• last year
00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:07In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
00:14Woe to those who turn away
00:20Those who, when they are weighed against the people, turn away
00:29And when they are weighed against them, they lose
00:38Do they not think that they will be overcome
00:51For a great Day
00:55The Day when the people will be to the Lord of the worlds
01:04No! Indeed, the Book of the Prophets is in Sijjin
01:16And what can make you know what is Sijjin
01:25A Book inscribed
01:30Woe on that Day to the liars
01:39Those who deny the Day of Recompense
01:47And none denies it except every sinner
01:57When Our verses are recited to him, he says,
02:03The stories of the ancients
02:08No! Rather, he has seen upon their hearts what they used to earn
02:19No! Rather, they will be on the Day of their Lord embarrassed
02:30Then indeed, they will be in Hell
02:40Then it will be said, This is what you used to deny
02:52No! Rather, the Book of the Prophets is in Sijjin
03:03And what can make you know what is Lilliyun
03:12A Book accepted
03:18That those brought near will bear witness to
03:24Indeed, those who see will be in pleasure
03:31On couches looking
03:41There will be in their faces a look of pleasure
03:49They will be given to drink of pure wine
03:56The conclusion of the drink
03:59And in that the drunkards will not be able to drink
04:07And there will be added to it a portion of wine
04:15A portion that those brought near will drink
04:23Indeed, those who drink will be among those who believe, laughing
04:35And when they see them, their faces will turn red
04:42And when they return to their families, their faces will be bright
04:55And when they see them, they will say, Indeed, we are of those who have gone astray
05:12And they will not be sent against them as guardians
05:20So today those who have believed will be among those who have gone astray, laughing
05:30On couches looking
05:39And those brought near will not be able to do