncovered thus far are strictly little artifacts, OOPARTS we call them, out-of-place artifacts,
25:20found in various parts of the globe that indicate that something dramatic happened way past, technologically.
25:26And now we're just slowly catching up.
25:28Who came up with the name OOPARTS?
25:30Dr. Sanderson. He was the man who headed an organization called the Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained.
25:36It means out-of-place artifacts, OOPARTS.
25:39Out-of-place artifacts. Well, we're glad you came and told us all about it.
25:43Thank you for playing to tell the truth. Thank you, our two imposters. Thank you very much, people.
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27:39Today's word is
27:41Patrician is defined as a person of refined upbringing,
27:47and taste.
27:48Or a member of the aristocracy.
27:50See Pat Sajak.
27:52You can, in fact, see Sajak every weekday on Game Show Network.
27:55Watch Wheel of Fortune 1045-ish AM Eastern Time.
27:58Increase Your Word Power
28:00is a public service brought to you by Game Show Network.
28:04You're watching Game Show Network,
28:06where to tell the truth continues with Gary Moore,
28:09followed by the Match Game and Jeopardy!
28:15Well, we don't want you to feel badly now, Frank,
28:17because you didn't recognize your own son.
28:19As I said before, Kitty and I,
28:21we didn't recognize our own when they were on.
28:23That's what these tell-the-truth people are.
28:25We had a good time.
28:26Well, I think he's put me on an allowance now.
28:30Hey, join us again for more fun.
28:32So long, everybody.
28:33Welcome to the Cash Awards.
28:35Our first team of candidates will receive
28:37Fashion Jewelry from Sarah Cammack Jewelry.
28:39See the jewelry with fashion know-how
28:41at the Sarah Cammack Home Fashion Show.
28:43Our second team will receive Turtle Wax,
28:45super-hard-shell car wax kit with high-speed applicator.
28:47A premium formula that cleans, waxes,
28:49and seals in the shine from Turtle Wax.
29:02This is Alan Conner speaking for The Tell-The-Truth,
29:05a Mark Goodson, Bill Todman production.
29:32Don't touch that remote.
29:42There's another episode of To Tell The Truth,
29:45this time with Gary Moore,
29:47heading your way here on Game Show Network.
29:58You're watching Game Show Network.
