• 3 months ago
This is my Inside Out 2 video about the new emotions that are presented in Inside Out 2 and how they have actually always been a part of Riley since the first movie. In this video I will prove their existence in the original inside out. I hope you enjoy it.
00:00Hello and welcome to my video about Inside Out and Inside Out 2.
00:08So in the first movie Inside Out, all the new emotions from Inside Out 2 are already
00:13In this video I will prove this by breaking down the scenes where all those emotions are
00:18already present, but that you don't actually see them manifest into characters until the
00:23second movie.
00:24So first up is the emotion anxiety.
00:27Riley clearly has anxiety about going to her new school, and who wouldn't?
00:31She plays it off to her parents and says she is just nervous and excited, however you can
00:37clearly see that she is very anxious when she shows up at the front gate.
00:42She doesn't know whether to go in until her other emotions tell her to do so.
00:48We see her at lunch time and she is very anxious as she walks through the lunch area.
00:53Very quickly and then she goes and sits down by herself.
00:57If you watch closely when she is sitting down, you can see that she is very stressed
01:02which is a form of anxiety.
01:06Next up we move on to envy.
01:07She also already has the emotion envy because she is envious of the group of cool girls
01:13in her new classroom.
01:15As discussed clearly says we need to be friends with them.
01:19As we see later on in the movie, she misses her friend from Minnesota.
01:24So again reverting back even to the lunch scene, you can tell that she is a little bit
01:29envious that she has no friends and everybody else does.
01:32The next emotion she already has is embarrassment.
01:35She gets sad while talking about where she came from and how she misses her friends and
01:40life there.
01:41And you can tell she is definitely embarrassed about crying in front of the whole class while
01:45explaining this.
01:46Not just that scene either.
01:48We see Riley get embarrassed several times in the movie.
01:51When she fails to make the hockey team tryouts, she gets angry and embarrassed.
01:57Riley also gets embarrassed when her parents say they are going to be at every hockey game.
02:02As far as ennui or boredom, this is another emotion while it has not manifested into a
02:07character yet, as it does in the second film, is clearly there.
02:12The whole reason Riley wants to run away is while she is angry, she is also bored in San
02:20She has no friends and she misses her old house and friends.
02:24So all of the new emotions in the second movie can easily be seen in the first movie if you
02:30sit back and watch it from a different perspective.
02:36The first movie even foretells the second one with the puberty button that Joyce says
02:41is probably not important.
02:43They even reference that Riley already knows a whole library of swear words.
02:48The ending scene to the movie says what else can happen, Riley is only 12.
02:55As soon as that puberty alarm goes off, Joyce realizes what else can happen, and that the
02:59button she didn't think was important is actually a really really important button.
03:04As all the emotions that were already there in the first movie, that we didn't see develop
03:08personalities and come to life yet, now have all of a sudden manifested and came to life
03:13as their own individual characters in the second movie.
03:16Here are all those new, but actually old, emotions.
