(ENG) Treasures Around (2024) Ep 1 EngSub

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(ENG) Treasures Around (2024) Ep 1 EngSub
00:30I don't know if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best
01:00to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to
01:30do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do my best to do
02:01Sha ya
02:03You can try this one
02:05Big sister
02:06Your door is full of paper
02:07This one
02:08This one is paper, not silk
02:11Use this red jade
02:22How exciting
02:23This requirement
02:26Sha ya
02:28Are you really not going to see that new maid?
02:30I won't see her.
02:31I'll let the one who hired her see her.
02:34No buts.
02:35If you say another word, I'll beat you up.
02:38Young Master, she'll be here soon.
02:49A maid is just a maid.
02:51I'll do it. I'll start over.
02:53Grandma Shen, you can do it.
02:58Hello, Young Master. I'm the new maid, Shan Dan Dan.
03:10Is there anything I can help you with?
03:17Young Master?
03:19Young Master?
03:23Did something happen?
03:28Young Master?
03:30Young Master?
03:32Young Master?
03:37What is this?
03:54It's a monster!
04:58It's you?
04:59Stop right there.
05:01You're a hooligan, a thief, and a liar.
05:04I'll teach you a lesson today.
05:18Young Master Pei.
05:18You're here again, Young Master Pei.
05:22Young Master Pei is here.
05:23Come in, come in.
05:28Young Master Pei!
05:39Here he comes.
05:40Young Master Pei.
05:40It's a large number.
05:44Young Master Pei.
05:54There's something I need to talk to you about.
05:56Young Master Pei, you're here!
05:57这两桌酒钱都算我账上了 Look, Mr. Pei treats you to a drink every day.
06:03还不快谢谢佩公子啊 Thank Mr. Pei.
06:05多谢佩公子啊 Thank you, Mr. Pei.
06:07那您慢逛 Take your time.
06:09这佩公子天天请客喝酒 自己还不满 Mr. Pei treats you to a drink every day. How can you not be satisfied?
06:13河天三档 宫三气 四 He Tian San Dang, Gong San Qi, Four
06:21黄龙三档 静二气 两 Huang Long San Dang, Jing Er Qi, Two
06:25南玉三档 种头二气 四 Nan Yu San Dang, Zhong Tou Er Qi, Four
06:36我们这个玉啊 可是几位和上一任家庭天纵奇才的佩老爷亲手所雕的 Our jade was carved by Mr. Pei, who was the son of Ji Pei's last wife.
06:42您看看 雕的这细节 Look at the details of the carving.
06:47哼 哪来的女骗子 Where did you come from, liar?
06:48你说的都是真的吗 Are you telling the truth?
06:50当然了 您看看这颜色 看看这水头 Of course. Look at the color, the water,
06:53再看看这雕工的技艺 and the skill of carving.
06:55别看现在苏玉萱压着乞佩阁一头 Now that Su Yuxuan is leading Ji Pei's family,
06:57那想当年的乞佩阁那可是独一无二的呀 Ji Pei's family was unique.
07:02而且只有这佩老爷才能拿到如此好的物料 And only Mr. Pei could get such good materials.
07:06您再仔细看一看 Please take a closer look.
07:09黄公子 你看这玉的成色 人家也好想要 Mr. Wang, look at the color of this jade. I really want it, too.
07:14花殿姑娘喜欢 You like it?
07:16喜欢 Yes.
07:17那王某买来赠与姑娘 Then I'll buy it for you.
07:19谢谢王公子 Thank you, Mr. Wang.
07:22这位 This is...
07:23谁 Who?
07:24不重要 No one.
07:25您可否把这块玉佩让给王某 Can you give this jade to me?
07:28您放心 王某一定不会让姑娘吃亏的 Don't worry. I won't let you suffer.
07:33谢谢王公子 人家真的好喜欢啊 Thank you, Mr. Wang. I really like it.
07:39不瞒公子 这玉佩是我过世的未婚夫留给我唯一的 To tell you the truth, this jade is the only jade my late fiancé left me.
07:49妮娜 Nina
07:52谢谢王公子 Thank you, Mr. Wang.
07:53喜欢吗 Do you like it?
07:54喜欢 Yes.
07:55真好 It's so nice.
08:01看这玉佩多好看啊 This jade is so beautiful.
08:02听说这儿有好玉可卖 I heard there's a good jade available here.
08:05你哪位啊 你走错了吧 Which one are you? Are you going the wrong way?
08:09刚听这位姑娘说 I just heard this lady say
08:10她好像对启培阁颇为了解 that she seems to know a lot about Qipei Pavilion.
08:13不过我怎么觉得这玉佩 她不就一... But why do I feel that this jade is just...
08:23你干嘛 你干什么 What are you doing? What are you doing?
08:25我告诉你 这玉佩我买了 I'm telling you, I bought this jade.
08:27花店喜欢 我高兴 The flower shop likes it. I'm happy.
08:29走 花店 别让我再看见你 Let's go to the flower shop. Don't let me see you again.
08:32公子慢走 Goodbye, Mr. Wang.
08:33神经病 You're crazy.
08:37这位公子是不是走错房间了呀 Did you go to the wrong room?
08:40没有啊 No.
08:44我就是来找你的 I came to see you.
08:48我让丫鬟收拾一下房间啊 I'll ask the maid to clean up the room.
08:51不用了 我不介意 No need. I don't mind.
09:02这隔壁的春玉姑娘 那舞跳得也比我好 The girl next door, Chunyu, dances better than me.
09:06这曲儿还唱得多 要不我找她来伺候你 She sings this song a lot. How about I ask her to serve you?
09:10什么春不春的 我根本不感兴趣 What are you talking about? I'm not interested at all.
09:13我关心的是玉 I'm concerned about the jade.
09:15竟然有送上门的买卖 这钱不赚白不赚啊 There's a door-to-door deal. It's not a waste of money.
09:22这位公子 您找我就对了 Mr. Wang, you're looking for me.
09:26来 我一看您啊 就是爱玉懂玉之人 Come on. The moment I look at you, I know you love jade.
09:30您看这玉 您看这颜色 这水头 大有赖头 Look at the jade. Look at the color and the water. It's great.
09:35这是其配各天 It's a perfect match.
09:36站住 Stop.
09:38这玉佩呢 我可以买 I can buy this jade.
09:43而且你有多少 我就买多少 And I'll buy as much as you have.
09:46好嘞 Okay.
09:47不过呢 这里毕竟是一个驿馆 But this is an inn after all.
09:52你要是把我伺候舒服了 这后面的事情咱们都好商量 If you make me feel comfortable, we can discuss the rest.
09:59你要干嘛 What are you doing?
10:01你跳个舞吧 Let's dance.
10:02跳舞 Dance?
10:03跳舞 Dance?
10:05我新来的不太会跳舞 I'm new here. I'm not good at dancing.
10:09刚来的没培训好就出来了 You just came here and didn't train well.
10:11把杨妈妈叫过来 Call Yang's mom over.
10:12别别别别 您别什么时候都找杨妈妈 No, no, no. Don't call Yang's mom all the time.
10:15不好 It's not good.
10:17跳 Dance.
10:18小骗子 看你能撞到几时 Little liar. Let's see how long you can last.
10:20笨兔子 你到底想干嘛 Idiot. What do you want to do?
10:22我真跳啊 I'm going to dance.
10:24跳啊 Dance.
10:38别别别 停停停 停停停 Stop, stop, stop, stop.
10:42那个 你还是别跳了吧 That... You'd better not dance.
10:45那 唱曲儿吧 Let's sing a song.
10:48唱曲儿 Sing a song?
10:51舞不会跳 曲儿也不会唱 I can't dance and I can't sing.
10:54看来我真得把杨妈妈叫过来了 It seems that I really have to call Yang's mom over.
10:57我会那么一首 I can sing a song.
10:59哪首 Which song?
11:00万恶淫人首 The Evil Human Song.
11:04杨妈妈 这边有个人她 Yang's mom, there's someone over here.
11:12杨妈妈 Yang's mom.
11:15都跟你说了 小声点 I told you to be quiet.
11:19不许叫啊 Don't call her.
11:22算了 算了 Forget it.
11:31那你 那脱衣服吧 Why don't you take off your clothes?
11:40你看 一大批的顾客 Look, there are a lot of customers.
11:43不好 Oh, no.
11:47什么情况 What's going on?
11:57快点 快点 快点 Hurry up. Hurry up.
11:58裴夫人又来找你了 Mrs. Pei is coming for you again.
11:59有什么好事啊 What's going on?
12:04怎么 要我帮你脱吗 What? Do you want me to take it off for you?
12:09我告诉你 这可是艺馆 不是青楼 I'm telling you, this is an art gallery, not a brothel.
12:11我们卖艺不卖身的 We sell art, not our body.
12:15你又不会唱又不会跳的 You can't sing or dance.
12:17算哪门子的艺女啊 What kind of artist are you?
12:21本姑娘 不揍你了 I won't beat you up.
12:30啊 Ah.
12:35假装是艺女 其实是在揽磕贱鱼 然后再把这些次品卖给那帮人 Pretend to be an artist, but in fact, it's a lazy customer.
12:39然后再把这些次品卖给那帮人 Then sell these second-class goods to those people.
12:42卢叔 你不懂别瞎说 这可是一等一的好货 Uncle Lu, you don't understand. Don't talk nonsense. This is a top-notch product.
12:45好货 Top-notch product?
12:50这个根本就是用下等料做的 This is made of inferior materials.
12:55这个男红玉镯就是雕废了的次品 This Nanhong jade bracelet is a second-class product.
13:00还有这个簪子 这根本就是假玉 And this hairpin. This is a fake jade.
13:05一股繁精味 还说这是好货 It smells like gold. How can you say it's a good product?
13:09你看不上就看不上 人家说那么多干嘛呀 If you don't like it, then don't like it. Why are you talking so much?
13:13看这个手艺 应该有苏玉轩没有卖出去的次品吧 敢把这些东西卖给本少爷 你骗错人了 Looking at this craft, there should be a second-class product that Su Yuxuan didn't sell out. How dare you sell these things to me? You lied to me.
13:23我 I
13:24说 是不是苏玉轩派你来的 Say it. Did Su Yuxuan send you here?
13:29让一下 你这是 What are you doing?
13:39不是跟苏玉轩没有关系 我就是卖点这个赚点小钱 好了我知道我错了 对不起 对不起 There's nothing to do with Su Yuxuan. I'm just selling this to make a little money. Okay, I know I'm wrong. I'm sorry.
13:47对不起 大人有大量 不跟小女子一般见识 I'm sorry, I don't know much about women.
14:10老夫人 在楼上呢 Madam, are you upstairs?
14:17少爷 少爷你好 你好 你好 你好 少爷 不是 你大喊大叫什么呢就怕全世界都不知道我在这儿是吧 你就怕全世界都不知道我在这是吧 你就怕全世界都不知道我在这儿是吧 我在门口 我在门口看到老夫人了 我在门口 看到老夫人了 什么 是什么 为什么不早说呀 赶紧走 少爷 少爷去哪儿啊 少爷来不及了 让开好不好 这来都来了 过去 快过去 坐下 坐下 I'm late. Can you get out of here? You're here. You can't.
14:47Master, didn't you want to hear me sing a song just now?
14:50Then I'll sing it for you.
14:51Let go of me.
14:53Pull her away from me.
14:54You, you, you, let go of me.
14:58Let go of me.
14:59I'm not...
15:02Let go of me.
15:03How can you let me go?
15:10Where is it?
15:11It's too late, Young Master.
15:13Give her ten taels of silver.
15:15Fifty taels.
15:16Fifty taels? Why don't you go and get it?
15:19My little darling.
15:21Someone is coming to get you.
15:23Give it to her.
15:23What should I do?
15:25Give it to her, give it to her, give it to her.
15:26Don't fight, don't fight, don't fight.
15:27Shut up.
15:28Give it to her, give it to her, give it to her.
15:29Thank you, Young Master.
15:30Don't let me see you again.
15:31Young Master, take care.
15:32Why didn't you tell me earlier?
15:33Let's go, let's go.
15:34You didn't wait for me, Young Master.
15:35When I found Old Madam,
15:35I immediately ran over here.
15:36Young Master, you are so reliable.
15:37Very reliable.
15:40Who wants to see you?
15:47Old Madam, Young Master has never been angry like this before.
15:52I didn't expect that someone would take care of him for me.
15:57This girl is a little interesting.
16:00When you were young,
16:02you were born a cow, not afraid of a tiger.
16:07What's wrong with this jade?
16:10Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no.
16:12Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no.
16:15Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no.
16:16Young Master, are you all right?
16:17What's wrong with you?
16:18I'm fine.
16:19Don't you have eyes?
16:20Who said I don't have eyes?
16:22I'm telling you,
16:23this is a tribute jewelry from Qipei Pavilion.
16:25If you break it, you'll be in trouble.
16:28Do you know
16:29you bumped into the master of Qipei Pavilion?
16:34You are Pei Shufeng?
16:36Since you are Pei Shufeng,
16:38and you broke the jewelry of your own family,
16:39you should be more anxious than me.
16:41Now you look so arrogant
16:44to let a little girl
16:45to be your follower.
16:46What's the point?
16:48You don't want to do it, do you?
16:49It doesn't matter.
16:50Without me,
16:51it's the loss of your Pei family.
17:08Sir, please come in.
17:14I saw it last time.
17:15It's so beautiful.
17:16Thank you.
17:17It's so beautiful.
17:18Thank you.
17:23here's your check.
17:24Miss Dan Dan,
17:25you sold it so quickly.
17:27I sold the jade pendant last time.
17:29It seems
17:30you made a lot of money this time.
17:31It's none of your business how much I made.
17:33I only pay by the price.
17:35Count it.
17:37I'll count it for you.
17:45let me ask you.
17:46What kind of jade is the best seller recently?
17:48Red jade,
17:49He Tian Jade,
17:50they're all very popular.
17:51For example, this red jade
17:52has a very good texture.
17:53Dan Dan, this...
17:54Xia Lan.
17:57Why are you here?
18:00You went to the flower shop again?
18:02It's dangerous for a girl like you to stay at home.
18:04It's OK, sister.
18:06The shopkeeper just gave me a monthly salary.
18:08Take it
18:09to buy something delicious.
18:11Su Yuxuan is so generous.
18:13But I'm all grown up.
18:14I can't ask you for money.
18:16leave some food for me.
18:17You're my only sister.
18:19If I don't give you my monthly salary,
18:20who will?
18:23Wait for me for a while.
18:24My monthly salary will increase again.
18:27Su Yuxuan is so kind.
18:28I want to come, too.
18:31I don't want you to suffer.
18:33Miss Dan Dan,
18:34I've counted it.
18:36Wait for me, sister.
18:38It's not enough.
18:39Sixty taels.
18:49Stand still.
18:52Listen to me.
18:53Go back quickly.
18:54Don't run around anymore.
18:57I'm leaving.
19:04Dan Dan,
19:05Su Yuxuan is so kind.
19:07It's enough for me to be alone.
19:09I can't let you be in danger again.
19:13Let's go.
19:23Mr. Xiao,
19:24can I ask you a favor?
19:26I want to be a swordswoman like Su Yuxuan.
19:28I can do anything.
19:36Even if you can't help me
19:37get a job,
19:38just give me a chance
19:39to be a swordswoman.
19:47It's Dongzhi's auction.
19:48I'll ask Mr. Xiao to go back.
19:49I can take you.
19:50At that time,
19:51it depends on your performance.
19:53Mr. Xiao,
19:54you're so kind.
19:55I wish you good luck and longevity.
19:58I'm leaving.
19:59Let's go.
20:10Young Master,
20:11have you ever thought
20:13I can't peel the pomegranate?
20:23Young Master,
20:24what's wrong with you?
20:28Don't mention it.
20:30It's embarrassing.
20:34I can't follow you when you go out.
20:36How do you take care of Young Master?
20:37What can I do?
20:38Do you want me to hit a woman?
20:42Don't mention it again.
20:46You're so stupid.
20:47You can't do anything well.
20:56Young Master,
20:57did you go to Huaman House again?
21:00Now you're asking
21:01about my private affairs, aren't you?
21:03Young Master,
21:04you're kidding with Cui Liu again.
21:06How dare I ask about
21:07Young Master's private affairs?
21:09The reason why
21:10you're standing here
21:11is to let Young Master
21:12live a happy life, isn't it?
21:19if Young Master goes out to have fun,
21:21I can still serve him when I come back.
21:25Who let you sit here?
21:28I think
21:29you want him to marry you.
21:33why are you here?
21:34A maid
21:35talks and does things
21:36so indifferently.
21:37It seems that
21:38I have to find a new maid.
21:41I was wrong.
21:42I just want Young Master
21:43to be happy.
21:44Don't kick me out.
21:50are you still not going to
21:52take part in the competition this year?
21:56I don't know
21:57and I'm not interested
21:58in jade.
21:59It's been
22:00so many years.
22:02if you don't have
22:03anything to say,
22:04I'll leave.
22:06If you don't have anything to say,
22:08I'll go out to have fun.
22:10A'Liang, let's go.
22:14I haven't finished yet.
22:15Young Master.
22:23Ying Ying Yan Yan.
22:57Young Master Pei,
22:58you have been
22:59so indifferent to
23:00jade and family business
23:01for so many years.
23:02Why are you
23:04in a place
23:05that has nothing to do with you?
23:07find something new to play with.
23:10grab what you want
23:12and kill Shen's spirit.
23:15You are just a lowly beggar.
23:16You don't have much strength.
23:17How can you be so arrogant?
23:19Let's wait and see.
23:28Young Master.
23:34Young Master.
23:35Miss Dan Dan,
23:36this way, please.
23:37I've found
23:38a very nice place for you.
23:39There are
23:40a lot of fish here.
23:42Didn't Young Master Su come?
23:43Young Master Su,
23:44what about up there?
23:55Why is it this guy again?
23:59Miss Dan Dan,
24:00you can replace
24:01Su Yushen.
24:03But if you
24:04look at the high price,
24:05you have to pay the money.
24:06No problem.
24:07I'm ready.
24:11Young Master,
24:12look at the guy next to him.
24:13Is he Su Yushen's man?
24:16He is indeed Su Yushen's man.
24:19What should we do now?
24:22Let's follow him
24:23and teach him a lesson.
24:25We must win.
24:27Leave it to me.
24:28Come on.
24:35Ladies and gentlemen,
24:37thank you for coming
24:38to the show today.
24:39The auction
24:40begins now.
24:44The first item
24:45is a pair of
24:46jade silk jade bracelets.
24:48The price is
24:49100 taels.
24:50100 taels?
24:51100 taels?
24:53don't think it's expensive.
24:54Look at the shine
24:55and the color.
24:56It's more than a hundred years old.
24:59Let's see which gentleman
25:00has a good eye.
25:01110 taels.
25:02120 taels.
25:03150 taels.
25:05This gentleman has 150 taels.
25:06It's a rare opportunity.
25:07Let's take a look.
25:08The first item.
25:09Is there a higher price?
25:11150 taels once.
25:13150 taels twice.
25:15150 taels.
25:25The second item
25:26is a pair of
25:27jade silk jade bracelets.
25:28Jade silk jade bracelets?
25:31jade silk jade bracelets
25:32are rare.
25:33This is rare.
25:34I think
25:35it's worth a try.
25:36Jade silk jade bracelets
25:37are rare.
25:38The material
25:39and the carving
25:40are all
25:43It's good.
25:44The starting price
25:45is 120 taels.
25:48what are you waiting for?
25:49130 taels.
25:50130 taels.
25:51140 taels.
25:52This gentleman has 140 taels.
25:53150 taels.
25:54This lady has 150 taels.
25:55150 taels.
25:59170 taels.
26:00180 taels.
26:01180 taels.
26:02Is there a higher price?
26:04180 taels once.
26:06180 taels twice.
26:08180 taels three times.
26:21The third item
26:23is jade silk jade bracelets.
26:27The starting price is 200 taels.
26:31230 taels.
26:33This gentleman has
26:34240 taels.
26:35240 taels.
26:36250 taels.
26:37Is there a higher price?
26:40250 taels.
26:41250 taels.
26:42250 taels.
26:43250 taels.
26:44250 taels.
26:45250 taels.
26:46250 taels.
26:47250 taels.
26:48250 taels.
26:49250 taels.
26:52290 taels.
26:54300 taels.
26:55This lady has 300 taels.
26:57320 taels.
27:00350 taels.
27:01400 taels.
27:02400 taels.
27:03Is there a higher price?
27:04Wait, wait, wait.
27:05Call me uncle.
27:06Don't be angry.
27:07400 taels.
27:08Is there a higher price?
27:12400 taels once.
27:14400 taels twice.
27:15400 taels.
27:22No need to rush.
27:23Next, I'll introduce
27:24the fourth jade.
27:27It's really nice.
27:28It's a golden copper heart jade lock.
27:31The starting price is 80 taels.
27:34100 taels.
27:35This gentleman has 100 taels.
27:37110 taels.
27:38110 taels.
27:39Is there a higher price?
27:41130 taels.
27:42140 taels.
27:43140 taels.
27:44This gentleman has 140 taels.
27:46140 taels.
27:47Is there a higher price?
27:48150 taels.
27:50150 taels.
27:52This gentleman has 150 taels.
27:54160 taels.
27:55160 taels.
27:56Young master, young master.
27:57Look at the value above.
27:59It's too high.
28:00Young master, did you see it?
28:01I saw it.
28:03170 taels.
28:04170 taels.
28:05This gentleman has 170 taels.
28:08Is there a higher price?
28:12170 taels.
28:13How is it?
28:14170 taels once.
28:15170 taels once.
28:17170 taels.
28:18Since the day we married,
28:19the business has been so good.
28:21Young master,
28:22is there a higher price?
28:24Now it drops to 180 taels.
28:29180 taels.
28:31So expensive.
28:32But something was not right.
28:33Everyone else has 10 taels worth of jade lock.
28:35This gentleman has 120 taels.
28:37He didn't even look at people.
28:38That's normal.
28:39Now it's 190 taels.
28:41Golden copper heart jade lock
28:4380% is too high.
28:44I'm sorry.
28:45Is there anyone with a higher price?
28:48190 taels for one time.
28:50He's so generous.
28:52190 taels for the second time.
28:55I don't think I'm wrong.
28:56Let's do it.
28:57Now it's 190 taels.
28:59200 taels.
29:00250 taels.
29:01300 taels.
29:02350 taels.
29:05380 taels.
29:06400 taels.
29:07420 taels.
29:08450 taels.
29:09480 taels.
29:11500 taels.
29:11520 taels.
29:13530 taels.
29:14How about it?
29:15550 taels.
29:17600 taels.
29:18I don't want it.
29:20Wang Sangyong has succeeded.
29:25Congratulations, sir.
29:27Thank you.
29:30Look at this.
29:33Young master.
29:37It took him 60 seconds to sell it.
29:39That's a lot of money.
29:40Next, we're going to auction
29:42the jade stone pendant.
29:44Take a closer look.
29:44600 taels.
29:45Please take a look.
29:46Look at this.
29:47The color and material
29:49are all the best.
29:52Why is it different from the previous auction?
29:53What's going on?
29:54Young master.
29:55It's not worth 600 taels.
29:56It's worth 200 taels.
29:58550 taels.
30:00This young master
30:01sold it for 350 taels.
30:02You're the liar.
30:03You're a rich man.
30:05You don't want to admit it, do you?
30:07Yes, I'm a rich man.
30:11I'll pay for it.
30:12I'll pay for it.
30:15I'll pay for it.
30:17I'll pay for it.
30:19I'll pay for it.
30:20I'll pay for it.
30:22I'll pay for it.
30:23I'll pay for it.
30:24Take it.
30:25I'll send the goods to your house later.
30:27You have a good taste.
30:30You must have misjudged me.
30:35What did you do
30:36with that jade stone?
30:38What could I do?
30:39What could I do?
30:40I just moved my brain.
30:46If you don't make it clear today,
30:47you can't go anywhere.
30:54Young master.
30:55Young master.
30:57Young master.
30:59Young master.
31:00Young master.
31:02Get out of the way.
31:03Get out of the way.
31:05Young master.
31:09Get out of the way.
31:11Young master.
31:12Young master.
31:13There is food in it.
31:14I know.
31:15Get a towel.
31:17Get a towel.
31:18Young master, wait for me.
31:31Young master Su.
31:39Young master Su.
31:40I just asked you
31:41to eat something else at home.
31:43Here is the thing.
31:44I want to be a jade master in Su Yuxuan.
31:46I never ask about these things.
31:48You should ask the shopkeeper.
31:50I did.
31:51But he told me
31:52he couldn't make a decision.
31:54Young master Su.
31:55This is my sales record for so many years
31:57and the preferences of each customer.
31:58There is also an analysis
31:59of the competition situation
32:00in the jade industry all over the city.
32:01I also know a lot
32:02of maids who care about others.
32:03So I know
32:04the preferences of the nobility.
32:06I have been preparing for many years.
32:08Please give me a chance.
32:10Girl, let me ask you.
32:11Have you ever worked
32:12in a large jade shop
32:13in the city?
32:18Do you have any unique memories
32:20of your ancestors?
32:23Or do you have
32:24any special way of life?
32:26I mean special.
32:33Young master.
32:34Speaking of the jade master,
32:35the elder of our shop,
32:36Master Wang's son,
32:37he also wants to be a jade master.
32:38What do you think?
32:40Let's talk about it tomorrow.
32:43Young master Su,
32:44please give me another chance.
32:45Don't waste your energy.
32:46A third party like you
32:47is not qualified
32:48to enter our Su Yuxuan.
32:49Let alone being a jade master.
32:51You'd better give up now.
33:07You'd better give up now.
33:19A third party like you
33:20is not qualified
33:21to enter our Su Yuxuan.
33:22Let alone being a jade master.
33:33You are a rogue
33:34and a thief.
33:35You are a liar.
33:36Let's see how I deal with you today.
33:41What are you looking at?
33:42Why don't you say anything?
33:43Didn't you talk a lot before?
33:44Go on.
33:46Are you mute?
33:51I find you
33:52so strange.
34:04What are you doing?
34:08Why is God so unfair?
34:10I'm trying so hard
34:11and so hard.
34:12But why can't everyone see it?
34:13I just want to be a jade master.
34:16But why can't I?
34:20Tell me.
34:22Why are you touching me?
34:24I didn't do anything.
34:25Don't make fun of me.
34:27It's hard not to fight with you.
34:28I won't settle with you today.
34:30I'll deal with you another day.
34:36Nanny Li.
34:39Find this girl's home
34:41and write a recruitment notice
34:42at the door.
34:44Write on the notice
34:46that Xi Pei Pavilion
34:47recruits a jade master.
34:54Recruit a maid.
34:57Yes, Madam.
34:58Yes, Madam.
35:17This request
35:19is so exciting.
35:28Good morning.
35:39Good morning.
35:43Go ahead.
35:47Miss, who are you?
35:53I'm a maid.
35:58Where should I go?
36:05Go ahead.
36:28Xi Pei Pavilion
36:33Xi Pei Pavilion
36:35is the only jade master
36:37in Yun Cui City.
36:39I can't
36:41resist this aura.
36:56It takes a lot of jade
36:57to pave a road.
37:02Is there a thief in our Pei's Mansion?
37:12Are you the young lady of Xi Pei Pavilion?
37:15Do I look like her?
37:17Am I so elegant?
37:20No, no.
37:21We're just the maids of Pei's Mansion.
37:25We're all maids.
37:26We'll be companions in the future.
37:27Nice to meet you.
37:29Who wants to be your companion?
37:31I'm a maid now.
37:33Maybe in the future.
37:35Stinky bun.
37:36Xi Pei Pavilion
37:43You're wearing a red shirt with a green board.
37:46You're wearing a yellow dress with a pink lip.
37:49You're wearing clothes
37:51and your shoulders are so narrow.
37:54Don't you think it's a little too much?
37:56What did you say?
37:59You're stuck.
38:01You're a bitch.
38:03What are you arguing about?
38:06You're Shan Dan Dan, right?
38:08The old lady is waiting for you.
38:10Come with me.
38:26Old lady.
38:28Hello, old lady.
38:31I've read the application.
38:33Although I don't quite understand
38:34and don't want to admit it,
38:38this is simply
38:39my self-introduction.
38:44But what?
38:46To tell you the truth,
38:47I think
38:48women don't have to
38:49do the work of serving people.
38:51In fact, I've always
38:53wanted to be an excellent prison guard.
38:56Since you want to be a prison guard,
38:58why did you take on
38:59the task of recruiting maids?
39:02If I didn't take this on,
39:04why would I still stand here
39:05and chat with you?
39:08You're really honest.
39:10Then tell me,
39:12in your mind,
39:14what kind of person
39:15is a prison guard?
39:20The best prison guard
39:22should be
39:27Shi Yu
39:32Dong Yu
39:35Cheng Yu
39:43Xiao Yu
39:45Protecting relationships
39:46by choosing the right person
39:47for the right job.
39:49Old lady, look.
39:50This is a sales situation
39:51I've had for so many years
39:53and the needs of various customers
39:55as well as my analysis
39:56of the competition situation
39:57in the food industry all over the city.
40:00It seems that
40:01I have to
40:03hire you.
40:05I've been talking for a long time
40:07and it's still a maid.
40:13This maid
40:15is not a pen maid.
40:18If it's a maid, then it's a maid.
40:20I'm a normal person.
40:21I'll start over.
40:22Shen Dan Dan,
40:23you can do it.
40:26Xiao Yu
40:27Xiao Yu
40:34Why is it you?
40:35Why is it you?
40:36You're a liar.
40:37You're a liar.
40:40What are you doing here?
40:43I'm an old lady's maid.
40:45I don't know what you're so proud of.
40:47I'm Qi Pei Ge's young master.
40:49Come with me.
40:57I'm Qi Pei Ge's young master.
40:58Come with me.
40:59I'm Qi Pei Ge's young master.
41:00Come with me.
41:01I'm Qi Pei Ge's young master.
41:02Come with me.
41:03I'm Qi Pei Ge's young master.
41:04Come with me.
41:05I'm Qi Pei Ge's young master.
41:06Come with me.
41:07I'm Qi Pei Ge's young master.
41:08Come with me.
41:09I'm Qi Pei Ge's young master.
41:10Come with me.
41:11I'm Qi Pei Ge's young master.
41:12Come with me.
41:13I'm Qi Pei Ge's young master.
41:14Come with me.
41:15I'm Qi Pei Ge's young master.
41:16Come with me.
41:17I'm Qi Pei Ge's young master.
41:18Come with me.
41:19I'm Qi Pei Ge's young master.
41:20Come with me.
41:21Maybe it's the wind that kisses your face.
41:25Maybe it's the breath that touches your forehead.
41:29I'm trapped by your side.
41:32I'm far away from the world.
41:35I'm far away from the world.
41:37I'm close and overlap.
41:39I'm close and overlap.
41:40I'm close and overlap.
41:41I'm close and overlap.
41:42I'm close and overlap.
41:43I'm close and overlap.
41:44I'm close and overlap.
41:45I'm close and overlap.
41:46I'm close and overlap.
41:47I'm close and overlap.
41:48I'm close and overlap.
41:49I'm close and overlap.
41:50I came across the south, it's far away.
41:53I'm close and overlap again.
41:54I'm with you all day long,
41:55little by little, far away.
41:58The story goes like this,
42:00kissing you all night long,
42:03the flowers are blooming in silence.
42:20I don't know if it's the wind that kisses your face
42:26Maybe it's the breath that touches your forehead
42:30I'm trapped by your side, far away from the world
42:36I want to be far away and close to you, and overlap
42:40Accompany you day by day, year by year
42:44Occasionally I miss you, and forget to sleep
42:47Many things are unspoken, but you hear
42:51I want to be far away and close to you, and overlap
42:55Accompany you day by day, year by year
42:59The plot of the story, I will be with you for many years
43:03Occasionally I miss you, and forget to sleep
43:17Thanks for watching!