11th July 2024 Part2

  • 3 months ago
11th July 2024 Part2


00:00What are you talking about? I've got to wait 30 days. They ain't gonna find it now, are
00:18Why is Daddy shouting?
00:19Oh, he's just upset cos his car got nicked. Where's your spellings?
00:23Oh, Dad, I need my...
00:25Not now. Not now, Raymond, all right? Because it's either gonna strip down or it's gonna
00:31be out of the country...
00:32Oi! Raymond, not now! I've told you!
00:33Don't take it out on him. It's not his fault your stupid car got nicked. Come on.
00:39Are you stupid or what?
00:41Why didn't you wait for me? I meant to get Sharon's.
00:46Oh, she won't mind if you're a bit late. You were tossing and turning all night long.
00:49You should have said I'd have got in the spare room. That it's you who needs to sleep after
00:53the embryo transfer.
00:54Look, I know you're worried about how we're gonna pay these care home fees, and I shouldn't
01:04have snapped at you yesterday, so what I thought...
01:06I don't want you to worry about it.
01:09A few days a month working for Sharon ain't gonna fix this.
01:12I've got other income streams.
01:14Like what? Rhys, you promised me no more secrets. What I thought I'd do is call an agency and
01:21try and get some...
01:23Look, I've got these shares.
01:24Since when? You've never mentioned them.
01:26Well, they were worth pennies. I forgot I even had them, but I've got this share tracker
01:31thingy and, well, there's been a hostile takeover and derivatives are up.
01:34Well, how much are they worth?
01:36Well, I won't know for sure until later, but, well, hopefully at least enough to pay for
01:40the care home fees. So you don't need to stress. Look, I've got this, all right?
01:48I'll see you.
01:53Oi, oi! What are you doing about finding my motor? Oi!
01:58Come on, boys, it's gonna be late!
02:00Yeah, listen, I know the rest of your mob are useless, but you've got access to that
02:03AP&R tracking system, innit?
02:04What? Look, it's not exactly my department, Phil. I know you're upset, but...
02:08Upset? Upset? I'm beyond upset. The insurance has told me they won't even pay out within
02:1230 days. I mean, that's a month without a motor. How am I supposed to get around?
02:15Shanks' pony might do you a bit of good. If you can't be nice to Tommy, you stay away.
02:21Where do you get off shouting at him like that?
02:22Yeah, well, someone's got to keep him in line, innit they? Left you here, he'll end up going
02:25feral, wouldn't he?
02:26Mum! Ernie picked me!
02:31Can't leave you alone for two minutes, can I?
02:33So come on, dibble. Get your backside in gear and find my motor, yeah?
02:38Have you seen my bag, Ian? I can't find it anywhere.
02:53He's gone to this council meeting.
02:55What, already? It's a bit early, isn't it?
02:59Yeah, I was thinking that. He's keen, isn't he?
03:08I told you I'd let them pile up. These invoices are way overdue.
03:12Nine times out of ten, these things just get lost in the system. I may need to reissue
03:15a few to get them paid. If I could have the passwords to the laptop?
03:19Yeah, yeah, of course. Would you like a coffee?
03:23No, you get off. I've got everything I need.
03:26You're stuck with me today, I'm afraid. Albie's had a bit of a rough night. He's fine.
03:30Nothing to do with his condition, but a day off nursery won't hurt, will it?
03:38It's coming home, it's coming. Football's coming.
03:44Hey, mine! It's coming home, it's coming.
03:47I'll be down in a couple of decibels, will you, Al?
03:49What's the matter? I'm feeling a bit delicate.
03:51We're going off to square, mate. What a game!
03:53Oh, we were magnificent, eh?
03:55Kane's penalty, I've got to say. I nearly cried, though, when they disallowed Sacker's goal.
03:58Yeah, I mean, a little bit worried in the second half.
04:00Yeah, talk about taking it to the wire. I mean, bringing them boys on.
04:03The pass from Palmer, Ollie Watkins' goal, mate. My heart!
04:05Oh, I won't take plays like that week in, week out.
04:08Brave substitution, though. Gareth, you're a man!
04:11Two minutes to go. Boom!
04:13You think we can go all the way?
04:15No way! Dare to dream, my friend, dare to dream.
04:19It's coming home, it's coming home.
04:21Three lines on the shirt.
04:24George remains still claiming.
04:27No more years of hurt.
04:30Come all the way over.
04:32I was just meeting him, Beau. Just wondered what you decided to tell the kids.
04:35Oh, nothing yet.
04:37I spoke to Annie.
04:39She's worried about how he managed to get his hands on all that dough.
04:42It's a bit of a coincidence, ain't it?
04:44If your 20 grand motor goes missing, the old man does one and leaves you the exact same amount.
04:48You don't think...
04:50Best not to ask, mate.
04:52Look, tuck it away somewhere safe for the kids, when they need it.
04:55Yeah, but what about your lot? I mean, not really fair, is it?
04:59Don't be silly. The old boy give it to Janet and Will.
05:01And anyway, he's given us something far more valuable than a bit of reddies in the bank.
05:05Eh, bruv?
05:07Yeah, yeah.
05:08Listen, I've been thinking, um...
05:10We haven't really had a chance to get to know each other, have we?
05:13With all this drama going on.
05:15How about we all go out and have a bit of dinner?
05:17My lot and your lot.
05:19What, you mean like the whole clan?
05:21Yeah, I do like the sound of that.
05:24Maybe not the whole clan, eh?
05:34He seemed really wound up.
05:36You don't reckon he's worried about Ben, do you?
05:42Have you, er, spoken to Ben lately?
05:44No, why, what's happened?
05:46What, what are you asking about, then?
05:48Well, Callum said that you were a bit stressed earlier, so...
05:51Well, is it any wonder?
05:52Billy's gone all up himself and this old man's been a nightmare.
05:56Anyway, what you doing here?
05:57Thought I told you to find my motor.
05:59Well, I'm late, so I told you, it's not my department.
06:02I actually came to ask if you wanted to nick one of the cars off the forecourt.
06:05I wouldn't want to be seen dead in one of your rust buckets.
06:08No, you're useless to Perry.
06:09Just go, just go away and leave me alone, yeah?
06:18What, Bill?
06:21Tonight? Yeah, why?
06:25It's like walking on eggshells half the time.
06:28I mean, I know Phil's had a lot to deal with lately, but...
06:32Well, we all have our struggles.
06:35But that is no excuse to take your daughter on a chow.
06:39Was Raymond very upset?
06:41Well, you know, mostly. He's very sweet to him, but...
06:44Yeah, when it suits him.
06:46The worst thing I've ever done was let Phil Mitchell near my tummy.
06:50You done those returns yet?
06:52Look here, I'm busy.
06:54I've got five service washes to put in and the soap dispenser to fill.
06:57I was only asking.
06:59Like, right now, Raymond is a sweet and gentle little boy.
07:03Then was once.
07:05And my tummy.
07:07Boys look up to their dads.
07:19And if you could pay in full by the end of today?
07:24So, the usual accounts for the original charge,
07:27but if you could pay the interest and fine directly to our accountants.
07:31RC Accountancy Services.
07:33That's a...
07:35Oh, sorry. I was going to make some smoothies.
07:38Wait till you've finished.
07:40Oh, they're gone.
07:45Actually, I was going to ask if you could pop to the gym
07:48and pick up the VAT returns.
07:50Oh, they're not there?
07:52Look, I'll call Phil, see if he can drop them off.
07:55I've already tried. He's not answering.
07:58I wouldn't worry, but HMRC are having a crack down there.
08:01They're auditing people out of the blue, no warnings.
08:04You'd be in a lot of trouble if there were any discrepancies with your invoices.
08:08It won't take long. I can always keep an eye on Albie.
08:12OK, well, I'll put him down for his nap.
08:15And call Phil while you're waiting.
08:24Oh, hello, Mr Gould. Yes, sorry, we got cut off.
08:27If I could just give you those details.
08:33He's not even back yet? How long's this meeting going on for?
08:36All day, apparently. He didn't even ask me to take over.
08:39Just assumed. It's not on.
08:41Anyway, I've told him he's taking me for dinner tonight.
08:44You all right? Yeah, love.
08:46Ian's decided to stand for the council,
08:48and he only mentioned it yesterday and already it's taken over.
08:51Oh, that's annoying.
08:53Well, still, on the bright side,
08:55you all look really good with one of those big gold chains.
08:58I'm not so sure about the frilly...
09:00I think you're thinking of the mare, love.
09:02This is way more boring.
09:05Bin collections, planning permissions,
09:08maybe a supermarket opening, if we like it.
09:10Well, you'll still need a new wardrobe, then.
09:13Cos I can see you in, like, a classy little Chanel-style suit,
09:18a la Michelle Obama.
09:20Yeah, I suppose it would be good for her profile.
09:23Certainly wouldn't harm the business.
09:25Shall we go shopping? There's a sale on the designer outlet.
09:28I can't right now.
09:30My two favourite boys haven't been getting along lately,
09:33so we're meeting Bobby for a walk.
09:35Oh, all right, maybe another time.
09:37Anyway, Ian's taking the car and I can't stay in the tube.
09:40See you later. See you later.
09:42Are you being faultless?
09:44Look, I'm heading to town for a meeting.
09:46Would you be riding the bike?
09:48Um, crosswise, that's all.
09:56Orford Council.
09:58Yeah, hello, I wondered if you could put me in touch with whoever
10:01deals with candidates standing for local elections.
10:04Yeah, thank you.
10:08Louise, it's your dad. Again.
10:11Now, why aren't you returning my calls?
10:13And don't give me any stuff about you being busy,
10:15cos you're quick enough to find me when you need money, don't you?
10:19Just, er...
10:21Just call me, yeah?
10:29Mate, I want you on your best behaviour at this dinner.
10:32Ain't I always?
10:36Well saved.
10:40I'm so sorry.
10:42What do you mean?
10:44It's all right.
10:4640 quid.
10:48Not your lucky day, is it?
10:50Well, I don't know about that.
10:52I was hoping to bump into you.
10:58It's just not like this.
11:00I want to say, I really enjoyed our date the other night.
11:03Oh, date, was it? Didn't realise.
11:05Well, how about we do it properly, then, tonight?
11:08We're just going out for a bit of family, you know?
11:10Mark will swing by you as well.
11:12Can we go? We're already 7.30. It's late.
11:14I think I've had enough excitement for one day.
11:17So it's got nothing to worry about.
11:24What's your most expensive top, mate?
11:26That's right.
11:28RC Accountancy Services.
11:30Oh, no, of course.
11:32I'm sending an updated invoice as we speak.
11:35And if you could pay by close of business today?
11:37Thank you.
11:41Hi, Sharon.
11:43Sorry, you're going to have to try Phil again.
11:45Oh, um, no need.
11:47As soon as you left, I found it.
11:50Oh, good.
11:52Well, um, course seems to be in order.
11:55I've done all I can for one day, so...
11:57Well, as long as we're OK, the taxman comes knocking.
12:00Oh, here. I thought you might appreciate the cash.
12:03It's the going rate plus a little bit extra for going the extra mile.
12:08Cheers, Ruth.
12:17Can't we go in?
12:19Yes, in a minute.
12:21I've got to wait for everyone else, though, OK?
12:25Grandad, come on!
12:27So sorry to have kept you.
12:29Right, hands up.
12:31Who's starving? Me too.
12:33So come on, inside. Let's go before I waste away!
12:37You did ask him, didn't you?
12:39He had words.
12:41I doubt he'll come any minute.
12:43What, so you've just left him out?
12:45You know, he's been going right for it lately.
12:47What, with Kat leaving him and Ben away and now his car?
12:49Blimey, he's only had a picnic himself, Jay!
12:52I'm just fed up, Jay, with his snide remarks, his comments.
12:56I'm not having it!
12:58I'm not having it!
13:00I'm not having it!
13:02I'm not having it!
13:04I'm just fed up with his snide remarks, his comments.
13:06I'm not having it anymore.
13:08He won't do it. He won't.
13:10I know he ain't easy, but he's still a part of the family, isn't he?
13:21Don't like robbery.
13:24Come on, boys.
13:26Erm, you've forgotten something.
13:30Aren't you? What do you think you're doing?
13:34but he didn't take it.
13:36Did he, Tommy?
13:38Why are you looking at me for?
13:39I did nothing.
13:56Back again?
13:57Have you got a party to get to?
13:59It ain't a party, is it?
14:01Look, the kids fancy burgers.
14:03Honey's away, you know what Billy's cooking's like.
14:06It was a last minute thing.
14:07You're invited, of course you are.
14:09Do you think I am a charity case or just stupid?
14:11Oh, good.
14:12See, if that's the way Billy wants to play it, you know.
14:14Look, he did not invite you on purpose.
14:16I know you've had a bit of a fallout.
14:18A bit of a fallout?
14:19You know what he called me?
14:20A runt.
14:21Me a runt.
14:22And if he thinks I'm gonna go anywhere near him
14:23without an apology, then...
14:25Look, he's just found out his mum took her own life.
14:28His head's a little bit all over the place right now.
14:31So if you don't want to back down for him,
14:32then maybe do it for Lexi, eh?
14:34Don't you think she's had enough family dramas?
14:41So, I want to know all about it.
14:44It was just a boring old meeting.
14:46Why are you being all cloak and dagger about it?
14:48It's the council, what am I, five?
14:50All right, it was about raising campaign funds
14:53and marketing strategies.
14:55I didn't think you'd be interested.
14:56You weren't exactly keen.
14:57Well, I wasn't, but now I've had time to think about it.
15:00I've decided.
15:02I'm backing Bill.
15:04What about that for a slogan?
15:07Where's Will?
15:09He was meant to be here,
15:10but I see he bumped into some of his mates, so...
15:13Right, I know what I want.
15:15We're gonna wait for Jay, all right?
15:17And Grandad.
15:18Why's he being so weird?
15:20Can we at least get the beers in, yeah?
15:23You'll have to forgive my oldest ladies.
15:25Can't all be gentlemen like us, can they, Barney boy?
15:28Now, what is it you like to drink?
15:29Lemonade, cola?
15:31And you, well, you look like a fizzy orange
15:34kind of girl to me.
15:37Perfect timing.
15:38Just about to get around it.
15:43Grandad, you came.
15:44That ain't a problem, is it?
15:46No, no, it's all about awareness, eh?
15:49Behave yourself, yeah?
15:52Let me get you a chair.
15:54Looks like someone's been demoted.
15:57Why don't you go sit down there, Phil?
16:02I can't hear you down here, anyway.
16:53Oh, we're celebrating, then?
16:56The shares?
16:57Did you manage to cash them in?
16:58Well, enough to pay the outstanding care home bill.
17:01So, you can stop worrying.
17:05That's great.
17:17Well, that's a good choice.
17:18Yeah, I'd have one of them, please, mate.
17:20You can't decide between the loaded fries
17:22or the mac and cheese.
17:23Well, why don't you have both of them?
17:26Come on, celebrate.
17:29Well, you won the lottery.
17:31Well, we, er, we're celebrating.
17:32You're a scrotum of an old man finally doing one.
17:35I'll drink to that. Oi!
17:37That's my grandad you're talking about.
17:39See? He can't help himself.
17:41And I'm sure Phil meant no offence.
17:43Did you, Phil?
17:46Don't ignore him, mate. Don't take the bait.
17:51I've told you I'm supporting you all the way.
17:52I know it's gonna be hard work,
17:54but I'm prepared to make sacrifices.
17:56Oh, it's funny you should mention it,
17:58cos there's this leadership course in Manchester.
18:01I mean, a night away and all that.
18:03Really good opportunity, network.
18:06What, you don't mind?
18:07No, as long as you put me in a posh hotel.
18:10No, er, no, you can't come.
18:13Well, it's for delegates only.
18:14I mean, it's gonna be very, very intense, and...
18:17Anyway, I need someone to stay here and keep an eye on things.
18:21It's your family.
18:23Your family.
18:25Shame Callum couldn't come.
18:26Well, someone's gotta protect us from the bad guys.
18:29Hey, Phil.
18:31What's that supposed to mean?
18:32Well, I heard someone nicked your car.
18:36That's gotta be bad, innit?
18:37Especially for a bloke like you.
18:40Used to be on the sharp end of business, didn't ya?
18:42Leave it out, Harry.
18:44You like winding me up, do ya?
18:46Oh, it's low-hanging fruit, mate.
18:48He's funny, really.
18:50Calmer, if you believe in that kind of thing.
18:52If I find out it was you,
18:54nick my mother.
18:55What did you just say?
18:56Shut up, Phil.
18:57Come round here, giving it the big'un, didn't ya?
18:59You're snipping round the arches right from the office.
19:01Enough. Come on.
19:05Did you nick his car?
19:07I can't believe one word you say.
19:11Nicking off your own, cos...
19:12cos you're jealous.
19:13I knew you was from the scum side of the family.
19:16Come on, son, you need to calm down.
19:19Not to talk about my family like that.
19:20I'm gonna tell you a lot of things, Billy.
19:22You wanna keep your mouth shut.
19:23Yeah, and I meant them.
19:24Yeah, you meant them, didn't ya?
19:28Grandad, please, everyone's looking.
19:34Oh, you wanna start an ordeal?
19:35I think there's been enough fireworks, don't you?
19:38Phil, this ain't happening here. Come on.
19:41All right?
19:45If my mother ain't outside, my house by tomorrow morning.
19:52Don't take a breath, son. Take a breath.
20:01You kids all right?
20:03Do you want a drink or anything?
20:06Don't worry, my dad will sort it.
20:11Why don't you change your mind, big man? We're coming in.
20:13Slow down, Phil. Please.
20:16We're family. I respect ya.
20:18It doesn't mean I'm gonna let you walk all over us either.
20:22Look, I know that you think you're better than me, brother.
20:24I don't think anything.
20:26And things have changed.
20:28Look, I know how you got your reputation, just like your old man did.
20:31Pushing your weight around, bullying people.
20:34I consider myself lucky I never had that as an option.
20:37Now, I get it.
20:39Now, I get it.
20:40Yeah, muscle's great, but it's a young man's game, Phil.
20:43Yeah, well, I ain't ready for the knackers' yard just yet.
20:46So watch your mouth.
20:46What do you think I've been doing, eh?
20:49I could have mugged you off.
20:50Daz, the supreme art of war
20:54is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
20:57All right?
20:59Not that I want us to be enemies.
21:01Look, I said we're family.
21:03And the only one you've got as far as I can see.
21:05And without us, we're all alone.
21:10I've tried everything, Jean.
21:11Shouting at him, not shouting at him, grounding him.
21:14You might have listened to Phil, but after the way he's treated him...
21:17That man would talk him into a life of crime, not out of one, anyway.
21:22Bits of teenage boys, Kat.
21:26Sean was exactly the same, till I got him a paper round.
21:31Come again?
21:32A paper round, you know, like delivering newspapers and magazines?
21:35Yeah, I know what a paper round is, Jean,
21:37but I don't see what that's got to do with anything.
21:39Oh, well, you see, Sean was kicking off big time.
21:42And, well, I was at my wits' end.
21:45I didn't know what to do.
21:47So I spoke to the lovely man in the corner shop.
21:50He was very reluctant at first, and I could understand why.
21:53I mean, there's nothing wrong with being reluctant.
21:56I mean, you know, it's just the way it is.
21:59It's just the way it is.
22:01It's just the way it is.
22:03And I could understand why.
22:05I mean, a number of times he caught Sean's hands in the penny sweets jar.
22:08Are you saying that I should ask Nish?
22:10Oh, no! No!
22:12God forbid, no!
22:14No, it doesn't need to be a paper round.
22:16Anything, really.
22:18Anything that just keeps him busy and off the streets.
22:24What is it they say?
22:26God make... No.
22:28The devil makes work for idle hands.
22:32Plainness is next to godliness, yeah?
22:34Jean, you are a beauty.
22:36Thank you.
22:42Come on, love.
22:44Be reasonable. I mean, it's not like I don't want you there.
22:47Doesn't sound like it.
22:48You know your dad's going on a jolly to Manchester next week?
22:50Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's not a jolly.
22:51It's a leadership course.
22:53Yeah, well, anything's better than staying here, isn't it?
22:55Anyway, who are you supposed to be leading?
22:57You haven't even been elected yet.
22:59You'd better not be up to something.
23:03I'm going to run a bath.
23:10I mean, she's right, Dad. What's going on?
23:12What do you mean?
23:14I told you.
23:15That you're standing for election, yeah?
23:18Only you're not, are you?
23:20Mate, I called the council earlier.
23:22They have no record of you applying.
23:25No. Come on, there must be something.
23:27If you're not going to tell me, Dad, can you just please...
23:29All right, it's fine.
23:31There is something going on, OK?
23:33And you're not going to like it.
23:41Oh, darling.
23:43That is amazing.
23:45You think they'll like it?
23:47Oh, yeah.
23:51Look what Raymond made for you.
23:53What's that meant to be?
23:55Some sort of joke?
23:57I've never seen this been nicked.
23:59I've had enough people laughing at me without you joining in.
24:07Right, that's it.
24:09Come on, you go upstairs, grab your PJs.
24:11Yeah, cos you know, Andy was saying
24:13how much he's been missing you earlier.
24:17Should be made up to have us back.
24:19Go on.
24:21So you ain't going anywhere, all right?
24:23Oh, and what are you going to do? Are you going to force me to stay?
24:25I ain't forcing you, all right, but you can't take him away.
24:27He's my son.
24:29And I thought it'd be really good for him.
24:31You know?
24:33Come here,
24:35get to know you properly.
24:41No, you're poison.
24:43You've ruined Ben.
24:45I ain't going to let you ruin him at all.
24:55Bottle of red?
24:57You going to throw that over me?
24:59Well, if that's what floats your boat.
25:01Look, I wanted to apologise for earlier.
25:07Well, it's not quite as nice
25:09as the one you ruined, but, er...
25:11Thank you.
25:13Well, you can try it on now, if you want.
25:15I won't look. Scats on her.
25:19This is stupid.
25:21I'll get pizza for your tea, yeah?
25:24Get me settled.
25:26I've said I'm sorry, all right?
25:28You're overreacting.
25:32Oh, hello, sweetheart. Glad to see you.
25:34Come on, we'll go in inside.
25:36Patrick's setting up the domino.
25:38Well, how about a hug for your dad,
25:40you know, before you go?
25:44Yes, maybe we'll see Daddy at the weekend.
25:46OK, darling? In you go.
25:48Go on.
25:50I'm sorry, all right?
25:52I've had a bad day. I shouldn't have taken it out on him.
25:54It's not just today, is it?
25:56It's like you're angry all the time.
25:58And you don't need to be around that.
26:00Is it what you're carrying on?
26:02You think I've given him a good hiding or something?
26:04You just don't get it, do you?
26:06I actually feel sorry for you.
26:08If you don't sort yourself out,
26:10you're going to end up a very lonely man.
26:22I'd better get Abbie to bed.
26:24Yeah, of course.
26:26Another time, eh?
26:52That's the best.
27:22I had a bad day.
27:24I shouldn't have taken it out on him.
27:26It's not just today, is it?
27:28It's like you're angry all the time.
27:30It's not just today, is it?
27:32It's like you're angry all the time.
27:34It's like you're angry all the time.
27:36It's like you're angry all the time.
27:38It's like you're angry all the time.
27:40It's like you're angry all the time.
27:42It's like you're angry all the time.
27:44It's like you're angry all the time.
27:46It's like you're angry all the time.
27:48It's like you're angry all the time.