• 3 months ago
Family Friendly Gaming (https://www.familyfriendlygaming.com/) is pleased to share this video for Justice League Cosmic Chaos Episode 6. #ffg #video #funny #wow #cool #amazing #family #friendly #gaming #love #cute

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00:00:00Hey guys, how are you doing, how are you doing, how are you doing?
00:00:09Welcome back to my channel, we're a family from the gaming playing some more Justice League Cosmic Chaos.
00:00:18Let me try to get Chad up.
00:00:30There we go.
00:00:39I'll say the cool new short thing around for camera around 4 p.m.. I'm princess in the Pikachu.
00:00:51Big thank you for everyone who left a comment, everyone who gave it a like.
00:00:56Appreciate you.
00:01:02Ready to get going.
00:01:09Easier said than done. He's already gotten a head start.
00:01:12Then it's a tortoise and the hare situation.
00:01:15We may be slower, but we'll win this race and save the day.
00:01:19Hey Josh, hey Kevin, hey Rival, how y'all doing?
00:01:23Oh, you do have something down there. There you go.
00:01:29Specials back.
00:01:40I know that doesn't feel good. I actually feel bad about that.
00:01:47You're all gonna love this.
00:01:57Man, I love doing that.
00:01:59What's this?
00:02:01I'm doing it too.
00:02:05Last chance to turn around and run.
00:02:07Justice, justice, justice.
00:02:38I'm doing good, Kevin.
00:02:42How about you?
00:03:28We win.
00:03:37What are we doing here?
00:03:59Well, whatever we do, we better do it quick.
00:04:01Once the bomb's active, we don't have much time to get back to the port before it blows.
00:04:05Got it. Let's move.
00:04:15Bomb's away.
00:04:30Was that too much? That seemed like maybe it was too much.
00:04:35This calls for a laser sweep.
00:04:58There's the portal! Get in there, quick!
00:05:31That was just the first facility.
00:05:55This place, it's...
00:06:02What are you even doing here, Mixie? We're busy.
00:06:13You're fine, girl. Just come with me.
00:06:14There we go.
00:06:30Well, I'll be. Flash must have gone through there.
00:06:33What's our play?
00:06:35Same protocol as before. Find the generators, plant the charges, then run back here, fast.
00:06:39We've no time to waste. Let's go.
00:06:56I know that didn't feel good. I actually feel bad about that.
00:07:01This one's by the way.
00:07:12Man, I love doing that.
00:07:15A new item for Superman.
00:07:19Is everyone ready? I want a fair fight.
00:07:24Oh, God.
00:07:30What's this?
00:07:37Oh, that's what this is.
00:07:38Specials ready!
00:07:41I'd like to speak to your boss.
00:07:44What's this?
00:07:49This one's by request.
00:08:01What's this?
00:08:07I'd like to speak to your boss.
00:08:20Level up.
00:08:22I love hitting stuff with other stuff.
00:08:56Fully upgraded that one.
00:09:01Special attack recharged and ready to go!
00:09:04Wait, that's where I came from, I think.
00:09:08So what's new with you guys and Chad, huh?
00:09:11That's better than coffee!
00:09:18Time to go. We should fly out of here.
00:09:31How about a rematch?
00:09:34This must be for me.
00:09:39This one's by request.
00:09:50Away we go, long voyage.
00:10:01Oh, I'd have gotten so soon.
00:10:03And here I thought you'd appreciate being a tourist in your own town, Dark Knight.
00:10:09But no matter.
00:10:10Someone else on your team should be pleased to discover where we are now.
00:10:16As you can see, my plan is progressing quite swimmingly.
00:10:20And you'll have to catch the next current to keep up.
00:10:26This place feels oddly familiar.
00:10:28It's just like...
00:10:30No, just a lobby.
00:10:31All right, same show, different set.
00:10:34Let's get this done quickly, shall we?
00:10:43Wonder Woman to the rescue.
00:10:45You were asking for that.
00:10:55Keep your chin up, Batman.
00:10:59Specials ready!
00:11:04Look, there's the portal.
00:11:06Anyone else experiencing an astonishing amount of deja vu?
00:11:10I was hoping you'd say that, Super Jerk.
00:11:14We're in Metropolis now.
00:11:16Starro is going to regret coming here.
00:11:19Good thing your lowest lame is in Happy Harbor. Normally she'd be here...
00:11:23You what?
00:11:26With what fifth dimensional power?
00:11:28I'm coming, I'm coming!
00:11:29Okay already!
00:11:31I'll be right back.
00:11:32Don't go anywhere, jerks this league!
00:11:34Okay, so we were just in Gotham City like two seconds ago, and now we're in Metropolis.
00:11:40This is bad.
00:11:41Less than an hour ago, we were just traveling between portals within a single facility.
00:11:45And now we're portaling between facilities separated by state lines.
00:11:49Think of what could happen if this keeps developing.
00:11:52No time to think. We've got to do the same thing that we did for Gotham.
00:11:55Let's lock Starro out of my city for good.
00:12:00Special attack ready to engage.
00:12:05What's this?
00:12:23Bomb set. Give Hades my regards.
00:12:36Saving the world's one high speed portal case at a time.
00:12:40On your mark, get set, go!
00:12:48This has gone on long enough Starro.
00:12:51Do yourself a favor and stop.
00:12:54Stop? Why Amazonian? I'm just getting started.
00:13:00As you can see, the portals have evolved and can now take you anywhere on this pathetic planet.
00:13:06By refining the power of the speed force, there's nowhere in the world I won't be able to reach.
00:13:13Who knows where we could conquer next?
00:13:15You'll have to catch me and find out.
00:13:18I feel like I've been here before.
00:13:20And this is not my home region.
00:13:23Well, we did close out Checkmate's checkpoint on this operation.
00:13:27I suppose even a supervillain must have a budget.
00:13:30Time to earn an E-plus for elimination.
00:13:32Batman! Was that a school joke?
00:13:41Careful with this. It's expensive.
00:13:45Say hello to the bats. Better hold on to this.
00:13:51You can take it from here, Wonder Woman.
00:13:57That guy was pretty weak, huh?
00:14:03Ultimate attack recharged and ready for action.
00:14:10Specials ready!
00:14:20Hey Adrian, how you doing?
00:14:51Haha, we win.
00:15:12Specials ready!
00:15:16I'll be taking that.
00:15:20It's like we're back at the high school.
00:15:50I'll be taking that.
00:15:59You're all gonna love this.
00:16:09I didn't used to like bats either.
00:16:15Ultimate attack ready to engage.
00:16:17Just testing this out.
00:16:21Take a break, bats.
00:16:29Come on.
00:16:30Is he really nothing?
00:16:34Special attack ready to engage.
00:16:37Wonder Woman, you can take it from here, right?
00:16:46Bats, do your thing.
00:16:50Thanks for the practice.
00:17:00Ultimate attack ready to engage.
00:17:05Specials ready!
00:17:07That was awesome!
00:17:11Special attack ready to engage.
00:17:17Come on!
00:17:21I'd like to speak to your boss.
00:17:42Man, I love doing that.
00:17:51All set and ready to go.
00:17:53Light those fuses.
00:18:06Fresh as a daisy!
00:18:11That guy was pretty weak, huh?
00:18:20Come on!
00:18:44I'm not doing that.
00:18:51I'll be taking that.
00:19:00That's a wrap for you, big guy.
00:19:06Oh, here we go.
00:19:10They'll be sleeping with the fishes when we're done.
00:19:13Ah, Justice League. Here you are at last.
00:19:16Yes, I'm here.
00:19:17Yes, I'm here.
00:19:36Let's do that.
00:19:47What part of don't go anywhere, I'll be right back, don't you understand?
00:19:52That you again?
00:19:54Hey, wait up, you slippery sea star, you!
00:19:56I'm gonna catch that clown and give him a piece of my mind.
00:20:08Everyone, squeeze in! I want to get you all in the picture.
00:20:12A new item for Superman.
00:20:17You're gonna catch a cold.
00:20:27Wonder Woman to the rescue.
00:20:30Slam that, Justice.
00:20:33I didn't used to like bats either.
00:20:35Throw this out for me. This might hurt a bit.
00:20:38Uh, that was a mistake.
00:20:40Specials ready!
00:20:43This could be helpful.
00:20:45Careful with this, it's expensive.
00:20:52Throw this out for me.
00:20:54Nice try.
00:20:56Take a break, Bats.
00:21:01Super, I don't get paid to say that.
00:21:06Super, I don't get paid to say that.
00:21:09Super, I don't get paid to say that.
00:21:11Super, I don't get paid to say that, by the way.
00:21:14When I deal with things, I really do that.
00:21:17Alright, next.
00:21:19School's out.
00:21:21Take a load off!
00:21:22School's out for the summer.
00:21:23Ah, we like to have fun around here.
00:21:26Is it still daytime?
00:21:33Yes, it can't be.
00:21:34Oh, that was great.
00:21:36Once we get Flashback, I've got to race him again.
00:21:39Never. Not once. Ever again.
00:21:43Glad to have you back at Happy Harbor, team.
00:21:45And not a moment too soon.
00:21:47There's still a hotspot glowing on the radar.
00:21:49Meet me at the lighthouse and we'll check it out.
00:21:51We're on our way.
00:21:52Hera, help us make haste.
00:21:59Oh yeah! I love this one!
00:22:23Where are we going?
00:22:26Aquaman for the lighthouse.
00:22:40Holy mackerel, that's a lot of fish.
00:22:42We've got to ship them out of here before we move on.
00:22:44Send them back to Poseidon, team.
00:22:47Everyone, squeeze in!
00:22:48I want to get you all in the picture.
00:23:00Don't worry, Superman. I'm coming.
00:23:03You can never have too many items.
00:23:09Sure, I'm going to go to Taco Whiz.
00:23:24Special attack recharged and ready to go!
00:23:28Special attack recharged and ready to go!
00:23:36Special attack ready to engage.
00:23:42Okay, I need help.
00:23:48Throw this out for me.
00:24:02You were asking for that one.
00:24:05This could be helpful.
00:24:08I brought friends.
00:24:11Specials ready!
00:24:13This should clear the way.
00:24:21What's this?
00:24:28Wonder Woman, take over!
00:24:33Specials back.
00:24:36Just when you thought you were safe, Battle Drone.
00:24:39Let me know when you get this.
00:24:41Please, don't patch.
00:24:42Got him.
00:24:44That was some sweet teamwork!
00:24:46Good thing you swam here as fast as you could.
00:24:49We've got trouble.
00:24:50What's the news, Aquaman?
00:24:52The speed force energy readings I followed to the lighthouse started blowing up on the radar.
00:24:56With readings that high, it's got to be Flash.
00:24:58And whatever's making them that high can't be good.
00:25:00We'd better get in there and shut it down, fast.
00:25:03Did you try knocking on the front door and asking nicely?
00:25:05And now's not the time for jokes, Batman.
00:25:08Of course I already tried that.
00:25:10Come check out what I found.
00:25:11Let's move.
00:25:16I found an entrance hidden under the water, but I think maybe I can do something about that.
00:25:20Tides, turn for the King of Atlantis.
00:25:30Yeah, I did that.
00:25:32Whoa, nice job, man!
00:25:34Okay gang, get on in there and find Flash.
00:25:37Good luck, team.
00:25:38If you need me, I'm only a shell phone call away.
00:25:43Ha ha ha.
00:25:46Click her.
00:25:48You can never have too many items.
00:25:51Specials ready!
00:25:56I'm taking you in specials
00:26:03Yes, the flash is in the game you are corrected here
00:26:19Want to wear portals great do we just yep go on through why not, right?
00:26:28Yes, sir cyborgs have a strange character subversive
00:26:33we are
00:26:36Poke around and see what you can find. What are the odds that clash is just sitting in a chair waiting for us
00:26:43Flash sitting still
00:26:55Everyone squeeze it. I want to get you all in the picture
00:27:06Ultimate attack recharged and ready for action. Yeah, he'll spawn
00:27:15What in the name of God
00:27:17Barry are you gonna PS 5 cool and we got an Xbox Series X flash
00:27:22I know you probably can't hear me. But just in case it's time to stop running and go home
00:27:29Very effective. What do we do Victor?
00:27:33I'm very effective. You'll have to disrupt the energy field around him before doing anything. I didn't expect this game. It's funny
00:27:38See what you can find
00:27:50This must be for me
00:27:56Specials ready
00:28:03I love hitting stuff with other stuff
00:28:18I took care of most of the for you keep the busy
00:28:30What's this
00:28:35Oh wait, we can heal I forgot about that fresh as a daisy
00:28:42For about so many enemies, I feel like I'm in the Amazonian games again
00:28:47I'm super strong, but I'm also super glad I don't have to fight against you
00:28:56What's this
00:29:01My god
00:29:05This one's by request a
00:29:15New item for Superman Wonder Woman you can take it from here, right?
00:29:24I didn't used to like bats either
00:29:32Your serve
00:29:37Show me who
00:29:42Special attack recharged and ready to go this one's by request
00:29:49New item for Superman
00:30:00That's do your thing
00:30:06They're gonna stand right there I'm gonna take him out the easy way
00:30:13Okay, I need help
00:30:22Might as well, right? I mean they're gonna just sit there
00:30:28Everything seems pretty all you got an Xbox in the future
00:30:34Justice justice justice
00:30:41Save this lady
00:30:43Wow, good thing you stopped me. I was supposed to be tracking down the other speedsters for Starro
00:30:49Whoo. Yeah, Starro definitely doesn't need more than one
00:30:54Cyborg beam her away to safety
00:31:11Let's dance
00:31:14Ultimate attack recharged and ready for action. This calls for a laser
00:31:22This must be for me
00:31:35You all right Cal throwing down the gauntlets
00:31:48Aha more people Batman, are you there cover me?
00:31:55Let's get to work careful with this it's expensive
00:32:02This was a good investment
00:32:06Specials ready
00:32:21I love hitting stuff with other stuff
00:32:41Wonder woman to the rescue I didn't used to like bad side
00:32:48Since I'm taking you
00:33:03Specials ready
00:33:08Specials ready
00:33:13We win
00:33:23Don't worry Superman I'm coming you might want to stand back for this
00:33:53What's this
00:33:56Is another annoying fight
00:33:59Anyone else feel like they're doing
00:34:03Like rinse and repeat good one Batman
00:34:08Scrubbing out evil stains one monster spawn at a time
00:34:22Wonder woman you there
00:34:25Is for a second there get it boys
00:34:29Ultimate attack ready to engage
00:34:37This could be helpful
00:34:44Specials ready
00:34:53What's this wonder woman you can take it from here, right?
00:35:04Well, he got out that was a good warm-up
00:35:11Nice save another civilian
00:35:17Thanks for stopping
00:35:19Starro ordered me to try splitting the tachyon particles collected from flashes speed force that would have gone poorly
00:35:28Glad we could avert certain destruction of the fabric of space and time
00:35:32Victor get him home
00:35:44Specials back
00:35:48Let's see what's going on in here Oh another weapon
00:35:53No, we're too late
00:35:56Starro's already taken flashes energy and weaponized the speed force itself
00:36:00Hera have mercy this weapon is too dangerous for anyone to wield. Yeah, we have to destroy it
00:36:07Way too risky to do that. We'll just have to take it with us and see if we can build it, right? Let's go
00:36:14Locked in gotta find another way out
00:36:17Hmm wait, look there's some sort of device next to the door. I bet that's our ticket out
00:36:23Let's see what this weapon can do
00:36:30Nice terrifying and definitely shouldn't exist, but nice
00:36:36If this device opens the doors this entire facility is powered by speed force energy
00:36:42I'll take that bet and speaking of doors. We should investigate all of the locked doors. We passed on
00:36:49Now that we can open them
00:36:51Find something else in there
00:36:56Too bad you're too late. I have no further use for it
00:37:12This one's by request
00:37:21Wonder woman to the rescue wasn't so hard was it?
00:37:35Oh, I think I could use this
00:37:50Special attack recharge ready to go slam justice
00:38:02Let me try a little harder next time
00:38:08Thank you
00:38:13Fresh as a daisy
00:38:22Welcome that one. Oh, yeah
00:38:38Is that too much that seemed like maybe it was too much
00:38:57All right, what's the plan here we got to get him out somehow but he's going way too fast
00:39:01Hmm wait, that's it fast. We got a portal him out of there. That's the only way to catch him
00:39:08We should use that console over there to create a localized portal in the middle of the accelerator and extract it
00:39:15Victor see if you can link the computer to the
00:39:19We'll have some idea of where he'll land weird, but you're all set
00:39:30Check it out flash landed pretty close by but you're gonna have to find a way to get to him
00:39:34Good luck team. Go get our guy
00:39:41Fresh as a daisy
00:40:04New item for Superman
00:40:18Super I don't get paid to say that by the way
00:40:23Wrap for you big guy. No
00:40:33Don't worry Superman I'm coming
00:40:53Like to speak to your boss
00:41:02Justice justice
00:41:28Man I love doing that
00:41:36Wonder woman take over
00:41:41To the bats
00:41:46Got it
00:42:12Good to go keep moving
00:42:24My brilliant plan
00:42:50That's wonder woman take over sometimes justice is messy
00:43:01Special attack recharged and ready to go
00:43:17Every time I try to pick it up
00:43:36I took care of most of
00:43:49This could be helpful
00:43:56Good to go
00:44:05Special attack ready for action
00:44:59Looks like we're at a dead end look again
00:45:05This weapon must have been the basis for star o speed force teleportation technology star o city didn't need it
00:45:20What's this
00:45:24That too much that seemed like maybe it was too much
00:45:32I'll be taking that
00:45:48This is just what I wanted that's better than coffee
00:46:03You don't come across treasure like this every day, I have no idea if I'm all right, we're not
00:46:28Now that was a good war
00:47:02Actually feel bad about that
00:47:26Man I love doing that
00:48:09I completely came all the way backward from work
00:49:07Yeah, great
00:49:18Don't worry Superman I'm coming
00:49:29Leave these freaks to me
00:49:39Stop it. Why can't I ever fix?
00:49:47And the images keep on responding
00:49:55I love hitting stuff with others
00:50:11And soon runs about they just keep they just keep tagging on to the rescue soon runs about that
00:50:24Special attack recharged and ready to go. Is there a heel thing back here?
00:50:32Come on really every time I turn I'm getting tagged
00:50:42Keep it busy keep respawning, you know, this could be helpful
00:51:01Come on
00:51:08Show me
00:51:13Did I miss anybody everybody good
00:51:22Wonder woman to the rescue
00:51:32Say hello to the bats
00:51:41And all this pain
00:51:50You be specials ready
00:51:54I will miss frustrating me now
00:52:00Special attack come on
00:52:03Really? Okay fine. I
00:52:05Didn't miss it's gonna take me dying getting stuck going through a stupid maze. I wouldn't think I mean, it's what it feels like things
00:52:20There's the
00:52:25Good to go keep moving
00:52:30Specials back
00:52:33We pick it up, please
00:52:45Looks like flashes up ahead. Do you have it? Yes from this area? Let's get going
00:52:54There he is, but he's still got that awful starfish on his face, let's get it off of him and get him out of here
00:53:04We're just getting to the best part just to see
00:53:13I gotta say fish sticks. I love what you've done with the place way to be a thorn in the side of the jerks this league
00:53:25Easy there guy you're angling for some time out in the fish tank for talking to me like that
00:53:30I do not have time for your nonsense
00:53:36Someone else will have to entertain you
00:53:43It's a pleasure bird
00:53:45Good luck stopping the speed of light
00:53:52Holy guacamole loser league. I hope you got a cure for speedy got fishy
00:53:57It's cowardly to keep avoiding confrontation star. Oh, you know, we're going to stop you
00:54:02Stop me
00:54:03You'll have to catch me first
00:54:11Hey get back here, I'm not through with you
00:54:22It may have Barry speed, but it doesn't have his heart
00:54:26Let's fight with all of us
00:54:29Let's rumble
00:54:41Time to sweep up
00:55:08Wonder-woman you can take it from here, right
00:55:18Specials ready target lock say hello to the bats
00:55:30Soon I'm tagging you in
00:55:43Don't worry Superman I'm coming
00:55:48Special attack
00:55:53I brought friends
00:56:00Take a break
00:56:10Special attack recharge that's ready to go
00:56:16Did I miss anybody everybody good
00:56:26How many keys am I supposed to keep on me
00:56:32That's better than coffee
00:56:41Woman to the rescue get it boys
00:56:49Perfect attack ready to engage just what you thought you were safe
00:56:55You were asking God
00:56:57We came quicker and easier than I thought it's but let's get flash and fly on out of here
00:57:05There well flash is still unconscious so maybe not fly
00:57:09So you guys are more PlayStation gamers and the console over there? It's got a control
00:57:17Will be whisked off to this time
00:57:19I just saw a portal entrance open up in Happy Harbor. That's got to be your ticket home. Thank you Victor
00:57:24We'll head on out wait
00:57:33Man that was just a dream. Oh, no fair. I just made the perfect hot dog
00:57:38Gotta get out of here. I'm so hungry
00:57:41I need one of Harry's hot dogs pronto head on over to that portal flash and I'll pick you up once you're through you got
00:57:46it boss
00:57:49Same goes for you team come back
00:57:58How would you rate the job I'm doing as mayor 100% or something higher is there a higher
00:58:06Good to have y'all back above ground
00:58:09When you can and we'll take the next steps
00:58:16Don't rub it in ready for action, it's okay
00:58:37Thanks for saving my buns back there gang nice to be off that makeshift treadmill and it's endless rolling hills gif
00:58:43Jif no give oh man my mind is too fast for star to read so put the same thing on over and over and over
00:58:50And over get to the point Alan
00:58:53Right, oh anyway glad to be firmly back in my own brain, but I hate that star
00:58:57Oh got what he wanted from me. It's cool flash Green Lantern, and I have been there
00:59:02We're just gonna have you back you betcha back and ready for action
00:59:05You better call me when you get in a tight spot so I can make up for all that portal trouble
00:59:09But there's got to be something else I could do to got it hang on
00:59:15You stream in okay, so I found star. Oh, that's got to earn points back right now
00:59:21Is your brain still running around hitting that wall take this level actually find star?
00:59:27No, seriously. I just searched all of Happy Harbor and found him. I'd put your whole fortune down on it Batman
00:59:32Why is everybody betting with my money today?
00:59:36You're loaded I'm willing to go on flashes Intel without Batman's money
00:59:42Yeah, same
00:59:44Where are we headed now?
00:59:45Star was up to something fishy down in the sewer system of all the places on the goddess's great green earth
00:59:51Villains always choose the grossest
00:59:53Who doesn't love a good sewer crawl get your grubbiest pair of boots, and let's get going cyborg
00:59:58Can you mark the sewer coordinates on the map for us done and done all right team? Let's flush star. Oh out of there
01:00:07Hey team. I've got some good news
01:00:09I was able to get through to a lot of citizens on what was really happening
01:00:13Looks like the tide is finally turning our way again. Everyone's ready to see us the Justice League put things right
01:00:21No, you are a league member through and through sorry for being a jerk snapper. That wasn't cool. Hey, man. It's okay
01:00:28I get it. I was uh trying a little too hard to prove myself after mixi snatched my title away
01:00:34But I hope you get what I mean when I say we're not so different. You know not all heroes are born
01:00:40Yeah, they're made and so we're elected officials. You're gonna be a great mayor snapper. You know how I know that
01:00:47Because you're Batman
01:00:49Because you're a member of the Justice League once now at all
01:00:54Now get out there and kick some fishtail team good luck
01:00:58The sooner we go in the sooner we get out. Let's get this over with
01:01:04Wait is Batman Bruce Wayne, how am I just figuring that out?
01:01:22Just fly to the next spot
01:01:34All right, there it is pop open that manhole cover and hop in
01:02:16All right
01:02:24All right
01:02:33I'm all right stuff. Yeah
01:02:39Everybody gonna go ahead and wrap it up here superstars the stream are going to be Kevin gaming channel a during you are a wizard
01:02:45Josh Horne
01:02:47Like to thank everyone for watching
01:02:50princess and I say
01:02:52Bye. Bye
01:02:53Bye. Bye