• 3 months ago
00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02I should never have allowed him to get close to us again.
00:04This is all on Vic.
00:05There I was praising him for being so generous to the kids.
00:10I didn't get a goodbye letter.
00:13I reckon I can do the rebuild myself.
00:16Can I help with the grunt work?
00:18How did you get in here?
00:19So can you please just back off?
00:21His real name is Dr Logan Chambers.
00:24I just found out things about him and David.
00:27Logan knew him.
00:33Everybody needs good neighbours
00:38With a little understanding
00:42You can find the perfect blend
00:51Should be there for one another
00:55That's when good neighbours become good friends
01:07That is crazy.
01:08Logan hadn't even heard of David until he met you.
01:10No, everything that he told us was a lie.
01:12Even his surname.
01:14He's really Dr Logan Chambers and he went to medical school with David.
01:19If you don't believe me, speak to Remy.
01:21She's the one who put all the pieces together.
01:24I'm so sorry.
01:27I thought he was so lovely.
01:29And all the while he's been manipulating everyone.
01:32Just tell me this.
01:32Why do you think he would go and do something like that?
01:35I don't know.
01:35I've been racking my brains and I still don't have a clue.
01:39But he wouldn't have gone to all this trouble if he didn't have an agenda, right?
01:44It's you he's been targeting.
01:46You need to be careful, Aaron.
01:51There we go.
01:53I've just sent the reference to Jane.
01:54Now, if this doesn't convince the department of JJ's potential, then I don't know what will.
02:00Now I'll chase up Harold, see how he's getting on with his reference.
02:03Oh, make sure he signs it as residence representative.
02:07Don't worry.
02:08He is loving his new title.
02:11You know what?
02:11Is it just me or are we in a really good place?
02:15Yeah, I'd say so.
02:18That's still the case for you at home?
02:19Yeah, um, Toadie and I are back on track.
02:24Glad to hear it.
02:25It's almost like he never left the bedroom, really.
02:29Yeah, I'm pleased to hear that.
02:32Oh, I'm sorry.
02:33Was that too much information?
02:35No, no, no, no.
02:39If anything, I'm a bit envious.
02:44Oh, why?
02:45You and Carla are in a good place, aren't you?
02:47Oh, yes.
02:48Yes, we are.
02:48It's just, I don't know, by the time we get home, we're so tired.
02:52There's no time to...
02:56Well, you know what I mean.
02:58Well, I mean, it's probably because you have a full house all the time, I imagine.
03:02I know.
03:03I can't remember the last time we had the place to ourselves.
03:06It's fine.
03:07It's fine.
03:08We'll find time to do couple stuff soon.
03:19So I've made safe, but first things first, we've got to clear this mess out.
03:23I still can't believe you're being so good about this.
03:26Well, I may have at some point built a deck that had some mechanical issues.
03:32The truth is coming out.
03:33Here we go.
03:33No, it was very early on in my building career.
03:36No judgment here.
03:37All right.
03:37More importantly, are you an 80s, 90s or noughties man?
03:42All of the above.
03:42Go on, surprise me.
03:43Come on.
03:44All right.
03:44Let's get this party started.
03:48Oh, yes.
03:50Oh my God.
03:50This has been so long.
03:52This is awesome.
03:57Hey man.
03:58Hey, what's going on?
03:58You said it was urgent.
03:59Does the name Logan Chambers mean anything to you?
04:03Chambers rings a bell.
04:07He went to mid school with David.
04:09He was obsessed with him.
04:11Are you sure about that?
04:12I never met him, but yeah.
04:13Then why?
04:14I'm going to explain, but I just need to understand how much I should be worried about this guy.
04:21What about him?
04:23He started off as David's lab partner.
04:25Then he kind of got fixated.
04:27He just kept calling him and following around, sending him gifts.
04:31And what did David do about that?
04:33Well, he wasn't really out at the time, but he wasn't interested.
04:37He told him to get lost, but he wouldn't.
04:39So David had to get the university involved and they suspended him.
04:43So David could focus on his study without being harassed.
04:46And you say that you've never met him?
04:49No, why?
04:49What's going on?
04:50You know that guy who's working with Mel at the diva van?
04:53That is Logan Chambers.
04:56We're meant to be going to the Dandenonks.
04:57He's coming here in 20 minutes.
05:01Aaron, this guy is seriously unstable.
05:06Fine, if you're going to do this, I'm going to stick around and watch you back.
05:13Hey, Mum.
05:16Hey, you know when Vic left and you didn't get a letter, but Nick and I did.
05:23Look what I found.
05:27Why does it have teeth marks?
05:29Oh, you'd have to ask Trevor.
05:30I found it in his kennel, along with what's left of my favourite pair of socks.
05:36So your father did leave me something after all.
05:38Uh, what?
05:38You're not going to read it?
05:41Well, it's just going to be full of excuses and justifications for his bad behaviour.
05:46But you're not just a little tiny bit curious?
05:51No, I'm not going to let that man derail my life any more than he already has.
05:56No, I have more important things to worry about than Vic right now.
06:00Noah, I have more important things to worry about than Vic right now.
06:16Ready to feel the burn of the Thousand Steps Trail?
06:20Hi, Leo.
06:20Nice to see you again.
06:23Yeah, I'll be inside if you need me.
06:29I don't know what's happening, but if you need to escape...
06:31I know who you are, Dr Logan Chambers.
06:34I know everything.
06:35I know how you harassed David.
06:37I know how you were suspended from the university just to make it stop.
06:45I'm sorry for lying to you.
06:48I knew you wouldn't want anything to do with me if you knew about my history with David.
06:52You are a stalker, Logan.
06:53You stalked him.
06:54No, no.
06:55I was fixated on him.
06:58That's true, but that's only because I knew in my heart how much we could mean to each other.
07:03Somehow, I just don't think that's how David felt.
07:05But he was also in the closet back then, okay?
07:08He wasn't ready to admit that he was gay.
07:10What are you doing here?
07:11Okay, why are you going around lying to everyone?
07:14You're trying to creep your way into my life.
07:18When I saw a post on David's socials about his death, it...
07:28It just knocked me off course.
07:31So I had to take leave, and I decided to travel to help myself move on, finally.
07:37Then I ran into Melanie.
07:39And there was David's picture on the side of her van, and I don't know,
07:42it just felt like the universe was trying to tell me something.
07:45You do realize how irrational all of this sounds, right?
07:48Yes, I know.
07:48I know, I know.
07:49But then I met you.
07:54I met you.
07:55And I just knew you were the one person who understood how special and important David was.
07:59The one person in all the world who might understand how I was feeling,
08:03knowing that I would never see him again.
08:15So then, at some point, you just decided to...
08:19Yeah, I lost the mullet and, you know, settled down and became a...
08:23Well, I mean, that was the plan.
08:24Anyway, things were a lot simpler back then.
08:28Yeah, sorry, I heard you lost your wife.
08:33Two, actually.
08:34Yeah, although my first wife, Dee, she turned out to still be alive.
08:38Wouldn't worry about that, would you?
08:40And you just lived here the entire time?
08:44Does sound a bit weird, now that you say it like that, yeah.
08:46I suppose, you know, I could have sold up plenty of time.
08:48So, I mean, Mel and I, we were contemplating that before we got hitched and...
08:53So you only sold once you married Therese?
08:56Yeah, yeah, it seemed like the right time.
09:00I know what you're doing.
09:02You're doing the count, aren't you?
09:04How many wives has he had?
09:08You know, Rem and I are just boring in comparison.
09:10We're just, you know, we're just...
09:11We're just...
09:12We're just...
09:13We're just...
09:13We're just...
09:14We're just...
09:14We're just...
09:15We're just...
09:16We're just boring in comparison.
09:17We've been together the entire time.
09:19Not boring.
09:20You're lucky.
09:21It's worked out for you.
09:24Yeah, we've had our moments but uh...
09:27They did.
09:28My life has been different.
09:30I should say we had.
09:46I mean, after what he did to the kids, the sheer gall of the man to think that he is
10:02in a position to offer me advice. I mean, he's never met Mike. He's never seen us together.
10:08He knows nothing about our relationship. No, the only thing that Vic knows about relationships
10:13is how to destroy them by cheating at every chance that he gets.
10:17It does seem a little self-interested for him to rock the boat, especially after...
10:22Please, no. This wasn't about him and me. This was about him being a wrecker,
10:28because he can't stand to see me settled with someone who makes me happy in a way that he
10:32never did. Hang on, hang on, hang on. Why do I feel like I'm missing something here?
10:37Um, um, Vic kissed her before he left. He did not.
10:50Ah, yeah, Shane is quite the character. Oh, I'm glad things worked out for him and Dippy.
10:55Yeah, yeah. My other brother, Stoney, he is happily married as well.
11:00Just took me a little while to work it out. That's a real thing for you, isn't it?
11:06Uh, what? Just that it's taken you a bit of time
11:09to find your happy ever after? Oh, I guess I don't really think about it.
11:14Not until some nosy neighbour makes me tell my life story.
11:17Well, saves me from reading Harold's history book.
11:20Yes, yes, it does. All right, what next? Uh, that's all got to come down.
11:25What, all of it? Yeah, it's best to start afresh.
11:28Oh, great. The washing machines are down in housekeeping.
11:36Do you need to go in? Uh, just for a bit.
11:39Are you happy to take a break? Oh, I can keep going with this,
11:41if you like. If you trust me not to make more mess.
11:43Oh, you're Becky. What could possibly go wrong?
11:46Oh, righto. All right, well, I'll be back soon.
11:49Help yourself to the fridge. Why are you still here?
12:00I guess I'm still trying to understand.
12:06When David died, I looked up his obituary
12:14and saw that he had been survived by a husband.
12:21That could have been me if David had understood himself sooner.
12:27I was just curious to meet you and see what the love of his life was like.
12:32This ends now. You understand that, right?
12:38We're not going to be friends. You don't need to worry about me
12:39hanging around. This won't be a repeat of last time.
12:55I just wanted to meet the people who loved David as much as I did.
13:03Or I thought I did. I don't know.
13:10I'm really sorry I made a mess of everything.
13:22Hey, what were you talking about for so long?
13:24It's just about how much he loved David.
13:26What? So is he going to back off?
13:29Don't need an intervention order or something?
13:30No, no, no, no. He got the message.
13:32I don't think we'll be hearing from him again.
13:39But now that I've read Vic's letter, it is clear.
13:41He was simply playing mind games with me the whole time.
13:45What do you mean?
13:46Oh, just always making little jabs, you know,
13:50saying that the Mike wasn't making me a priority or that I wasn't happy.
13:58The Mike and I are fully committed to this relationship and soon he'll be home.
14:02And then we'll have the wedding and everything
14:05will just go back to the way it was before he went to the UK.
14:14Jane, you know I love Mike.
14:16But I'd be lying if I said I hadn't wondered
14:19why it's taken him so long to come home and why you haven't been to visit him again.
14:25And look, we all know that I'm not the poster girl for the perfect marriage.
14:31But I've also been worried that this trip of Mike's, there's been no end date.
14:38It's just been delayed because of work opportunities.
14:42You know we're only saying this because we love you.
14:46Jane, if you have any concerns, any worries,
14:50don't you think you owe it to both of you to talk to Mike about it?
14:54I haven't said anything because I'm afraid of what he might say.
15:00I'm just not ready to face it.
15:01I'm not afraid of what he might say.
15:05I'm just not ready to face it.
16:01Good on you for outing that stalker.
16:23You rock.
16:24Thanks, Harl.
16:25I started to think I was going a bit loopy there for a while.
16:27No, your gut's always right.
16:29I mean, look at me with Dr Bowman.
16:30I knew something was off.
16:32Look how that turned out.
16:34Would have been good if she'd been able to prove that without getting kidnapped, yeah?
16:38Hey, Mel.
16:43Carl, Holly, why don't we get the next trip?
16:45I'll get the same.
16:52Listen, I just wanted to say thank you for having my back with Logan.
16:57I know I didn't make it easy for you.
16:59I'm just sorry that I brought him back here in the first place.
17:02No, I think the minute he saw David on that van, he was coming back one way or another.
17:07Do you know what he actually wanted?
17:10To spend time with the people who love David.
17:13I think.
17:14He's so messed up.
17:16He needs therapy.
17:19Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for sending up the flare.
17:24Of course.
17:26Yeah, thank you.
17:29Why don't we skip the drinks and just head home?
17:33Been ages since we had the house to ourselves.
17:40Two for one pastor offer.
17:46Can't compete with carbonara, can I?
17:49We'll get the bottle, thanks.
17:52And guess what he had to say for himself?
17:53Well, knowing Shane, there would have been an excuse.
17:56Yeah, yeah.
17:57There must have been a sinkhole or an earthquake.
18:00Anything but.
18:01Admit his dodgy workmanship.
18:03Yeah, I can't be too cranky, though.
18:04He did offer to pay for the repairs, which, thanks to Cara, is actually going to be quite minimal.
18:09Oh, well, it sounds like you and Cara make quite the team.
18:12Yeah, yeah, we are.
18:14It was a little bit weird being in the house by myself.
18:16I know.
18:16She got bored at work.
18:17Guys, dinner will be ready in five.
18:22Sorry, what was that?
18:23No, nothing.
18:25I think, Ashley, you know what?
18:26I was thinking that maybe we should eat and run out here.
18:31Mm, run where?
18:32Straight upstairs.
18:34Oh, uh, no, it's just, Susan, there's just a conversation we had earlier.
18:41I think her and Carl are finding it hard to get some alone time.
18:43Are you trying to kill the mood?
18:44And then there's Jane, you know, she's next door and she's just so lonely at the moment.
18:49What are you doing?
18:49Oh, no, no, no, no, no, oh, no, no, I'm not trying to kill the mood.
18:54An early night sounds, sounds perfect.
18:59Just a little dirty.
19:00Maybe, maybe shower first.
19:41We should just stop trying and just accept that we are raw and that we are damaged.
19:49Still, I shouldn't mean to give up.
19:51I'm trying to be happy, though.
20:11Oh, here we go.
20:12We still get to be genuine.
20:14What part of stay away from Aaron don't you understand?
20:16No, these are David's too.
20:19I kept back a few things, but I realize it's not a healthy choice for me.
20:24Off you go.
20:25I owe you an apology too, Mel.
20:28It's a bit late for all that, isn't it?
20:30Yeah, I guess you're right.
20:31But still, I shouldn't have done any of it.
20:34And you don't need to worry.
20:36You won't be seeing me again.
20:38Make sure you stick to that.
20:49So next step, I reckon we put a fresh stain on the floorboards.
20:56Oh, sounds like a plan, Stan.
20:58Um, great.
21:02Does it work?
21:04The boom gate has fallen on a car in the car park.
21:09Kristen needs me.
21:09Of course, Brett's on a wall.
21:12Oh, is that the manager that's never on site?
21:14Yeah, that's the one.
21:16Are you OK to get started here?
21:19Yeah, for sure.
21:21All right, thanks, mate.
21:23Here is your playlist for the day.
21:29So juggler!
21:30Come on!
21:31All right, never with me.
21:33Never with me.
21:35I'll see you later.
21:36All right, see ya.
21:40Like I know what I'm doing.
21:49Hey, hey, sorry I'm late.
21:57This is, uh, actually, you're on so much better.
21:59OK, thanks, Byron.
22:01I appreciate that.
22:05Hey, are you all right?
22:08No, not really.
22:12What's wrong?
22:12This isn't about Vicks later, is it?
22:15Yes and no.
22:19OK, well, what's wrong?
22:28I can't be in denial any longer, Byron.
22:31I have to do it.
22:34I have to break up with Mike.
22:41Coming up on Neighbours.
22:44You two are awkward.
22:45Yep, I told you.
22:47Would you prefer Nick and Byron as partners or a new investor?
22:52You all right?
22:54If Mike and Mum are splitting, what does this mean for Sam?