不悬空6议席 伊党: 反跳槽法形同虚设

  • 3 months ago
新闻报报看 | 议长佐哈里驳回土团党要求悬空6名变节议员的议席,伊党老二端依布拉欣今天反呛,他不明白了,到底反跳槽法还有什么存在的意义,他对议长的决定感到非常失望。(主播:梁宝仪、黄宇恒)


00:00Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the R.E.D.I.M.E. website.
00:04After waiting for many days, the President of the TPP Party, Mu Youding, confirmed yesterday that they received a notice letter.
00:10The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Harry Zou, has already confirmed that he has rejected the demands of the TPP Party,
00:15and has refused to vacate the seats of the six convening members of Congress.
00:18When Mu Youding announced this news yesterday, he also scolded the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Harry Zou, at the press conference.
00:24This is a defamation and distortion of the federal constitution, which makes the anti-dumping law look like an illusion.
00:30As for the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Harry Zou, who refused to vacate the seats of the six convening members of the TPP Party,
00:36in the past, he once shouted for reform and said that he would hunt down the political frog, Prime Minister An Hua.
00:42What does he think?
00:44When Prime Minister An Hua was questioned by the media today, he said,
00:47he defended the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Harry Zou,
00:50and ruled that the six convening members of the TPP Party who supported the government did not object to the anti-dumping law,
00:56so there was no need to vacate the seats of the TPP Party.
00:58An Hua also said,
00:59this is the TPP Party's own fault.
01:02Because when the anti-dumping law was formulated,
01:05the opposition party, Xi Meng, wanted to automatically disqualify those who were expelled from the party as members of Congress,
01:11to be included in the anti-dumping law.
01:13But at that time, the TPP Party was firmly opposed,
01:16so now the TPP Party is eating its own fruit.
01:20But the media asked An Hua again,
01:22now that the Speaker of the House of Representatives has made this decision,
01:24in the future, will the TPP government be at a disadvantage?
01:28Because if there are members of the TPP camp in the future,
01:31they want to withdraw their support for the prime minister or the government,
01:34is it the same as continuing to keep their membership rights and not being dealt with by the anti-dumping law?
01:40To this, An Hua explained,
01:42this is not the problem of the prime minister or the opposition party,
01:45but the provisions of the constitution.
01:47The relevant legal power will be handed over to the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
01:51An Hua also called on the leaders of the TPP Party to read carefully
01:55the interpretation of the federal constitution on the anti-dumping law.
01:58Don't choose to read some and not read some.
02:01This is wrong.
02:02An Hua said,
02:03read carefully the interpretation of the federal constitution on the anti-dumping law.
02:08The President of the TPP Party, Mu Youding, also made a quick response.
02:12An Hua said that he only read a part of the constitution.
02:15So he wanted to ask An Hua,
02:17which part of the constitution did he not read?
02:20Mu Youding emphasized that he himself is very familiar with the 49A provisions
02:23related to the anti-dumping law in the federal constitution.
02:27It is not clear.
02:29Mu Youding thinks that An Hua is right.
02:31Mu Youding said,
02:32the provisions say that any member of Congress
02:35who is terminated from the party
02:37must abolish their seats.
02:39Now, these pro-democracy members deliberately disobey the party's instructions
02:43and support the opposition party.
02:46Therefore, their seats in the House of Representatives
02:48should be abolished according to the 49A provisions of the constitution.
02:52And the second son of the Islamist party, Danny Blasina,
02:54also made a quick response today.
02:56If the Speaker of the House of Representatives does not implement the anti-dumping law,
02:59but chooses to retain the seats of the six former members of the TPP Party
03:04Then he said,
03:05he really doesn't understand
03:06the meaning of the anti-dumping law.
03:10the outsiders have been arguing
03:12that the six party members,
03:15that is, the members of the TPP Party who were expelled from the party,
03:17they still insisted today
03:20that they did not violate the federal constitution.
03:23On behalf of the six members of the TPP Party,
03:25the speaker of the House of Representatives,
03:27Su Haili, pointed out that
03:28they did not jump the party
03:30and did not attempt to overthrow the government.
03:32What they did was actually just to support
03:34the united government led by Prime Minister Anhua.
03:36Su Haili said,
03:37only when they gave up the party,
03:40did the three provisions of the 49A of the federal constitution apply.
03:44But the problem is
03:45that they have never left the party.
03:47And they have always clearly shown
03:49that they are loyal to the TPP Party.
03:51They just show support for the united government
03:54so that they can get election funding to help voters.
03:59in an analysis article,
04:01the online media Dama
04:03pointed out that
04:04in this dispute,
04:05it is actually worth mentioning that
04:06according to the anti-jumping party law,
04:08members can only jump the party
04:10or join another political party
04:12under the condition that they join another political party,
04:14and they will lose their seats.
04:16But if they are expelled from the party,
04:19they can continue to retain their seats.
04:22So, in order to prevent members from changing their minds
04:24but not to retreat from the party,
04:26the Action Party, Mutong, and the TPP Party
04:28have all revised the party bill,
04:30which stipulates that
04:31if members of the mid-term election
04:32violate the party's will,
04:34they will automatically lose their seats.
04:36But now,
04:37after the Speaker Zuhaili
04:38refused to expel the six members of the party
04:40who have changed their minds,
04:42I am afraid that he has already opened the precedent
04:44to make similar party rules of other political parties
04:46become invalid,
04:48so that members can change their minds
04:50without facing the consequences.
04:52In other words,
04:53Zuhaili's decision
04:54may also pose a great risk to the government.
04:56Because this also means
04:57that members of the TPP Party
04:59can also change their minds in the future,
05:01withdraw their support for Prime Minister An Hua,
05:03or vote against some government bills,
05:06but they will not be dealt with by the anti-dumping law.
