Mr Beast

  • 3 months ago
mr beast viral video
Protect $500,000 Keep It!


00:00These five tanks are literally about to rain missiles upon this $500,000.
00:04And any money that doesn't get destroyed, I'm giving to Blake.
00:08But lucky for you, I'm going to give you my credit card.
00:10And you can spend as much money as you want trying to protect this money
00:13from all of the missiles we're going to be launching at your money.
00:15So I just build whatever I want?
00:17Whatever you want.
00:18But you only have 24 hours until we fire these tanks.
00:21I need metal, let's go!
00:22All right, let's go boys!
00:23Oh, he's running.
00:24We're kicking this off with a sprint.
00:26All right, Blake, where are we going to first?
00:27I think in the junkyard.
00:28Blake's first three hours consisted of sourcing any metal he could find to protect his money.
00:33I mean, it looks like they have metal.
00:35Even if that meant spending $30,000.
00:38Definitely want that, want that, all the trucks.
00:40Basically, you just want every car here?
00:41Can you give me any of your shipping containers?
00:43Going to go back?
00:44Yeah, this is good.
00:45I feel like those will work well if I put them on top of the money.
00:48And as if buying out the entire store wasn't enough,
00:50Blake did the same thing at two other industrial stores.
00:53So everything I get from you today, I would need within the next 12 hours.
00:57For our hike?
00:59I'm willing to pay double.
01:00Okay, we'll get it.
01:01He's very quick to throw my money around.
01:05And while we waited for the materials to be delivered,
01:07we headed back to the money and Blake laid out his official plan.
01:10You just spent the last hour strategizing.
01:13What did you come up with to stop the tanks from destroying your money?
01:15Step one, I want to put a shipping container over the money.
01:19That is actually genius.
01:20Step two, giant water tanks.
01:22Do you think that's your best defense?
01:23I think it's good, but it's not the best.
01:24Step three is containers filled with brick, hay, and wood.
01:28Step four is my best defense.
01:30A fortress of strategically angled cars.
01:33From the last video that I saw,
01:34those bullets are going to hit those cars and ricochet elsewhere.
01:37If he actually builds everything you see here, I will be flabbergasted.
01:41Let's get to work.
01:42Good luck.
01:42Unfortunately for Blake,
01:43it wouldn't be for another four hours until his materials were delivered.
01:47So he hired some construction workers to help get the job done.
01:50I'm building a complete fortress.
01:51We dropped the atomic bomb on this thing.
01:53The money's not going anywhere.
01:54This is like an industrial construction site.
01:57It started to look like Blake might actually have a chance at protecting his money.
02:00But even if the 500 grand survives those tanks,
02:03the tanks are actually only the first of four phases of attacks Blake will have to defend.
02:08And believe me when I say this,
02:09they're going to get much more challenging.
02:11For the rest of the night,
02:12Blake and his crew worked tirelessly to defend the money.
02:15But by the time the sun rose,
02:17they still weren't quite done.
02:18Looking good, looking good.
02:22That's the money.
02:23The tanks are over there.
02:24What is this car here for?
02:26This is like my inventory back here, dude.
02:28Put your inventory between the money and the tank.
02:30Give me 10 minutes and that white car will be right there.
02:32I mean, you have five minutes.
02:35I don't think I even have time to do anything else.
02:38Time is up.
02:39Stop, stop.
02:40Time is up.
02:41Drop it.
02:41Drop it right there.
02:42Go far away.
02:44Blake, time has officially ended.
02:49Seems pretty sturdy.
02:50Let's go fire some tanks.
02:51I've been up for about 25 hours now,
02:54just building and building and building.
02:55I mean, I'm looking at it now and it looks great,
02:57but then I turn around and I see these five beasts
02:59and then I see these shells that they're working with.
03:01I really had no idea they were going to be that big.
03:03Do you think a shipping container is stopping that?
03:05Hopefully three of them are.
03:06Oh man.
03:07All right, it's time.
03:08Load up the tanks.
03:10All right, these five tanks pointed at your money
03:12are about to fire 20 rounds.
03:14Blake, fire the first shot.
03:19There's so much dust.
03:21Oh my gosh, look at his face.
03:23Look at Blake's face.
03:24No way his money's safe.
03:26So only 19 more, right?
03:2719 more to go.
03:28Chandler, fire!
03:44This is way too much fun.
03:47Oh my God.
03:48All the way back here,
03:49I can count eight holes in that shipping container.
03:51Yeah, I see those holes.
03:52No shot, his money's safe.
03:53I'd ask you how you're feeling,
03:54but we might as well fire the last few shots.
03:56Let's just get this over with.
03:57Five shots.
03:59Four shots remain.
04:03Three shots remain.
04:04How much money do you have back there?
04:06Uh, like half.
04:09Two remain.
04:12And of course, Blake, you have to fire the last shell.
04:14The honor is mine.
04:15After this, we'll see if you have any money left.
04:19Let's go!
04:20Oh, he's running.
04:21He's so fast.
04:22Is there any money?
04:24Wait, it's still there.
04:27Blake, it looked like your money survived.
04:28We got a fresh stack.
04:29I know you're happy,
04:30but we're going to move on to phase two of four.
04:32And in 24 hours, we're going to blow up the biggest bomb
04:35we've ever detonated in the history of our channel
04:38around your money.
04:38Are you going to drop it?
04:40Are you going to shoot it?
04:40I'm glad you asked.
04:41I'll be right back.
04:42Blake, what do you think's in those green crates?
04:44I don't know, dude.
04:45It looks like-
04:46Here, I'll answer it for you.
04:47This is 100 crates filled to the brim with TNT.
04:51How are you even allowed to do that?
04:52I'm not sure it's legal.
04:53And while we prepared one of the biggest explosions
04:56in YouTube history,
04:57Blake began to strategize on how to keep his money safe.
05:00Step one, we got to take everything flammable out of here, man.
05:03All the wood has got to go.
05:05Step two, water tanks.
05:06Step three, I want to move the shipping containers that I got.
05:09I just want to close them in into the other shipping container.
05:11So then step four is just walls, cement, bricks, cars if I have to.
05:15Explosion is a lot worse than the tanks.
05:17This is bigger than that safe that blew up.
05:22Every single thing inside of that, destroyed.
05:25The first time he lost $250,000 in this video.
05:28Are we going to repeat it?
05:32And because at this point, Blake had been awake for over 24 hours,
05:35he trusted the construction workers to finish the job while he got a good night's rest.
05:39Yeah, I'm going to bed.
05:40Good night, guys.
05:41This is Blake going to Arden.
05:42And because he was so exhausted, Blake slept for way longer than he planned.
05:46All right, I got a good night's sleep.
05:48I'm about to find out how much progress was really done overnight.
05:51Like half?
05:55That means nothing has happened since I've been gone.
05:58And with only six hours remaining,
06:00Blake did what he could by covering his weak spots with spare parts, bricks, and more cars.
06:05Looking good in here.
06:06Looking real good.
06:12Oh, Mr. Jimmy.
06:14What am I about to witness?
06:15If you listen close, you can hear beeping.
06:17It's actually a school bus coming, and it's going to be plopped right where you're standing.
06:20I assume it's not full of children.
06:22It's a short bus.
06:24That is just not what I asked.
06:25This is our brand new Feastables bar.
06:27New flavor, new branding.
06:28You want to try it, Blake?
06:30I'm using our snack products to distract him from telling him where to put the bus.
06:34Dude, honestly, this is better than all the other ones.
06:37All the other ones.
06:38I promise.
06:38Anyone want a piece of chocolate?
06:43Did you get that?
06:47Hey, Blake.
06:48Five minutes till boom.
06:49I need 10 more minutes.
06:50Just give me five extra minutes.
06:51You have four minutes.
06:53Bro, you're spraying them with water.
06:54Probably feels good.
06:56I don't think they agree.
06:57They're literally getting off the car.
06:58They've got 90 seconds left.
07:00Blake, you're running out of time.
07:03Go, go.
07:04Come on, come on.
07:05Hey, it's five o'clock.
07:07Stop, stop, stop.
07:09Turn it off, turn it off.
07:10Hey, hey, Blake.
07:12Turn it off or I start taking money.
07:14Let's go over to the bunker.
07:16You narrowly escaped death from the tanks.
07:18Let's see if you can do it again.
07:20Let the sun go down so it's a little darker now.
07:22This is the biggest bomb we've ever set off.
07:26Yeah, this is the first bomb I've ever seen.
07:28Blake, are you nervous?
07:29Yeah, I'm sweating now.
07:31This is the detonation device.
07:32Here you go.
07:33It's live?
07:34Yes, it's live.
07:35Two days of work, 17 cars, six water jugs, four shipping containers,
07:40$500,000 on the line.
07:43Let's find out if you're going home rich or with nothing.
07:46When you're ready, Blake.
07:47Three, two, one.
07:52Mom, I love you.
08:06Oh my gosh.
08:07That firestorm is massive.
08:09Can we go put that out?
08:10Before we go put it out, I'm just wasting time.
08:13Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
08:13Run to the fire sergeant, go.
08:15Go, go, go.
08:16Let's go see if it burns.
08:17Oh no.
08:19Oh, it's on fire over there.
08:23Oh, be careful of this.
08:28Get off my money.
08:29The fire's still going on up front.
08:31Blake is moving sandbags.
08:33Please don't be ashes.
08:34Please don't be ashes.
08:36What do you see?
08:36What do you see?
08:37I see green!
08:39Oh my gosh.
08:40Yeah, baby!
08:42I see a lot of dirt on it, but it seems to survive.
08:46I knew it.
08:47Blake, you've officially passed phase two of four.
08:50Do you want to see what the next challenge is?
08:59All right, Blake, for your third challenge,
09:01we're going to be dropping flaming cars filled with gasoline on top of your money.
09:05Can you tell me how many cars?
09:06A lot.
09:07A lot?
09:08A lot.
09:10This is going to be the hardest phase yet.
09:13Blake will not only have to deflect the attack from the sky,
09:17but he'll also have to protect his money from the flammable gasoline
09:20seeping through the cracks of his defense.
09:22And after we drop the cars, I have another surprise.
09:26Good luck.
09:26I want the crate with the money in it to be stuffed with concrete.
09:30That shipping container that's just sitting, plop that on top of the money.
09:34Since Blake had been working so hard for the past few days,
09:37he ended up going right to sleep and saved most of his work for the next day.
09:40And although he seemed confident,
09:42this challenge would soon prove itself to be more difficult
09:44than anything he's ever faced in these videos.
09:51All right, this is day four.
09:52I'm feeling like a zombie.
09:53We're going to take the other shipping container that I have,
09:56we're going to pick that up,
09:57and we're going to put it in a formation to where the point is facing up.
10:01So it's like a pyramid, and the cars will hit it,
10:03doom and fall, but not on the money.
10:05We've got to get that shipping container on top as soon as possible.
10:08It's starting to worry me a little bit.
10:09Over the next few hours, Blake did everything in his power
10:12to place the top shipping container at an angle to deflect the cars,
10:16even if that meant using wooden logs to prop it up.
10:18If this container does not go exactly where I want to right now,
10:22I'm probably losing a lot of money.
10:26We did it!
10:27Oh, that makes me feel really good.
10:28The water tank, we bring that over to like right here,
10:31fill that thing with bricks,
10:32and then we're going to take the last car we got,
10:34put it right here.
10:35That's going to block all this.
10:37It's going to look great.
10:38We got a plan, baby.
10:39But what Blake didn't know is I was about to introduce a twist.
10:42Do you want to know what the twist is?
10:44Follow me.
10:45See that flag over there?
10:46That's a catapult.
10:47So as cars fall from the top,
10:49giant flaming balls are going to be hurled from the side.
10:51Dude, I've been guessing millions of things I never thought catapult.
10:55I have like no more materials.
10:56I have nothing else to use.
10:57Throughout the final hour, Blake raced to cover the weak spots of his fortress.
11:01However, there was still a key part missing.
11:04His water truck, which he sent to refill in the morning, was painfully late.
11:07He has 90 seconds left.
11:09All right, here we go.
11:10As always, it comes down to the wire with Blake.
11:1360, 59, 58, 54.
11:18He's drenching everything in water before we drop the cars
11:21to try to protect his money from the fire.
11:2230 seconds remain.
11:24You really think this is going to stop the fire?
11:26Oh yeah, baby.
11:273, 2, 1, drop it!
11:32Just for that, I'm not showing mercy on the last one.
11:34You knew that was going to happen, dude.
11:35That was intentional.
11:36Oh man, moment of truth.
11:38Look how high up that bad boy is.
11:40This is only the first of five flaming cars we're going to be dropping
11:43on top of the five flaming death balls from the catapult.
11:47You ready, Blake?
11:47Get this going, dude.
11:48Light it on fire!
11:53Now drop it!
11:54Oh no!
11:55Oh my gosh!
11:58Hold on, everything is actually setting on fire right now.
12:01The burning car successfully rolled off the container.
12:03However, the wood that Blake used to prop it up quickly engulfed in flames.
12:07Dude, what's going on?
12:10What is happening?
12:12What in there is on fire, Blake?
12:14I don't even know what to say.
12:16All right, what was on top of the shipping container?
12:18All right, there is wood there.
12:19Let's not jinx it.
12:20Knock on wood.
12:21You put wood?
12:22And you knew we were dropping flaming cars?
12:24I needed to use them, dude.
12:26Luckily, Blake did surround his money with cinder blocks.
12:29So there's still a very high likelihood his money is on burn.
12:33And since we're about to go into the coolest part of this video,
12:36obviously now I'm going to tell you about Acorns.
12:39Their debit card is meant to help you grow your money,
12:41not just spend it, which I'll tell you more about in a second.
12:49Acorns just launched the new Mighty Oaks debit card that they made with Dwayne Johnson.
12:53The cool thing about this debit card is every time you make a purchase,
12:56it automatically rounds up to the nearest dollar and invests the difference for you.
12:59Believe it or not, your money is also under attack.
13:02Not by giant flaming death balls, but by things like bills, spending, and inflation.
13:07And when you're not spending,
13:08your money will be hard at work in two of the highest APYs available.
13:12Chandler, what does APYs mean?
13:16It means you can fight back against bills and inflation by growing your money,
13:19just by having your money in your account.
13:21Blake, how you doing, buddy?
13:23I'm remembering what it feels like to lose one of these things.
13:27Oh, it's a direct hit.
13:29Oh, right on the money!
13:30And just from signing up, Acorns and I are giving you $20 to start growing your money.
13:34So go to slash MrBeast to learn how you can make your money work for you.
13:40Light it on fire!
13:42Drop it!
13:48The rain of fire continued all throughout the night.
13:53And as the flames only grew bigger,
13:55things sadly started to look really bleak for Blake's money.
13:58No, no, no.
13:59That fire was raging for over an hour and a half.
14:02It's either all going to be there, or it's not going to be there at all.
14:05That right there is a bunch of logs of wood.
14:07He accidentally created a giant bonfire.
14:10He thought he was making a fortress, but he was actually making a furnace.
14:13I mean, there's still a chance the concrete protected the money.
14:16Blake, moment of truth.
14:18Did the cinder blocks protect your money?
14:21Was the fire just too much?
14:23Oh my god.
14:25Oh no.
14:28Oh, those are ruined.
14:30Wait, hold up.
14:32The money is fried.
14:35It's a thousand degrees in there.
14:37Let's be real with ourselves, Blake.
14:40It's gone.
14:43As you saw, most of the money looks like this.
14:47Another loss.
14:48Yeah, this one hurts more than the laser one.
14:50What hurts the most is that it worked so hard for nothing.
14:55Yeah, it sucks.
14:57The challenge is officially over.
15:00And before you go, Blake, I have an offer for you.
15:03You have two choices.
15:04You can either walk away with $100,000,
15:07or you can get a third and final chance to compete in a future video.
15:15All right, I'm coming back.
15:16You're coming back?
15:16I'm coming back.
15:18Blake's final chance to be in a video is going to be right here,
15:21but it won't be uploaded until February.
15:24I don't think me, the audience,
15:25everyone can bear to see you lose a third time.
15:27I'll see you then.