
  • 2 months ago
00:00Look down on the floor.
00:20Make sure that you're scooted forward enough in your seat that your feet are completely
00:23flat, your knees are right over your ankles, and you're sitting up tall in your body.
00:28We're going to practice complete breath.
00:30So hands reach out.
00:31You're taking your right hand to your heart.
00:33You're taking your left hand to your belly.
00:36Full deep breaths in from the top of the chest to the belly.
00:39Deep breaths out from the belly back to the top of the chest.
00:42That's it.
00:43So we're going to breathe in.
00:46Breathe out.
00:48Two, breathe in.
00:53Breathe out.
00:55Three, breathe in.
00:59Breathe out.
01:00Very good.
01:02Bring your hands down to the side of your body.
01:04Next, we're going to do feeling breath, and we're going to feel the expansiveness of our
01:08breath as we breathe in and feel it contract as we breathe out, and we're going to do that
01:13by placing our hands on our low ribs.
01:18So find your low ribs.
01:19You should feel the bones there.
01:21That's it.
01:22You can let your hands go like this, or you can wrap your hands because your hands go
01:25around your ribs and feel what that feels like.
01:28Very good.
01:29So sit up tall, and you're going to take a full deep breath in.
01:34Deep breath out.
01:38Breathe in.
01:41Breathe out.
01:42One more.
01:44Big breath in.
01:47Big breath out.
01:49Very good.
01:50Sounding breath is next.
01:51Now that we've felt our breath, I want you to hear our breath.
01:53We're going to wrap our hands around our ears, and we're going to breathe in and out three
01:57times, and I want you to observe what you hear as we do this.
02:01So wrapping your hands, you're going to breathe in.
02:05Breathe out.
02:08Breathe in.
02:11Breathe out.
02:13One more.
02:14Breathe in.
02:15Breathe out.
02:17Very good.
02:18Bring your hands down to the side of your body.
02:21Circles are next.
02:22You're going to drop your chin to your chest, release the back of the head.
02:25Breathe in.
02:27Right ear over to the right shoulder.
02:29Breathe out.
02:30Breathe in.
02:32Breathe out.
02:33Head back on top of the neck.
02:34Left ear to the left shoulder.
02:35Breathe in.
02:37Breathe out.
02:39Take a deep breath in.
02:41Drop your chin back to your chest.
02:43Breathe out.
02:44Very good.
02:45Breathe in.
02:46Lift your head back on top of your neck.
02:47Very good.
02:48Touch your chair.
02:49Touch your feet to the floor.
02:51Press your feet to the earth and come to stand in mountain.
02:54Lift your right leg up.
02:55Put it down.
02:56Lift your left leg up and put it down.
02:58So feel the strength of your legs.
03:00Touch your shoulders.
03:01Touch your ears.
03:02Feel the peak of your mountain like it's reaching up towards the ceiling.
03:06Stretch your hands to the side of your body.
03:08Let's breathe here.
03:09Take a deep breath in.
03:10Deep breath out.
03:13So next we're going to do star pose.
03:15How many points are on a star?
03:17That's right.
03:19So we're going to take the star out.
03:20So we're going to use our legs.
03:21We're going to go one, two, three, four, five.
03:26Very good.
03:28Push into your feet.
03:29Stretch through your arms.
03:30Big, strong star here.
03:32Take a deep breath in.
03:33Big breath out.
03:34One more time.
03:35Big breath in.
03:36Big breath out.
03:37Very good.
03:38Release your hands down and then you're going to step to the side of your chair.
03:44So next we are going to do triangle pose.
03:47If there's five points on the star.
03:49How many points are on a triangle?
03:52Very good.
03:53So step your legs back out to star.
03:54And make sure you're close enough to your chair that you can touch your chair.
03:56Very good.
03:57Now your leg that's closest to the chair, that's the foot that turns towards it.
04:01Breathe in.
04:02Stretch your arms out.
04:03As you breathe out, you either touch the back of the chair or the seat of the chair.
04:07Whichever feels better for you.
04:08Make sure that you can breathe well.
04:10Take a deep breath in.
04:12Big breath out.
04:14Big breath in.
04:15Looking up towards your thumb.
04:17Big breath out.
04:18Very good.
04:19You're going to stretch your arms back up.
04:20You're going to release your hands down.
04:22Turn your foot in.
04:23So check it out.
04:24We're going to do the other side.
04:26You can either turn your body around or you can walk to the other side of your chair.
04:33Whichever you need.
04:35Whatever you want to do.
04:36You make the choice.
04:37Touch your hands to your hips.
04:38Step your star back out.
04:40Look at your feet.
04:41Turn the foot that's closest to the chair towards it.
04:44Good adjustments.
04:46Stretch your arms out to a T. And then again, hand to the back of the chair or hand to the
04:51seat of the chair.
04:53Stretching up.
04:54Find your breath.
04:55Look towards your thumb.
04:56Keep your ear lifted off your shoulder.
04:57Breathe in.
04:59Breathe out.
05:00One more time.
05:02Big breath in.
05:04Big breath out.
05:06Breathing in, you're going to come up.
05:08Breathing out, relax your hands down.
05:10Turn your foot in.
05:11If you're turned around, turn back around to face towards me.
05:14Step back to mountain pose.
05:16Very good.
05:17Tree pose is next.
05:18Touch your hand to the chair.
05:20You're going to tap your outside leg.
05:22That's the leg away from the chair.
05:23And you're going to make, imagine that you put like a high heel on your foot or a kick
05:27stand on your foot.
05:29And then you're going to turn that foot right to the inside of the leg.
05:32Hand is on the hip.
05:33Eyes help you focus.
05:35Look towards the floor.
05:36Your breath will help you balance.
05:38Slow and steady.
05:39Take your outside arm up.
05:42Slow and steady.
05:43Let's see if you can take your inside arm up.
05:47Take a deep breath in.
05:49Deep breath out.
05:52Deep breath in.
05:54Deep breath out.
05:55Slowly bring the inside hand down.
05:58Outside hand down.
05:59Step back to mountain.
06:00So your choice.
06:01You can turn your body around or walk yourself to the other side of your chair.
06:07Touch your hand to the chair.
06:09Your outside leg, tap it.
06:11You're going to come on to the ball of the foot, which is like a kick stand or a high
06:17And then you're going to turn the foot to the inside of the leg.
06:20That's it.
06:21Slow and steady.
06:22Use your eyes to help you focus.
06:24Your breath to balance.
06:25Reach your outside arm up.
06:28Bring your inside arm up.
06:30Find your breath.
06:31Take a big breath in.
06:32Big breath out.
06:36Big breath in.
06:37Big breath out.
06:40Inside hand down.
06:42Outside hand down.
06:43Step back to mountain.
06:44Now, you're going to bring yourself back to the front of your chair.
06:47Make sure your chair is facing forward and come back to a seat.
06:52Knees are over the ankles, ten toes, two shoes facing forward, tall in your body.
06:57Stretch your arms up.
06:59Take your right hand to your left knee.
07:01Your left hand to the chair behind you.
07:04Take a deep breath in.
07:06As you breathe out, twist and look over your shoulder.
07:10Breathe in.
07:11Come back to center.
07:12Stretch your arms up.
07:13Take your left hand to your right knee.
07:15Your right hand behind you.
07:17Take a deep breath in.
07:19As you breathe out, look over your shoulder.
07:22Come back to center.
07:23Stretch your arms up.
07:25Touch your forearms.
07:26Touch your thighs.
07:28Touch your forearms to your thighs and let your head go.
07:32So shaking your head yes and no, making sure it's completely relaxed.
07:36Making a choice to either stay here or drape the whole body over the legs.
07:42Make the choice of what's best in your body and where you can most comfortably breathe.
07:48Take a full deep breath in.
07:52Deep breath out.
07:54Deep breath in.
07:55Deep breath out.
08:00Bring the hands down to the side of the body.
08:02Tuck your chin to your chest, rolling all the way back up to a seat.
08:08Find a deep breath here.
08:10Deep breath out.
08:11Final pose we're going to do is constructive rest with our legs up the chair.
08:16So coming to a seat, that's it.
08:19And then we are going to turn our bodies to face the chair, bringing your feet up onto
08:24the chair and then slowly lying down onto your back, touching your hands to your thighs,
08:31your belly, or resting your hands down to the side of your body.
08:36Eyes can be open.
08:38Eyes can be closed.
08:41Trying to calm, quiet your body.
08:44Take a deep breath in.
08:47Deep breath out.
08:50Deep breath in.
08:52Deep breath out.
09:06So staying here, or if you want to add the constructive rest, reach your arms up, cross
09:13your arms, turn your palms towards one another, interlace your fingers, and bring your hands
09:19underneath of your chin.
09:21That's it.
09:23And find your breath.
09:24Deep breath in.
09:27Deep breath out.
09:29One more time.
09:30Deep breath in.
09:31Deep breath out.
09:33Slowly, we're going to unleash the arms if they're there.
09:37Stretch your arms up, wiggle your fingers, wiggle your toes.
09:41Coming out of the pose, let's roll over to the side of our body and then use your other
09:48We're going to come up.
09:49Take it easy.
09:50Take it slow.
09:51No rush.
09:52No hurry.
09:53All the way back up.
09:54Bringing ourselves all the way back onto our chair.
09:58And let's end the way we started.
09:59Hand to the heart.
10:00Hand to the belly.
10:01Complete breath.
10:02Take a big breath in.
10:03Big breath out.
10:04Very good.
10:05Thank you.