Hazrat umer k qawaneen

  • 2 months ago
Hazrat umer k qawaneen
00:00Hazrat Umar Farooq r.a gave the world a system that is still prevalent in the world today.
00:05He implemented the year of Hijri,
00:07gave the concept of jail,
00:09set the salaries of the judges,
00:10arranged for light in the mosques,
00:13set up a police station,
00:14laid the foundation of a complete judicial system,
00:17established the system of al-Aqash,
00:18set up military camps and set up a proper military court.
00:22For the first time in the world,
00:23he established the duties of milk-drinking children, widows, widows and helpless people.
00:28For the first time in the world,
00:30he gave the concept of declaring the foundations of rulers, government officials and governors.
00:34He also started the process of punishing the judges who committed injustice.
00:38For the first time in the world,
00:40he started the accountability of the ruling class.
00:42He supervised the night trade caravans.
00:45He used to say that the rulers who do justice sleep fearlessly at night.
00:50He said that the leader of the nation is the true servant of the nation.
00:54It was written on his seal,
00:55Umar, death is enough for advice.
00:57There were never two beds on your desk.
01:00You used to sleep on the ground with bricks under your head.
01:03You used to sleep on a tree where you used to sleep,
01:06you used to sleep on a tree where you used to sleep,
01:08you used to sleep on a tree where you used to sleep,
01:09and you used to sleep on the bare ground at night.
01:11You had 14 garments on your kurta,
01:13and there was also a red leather garment in these garments.
01:16You used to wear thick, wrinkled clothes.
01:18You hated soft and fine clothes.
01:20When you appointed someone to the government office,
01:23you used to keep an estimate of his basic needs.
01:26And if during a government office,
01:28there was an increase in his basic needs,
01:30you used to calculate it.
01:31When you appointed someone to the government office,
01:33you used to advise him not to sit on a Turkish horse,
01:36not to wear fine clothes,
01:37not to eat sifted flour,
01:39not to keep the door closed,
01:40and not to close the door on any request.
01:42You used to say that forgiving the oppressor is a crime against the oppressed.
01:46Your speech today holds the status of a human rights charter
01:49that mothers give birth to children freely.
01:51How long have we enslaved them?
01:53He said,
01:54I often think and wonder how Umar changed.
01:57You were the first caliph of the Islamic world
01:59who was addressed as the Ameer-ul-Mu'mineen.
02:01All the religions of the world have some or the other feature.
02:04The biggest feature of Islam is justice,
02:06and Hazrat Umar-e-Farooq is the person who fulfills this feature.
02:11Because of your justice,
02:12justice became the justice of Farooq in the world.
02:15You were appointed at the time of martyrdom.
02:17Therefore, according to your will,
02:19your house was sold and your loan was paid.
02:22And you were the only ruler of the world
02:24who used to say that if in my time
02:26even a dog died of starvation on the banks of the Euphrates,
02:29then Umar would have to pay for it.
02:31This was the condition of your justice.
02:33When you passed away,
02:34a shepherd from a remote area of ​​your kingdom came running
02:37and screamed and said,
02:38People, Hazrat Umar-e-Farooq has passed away.
02:41People were surprised and asked,
02:43You are thousands of miles away from Madinah in the jungle.
02:45Who informed you of this tragedy?
02:47The shepherd said,
02:48As long as Hazrat Umar-e-Farooq was alive,
02:51my sheep ran freely in the jungle
02:53and no beast looked at them.
02:55But today, for the first time,
02:57a wolf took away the child of my sheep.
02:59I learned with the courage of the wolf
03:01that Hazrat Umar-e-Farooq is not present in the world today.
03:04The area in which Hazrat Umar-e-Farooq sent the flag of Islam in his time,
03:09there are still calls of Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
03:13People still prostrate in front of Allah there.
03:16In the world, the name of Alexander has only been written in books,
03:19while the system created by Hazrat Umar-e-Farooq
03:22is still present in some form or the other in 245 countries of the world.
03:27Even today, when a letter comes out of a post office,
03:30a police officer wears a uniform,
03:32a soldier goes on leave after 6 months,
03:34or the government assigns a position to a disabled,
03:36widowed or helpless person,
03:38that society, that society
03:40unconditionally accepts Hazrat Umar-e-Farooq.
03:45It considers him to be the greatest Alexander of history.
03:48Except for those Muslims who today
03:50look left and right before even reading the words
03:52with a strong sense of inferiority.
03:55The Muslims of Lahore once threatened the British government
03:58that if we leave our homes, you will remember Genghis Khan.
04:01Jawaharlal Nehru smiled and said on this.
04:04Unfortunately, today the Muslims who threatened Genghis Khan forgot this.
04:08There was also a Umar-e-Farooq in their history,
04:10about whom the orientalists also admit
04:13that if there was another Umar in Islam,
04:15then today there would be only Islam in the world.