
  • 2 months ago


00:00We're all set.
00:03Mr. Tsuwa, please take a look at the tobacco in the store.
00:07Ha! I paid a lot of money for this.
00:10I'm going to make you work for free.
00:14I'm going to crush that disgusting Familia until there's nothing left of it.
00:20Yes, sir. I accept your order.
00:30Wait a minute.
00:32Maybe it won't be enough soon.
00:35Hey, fill it up now.
00:49Let's go home. Thank you.
00:52Two days a week is too short.
00:54I'm depressed for ten years.
00:57I'm going on a trip.
00:59I want to do that. I want to do this. I want to do it with you.
01:03Thanks to my growing desire, I'm somehow alive today.
01:10I'm home. Welcome home.
01:13Thank you for your hard work.
01:21I want you to charge it to 1000 and 20.
01:26Charge your heart. Charge your kiss.
01:29I'll love you until I give up tomorrow.
01:37Charge your heart. Charge your kiss.
01:40Even in my dreams.
01:44Maybe it won't be enough soon.
01:47Hey, fill it up now.
01:51I accept your order.
01:54So, why do I have to meet your father?
02:00That's why I feel bad.
02:03When I got home the other day...
02:06I don't know. You have at least one favorite treasure, don't you?
02:10What are you talking about?
02:15You're back, Oka.
02:18You've been getting along pretty well lately.
02:21What were you talking about?
02:23The manager of my sister's part-time job.
02:26He said he really likes her.
02:29Hey, Kikko.
02:31I guess he's a good man.
02:35Yes, yes. I don't think he's 19 years old.
02:40Besides, he likes three out of five girls.
02:45Oh, Oka.
02:47Next time, bring the manager to my house.
02:53I turned him down, but I got a call last night.
02:58I see.
03:00You're worried that I'm too young to take care of your daughter.
03:06Well, if you quit now, I'll...
03:14Hurry up and get in trouble!
03:16Nice to meet you.
03:18I'm Kasukabe.
03:20Call me.
03:23I'm listening.
03:27Hey, Kikko.
03:28What's the relationship between Oka and that manager?
03:33Hey, Kikko.
03:36They're dating.
03:40It seems he said that to other part-timers, too.
03:44Don't touch my boyfriend.
03:48What do you mean?
03:51I'm sorry.
03:55So, how long are you going to date Oka?
04:00It will be seven months soon.
04:02I see.
04:04What are you going to do from now on?
04:08I'm worried about leaving my daughter to you.
04:15That's right.
04:16I've been thinking about what to do for a year.
04:21I don't think it's a good idea to keep Oka with me.
04:28Well, if you're fine, what about Oka?
04:32If it doesn't work out, will she be thrown out easily?
04:36My daughter is not your property.
04:41I also think that Oka is like a family to me.
04:46I told you to give me a year.
04:48Of course, I'm going to do my best to do it for many years.
04:55Please trust me and leave your daughter to me.
05:04Does that mean they're already thinking about getting married?
05:12No way!
05:14No way!
05:19Hayato is fine.
05:22Of course, there are times when they fight.
05:25But he's very serious about his job.
05:28I respect him for that.
05:35Do you like him that much?
05:41I've been fooling around, but I think she likes Hayato.
05:46Oh, Kika.
05:48What's up?
05:50What are you doing here?
05:52The manager of the store where my sister works is here.
05:58If the store doesn't go well, what are you going to do?
06:05No, I don't want that to happen.
06:07I said, just in case.
06:10I see.
06:13Then I'll graduate from a university and get a job at a company.
06:21Where is the university?
06:23It's in Tokyo University.
06:25Tokyo University?
06:27You don't go to the cafe even though you're in Tokyo University?
06:33It's a store left by my grandmother.
06:35I don't want to destroy it.
06:37Then you can leave it to your parents.
06:42It was an accident when I was three years old.
06:45My grandmother raised me by herself.
06:51This is real.
06:53I'm not that kind of young man.
06:58I see.
06:59I understand.
07:01You're a human being.
07:03If you graduate normally, you'll be an elite course.
07:08Even so, your grandmother's store...
07:12Don't worry, I'll leave it to my daughter.
07:17Thank you.
07:19Excuse me.
07:21Thank you for taking care of Oka-chan.
07:27Are you okay?
07:41Is that me?
07:43It's been a long time.
07:46I couldn't keep my promise.
07:50I'm sorry.
07:53I'm Yaeyama.
07:57I was in charge of the cafe.
07:59I'm Yaeyama Haruie.
08:04Masahiro is my grandfather.
08:11Is this my grandfather?
08:13I'm sorry.
08:15I'm so similar.
08:18Is it that similar?
08:20It's exactly the same.
08:22Did your grandfather run a cafe called Familia?
08:27I worked there.
08:30I remember.
08:32I was often scolded by Masahiro-san at that time.
08:36He said,
08:37How long are you going to talk about Yaeyama?
08:41So, the Familia now...
08:43Hayato-kun's grandmother took it from there.
08:46But it's such a coincidence, isn't it?
08:49It's my destiny to work at his grandson's cafe.
08:55That's right.
08:56Your grandson, Masahiro-san,
08:59You got married, didn't you?
09:01Who is your partner?
09:05I'm Sachiko Matsushima, who worked with me.
09:16I'm glad.
09:18I'm really glad.
09:21Before I was born, my grandfather and my grandmother passed away this year.
09:27It seems that Oka-san and the others have seen it.
09:32I was tired of laughing, so I thought I'd lie down for a while.
09:36I thought I had fallen asleep in Kotatsu.
09:39As it is...
09:40My grandmother had a good time right before she died.
09:44I'm sure it was a happy life.
09:48I see.
09:49If that's the case, that's good.
09:52By the way, did you make any promises with your grandmother?
09:57You said you couldn't keep your promise earlier.
10:02It's not a big deal.
10:05When I had a situation and decided to quit the cafe,
10:09I said I'd come back again.
10:14Go play again, Hayato-kun.
10:17I'll prepare whiskey for you next time.
10:20Hey, Hayato-kun is still 19 years old.
10:23No, no, he's like 20 years old.
10:27You can't say that.
10:30What? A police officer?
10:35Tatsuta, Chihaya, Anekawa, Yaeyama, Miyako...
10:41Hayato-kun said he found it.
10:43The name on the photo...
10:45This is our grandmother's old life.
10:49There must be a big reason for such a coincidence.
10:54Why do you think it's a coincidence?
10:56Huh? Because...
10:58If you think about it, the old ladies have been dating each other.
11:02I think there was a story about her using her grandchild as a part-time job.
11:07But my grandmother didn't know anything.
11:11You might be a coincidence, but the others don't know.
11:16But Riho-san and Akane-chan said it was a coincidence, too.
11:21I don't know if that's true.
11:23Well, I'm not going to go to their grandmother's house and check it out.
11:30So you don't want to know if it's a coincidence or if there's a reason?
11:34If it's all a coincidence and there's a reason why you're all here,
11:40you'll find out sooner or later, won't you?
11:43You think so?
11:45What? You were here?
11:49I went all the way to the store to see you.
11:53Fuwa-san, did you need something from us?
11:57I'm a man of my word.
12:02You look like an old man.
12:10Do you know my grandfather?
12:14I'm in a hurry to go to my grandmother's store.
12:20I'll do my best not to collapse.
12:24You and I are the same.
12:26You're a cigarette-smelling old man.
12:29I don't have to worry about you. The store is doing well.
12:34I'm home.
12:36I'm in trouble.
12:37I'm in big trouble.
12:39What's wrong with you guys?
12:41What's wrong with you guys in such a hurry?
12:43Fuwa-san was here a while ago.
12:46This is the return greeting.
12:51Open from October 1st.
12:53I can see the sea.
12:56A cafe restaurant?
13:11I thought I was doing some construction in the neighborhood.
13:15It was a store for an old man.
13:19Cafe restaurant family.
13:21It's a scam.
13:22The name of the store was scammed.
13:25I can't forgive you.
13:27Do you want to crush me so much?
13:29Don't worry.
13:31Our store won't lose to such a low-level scam.
13:43Nice to meet you.
13:44We're family.
13:45Please come in.
13:48An old cafe on the beach.
13:51There seems to be a goddess there.
13:58Even the clerk is angry.
14:01Open from tomorrow.
14:03We're family.
14:07Black Saint.
14:09What is this humiliation?
14:11Are you okay, Hayato-kun?
14:13You won't lose to them, will you?
14:16This is...
14:18It may be dangerous.
14:20What do you mean?
14:22No, I mean...
14:23Obviously, that way...
14:28I just came to the store where my father's master is.
14:31I just wanted to work.
14:34I came to see the sea.
14:37I happened to be looking for a part-time job.
14:40I wanted to work in a city where no one knew me.
14:44Me too.
14:46That's pretty much it.
14:49After all, everyone gathered with their own will.
14:52Is that so?
14:54Hayato-kun, you said it.
14:56If there's a meaning to this coincidence, you'll find out sooner or later.
15:01I got it.
15:03It's to save my family from a pinch.
15:05We're here to help you get rid of unreliable traces.
15:10I'm sorry for being unreliable.
15:14Not only the name of the store,
15:16but also our hairstyle and costumes were stolen.
15:20Come to think of it, there was a guy in the store who was taking pictures.
15:25Damn it!
15:26You're the enemy's informant!
15:28By the way, don't you think it's annoying that everyone's here?
15:32Hey, what's that?
15:34I wonder if it's Miyomi.
15:37But I wonder what kind of food they serve.
15:40I'm a little curious.
15:42That's true.
15:44Coffee, too.
15:45I'm curious.
15:47Well, shall we go?
15:50An eye for an eye.
15:52A spy for a spy.
16:01As expected, there's only the opening day.
16:04There are customers.
16:06There's also a second floor seat.
16:08It's a pretty simple disguise.
16:10There are quite a few menus, too.
16:12Ami, don't stand out too much.
16:16Akane, your glasses look good on you.
16:20Welcome to the family.
16:22Have you made your order?
16:25It's a fake.
16:27Oh, I'm sorry.
16:28Please wait a little longer.
16:30Now, decide!
16:32I'm busy!
16:36I'm sorry.
16:37Please take your time.
16:42That's mean!
16:43I don't do that to customers!
16:46It's not a tsundere.
16:48It's a bit unstable.
16:49The one who's doing it has a stiff neck.
16:52The customers seem to be bored.
16:55Can I tell you a funny story?
16:57I'm often told that I'm funny.
17:01It's a fake Ami.
17:03The other day, I was walking around town.
17:07I was talked to by an unknown man.
17:10Sister, sister, that's enough.
17:13What is it?
17:15The popcorn you're eating has a pigeon on it.
17:19It's a hundred meters in line.
17:22Oh, it's true!
17:24I'm sorry.
17:31Here you go.
17:36Big failure!
17:44Well, well.
17:46That's right!
17:48I make the coffee!
17:53It's a fake Akane.
17:55That's amazing!
17:57Where are you from?
17:59I'm from Brazil!
18:01I'll make real coffee with my real rhythm!
18:09Stop it.
18:10Well, well.
18:11Let go of me, Ami.
18:12Well, well.
18:13Excuse me.
18:16Here you go.
18:17Would you like to order?
18:20No, it's not that.
18:22Who makes the food here?
18:27I don't know.
18:29I don't know.
18:32Is this my fake?
18:35It's okay.
18:37Kiku-chan is not such a stupid girl.
18:42At this point,
18:44we make simple things,
18:47but basically, we buy frozen food from the owners.
18:53Do you understand?
18:55Ex-super genius cook, Riho Tsukishima-senpai.
19:01Welcome to the Café Restaurant Family!
19:06The girl who knows me is an idol on TV.
19:12She's popular on SNS.
19:15I see.
19:17She's a great girl.
19:19She'll make a series of videos like,
19:22''Did you start a coffee shop?''
19:25I'm sure she'll like it.
19:27That costume.
19:29It's different from the one I made.
19:31I used a very good fabric.
19:35I'm jealous.
19:37The coffee beans are pretty good, too.
19:41It's too expensive at home.
19:43I can't sell it.
19:45The food was delicious, too.
19:48It was a wide range of menus, from adults to children.
19:53I can't do that much by myself.
19:57It's not just a shop where cute animals are playing around.
20:02That's right.
20:04The police said it was a reverse effect.
20:08I've completely made them lose their motivation.
20:12No, it's a note.
20:15Those clerks will stop being weird characters,
20:20and they'll be regular waitresses.
20:23Above all, the size of the store is almost three times that of my house.
20:28It even has a parking lot.
20:30I can see customers from all over the country.
20:33The food seems to be cheap,
20:36so even if it's a price competition, there's no way to win.
20:40Maybe she knew this would happen if she stood up to him.
20:46I guess I had no choice but to bow down to protect the store and myself.
20:51If that's the case, I shouldn't have opposed the strong.
20:57It's frustrating, but...
21:00I can't afford to lose.
21:04Let's design Halloween costumes even cuter!
21:10With the technology of a barista, the beans are crying.
21:14If you can't win with the number of dishes, you just have to raise the quality, right?
21:20How much do you think I've been through?
21:24I'll show you how good you are!
21:28I'll entertain more customers!
21:32And I'll get stronger!
21:34That's a little different.
21:41You guys...
21:43Stop Miria from getting in trouble!
21:45We're here to help you get rid of unreliable traces!
21:55Let's fight!
21:59Yeah, of course.
22:02I'm sorry, Grandma.
22:04I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
22:13I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
22:18I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
22:23I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
22:28I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
22:33I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
22:38I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
22:42I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
22:47I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
22:52I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
22:57I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
23:02I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
23:07I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
23:11I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
23:16I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
23:21I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
23:26I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
23:31I'm going to protect this store in my own way.
23:36I'm going to protect this store in my own way.