Kon he Ye Duniya ke Sabse Mahan Yodha Jinhe Aap Marte Dam Tak nhi bhul paoge_HD

  • 2 months ago
welcome to Masti aur Hasi tv channel?
Hey this is Masti aur Hasi official hereis my official channel....Get readyfor a new interesting reels.
00:00Today we are going to tell you the story of such 300 brave soldiers that you will not be able to forget till you die after seeing them.
00:08So hello guys, today we are going to explain the best war movie of all time, 300,
00:13in which we have been told about the brave Spartans of Greece, who are born for war.
00:20And when a very big emperor of the Persian state, Zagzis, sent the largest army to occupy Greece,
00:27only 300 Spartans stood to stop him.
00:31Will the Spartans be able to stand in front of them or not? Let's find out.
00:35At the beginning of the movie, we are told that when that boy was born, he was also examined like all Spartans.
00:42If he was very naughty, weak or weak, he would also be destroyed because there is no place in the Spartans of the weak.
00:49And when that boy grew up a little, he was pushed to prepare for the war.
00:53With the fight, he was taught that never run or bow, being a martyr in the battlefield is the proudest thing for a Spartan.
01:02And then, according to the tradition of Sparta, as soon as he was 7 years old, that child was separated from his mother and sent to prepare for the war.
01:10And then that boy was put in the 300-year-old society of Sparta, where the world's best Spartan soldiers are trained.
01:19And when he gets ready for all this, he is sent to the deserted jungle for testing, so that he can face the wrath of nature with his courage and wisdom.
01:29Then a ferocious wolf comes in front of him, now either the boy will return as a brave soldier or he will be killed here.
01:36Because that huge wolf had smelled his prey, but that boy was fearless, so he traps the wolf in a narrow path and then kills him with a single shot.
01:48After this, the boy who had been handed over to death returns, becoming the king to increase the glory of Sparta, and then after 30 years we see that the boy has now become the king of the whole of Sparta, whose name is Leonidas.
02:02And Delios tells that it has been 30 years since that wolf and the cold night, and today another wolf is coming in the same way,
02:11which is made up of the army of slaves and men, whose number is beyond imagination, which is ready to devour the whole of Greece, is ready to erase the hope of freedom and justice from the whole world.
02:22Today again a wolf is coming, which has been provoked by King Leonidas himself, and then we see that soon the royal messenger of King Xerxes comes to Sparta with his message.
02:33And King Leonidas comes to the border and tries to scare them by showing the severed heads of the previous kings, but when King Leonidas goes out to meet him with his wife, then the royal messenger of the emperor tells King Leonidas that our emperor Xerxes only wants land and water,
02:50on which the queen says that whatever you have to say, say clearly, on which the royal messenger gets angry that what is this woman doing between us men, our emperor Xerxes gets everything he wants, his army is so big that when he walks, the ground starts to tremble, but still our emperor only wants a small gift from you, land and water, he wants Sparta to be under his control and bow down in front of him and consider him his emperor.
03:17And become a part of the great empire of King Xerxes, on which Leonidas gets angry because Sparta never slaves, so he says to the royal messenger that you will get land and water in the well below, how dare you bring the heads of the dead kings to the door of my city, insulted my queen and threatened my people with death and slavery, so King Leonidas kills all of them and throws them in the well because this is Sparta and Spartans do not bow down to anyone.
03:47After this, at night we see that King Leonidas comes to meet the priests because Leonidas knows that the emperor Xerxes will not sit quietly now, he will attack Sparta with all his might, but no Spartan king in Sparta can wage war without the blessings of these priests, so King Leonidas explains to these priests that we can fight a big army, but the priests say that our festival Karnia is coming, before that this party cannot wage war,
04:16on which Leonidas says that Sparta will be destroyed, his men will die fighting and our women and children will be enslaved, but if we get ready before time, then we will stop them, we will make a high wall towards the well of the sea, which will force them to come to the narrow road, which is called the door of hell, and there we can fight a big army, because there will be no meaning of their large number, but the priests still do not allow them to wage war.
04:45They say that you cannot wage war before the festival of Karnia, the insult of the gods has already caused us a lot of damage, if you do this again, then the whole of Greece and Sparta will be destroyed, so King Leonidas leaves here disappointed, but we see that Xerxes had already given a lot of gold to these priests and turned them towards him so that Sparta could not start the war, but King Leonidas knows that if he did not stop Xerxes and his army before crossing the sea valley, then he came inside and
05:15killed Sparta and thousands of innocent people, so King Leonidas starts taking his most brave 300 soldiers with him, but then the people of Sparta's parliament come here and they say that the priests have said that the army cannot go to war before Karnia, on which King Leonidas says that the army of Sparta is still in Sparta, I am just going to walk a little with my 300 special guards, although the people of the parliament also know that Leonidas is going to war, but the
05:45people of Sparta also know that Leonidas is going to war, but they cannot stop him, and then King Leonidas says goodbye to his wife and goes towards the sea valley, and then we see that Dexos also meets Leonidas with his soldiers on the way, but he says that I am surprised that you have only brought so many people to stop Xerxes, we had expected more from Sparta than this, on which Leonidas says that in your army there are only laborers, murtikars, blacksmiths and farmers, while our 300 soldiers are born only to fight and kill
06:15, so we are still much more than you, and then at night we see that everyone is sleeping, but the king is not sleeping in his eyes because today he is going to fight the biggest war of his life, and then the next morning he sees that a strange human being is constantly watching him, but then he sees a burning village and when these people go inside that village, then there is only a scene of destruction all around him, then a child comes in front of him who comes straight and falls in the lap of Leonidas and
06:45tells him that those demons suddenly attacked all of us with their claws, everyone died except me, and then they get the corpses of all the villagers in front of them, seeing whom Dexos says that we are dead,
06:57those people were destroyers about whom we have been hearing for years, they cannot be defeated or killed, they are demons, on which King Leonidas says that the destroyer will test them with our swords,
07:09and then we see that by killing all the villagers, those people were hung on a tree, and then soon after that, these people come to the way from that valley, which is called the door of Narp, on the other side of it, the sea is empty, then they see that some Persian ships of Zazis come and die in the storm of the sea, on which all the Spartans are very happy, except for their king, there is an amazing view,
07:33and here in Sparta, an MP comes to meet Rani and tells that Leonidas is not only your king, but we are all kings, many of us MPs want to support you and we will try our best to convince the MP that the entire army of Sparta should be sent to help King Leonidas, on which Rani says that if you talk to my MP, I will tell him that freedom is not available for free, blood has to be shed for him,
07:59and here soon these three people come to assess the army of Zazis, but seeing such a huge army, Dexos says that we saw hundreds of their ships being destroyed last night, but Stelios says that it was a small ship of the army of Zazis, and then in the morning we see that the ambassador of Zazis comes here and seeing his people dead, he says that what do you think that by killing a few of our soldiers, you think that we will be scared, but when he looks at the wall, then he sees that the soldiers of Zazis are not afraid of him, but when he looks at the wall, he sees that the soldiers of Zazis are not afraid of him, but when he looks at the wall, he sees that the soldiers of Zazis are not afraid of him, but when he looks at the wall, he sees that the soldiers of Zazis are not afraid of him, but when he looks at the wall, he sees that the soldiers of Zazis are not afraid of him,
08:29but when he looks at the wall, he sees that the soldiers of Zazis are not afraid of him, but when he looks at the wall, he sees that the soldiers of Zazis are not afraid of him, but when he looks at the wall, he sees that the soldiers of Zazis are not afraid of him, but when he looks at the wall, he sees that the soldiers of Zazis are not afraid of him, but when he looks at the wall, he sees that the soldiers of Zazis are not afraid of him, but when he looks at the wall, he sees that the soldiers of Zazis are not afraid of him, but when he looks at the wall, he sees that the soldiers of Zazis are not afraid of him, but when he looks at the wall, he sees that the soldiers of Zazis are not afraid of him, but when he looks at the wall, he sees that the soldiers of Zazis are not afraid of him, but when he looks at the wall, he sees that the soldiers of
08:59Zazis are not afraid of him, but when he looks at the wall, he sees that the soldiers of Fuck
09:23If Zagzeus's army finds out about him, they can come from behind and surround us.
09:28King Leonidas asks why are you dressed in Spartan?
09:31To which he says that my name is Ephialtes, my father was a Spartan, but when I was born,
09:37my parents ran away with me because I was killed in Sparta.
09:42But now I know how to fight, so now I want to join this war with Sparta.
09:48But King Leonidas says that we fight like a strong wall and you are not even able to
09:53pick up your shield to the head, if any soldier falls, the whole wall will break, so forgive
09:59me my friend, I can't include you with me, but if you want to help, then remove the
10:03corpses and help the wounded, but as soon as Leonidas leaves, Ephialtes throws a shield
10:09and spear in anger and says that mother, father, you were wrong and you are also wrong, Leonidas
10:14and then we see that the land starts to crumble because a very large army of Zagzeus comes
10:19to attack them, King Leonidas and his 300 brave soldiers were fully prepared and these people
10:26surround the narrow path and stand like a strong wall and King Leonidas says that don't
10:32even give them a heart and pull their body to the soul and as soon as they attack the
10:37enemy, they cannot surround Spartan due to this narrow path and Spartan from the front
10:43uses his great strategy of shields and spears to kill the army of Zagzeus in a very bad
10:48way and those people are not able to stand in front of the spears of Sparta at all and
10:53after killing all these Spartans, they come out of the door of hell and now very quickly
10:59they start killing all the enemies, it seems that Spartan is not fighting but he is hunting
11:05these enemies and then looking at the remaining enemies, the captain says that they are thirsty
11:11, on which Leonidas says that let's quench their thirst and then they push the enemies
11:16back to the sea with their shields and kill them, but then they see that thousands of
11:21arrows of Zagzeus cover the sky, but Spartans immediately cover themselves with their shields
11:26and some people start laughing because Stelios was right, now we are fighting in the shade,
11:31after the attack, the Spartan army stands up again and King Leonidas, seeing the second
11:36piece, says that no Spartan will die today and these people stand in a triangle shape
11:42and as soon as the enemy comes, they start killing him badly. Spartan did the same thing
11:48for which he was born and brought up, do not do it, do not have mercy, a good start, here
11:55in this part we see that the dirty gaze of an MP Theron is on the wife of Leonidas, i.e.
12:01here Leonidas and his brave soldiers are covering the corpses of the enemies.
12:06Then Stelios comes and tells that a small group is coming, maybe he is King Zagzeus,
12:11so Leonidas goes to talk to him, but the captain says that there is a danger in it, but Leonidas
12:16says that he will not make the mistake of killing me at all, but pray that he makes the mistake
12:21of killing me, because if he does this, then the whole Spartan will jump into the war
12:26and then Leonidas soon reaches the king Zagzeus, who has come to meet Leonidas on the ride of slaves
12:33and gets down and says to Leonidas, you are standing in front of a powerful king like me,
12:39which people consider to be God, just think that the land you have protected, my one
12:45sign will burn it to ashes, think what will happen to your women after that, on which
12:50King Leonidas says that surely I think that only our women were enough for you, you have
12:56more slaves but very few warriors, on which Zagzeus says that I am a very kind god, I
13:02will make you richer than your imagination, I will make you the warlord of the whole of Greece,
13:08so join me, Leonidas, every enemy of yours will kneel in front of you, if you kneel in
13:14front of me, on which Leonidas says that after killing your men in the morning, a strange
13:20attitude has come in my war, so it is not possible to kneel down, meaning Leonidas has
13:26clearly refused to kneel down, on which Zagzeus gets angry and he says that being a martyr
13:33is not a matter of pride, I will even erase the name of Sparta from the pages of history,
13:39I will get the eyes of the scholars and scholars of the world out of their mouths, if any person
13:45gets the name of Sparta or your name, his neck will be cut off, the world will never know
13:50that your existence was also there, on which Leonidas says that the world will definitely
13:55know that a handful of brave people stood in front of the cruel army and who knows
14:00before the war was over, this emperor of emperors was killed and after coming back, Leonidas
14:05and his companions make a very high wall from the corpses of the dead soldiers of Zagzeus
14:10because Leonidas knows that tonight will be the night of the apocalypse because the
14:15people's emperor Zagzeus has given all his strength and this time he has sent his most
14:20dangerous indestructible army, the most powerful army in the entire Asian world, which is not
14:25a human but a demon, but suddenly the Spartans inflate their corpses and attack them forcefully,
14:31but this time some Spartans are also killed by the Avinashis and then they free their
14:36eldest demon, but Spartans also kill the Avinashis while saving each other, but still
14:41the Spartan soldiers are also killed by the Avinashis and the demon is also coming towards
14:46them. Meanwhile, the mask of an Avinashi comes off, but then Leonidas saves Delios, but
14:51he himself saves himself and then that demon throws Delios away and starts fighting Leonidas,
14:56but Leonidas has no fear in his eyes and he faces this demon and as soon as he gets a
15:01chance, he also injures him, but that demon has no effect and he attacks Leonidas and
15:06quickly drops him, but Leonidas saves him and puts a spear in his eye and then quickly
15:11cuts off his neck and separates him and then the Arcadians also attack the Avinashis suddenly.
15:16Brave Nosey is the only one who is able to save Leonidas, but Leonidas does not know
15:21what to do and finally the Avinashis are tested by the swords of Spartan, which the
15:26whole world was afraid of, even the Avinashis could not stand in front of a few Spartan
15:31soldiers. After this, at night, Spartans celebrate their victory and martyrdom. Now
15:36King Leonidas was also hoping for a great victory that we can defeat the enemy and the
15:41next morning Spartan's eyes also saw that scene that the Avinashis were trying to
15:46kill him, but he also died and fell at the feet of Spartan. When the power did not work,
15:51he took the support of magic. Hundreds of armies of the Asian government fell on Spartan,
15:56but after coming to the right path, their numbers did not mean anything and a brave
16:01Spartan went into their arms and blew them up and after this bad defeat, the Avinashis
16:06were angry and cut off their necks. After this, the Avinashis were not able to save
16:11their lives and the next day he sent a giant elephant, but after being injured by the
16:16bear, he also slipped on the blood of the Farsi and fell down and here we see that
16:21two brave Spartan soldiers came out of the queue and reached the front, including the
16:26captain's son and he alone fell on many of the Avinashis' soldiers like death and
16:31they started hitting them badly. The Avinashis were not able to save their lives and the
16:36Avinashis were not able to save their lives and the Avinashis were not able to save their
16:41lives and the Avinashis were not able to save their lives and the Avinashis were not able
16:46to save their lives and the Avinashis were not able to save their lives and the Avinashis
16:51were not able to save their lives and the Avinashis were not able to save their lives
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17:01save their lives and the Avinashis were not able to save their lives and the Avinashis
17:06were not able to save their lives and the Avinashis were not able to save their lives
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17:16save their lives and the Avinashis were not able to save their lives and the Avinashis
17:21were not able to save their lives and the Avinashis were not able to save their lives
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