• last year
'11-year-old walks through a 'Snake Field' to get to school'

11-year-old Greyven's journey to school in Nicaragua takes him through the so-called ‘snake field’, in which coral snakes and the infamous boa constrictor reside.


00:00The jungle in eastern Nicaragua and its lifeline, the mighty Río Escondido.
00:07It is a wild and secluded region with no roads or trains connecting it to the rest of the country.
00:18The jungle is filled with a multitude of animal species.
00:23It is also one of the world's wettest places with ten months of rainy season each year.
00:34Whoever wants to go to school here must travel a long way, a daily adventure.
00:42It is one of the most dangerous ways to school in the world,
00:47but the children have only one goal, to learn for a better life.
00:53Nothing can stop these students.
00:56To realize their dream, they are willing to take on all sorts of dangers.
01:11Since the 11-year-old Graven doesn't have to work before school, he's only just gotten up.
01:19His mother, Doña Jaime, has already prepared his breakfast.
01:32Since the family lives too far from the river, his way to school takes him through the countryside.
01:39The greatest threat facing Graven on his journey slithers along the ground and in the trees.
01:48I'm very afraid of the snakes on the way to school,
01:51but I know that I need to learn to read so that I can make something out of myself.
01:59Three kilometers of jungle lie before him.
02:02Not a very long way, but his constant fear of snakes and other dangerous animals is with the boy at every turn.
02:22Regardless of the risks, being allowed to go to school is a privilege in this part of Nicaragua.
02:28Very few children get the chance.
02:31In the cleared forest glades, he's making good progress.
02:35His next phase, the dense jungle, is already in sight.
02:51Suddenly, as so often before on his way to school, an unexpected obstacle.
02:58A herd of buffalo blocks the entrance to the jungle.
03:02Although the animals are not aggressive, if one gets too close, they may feel threatened and attack.
03:13If I bother them, they might run me over.
03:16Graven decides not to take the risk and goes around the herd.
03:22Only very rarely does he meet other people on his way.
03:26The east of the country is sparsely populated.
03:29Just one-tenth of the 5.7 million Nicaraguans live here on half of the country's landmass.
03:41After a quarter of an hour's detour, Graven reaches the edge of the jungle.
03:46From now on, he has to really concentrate.
03:49One false step can have serious consequences.
03:53Giant tropical ants, poisoned dart frogs, curly-haired tarantulas.
03:59The jungle is home to countless poisonous animals.
04:05I've always been a bit afraid when going into the jungle.
04:08And rightly so.
04:10The jungle's poisonous inhabitants are masters of camouflage.
04:15By the time one discovers them, it's often too late.
04:18Graven hurries to get through this part of the forest as swiftly as possible.
04:38Seven o'clock. Thirty minutes until the first lesson.
04:42Thirty minutes until the first lesson.
04:45Graven has almost made it out of the thicket.
04:48Slowly, the forest thins.
04:58The 11-year-old is in fourth grade.
05:01He has come a long way.
05:03Children in the rural areas of Nicaragua go to school for a maximum of four years,
05:08if they ever go to school at all.
05:12It's time to go to school.
05:23Graven has completed two-thirds of his dangerous journey to school.
05:33Finally out of there, and I haven't seen any snakes yet.
05:37Graven is a short breather.
05:39Before him lies that part of his daily route he fears most.
05:44The snake field.
05:46He has encountered dangerous reptiles here on many occasions.
05:57The snakes live under the coconut.
06:01This is where just days ago, a boa constrictor almost three meters long crossed his path.
06:13It was right here when I saw it, and it was that thick.
06:21But there is no avoiding it.
06:23In less than half an hour, classes start.
06:26If Graven wants to get to school at all, he must cross the snake field.
06:43A few kilometers away, Graven's mother is cooking with her relatives.
06:47Coconut oil, the livelihood of the family.
06:52Graven's mother is a teacher.
07:00Twenty-five-year-old Jamie Lopez is as always worried about her firstborn on his way to school.
07:16I don't really want him to go to school,
07:19but I'm afraid that a snake will bite him while he's out there all alone.
07:26He's still so small, and the route overland is much longer than by water.
07:38The coral snake is one of the most poisonous snakes of all.
07:41A red and black striped snake, which is very common in east Nicaragua.
07:46Graven hopes to get to school today without meeting one of them.
07:56It's very common for the reptiles to come out after the rain.
08:00The coconuts in which the snakes live fill up with water.
08:04Then they come out and crawl around everywhere.
08:08On the path, in the coconut clusters.
08:11They hang from the tree trunks as well.
08:14They wind themselves up to the top and stay wrapped around the trunk.
08:23So Graven always looks at the sky anxiously.
08:26He doesn't want to stay longer than necessary.
08:29The weather appears to have worsened.
08:34Classes begin officially at 7.30.
08:37But without a clock, the four children simply leave home when they're ready.
08:42Often they arrive late for school.
08:44Sometimes they're too early.
08:56On most days, Mrs. Miller waits to start class until the children from the jungle have made it to school.
09:03Today they start a good quarter of an hour late.
09:09Math is on the program.
09:11Six mangoes minus two mangoes make four mangoes.
09:16The students are enthusiastic and everyone wants to come up to the board.
09:22Meanwhile, it's one o'clock.
09:24After five hours, classes are over for the day.
09:32Bye. See you tomorrow.
09:51See you tomorrow.
09:52See you tomorrow.
