The original video for the title track of Roger Waters' 2017 album "IS THIS THE LIFE WE REALLY WANT"
00:00So, as an example, your CNN. I mean, it's story after story after story is bad. I won. I won.
00:11And the other thing, chaos. There's zero chaos. We are running, this is a fine tune.
01:00The goose has gotten fat.
01:25On caviar in fancy bars.
01:31And subprime loans.
01:35And broken homes.
01:38Is this the life?
01:43The holy grail?
01:51It's not enough that we succeed.
01:57We still need others to fail.
02:07Fear drives the mills of modern man.
02:13Fear keeps us all in line.
02:23Fear of all those foreigners.
02:26Fear of all their crimes.
02:29Is this the life?
02:35We really want.
02:42It surely must be so.
02:48For this is a democracy.
02:51And what we all say goes.
03:11And every time a student is run over by a tank.
03:27Every time a pirate's dog is forced to walk the plank.
03:34Every time a Russian bride is advertised for sale.
03:40And every time a journalist is left to run jail.
03:47Every time a young girl's life is casually spent.
03:53And every time a nincompoop becomes the president.
04:00Every time somebody dies reaching for their keys.
04:06And every time the Greenland falls in the fucking shades.
04:12Because all of us.
04:14The blacks and whites.
04:18Every type of ethnic group.
04:21Even folks from Guadalupe.
04:24The old, the young.
04:26Toothless hags.
04:29Actors for hags.
04:31Bleeding hearts.
04:32Football stars.
04:40Uncle's eyes.
04:43Harvest trucks.
04:48Cleaning ladies.
04:52Maybe not ants.
04:54Why not ants?
04:55Well, because it's true.
04:57The ants don't have enough IQ.
05:01To differentiate between the pain that other people feel.
05:07And well, for instance, cutting leaves.
05:11Or crawling across windowsills in search of open trickle tears.
05:17So like the ants, are we just dumb?
05:20Is that why we don't feel?
05:22Or see?
05:23Or are we just numbed out on reality TV?
05:30So every time.
05:35The curtain falls.
05:43Every time the curtain falls on some forgotten life.
05:49It is because we all stood by, silent and indifferent.
05:59The curtain falls.
06:02The curtain falls.
06:05The curtain falls.
06:08The curtain falls.
06:11The curtain falls.
06:14The curtain falls.
06:17The curtain falls.
06:20The curtain falls.
06:23The curtain falls.