गाजियाबाद जिले में परिवार नियोजन को लेकर पुरूषों की अपेक्षा महिलाएं जागरूक, नसबंदी में अनुपात 469 महिला पर एक पुरूष रहा

  • 3 months ago
sterilization ratio of women much more then men : गाजियाबाद में परिवार नियोजन को लेकर महिलाएं काफी जागरूक है. इसकी पुष्टि मौजूदा वित्तीय वर्ष में मई तक के आंकड़ों से साफ होता है.मौजूदा वित्तीय वर्ष में मई तक महिला नसबंदी का लक्ष्य 493 था. जबकि इस अवधि में आठ पुरुषों की नसबंदी का लक्ष्य था. जिसमें 469 महिलाओं की नसबंदी सफलता पूर्वक हो चुकी है जो कि लक्ष्य का 95 प्रतिशत से अधिक है वहीं स अवधि में आठ के सापेक्ष केवल एक पुरुष ने ही नसबंदी कराई.


00:00The target of female sterilization in Ghaziabad was 493 in May 2024.
00:16Our achievement was 479, which is 95.2%.
00:22The target of male sterilization in Ghaziabad was 8 in May 2022,
00:29in which we had one case.
00:32Now, people are hesitant and lack awareness.
00:37As the rainy season has started, people are thinking of avoiding surgery.
00:43In rainy days, there can be a problem after surgery.
00:47This will be achieved.
00:49In the beginning, we had a small number of cases,
00:52but in the last quarter, we have achieved it.
00:55We will pay special attention to this.
00:57In our other programs, such as Sanchari Aviyan and Stop Diarrhoea Program,
01:03we are giving a message to our front line workers to talk to people,
01:08so that when the rainy season is over, they can proceed with the case.
01:13We have a case in Launi.
01:16Dr. G.P. Mathuriya is a trained surgeon in Launi for male sterilization.
01:24Our surgeons are in the district hospitals, such as MMG and DCH.
01:29It is difficult to mobilize them there.
01:32Our front line worker is an ASHA worker.
01:36ASHA workers talk to women well.
01:39They are hesitant to talk to men.
01:42This is one of the reasons.
01:44If women or men come to the district hospitals to get their case sterilized,
01:50then it can be improved.
01:52We are involved in the awareness program.
01:55Sir, are there any certificates or letters given to the women?
01:59Yes, there is a certificate.
02:02There is a certificate for women, but it is difficult to explain it to men.
02:16Women can explain it to men, but not to men.
