Senate Appropriations Committee Holds A Markup On Pending Legislation

  • 3 months ago
The Senate Appropriations Committee held a markup on pending spending bills on Thursday.

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00:00:00Good morning, this committee will come to order.
00:00:25Today the committee will consider the fiscal year 2025-302B subcommittee allocations and
00:00:31the fiscal year 2025 appropriations bills recommended by the subcommittee on legislative branch,
00:00:38the subcommittee on agriculture, rural development, food and drug administration and related agencies,
00:00:44and the subcommittee on military construction, veterans affairs, and related agencies.
00:00:49Before we get going, let me quickly run through the plan for today.
00:00:53I will start us off with some opening remarks, next the vice chair will give her opening
00:00:58remarks and then I will open the floor for debate on the subcommittee allocations and
00:01:03then as soon as possible I intend to begin the votes on adopting the 302B subcommittee
00:01:08allocations and final passage of the ledge branch bill, the ag bill, and the MilCon VA
00:01:15We have a number of other committees who are meeting this morning and it's a very short
00:01:18window to have all of our members here, so I ask everyone to be here as soon as possible
00:01:24so we can have full attendance and move those votes.
00:01:27Following the four votes, we will then move to the consideration of amendments to each
00:01:31of the bills.
00:01:33So with that, I want to thank all of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, committee staff,
00:01:38Vice Chair Collins, and our subcommittee leaders, Senators Reed and Fischer on the ledge branch
00:01:44committee, Senators Heinrich and Hoeven on the agriculture subcommittee, and Senators
00:01:49Sinema and Bozeman on the MilCon VA subcommittee who have put in very hard work to pull together
00:01:54three strong bipartisan bills.
00:01:58This hasn't been easy, it never is, however as we kick off our first markup, I am determined
00:02:03to show, and I know the vice chair feels the same way, that when we work hard, work together,
00:02:09and focus on helping people back home, we can write strong bipartisan bills that help
00:02:15meet our nation's greatest challenges and they can actually get passed into law.
00:02:20That's exactly what this committee did last year and I hope we will be able to do it again
00:02:25this year.
00:02:26Now there's no shortage of serious funding challenges we're facing in the coming year.
00:02:31I made clear alongside many members on both sides of the aisle, the 1% increase in funding
00:02:37that the FRA provides for non-defense and defense alike in FY25 is simply inadequate.
00:02:43It doesn't come close to keeping up with inflation and rising costs, much less allow us to meet
00:02:49new challenges and invest in families and in our country's future.
00:02:54I have warned that if we don't work to address the inadequate funding levels, we're not simply
00:02:58looking at treading water, we're looking at cuts to services people count on, each and
00:03:04every day and jeopardizing investments that keep our country strong, everything from WIC
00:03:10and housing assistance to our investments in life-saving medical research, to our efforts
00:03:15to keep our communities safe and stay ahead of our adversaries and so much more.
00:03:21That is why I've been very clear we cannot leave non-defense needs behind as we consider
00:03:26additional funding for defense because bottom line, a core principle for me is to make sure
00:03:31we're never leaving families behind.
00:03:34So I'm pleased that Vice Chair Collins and I reached a bipartisan agreement to provide
00:03:38much needed additional funding for non-defense and defense alike.
00:03:42The agreement will provide an additional $13.5 billion in emergency funding for non-defense
00:03:47programs and $21 billion for defense programs beyond the FRA levels.
00:03:53This additional funding in our bipartisan agreement is crucial.
00:03:57It will help make sure we can address serious shortfalls, tackle urgent new challenges here
00:04:03at home and abroad, prevent devastating layoffs and cutbacks to services, and invest in families
00:04:10and our country's future.
00:04:12This will help families keep a roof over their head, help us address issues like combating
00:04:17the opioid crisis.
00:04:19When it comes to growing our economy, this is going to help us keep our edge and address
00:04:23the childcare crisis that is holding our nation back.
00:04:27When it comes to our global leadership, this is going to help us build on the investments
00:04:31we delivered in the National Security Supplemental that Congress passed to keep our nation safe,
00:04:37stand against dictators like Putin, counter the growing influence of the Chinese government,
00:04:43and strengthen deterrence to prevent conflict.
00:04:47We still have a lot of work ahead of us to go from top lines to final passage of strong
00:04:52bipartisan bills, but we are making real progress today, bipartisan progress with an agreement
00:04:59to address inadequate top-line funding levels as well as considering the first set of strong
00:05:04bipartisan bills.
00:05:05I'll have more to say on each of these three bills shortly, but together they deliver critical
00:05:10resources to get moms and babies vital nutrition assistance, veterans the care they have earned
00:05:16and deserve, support families in our rural communities, protect America's food supply,
00:05:22make sure our capital remains a safe place for all to come and visit, strengthen our
00:05:27posture in the Indo-Pacific, and more.
00:05:30Now before we vote on each bill, we will consider the 302B allocations to the 12 subcommittees.
00:05:37The Chairman of the Budget Committee has given this committee a 302A allocation pursuant
00:05:42to the Fiscal Responsibility Act and the Congressional Budget Act.
00:05:46Our vote today will be on the proposal to allocate the total budget authority and outlay
00:05:52levels provided to us by the 302A across the 12 subcommittees.
00:05:58For the awareness of members, neither the 302A or the 302Bs include any of the adjustments
00:06:04agreed to as part of the FRA agreement or the additional emergency funding that Vice
00:06:09Chair Collins and I have agreed to.
00:06:11Similar to last year, those amounts will be added later as we move to those bipartisan
00:06:16bills throughout the process.
00:06:18In moving forward today with these strong bipartisan bills, I have no doubt we will
00:06:22be setting this process off in the right direction, and I will continue to work with Vice Chair
00:06:27Collins and all of my colleagues to keep us going full steam ahead.
00:06:31I will now turn to Vice Chair Collins for any comments she would like to make.
00:06:36Thank you very much, Chair Murray.
00:06:39Let me begin by commending you for convening today's SMART Cup.
00:06:45Last year, this committee reported all 12 annual funding bills for the first time in
00:06:51five years.
00:06:53While the discretionary spending contained in those bills accounts for only about a quarter
00:07:01of the total federal budget, they include vital investments for our communities and
00:07:08funding for our national security.
00:07:12Today is another important step forward to proving that the committee process last year
00:07:20was not an aberration, but rather a pattern.
00:07:25This committee can and must do its work.
00:07:29We're never going to agree on everything, but it's important that we try to find common
00:07:34ground and allow Senators and the constituents they represent a voice in the development
00:07:43of the annual appropriations bills.
00:07:46It is with that spirit of cooperation and duty that we find ourselves here today.
00:07:54Our members have been very busy for months analyzing the President's budget request,
00:08:02holding nearly 40 hearings, and drafting legislation.
00:08:07The bills we consider today are a product of that intensive effort.
00:08:12They fund important priorities, including agricultural research, food and medical product
00:08:20safety, veterans medical care, U.S. military infrastructure, and legislative branch offices
00:08:28that support Congress as we carry out our constitutional responsibilities.
00:08:35I hope that this year the Majority Leader makes Senate consideration of the appropriations
00:08:42bills a priority and brings them to the floor as soon as possible.
00:08:48It is critical that Congress complete its work to prevent the Fiscal Responsibility
00:08:55Act's statutory penalty for operating under a continuing resolution, better known as the
00:09:03CR, from being triggered.
00:09:06Under current law, if any portion of the government is operating under a short-term CR on January
00:09:151st, the discretionary caps will reset to levels that are 1 percent less than the fiscal
00:09:23year 2023 enacted amounts.
00:09:27Let me repeat that fact.
00:09:29The penalty caps are 1 percent less than the fiscal 2023 levels, not the fiscal year 2024
00:09:41levels, a fact that is too often misunderstood.
00:09:45The revised caps would be enforced on April 30th and lets Congress enact full-year funding
00:09:52for all 12 of the annual appropriations bills.
00:09:56For defense, a revised cap would result in a 5.1 percent lesser amount than the already
00:10:06inadequate fiscal year 2025 base funding limit specified in the FRA.
00:10:13This would be devastating for our national security at a time when global threats are
00:10:20the highest in half a century.
00:10:23Sending a message that Congress cannot work together to adequately protect this nation
00:10:29and our allies would be unacceptable and must be prevented.
00:10:34Today's markup brings us a step closer to preventing the FRA's CR penalty from being
00:10:43With regard to the Chair's 302B subcommittee allocations that we will vote on shortly,
00:10:50I very much appreciate the work that Chair Murray has put into developing the allocations
00:10:57and I understand the challenges posed by the FRA structure.
00:11:03Nevertheless, I have three chief concerns.
00:11:06First, I believe that the reduction of regular national security funding for the defense
00:11:11subcommittee is unwarranted.
00:11:14Because of defense increases to other subcommittees, the defense subcommittee starts the cycle
00:11:22at a level that is $2 billion below the President's already inadequate request.
00:11:30Second, I have concerns about how some of the non-defense spending is allocated.
00:11:36While the Milcom VA allocation is sufficient to fully fund the President's request for
00:11:42VA medical care, I share the concerns that Senator Bozeman raised during the budget hearing
00:11:50regarding the reliance of the President's budget request on carryover balances to meet
00:11:56operational needs.
00:11:58Finally, there remains a respectful disagreement on the offsets that should be used to comport
00:12:05to the FRA levels.
00:12:07Turning now to the fiscal year 2025 funding bills, the first bill to be considered is
00:12:14the legislative branch appropriations bill.
00:12:18Let me join the Chair in commending Chairman Reed and Ranking Member Fischer for their
00:12:25hard work on this bill that provides funding for the U.S. Capitol Police, the Government
00:12:30Accountability Office, the Library of Congress, and a host of other important offices.
00:12:37The agency's funding here allows Congress to do its work in a transparent and accountable
00:12:43way and keep visitors to the Capitol Complex safe while meeting with their representatives.
00:12:50The next bill that we will consider funds the Agriculture Department, Food and Drug
00:12:56Administration, and related agencies.
00:12:59I very much appreciate the work of Chairman Heinrich and Ranking Member Hoeven on this
00:13:06important bill that supports our farmers, the safety of our food supply, critical federal
00:13:12nutrition programs, and medical research and advancements.
00:13:16The final bill that we will consider today is the Military Construction and Veterans
00:13:22Affairs legislation.
00:13:24I want to thank Senator Sinema and Senator Bozeman for their hard work on this legislation
00:13:31that invests in our military infrastructure and provides vital resources for the benefit
00:13:37and care of our nation's veterans.
00:13:40And while I continue to have concerns that the VA's request is overly reliant on carryover
00:13:47balances, I certainly will support moving the bill forward today.
00:13:53Again, I want to thank the full committee chair and all the members of this committee
00:13:59for your hard work.
00:14:01We still have a long ways to go, and we'll have to work together to continue to construct
00:14:07bills that can receive bipartisan support.
00:14:11But today's markup is an important and necessary first step.
00:14:17Thank you, Madam Chair.
00:14:19Thank you.
00:14:19I will turn to Senator Durbin to make the usual and customary motion on the subcommittee
00:14:24Madam Chair, I move that the committee report favorably the subcommittee allocations proposed
00:14:28by the chair, provided that the chair and vice chair of the committees, after consultation
00:14:32with the chairs and ranking members of the affected subcommittees, be authorized to submit
00:14:37such revised allocations as are necessary to expedite our consideration and enactment
00:14:42of the fiscal year 2025 appropriation bills.
00:14:44Without objection.
00:14:46Thank you, Senator Durbin.
00:14:47I would like to remind everyone that we will begin votes as soon as we can to have all
00:14:53of our members present in the room.
00:14:54A number of members have to leave for other committees.
00:14:58Are there any members who wish to be recognized for debate on the 302B proposal?
00:15:02Senator Schatz?
00:15:04Chair, thank you very much, and I'm pleased to vote for both the allocations and the marks.
00:15:10Just want to flag the president submitted a $23.5 billion emergency supplemental for
00:15:16disaster aid.
00:15:17Maui, Maryland, Florida, Texas, New Mexico, many other states are still awaiting disaster aid.
00:15:23This is something that we have always done on a bipartisan basis, both as a committee
00:15:27and as a Congress and as a country, and we've got to get this done.
00:15:30Thank you.
00:15:30Thank you.
00:15:31We are committed to doing a disaster supplemental.
00:15:34We will stay in touch on that conversation.
00:15:35Thank you.
00:15:36We do need to move to the vote on this.
00:15:39Senator Kennedy, would you mind having the vote first, or do you want to have your
00:15:43statement made?
00:15:44I want to have my statement.
00:15:45Okay, and then I would really ask everyone if we could do it.
00:15:48I'll be brief, Madam Chair.
00:15:52I think you and our vice chair have done a fine job.
00:15:54I know how hard it is to put together a budget.
00:16:00I mean, I think we're all aware these are pretend votes today.
00:16:06All of my Democratic colleagues are going to vote for the 302B allocations,
00:16:11and all the Republicans are going to vote no,
00:16:13which means, of course, we don't have an agreement.
00:16:17I think it's smart to move forward,
00:16:20but my question is this, Madam Chair, to you and our esteemed vice chair.
00:16:26When are we going to get serious about the 302B allocations?
00:16:29When are we going to work it out?
00:16:32I will just tell you that, yes, you all know we finished our last year's allocations in
00:16:37We immediately began discussions, serious discussions on this.
00:16:41We are very close to where we need to be, and we'll continue those discussions.
00:16:45We know that that needs to be accomplished.
00:16:48And I would add, Senator Kennedy, that the motion on the 302B allocations
00:16:59recognizes that there can be further adjustments, so it's not over until it's over.
00:17:06Well, I just want to get us started, and it seems to me
00:17:09that you can't put together a budget until you know how much you have to spend,
00:17:14and I appreciate the spirit of cooperation.
00:17:16I think we ought to move forward, but we all know these are pretend votes.
00:17:20This is play acting until we can agree on 302Bs.
00:17:24Under the committee rules, we are going to move forward right now to accomplish that.
00:17:29We will continue to work together.
00:17:30We want to get the process started.
00:17:32My work here is done.
00:17:33Thank you.
00:17:34It is now time to start the votes, and I note the presence of a quorum.
00:17:38As you know, Senator Durbin made the usual and customary motion to adopt the 302Bs.
00:17:42We will now vote on the 302Bs for the 12 subcommittees.
00:17:46The clerk will call the roll.
00:17:48Senator Durbin?
00:17:49Senator Reed?
00:17:51Senator Tester?
00:17:53Senator Shaheen?
00:17:54Senator Merkley?
00:17:56Senator Coon?
00:17:58Senator Schott?
00:17:59Senator Baldwin?
00:18:01Senator Murphy?
00:18:03Senator Manchin?
00:18:04Senator Van Hollen?
00:18:06Senator Heinrich?
00:18:08Senator Peters?
00:18:09Senator Sinema?
00:18:11Senator Collins?
00:18:13Senator McConnell?
00:18:15Senator Murkowski?
00:18:17Senator Graham?
00:18:20Senator Moran?
00:18:22Senator Hoeven?
00:18:24Senator Bozeman?
00:18:26Senator Capito?
00:18:28Senator Kennedy?
00:18:30Senator Hyde-Smith?
00:18:32Senator Hagerty?
00:18:34Senator Brick?
00:18:35Senator Rubio?
00:18:37Senator Fischer?
00:18:39And Senator Murray?
00:18:41Senator Murray, I also have a proxy from Senator McConnell to vote no on this amendment,
00:18:48which does count.
00:18:49Without objection.
00:19:00On this vote, there are 15 ayes, 11 nays.
00:19:02The subcommittee 302b allegations are agreed to.
00:19:06I will now turn to Senator Collins to make the customary motions for the Legislative
00:19:10Branch Ag and Milcon VA bills.
00:19:14Madam Chair, I move that the committee report favorably an original bill making appropriations
00:19:21for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30th, 2025, and for
00:19:28other purposes.
00:19:29An original bill making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug
00:19:36Administration, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30th, 2025, and
00:19:43for other purposes.
00:19:44And an original bill making appropriations for Military Construction, the Department
00:19:50of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30th,
00:19:562025, and for other purposes, provided that each bill be subject to amendment and that
00:20:04each bill be consistent with its budget allocation, provided further that the chair of the committee
00:20:10or the chair of the subcommittee reporting the original bill be authorized to offer the
00:20:16substance of the original bill as a committee amendment in the nature of a substitute to
00:20:21the House companion measure.
00:20:23Provided further that the staff be authorized to make technical and conforming changes to
00:20:30all fiscal year 2025 bills and reports as necessary.
00:20:35Without objection, we will now vote to report the Legislative Branch Bill favorably subject
00:20:41to amendment.
00:20:41The clerk will call the roll.
00:20:43Senator Durbin?
00:20:46Senator Reed?
00:20:48Senator Tester?
00:20:49Senator Shakeen?
00:20:51Senator Merkley?
00:20:53Senator Coons?
00:20:55Senator Schatz?
00:20:57Senator Baldwin?
00:20:59Senator Murphy?
00:21:00Senator Manchin?
00:21:02Senator Van Hollen?
00:21:04Senator Heinrich?
00:21:05Senator Peters?
00:21:07Senator Sinema?
00:21:08Senator Collins?
00:21:10Senator McConnell?
00:21:14He's going, Senator McConnell is going to be aye on all three bills sent at the appropriate
00:21:20time. I'll ask for that permission.
00:21:22Senator Murkowski?
00:21:24Senator Graham?
00:21:25Senator Moran?
00:21:28Senator Hoven?
00:21:30Senator Bozeman?
00:21:32Senator Capito?
00:21:34Senator Kennedy?
00:21:36Senator Hyde-Smith?
00:21:38Senator Hagerty?
00:21:40Senator Britt?
00:21:41Senator Rubio?
00:21:43Senator Fischer?
00:21:45And Senator Murray?
00:21:53On this vote, there are 26 ayes, 1 nay.
00:22:10The motion to report the bill favorably is agreed to.
00:22:15Next, we will vote to report the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration
00:22:19and Related Agencies Bill favorably subject to amendment. The clerk will call the roll.
00:22:24Senator Durbin?
00:22:25Senator Reed?
00:22:27Senator Tester?
00:22:29Senator Shaheen?
00:22:30Senator Merkley?
00:22:32Senator Coons?
00:22:33Senator Schatz?
00:22:35Senator Baldwin?
00:22:37Senator Murphy?
00:22:39Senator Manchin?
00:22:41Senator Van Hollen?
00:22:43Senator Heinrich?
00:22:44Senator Peters?
00:22:46Senator Sinema?
00:22:48Senator Collins?
00:22:50Senator McConnell?
00:22:52Senator Murkowski?
00:22:54Senator Graham?
00:22:56Senator Moran?
00:22:58Senator Hoeven?
00:23:01Senator Bozeman?
00:23:03Senator Capito?
00:23:05Senator Kennedy?
00:23:06Senator Heintzman?
00:23:08Senator Hagerty?
00:23:10Senator Britt?
00:23:12Senator Rubio?
00:23:14Senator Fischer?
00:23:15And Senator Murray?
00:23:17Madam Chair, would you correct the prior vote?
00:23:20I voted aye, or yes, not nay.
00:23:23It's that accent.
00:23:24We didn't get it.
00:23:24Yeah, I got it.
00:23:25I'm sorry.
00:23:26Without objection.
00:23:27You can say without objection.
00:23:28Without objection.
00:23:29On that vote, there will be 27 ayes, zero nays.
00:23:33The motion is favorably voted.
00:23:36On this vote, there are 27 ayes and zero nays.
00:23:39The motion to report the bill favorably is agreed to.
00:23:42And finally, we vote to report the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related
00:23:47Agencies Appropriations Bill favorably.
00:23:50Subject to amendment, clerk will call the roll.
00:23:52Senator Durbin?
00:23:54Senator Reeve?
00:23:55Senator Tester?
00:23:57Senator Shaheen?
00:23:58Senator Merkley?
00:24:00Senator Coons?
00:24:02Senator Schatz?
00:24:03Senator Baldwin?
00:24:05Senator Murphy?
00:24:07Senator Manchin?
00:24:08Senator Van Hollen?
00:24:10Senator Heinrich?
00:24:12Senator Peters?
00:24:15Senator Sinema?
00:24:17Senator Collins?
00:24:18Senator McConnell?
00:24:20Senator Murkowski?
00:24:22Senator Graham?
00:24:23Senator Moran?
00:24:25Senator Hoeven?
00:24:27Senator Bozeman?
00:24:28Senator Capito?
00:24:30Senator Kennedy?
00:24:32Senator Hyde-Smith?
00:24:34Senator Hagerty?
00:24:36Senator Brett?
00:24:37Senator Rubio?
00:24:39Senator Fischer?
00:24:41And Senator Murray?
00:24:46Madam Chair.
00:24:53On this vote, there are 27 ayes, zero nays.
00:24:56The motion to report the bill favorably is agreed to.
00:24:59Senator Collins, you have another motion.
00:25:02Thank you, Madam Chair.
00:25:03As a courtesy to the leaders, Senator McConnell has asked to be recorded as present
00:25:10and voting no on the 302B allocations, yes on the legislative branch appropriations bill,
00:25:17yes on the Ag, Rural Development, FDA bill, and yes on the military construction VA-related
00:25:26agencies bill.
00:25:27I ask that the committee grant this request, since it would not set a formal precedent,
00:25:34nor would it change any vote outcomes.
00:25:38So ordered.
00:25:39I thank the Chair for granting that request.
00:25:42I would further just note for the record that had Senators Rubio and Capito been able to
00:25:50attend, they would have voted in favor of passage of all three bills considered today.
00:25:56Okay, thank you very much, Senator Collins.
00:25:58We will now...
00:25:59Senator Murray?
00:26:00May I be asked unanimous consent to be recorded as a no on the 302Bs.
00:26:04I was absent when the vote was taken.
00:26:07Yes, without objection.
00:26:09So, I need to be there, record that with my eyes, and then this will be in full on this.
00:26:17On that vote, on the 302Bs, there are now 15 ayes, 12 nays, and the subcommittee allocations
00:26:24are agreed to.
00:26:25We will now turn to consideration of the legislative branch appropriations bill.
00:26:30I want to thank Senators Reid and Senators Fischer for working together, producing a
00:26:35very strong bipartisan bill.
00:26:37I want to thank the staff as well for working to get the bill ready for this first market.
00:26:42From supporting the work we do in this building to all the constituent service work we do
00:26:47for folks back home, I'm glad we were able to put together a bill that makes the investments
00:26:52necessary to help Congress serve the American people.
00:26:55The bill provides funding increases that are crucial to making sure we're able to serve
00:27:00the American people effectively, funding for government watchdogs like the GAO, funding
00:27:06for CBO, which provides essential insight as we craft legislation, of course, funding
00:27:11for our Capitol Police who work around the clock, nights, weekends, holidays, you name
00:27:16it, to make sure we are safe, as well as our staff and everyone who visits the nation's
00:27:21I will leave it to our great subcommittee leadership to say more about their bill, and
00:27:26I believe they have a manager's package as well.
00:27:28So, we begin with Senator Reid.
00:27:30Thank you, Chair Murray.
00:27:31The legislative branch bill is the smallest the committee produces each year, but it's
00:27:35also one of the most important because it helps ensure strong oversight, efficiency,
00:27:40and productivity, not just for our branch of government, but across the federal government.
00:27:45Our goal is to ensure the government works properly and is responsive to the American
00:27:50This bill provides targeted investments to make the legislative branch more effective,
00:27:54serve the public, and hold the entire government to account.
00:27:58Invest in key watchdog functions of nonpartisan agencies like the Government Accountability
00:28:03Office, which helps enhance transparency and accountability throughout the federal
00:28:07government and save taxpayers money.
00:28:10It provides needed funding and infrastructure to safeguard the Capitol complex and keep
00:28:14it accessible to the public.
00:28:16The bill also invested in modernization at the Library of Congress, and it prioritizes
00:28:21operations at the Congressional Budget Office, the Joint Economic Committee, and the Government
00:28:25Publishing Office, which are crucial to providing lawmakers with trusted information and keeping
00:28:30the American public well informed.
00:28:32Together, our mission as appropriators is to ensure these key departments and federal
00:28:37agencies better serve the American people both now and in the future.
00:28:41To achieve that goal, our bill continues to focus on investments in four main areas to
00:28:46ensure that the legislative process is fulfilled, security, oversight, campus operations, and
00:28:53constituent services.
00:28:54The bill provides funding to ensure we are supporting our most important resource as
00:28:59legislators, our workforce, who, as everyone here knows, go above and beyond to serve the
00:29:04American people.
00:29:06Without the workforces of the Senate, the United States Capitol Police, the Library
00:29:10of Congress, the Architect of the Capitol, the Government Accountability Office, and
00:29:14so many more, we would not be able to effectively perform our roles as senators.
00:29:19I believe that this legislative branch appropriations package is a solid, bipartisan bill.
00:29:25I would like to thank Ranking Member Fischer and her staff, Lucas Agnew and Molly McCarty,
00:29:30for working closely with us to draft the legislative bill and report.
00:29:35We share a common agreement on the importance of advancing this bill.
00:29:39I would also like to thank my team, Richard Braddock and Caitlin Hamilton, for their dedicated
00:29:43work, and my office staff, Jackie Meech and Ryan Gologli.
00:29:48Our respective staff spent countless hours working together to craft this bill and report
00:29:53to ensure that the legislative branch agencies have the necessary and most critical tools
00:29:58to achieve their missions.
00:29:59Neither side got everything they wanted, but we continue to find common ground on many
00:30:04important things that will allow the Senate and the legislative branch agencies to perform
00:30:08their important work on behalf of the American people.
00:30:12For instance, the bill provides funding to support our Capitol Police, whose officers
00:30:16keep us safe each and every day, and provides the tools that the Department needs to keep
00:30:20the Capitol safe and secure.
00:30:22It also provides the architect of the Capitol with resources to maintain the critical operations
00:30:27of the building and grounds within the Capitol complex.
00:30:30It ensures that the Government Accountability Office, the Congressional Research Service,
00:30:34and the Congressional Budget Office have the staff and resources needed to conduct the
00:30:38critical analysis, oversight, and research to support the work of the Senate.
00:30:43And it provides funding to support programs that allow the Senate to be a workplace of
00:30:47choice to ensure that we can hire and retain the most talented workforce possible, which,
00:30:53again, is critical to our collective success as an institution.
00:30:56I urge my colleagues, in fact, I commend my colleagues for voting in favor of this strong
00:31:02bipartisan spending bill to fund the legislative branch.
00:31:05Madam Chair, that concludes my comments.
00:31:07I would like to offer a manager's package for consideration at the appropriate time.
00:31:12Very good.
00:31:12Senator Fischer.
00:31:15Thank you, Madam Chair.
00:31:16First, I'd like to thank you and Vice Chair Collins for your work in moving the appropriations
00:31:21process forward.
00:31:23I'm also grateful to the Chairman of our Subcommittee, Senator Reid, for his leadership
00:31:28in drafting the FY 2025 Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill.
00:31:33I appreciate Senator Reid's commitment to crafting a bipartisan bill that meets the
00:31:38needs of Congress and our support agencies in a fiscally responsible manner.
00:31:45The bill continues to build on the strategic investments we have made in the legislative
00:31:49branch to improve Congress's security, oversight role, and overall legislative capacity to
00:31:56work on behalf of the American people.
00:31:59It provides additional resources for the Capitol Police to keep the Capitol complex, members
00:32:04of Congress, staff, and visitors safe.
00:32:08The bill prioritizes the physical and cybersecurity initiatives of the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms
00:32:14to ensure that the Senate remains secure in an evolving threat environment.
00:32:20The bill invests in the Government Accountability Office to support the oversight role of Congress
00:32:25and ensure the proper use of taxpayer funds.
00:32:29This legislation also provides funding to maintain current services in the agencies
00:32:34that provide assistance to Congress, like the Congressional Research Service and the
00:32:39Congressional Budget Office.
00:32:42I am pleased to see the committee make progress on the FY 2025 bills.
00:32:47The American people deserve transparency and the American people deserve accountability
00:32:53in our budget process, and this markup is a positive step towards that goal.
00:33:01In closing, I'd like to thank Chairman Reid's staff, Richard Braddock and Caitlin Hamilton,
00:33:06and my staff, Lucas Agnew and Molly McCarty, for all their efforts on the bill.
00:33:11I would also like to acknowledge the hard work of the dedicated professional staff
00:33:16from two of our legislative branch agencies, CBO and CPO and GPO, to help produce this
00:33:24bill and report.
00:33:25Thank you, Madam Chair.
00:33:26Thank you, Senator Fischer.
00:33:27I'll turn to Senator Reid for a manager's package.
00:33:30Madam Chair, I have a manager's package.
00:33:32This manager's package has been distributed to each senator and the provisions have been
00:33:36cleared on both sides.
00:33:38I ask that the committee adopt the manager's package by voice vote.
00:33:41Are there any objections?
00:33:44Without objection, the manager's package is agreed to.
00:33:47Are there any members wishing to speak or offer an amendment on this bill?
00:33:55Senator Manchin, did you?
00:33:59Senator Manchin.
00:34:02Chair Murray and Ranking Member Collins, I want to thank you all for your leadership
00:34:06again this year.
00:34:08Appropriation process through the regular order again, and I think it's commendable
00:34:12that you all work so hard on your staff, so I really appreciate working.
00:34:15My staff has appreciated working with all of you.
00:34:18As you know, I've long called for the return of regular order to pass our appropriations
00:34:22bill on time.
00:34:23Our reliance on continuing resolutions, CRs, unnecessarily cost billions of dollars, only
00:34:28adding to the deficit as we talk to all the agencies and departments.
00:34:33I was pleased that the Fiscal Responsibility Act included incentives to return to regular
00:34:37order, as well as top lines that are roughly consistent with my call to cast spending at
00:34:41one percent each year, and I appreciate that the three bills before us align with those
00:34:47top lines.
00:34:48I want to applaud the subcommittee chairs and ranking members in the three subcommittee
00:34:51bills before us, including Senator Henry Coven, Sinema, Bozeman, Reed, Fisher for working
00:34:56in a bipartisan manner to achieve this.
00:35:00However, it became clear last year the details of the debt limit deal were made intentionally
00:35:04murky, including a number of handshakes, side agreements, and that I hope will not repeat
00:35:08this year, and I'm sure they won't.
00:35:09West Virginians want us to do our jobs and be honest with them, not to play part of politics
00:35:13with the national debt.
00:35:15As of this morning, as of this morning, the national debt was a staggering $34.8 trillion.
00:35:21That's almost $3 trillion more than this committee met the last time last year to kick
00:35:27off the fiscal year 2024.
00:35:30Our national debt was $14.1 trillion in February 2011.
00:35:34In the time since, we have added more than $20 trillion to that total with bipartisan
00:35:40That's over $94,000 for every American.
00:35:43Never in the history of our nation have we so quickly amassed so much debt, and several
00:35:47presidents in both parties play a major role in getting this.
00:35:50Getting us to this position.
00:35:52The best way that we can avoid CRs is to allow the annual appropriations process to move
00:35:56forward, and for that reason, I support 302B as we have top line spending levels before
00:36:03the committee today that are consistent with the bipartisan debt ceiling goal.
00:36:07My grandfather liked to say, unmanaged debt will lead you to make cowardly decisions.
00:36:13We can't keep making cowardly decisions.
00:36:16Thank you, Madam President.
00:36:18Thank you.
00:36:19Are there any other senators who wish to be recognized on this bill?
00:36:23If not, that bill will be reported as amended.
00:36:26I want to thank Senators Fischer and Senator Reid for all their hard work.
00:36:29We will now turn to consideration of the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug
00:36:33Administration and Related Agencies Appropriations Bills, and I do want to thank Senators
00:36:38Heinrich, Senator Hoeven, and all their staff for their work on this important bill.
00:36:43This bill provides essential new resources to ensure the safety of our food supply, invest
00:36:48in agricultural research, and support rural communities and more.
00:36:52I'm especially pleased we were able to fully fund the rental assistance for families in
00:36:57rural areas, and that we fully funded WIC, something I couldn't feel more strongly about.
00:37:02It is really, truly a lifeline for our families.
00:37:05With that, let me turn it over to Senator Heinrich.
00:37:08Thank you, Chair Murray.
00:37:09I'm pleased to present the Fiscal Year 2025 Appropriations Bill for Agriculture, Rural
00:37:15Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies.
00:37:19I want to thank you, Chair Murray, and Ranking Member Collins for your work to get us here
00:37:23as we begin the appropriations process for Fiscal Year 2025 in the Senate, and I also
00:37:29want to thank Ranking Member Hoeven for our good working relationship and for his input
00:37:33in this bill.
00:37:34Our continued partnership made this a truly bipartisan bill.
00:37:38The bill before us supports American farmers and ranchers, protects our food supply,
00:37:43increases market transparency, and promotes the health and well-being of the youngest
00:37:48and most vulnerable Americans by reducing poverty and food insecurity.
00:37:52I'm especially pleased that we were able to fully fund the WIC program again this year.
00:37:57WIC is one of our most effective programs in reducing childhood hunger and improving
00:38:02the long-term success of children and their families.
00:38:05It provides nutritious foods and important services during our children's earliest
00:38:10critical periods of development.
00:38:12This bill will ensure roughly 7 million women, infants, and children who depend on WIC will
00:38:18receive this vital benefit.
00:38:20As the appropriations process unfolds, I am committed to monitoring participation and
00:38:25food costs so that we can provide enough funding to make sure that all eligible families who
00:38:30seek help from WIC can be served and receive the program's current science-based food
00:38:36Hunger knows no boundaries.
00:38:38For a whole host of reasons, from climate change to major international conflicts, we
00:38:44are experiencing unprecedented rates of global hunger.
00:38:48This is why I'm pleased that we include a $101 million increase for Food for Peace and
00:38:55a $10 million increase for McGovern-Dole to support America's moral leadership to reduce
00:39:00hunger abroad and to ensure that all individuals have adequate, safe, and nutritious food
00:39:06regardless of where they live.
00:39:08I'm also very proud that this bill includes a $68 million increase for conservation
00:39:13programs through USDA.
00:39:16The bill also includes important funding for rural America.
00:39:19The bill ensures rental assistance is fully funded so that those who rely on this program
00:39:25don't lose their housing or see untenable rent increases.
00:39:29The Food and Drug Administration receives a $22 million increase in this bill.
00:39:33We must ensure that this agency continues to protect the safety and the reliability
00:39:38of our nation's food systems and that the FDA has the resources to evaluate and approve
00:39:44drugs and medical devices based on science and efficacy.
00:39:48I also want to briefly mention the importance of us working together to pass a disaster
00:39:53supplemental as soon as possible.
00:39:55Fires and flooding have devastated communities in New Mexico, and they need resources from
00:40:00the Disaster Relief Fund, as do many other communities throughout the country.
00:40:05Just as we have worked together on this bill, I'm confident that we can work together
00:40:10on a disaster supplemental.
00:40:12That said, for today, my focus is our Agriculture, Rural Development, and Food and Drug Administration
00:40:17Appropriations bill.
00:40:19I believe we've written a very good bill that protects many of our priorities and
00:40:22continues our strong support for rural communities.
00:40:26There are many other areas in this bill that I am proud of, but for now, I want to again
00:40:30thank Ranking Member Hoeven and his staff, Morgan Ulmer, Daniel Mencher, and Alex Schultz.
00:40:35I also want to thank my staff, Diane Nellor, Rachel Ehrlbacher, Claire Wengrad, and Caitlin
00:40:42They worked in a bipartisan manner under an extremely short timeline, and I thank them
00:40:47for their good work in developing this bill.
00:40:49This is an excellent bipartisan bill.
00:40:52It reflects the type of work that we can produce when we work in regular order on this
00:40:57committee, and I would encourage all members on both sides of the aisle to vote for it.
00:41:02Thank you, Senator Heinrich.
00:41:03Senator Hoeven.
00:41:04Thanks, Chair Murray, and I'd like to also thank the Subcommittee Chairman, Martin Heinrich,
00:41:10for his approach on this bill.
00:41:12It's been very bipartisan.
00:41:13I think we've worked hard, and this is a good bill.
00:41:16I also want to thank you and Ranking Member Collins on the full committee.
00:41:21You gave us a good allocation.
00:41:23Right at the outset, Senator Kennedy talked about the issue with the 302Bs, and that's
00:41:29I get it.
00:41:31Important to note that none of the three bills that we're considering today have any
00:41:34of the emergency funding in there, and so I think, really, in terms of getting started,
00:41:39it's good that we're getting started, and we can make adjustments as we go.
00:41:44So I want to thank both of you for that and for the 302B allocation that we got.
00:41:49All in, it's about 3% more than we had last year, but when we talk about a farm and nutrition
00:41:55bill, we've got to remember that it affects every single American every single day.
00:42:02The other 302Bs are important.
00:42:04I'm a little biased.
00:42:05I think this is the most important because it affects every single American every single
00:42:09We have the highest quality, lowest cost food supply in America, and we take that for granted
00:42:14at our peril.
00:42:16And what keeps that going?
00:42:17That network of family farms and ranches across this country, 16 million people involved directly
00:42:24or indirectly in agriculture, is we've got a great farm program, but it benefits everybody,
00:42:29and so that's why this bill is so critically important, and I want to thank you for that.
00:42:34Right up top, one of the key priorities for me is research.
00:42:36We actually put $50 million more into research.
00:42:39That pays huge dividends for everybody, and so I want to thank the subcommittee
00:42:47chairman for his work on that.
00:42:48That's just critically important.
00:42:51He touched on a lot of the other important areas.
00:42:53We did fully fund WIC, which is, I know, a huge priority for him and for many others,
00:42:58and that's not easy to do.
00:43:00FDA, critically important, made sure that we provided the resources for them to do their
00:43:05important job.
00:43:06Rural development, again, affects everybody out in rural America across this great country.
00:43:13With that, I mean, people think of ag as kind of a monolithic thing, but it is so diverse
00:43:18across the 50 states, and so to get out there and do the things that we need all the way
00:43:22from the fishermen in Maine to the winemakers in California, and of course, we all think
00:43:27of the heartland and farm country out there.
00:43:30I mean, this affects everybody, and it's vitally important, so thanks for that, so thanks to
00:43:35both of you, but I also want to express not only my appreciation to Senator Heinrich,
00:43:40but also his staff, Diane Neller, Rachel Erlbacher, and Clara Weingrad, and my crew,
00:43:47certainly Dan Mentzer and Alex Schultz, and also Morgan Allmer, who's with us in spirit
00:43:51because she's on maternity leave, and she's fabulous, but we've got a great crew.
00:43:56Thanks so much.
00:43:56Appreciate it.
00:43:59Sorry, that would be the winemakers in Washington State, but that's...
00:44:04You know that, I think it's Chateau St. Michelle you make in Washington State?
00:44:10Perfect, great stuff.
00:44:12Thank you.
00:44:14Thank you to both of you, and Senator Heinrich, I understand you have a manager's package
00:44:17that you want to adopt.
00:44:20Yes, Madam Chair, there is a manager's package.
00:44:23It's been agreed to by both sides, and it's in front of you on the table.
00:44:27Do you want to move that?
00:44:31Move that forward.
00:44:31If you can make a motion to...
00:44:33Motion to approve.
00:44:34Are there any objections?
00:44:36Without objection, manager's package is agreed to.
00:44:39Are there any members who wish to speak or to offer an amendment?
00:44:47No amendments.
00:44:48This bill will then be reported as amended.
00:44:51Again, thank you to both of you and to all the committee.
00:44:54Finally, we will turn to consideration of the Military Construction Veterans Affairs
00:44:58and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill.
00:45:01I want to thank Senator Sinema and Senator Bozeman and their staff for their incredible
00:45:06work on this important bill.
00:45:08When it comes to our military strength, there is nothing more valuable than our women and
00:45:12men in uniform.
00:45:13We have to make sure we are doing right by our service members, their families, and our
00:45:17veterans, which is why I'm very pleased we have a bill that delivers essential investments
00:45:22in upgrading child care centers and housing, funding medical care and benefits for our
00:45:27veterans, and a lot more.
00:45:29So, thank you to both of you, and I will turn it over to Senator Sinema for her opening
00:45:33Well, thank you, Chair Murray and Vice Chair Collins.
00:45:35This bill represents bipartisan support for our service members and veterans and their
00:45:40It enhances our military readiness and the quality of life for service members and their
00:45:45families, and it funds quality care and benefits for our nation's veterans.
00:45:49For the Department of Defense, it provides $19.3 billion in military construction funding,
00:45:56$1.76 billion over the budget request.
00:45:59Now, these funds will go towards critical infrastructure requirements that support our
00:46:03service members at home and abroad, improve our security, including airfield and shipyard
00:46:08improvements, training ranges, and hangars.
00:46:11The bill also includes funding for troop and family housing, child development centers,
00:46:16schools, and other quality-of-life facilities, because taking care of our service members
00:46:21at home and abroad is critical to protecting our national security.
00:46:25The bill supports the military's efforts to enhance its energy resilience and to plan
00:46:29for and mitigate the consequences of climate change and extreme weather events.
00:46:34The bill also includes funding for environmental remediation, which includes addressing PFAS
00:46:38contamination at BRAC installations.
00:46:41Importantly, the bill also includes nearly $1.3 billion in military construction projects
00:46:47requested by senators who've heard from the military installations in their communities
00:46:51about critical infrastructure requirements.
00:46:54For the VA, the bill provides over $129 billion in discretionary funding, so the department
00:47:00can provide healthcare for 9.2 million veterans and disability benefits to nearly 7 million
00:47:06veterans, survivors, and their families.
00:47:09It also includes mandatory funding to support veteran benefits, including $210 billion for
00:47:15fiscal year 2025 and $222 billion for fiscal year 2026.
00:47:21This bill invests in rural health, women's health, and research.
00:47:25It allows the VA to hire additional claims processors to address the claims backlog,
00:47:30including claims that are resulting from expansions of eligibility related to toxic
00:47:35exposures and the PACT Act.
00:47:37It funds construction grants for state homes and state cemeteries above the level requested
00:47:42by the administration.
00:47:44The bill also appropriates $131 billion in discretionary funds for veterans and their
00:47:51medical care in fiscal year 2026.
00:47:54All of these critical resources will better ensure our nation's veterans receive the
00:47:58care and benefits they've earned.
00:48:00This bill provides funding for the American Battle Monuments Commission, the U.S.
00:48:04Court of Veterans' Appeals, the Armed Forces Retirement Homes, and Arlington National
00:48:09Cemetery, including construction funding to ensure the cemetery can continue to be
00:48:14operational for decades to come.
00:48:16I'd like to thank Ranking Member Bozeman for working with me in a spirit of bipartisanship
00:48:20to develop this bill.
00:48:22I'd also like to thank the non-designate staff for all the diligent work that they
00:48:26do behind the scenes to produce this bill and report.
00:48:30I'd especially like to thank the subcommittee staff of both the majority and the minority
00:48:34for the dedication and the professionalism they demonstrated in finalizing this mark.
00:48:39I know that this mark is much stronger because of their efforts, so thank you.
00:48:42And thank you, Chair Murray.
00:48:44Thank you, Senator Sinema.
00:48:45Senator Bozeman.
00:48:48Thank you, Madam Chair, and I'm happy to join Senator Sinema in presenting the fiscal
00:48:53year 2025 and fiscal year 2026 budget recommendation for the Department of Veterans Affairs and
00:49:00for the Department of Defense Military Construction.
00:49:03I want to thank Senator Sinema and her staff for being great partners with me and my staff.
00:49:09As has starkly been the case, this subcommittee is among the first to mark up a bill, and
00:49:14I'm proud to get the fiscal year 2025 appropriations process started.
00:49:20As in past years, this subcommittee crafted the bill in an open and bipartisan way, and
00:49:25I expect to continue that today as we move to the floor for consideration.
00:49:30This bill takes into consideration the needs of our veterans, their families, and service
00:49:36Within that framework, we have created a thoughtful
00:49:41path forward for both departments and our related agencies.
00:49:45This bill provides $148.8 billion in discretionary spending, which is $5 billion less than last
00:49:52year's level.
00:49:53Within that, the Department of Veterans Affairs has provided $129.2 billion in discretionary
00:49:59funding, which is $5.6 billion less than last year's level.
00:50:04Included in that level is $112.6 billion for veterans' medical care.
00:50:10I have to point out, as I have before, that the budget request this year is not without
00:50:16It assumes VA will have $12.7 billion in available multiyear carryover funding available at
00:50:24the beginning of fiscal year 2025, and that VA will spend $11.4 billion of that amount.
00:50:32While this may bridge the gap between planned obligations and requested funds, it does not
00:50:37leave the VA with much of a buffer for its volatile medical care accounts.
00:50:43This bill does fund priority accounts to prevent veteran suicide, increase rural access to
00:50:49health care, support critical mental health programs, prevent veterans' homelessness,
00:50:54and provide funding for innovative medical research.
00:50:58The bill provides $19.3 billion to support military construction and family housing needs,
00:51:04$632 million over last year's level.
00:51:08This bill will give the Department of Defense the resources it needs to project power globally,
00:51:14enhance our warfighting capabilities, and train our forces.
00:51:17This bill also provides $2 billion to improve housing and quality of life for service members
00:51:24and their families.
00:51:25I also note that the bill includes $390 million for our related agencies, which include the
00:51:30American Battle Monuments Commission, the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims,
00:51:35Arlington National Cemetery, and the Armed Forces Retirement Home.
00:51:40I want to thank you and Vice Chair Collins for your support in helping us to accomplish
00:51:47these important goals and for your leadership on this committee.
00:51:50Again, I want to thank Senator Sinema for her partnership in crafting this bill,
00:51:55as well as her staff, Michelle Dominguez, Jason McMahon, and Dylan Byrd.
00:52:01I also want to thank my staff, Patrick Magnuson and Jennifer Bestin,
00:52:05for their incredible work in shaping this bill.
00:52:08Madam Chair, I yield back.
00:52:10Thank you very much.
00:52:11Senator Sinema, you have a manager's package.
00:52:13Yes, thank you, Madam Chair.
00:52:14I have a manager's amendment package that's been cleared by both the majority and the minority.
00:52:18It contains a technical change to the report, administrative provision,
00:52:22and some additional reporting requirements, and I ask unanimous consent for its adoption.
00:52:27Are there any objections?
00:52:29Without objection, the manager's package is agreed to.
00:52:32Thank you to both of you.
00:52:33Are there any members wishing to speak or offer an amendment?
00:52:36Madam Chair.
00:52:37Senator Merkley.
00:52:39Thank you.
00:52:39I offer the Veterans Equal Access Amendment, the only healthcare system in America where
00:52:45a doctor cannot discuss medical marijuana with patients, so in states where it's legal,
00:52:52is the veteran system.
00:52:53We're discriminating against our veterans.
00:52:55This is really unacceptable.
00:52:57This committee has approved this amendment in every single markup since 2015 for the last decade
00:53:06because we want to have our veterans have the same fair access, the full range of medical advice
00:53:11that every other individual in America already has.
00:53:15So I'm happy to accept a voice vote, but I encourage broad and enthusiastic support
00:53:21for defending our veterans' medical care.
00:53:24Are there any members who wish to speak to this amendment?
00:53:28If not, the senators requested a voice vote.
00:53:30All those in favor, say aye.
00:53:33Opposed, no.
00:53:35The ayes have it.
00:53:37The amendment is adopted.
00:53:38Are there any further amendments or members who wish to speak?
00:53:40Senator Brett.
00:53:42Thank you, Chair Murray and Vice Chair Collins.
00:53:44I just want to tell you how much I appreciate all of the work that you two have done to
00:53:47get us back to regular order.
00:53:49You two continue to achieve what others believe is not possible, and the American people are
00:53:54the beneficiaries of your hard work.
00:53:56So thank you.
00:53:58To Chair Sinema and Ranking Member Bozeman, who are two of the very best in this body,
00:54:03I want to thank you and your staffs on the subcommittee for prioritizing the funding
00:54:08for several projects, military construction projects in my home state.
00:54:13I believe it's important not only for Alabama, but for our nation.
00:54:16And just want to tell you how much I appreciate the hard work that you all put in and your
00:54:20willingness to consider those.
00:54:21So thank you.
00:54:23I want to speak briefly today about a critical military construction shortfall at the Defense
00:54:28Intelligence Agency Missile and Space Intelligence Center, which is more commonly known as MISIC.
00:54:34MISIC is a DoD center of excellence focused on the analysis and assessment of foreign
00:54:38air and missile defense system, ballistic missiles, anti-tank guidance missiles, anti-satellite
00:54:44missile systems, and direct energy weapons.
00:54:48While MISIC is located in Huntsville, Alabama, it is of nationwide importance and is truly
00:54:52a crown jewel for our intelligence community.
00:54:55From a historic perspective, the Cold War strategy of mutually assured destruction relied
00:55:02heavily on MISIC's analysis to defeat Soviet air defense and anti-ballistic systems.
00:55:08Fast forward to present day, these highly trained scientists and engineers provide real
00:55:13time weapon expertise to air crews and intelligence support personnel for operational planning,
00:55:19many of whom are directly involved in exploiting Russian weapon systems recovered in Ukraine
00:55:25and other locations around the world.
00:55:28Of concern today is the funding shortfall for MISIC's phase two construction of its
00:55:32advanced analysis complex.
00:55:35Without phase two construction, MISIC will struggle to meet current scientific and technological
00:55:40intelligent needs for DoD and IC and the U.S. acquisition community.
00:55:47MISIC's advanced analysis complex provides unique and critical infrastructure for existing
00:55:53operations as well as additional power, computing, and laboratory space for modeling, simulation
00:56:00foreign wars in a dynamic, realistic, and very secure environment.
00:56:04Due to rising cost and unique facility requirements, the independent government estimate did not
00:56:10keep pace with the current cost of electrical and mechanical equipment or identify the increased
00:56:16demands for skilled labor or specialized installation.
00:56:20More simply put, the cost of the required electrical package is now 200% more, and the
00:56:27mechanical equipment is 120% higher than previously estimated.
00:56:34The funding shortfall is approximately $94 million.
00:56:38I want to put that amount in context.
00:56:41Take a look around the world and what's happening.
00:56:44Our pacing threat, China, refuses to relent.
00:56:48The war in Ukraine continues, and our greatest ally, Israel, is shelled by Iranian-backed
00:56:56The women and men of MISIC are at the tip of the spear to ensure that U.S. is the most
00:57:01lethal fighting force in the world and that we have what we need to defeat enemy weapons.
00:57:07We must ensure that we maintain our critical edge and that we understand the ins and outs
00:57:11of our foes' weapons systems before they use them against U.S. servicemen and women
00:57:15or our fellow Americans.
00:57:17So, Madam Chair and Vice Chair, I hope I can get your commitment that we can continue to
00:57:22work together through the conference process to just explore potential funding options
00:57:26for this critical national asset.
00:57:29Thank you very much, Senator Brett.
00:57:31We will continue to talk and work with you on that.
00:57:34Are there any other members who wish to be recognized?
00:57:35Senator Sinema.
00:57:36Thank you, Chair Murray.
00:57:37Just wanted to say to Senator Brett how much I appreciate her desire to ensure military
00:57:41installations in our state have the funding they need, and you have my commitment to work
00:57:45with you to explore options to address the needs for this project as we're moving forward.
00:57:50Thank you.
00:57:50Are there any other senators who wish to be recognized?
00:57:54Seeing none, this bill will be reported as amended, and with that, I will turn it over
00:57:59to Vice Chair Collins for a closing statement.
00:58:02Thank you.
00:58:04Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
00:58:06Today was a very strong beginning for the fiscal year 2025 Appropriations Committee
00:58:16We cleared three important bills, legislative branch, agriculture and FDA, and military
00:58:23construction and veterans affairs.
00:58:25And let me reiterate my thanks to Chairs Reed, Heimrich, and Sinema, and ranking members
00:58:32Fischer, Hoven, and Bozeman for their terrific work.
00:58:36I want to note that Senator Sinema is the newest member of our committee, and the fact
00:58:43that she had a bill ready for the very first markup is a testament to her ability as well
00:58:51as that of the ranking member.
00:58:54I realize-
00:58:55And her predecessor who agrees to skid, Senator Murray.
00:59:01I pass it over to two very good people.
00:59:03I'm pleased.
00:59:05A great, tactful response there.
00:59:09I realize that we do face challenges in the days ahead, but I think all of us are motivated
00:59:18by a joint desire to do our work, avoid an omnibus, and prevent the FRA's CR penalty
00:59:25for triggering extremely detrimental cuts.
00:59:30Today bodes well for the future work of our committee, difficult though that will be.
00:59:36So I want to thank all the members of this committee, and to Chair Murray particularly
00:59:41for her leadership, and also for all the staff.
00:59:47They put in countless hours working weekends, nights, holidays, you name it.
00:59:53And on my staff, I particularly want to thank Betsy McDonald and Matt Jarreau for their
01:00:02Thank you.
01:00:03Thank you, Vice Chair Collins, and I too want to take a moment to thank everyone for their
01:00:07participation in this markup today.
01:00:10I really appreciate everyone's cooperation and all their hard work to make this happen.
01:00:15The Senators, the Chairs and Vice Chairs of the committees, and all of our staff really
01:00:20deserve a huge thank you.
01:00:21So I appreciate it.
01:00:22It has been a very long road here.
01:00:25We still have a journey ahead, but I know we're all determined to get this done because
01:00:29the stakes here really are real and they are meaningful.
01:00:32You know, families back home are counting on us to pass strong bipartisan bills that
01:00:38will make a positive difference in their lives.
01:00:41At a time like this, we cannot afford to cut families off from programs they rely on
01:00:45or box our nation in as our adversaries charge ahead or let our global leadership and competitiveness
01:00:52fall victim to partisanship.
01:00:55Democrats and Republicans, we can come together.
01:00:58It is important that we show we can work together.
01:01:01It really matters, especially for this committee.
01:01:04So we are going to continue to charge full steam ahead and work to mark up a full, sweet,
01:01:10strong bipartisan bills and pass them into law.
01:01:14On that note, I want everyone to know I intend to hold our next markup in two weeks
01:01:18when we return from recess.
01:01:20With that, this committee is adjourned.
