Losing Lerato (2019)

  • 3 months ago

The day I left my daughter

After being denied access to his daughter, a man decides to kidnap her from school to be able to see her — landing him in a high-stakes hostage scenario.
00:00:41All right, listen my hands like you enjoy the big hole Kimberley
00:01:06My man, there's a man on this bus was kidnapped a little girl. What do we suckle Kimberley?
00:01:14When that time you had it
00:01:20Put your hands behind your head
00:02:00Will make
00:02:30It's no
00:03:32Know how are you? I want to see my child
00:04:02You know
00:04:06Not possible
00:04:07It's not gonna be possible. It's not gonna be possible. This is my child. I have every right to see my child
00:04:19You lost your rights to the child when you could not provide for
00:04:24Couldn't even buy a close. You're not fooling on. I'm on Tommy man. Disgusting man. We even fail to pay pop health
00:04:32What does this look like? It's a house and John beautiful house swimming pool. Beautiful things because I'm provided
00:04:42If I have to I want to see my child
00:05:03I was
00:05:05You don't have a child
00:05:10No, you don't have to see my child me no
00:05:15You know what? I will do those. I mean you are not a man. You're a boy who's trying to act like a man
00:05:22Let me give you something else. You're a lousy lover tell me about as lousy as you are father
00:05:32Just wanna see my child
00:08:28Whatever so we need to understand as Christians that
00:08:32Someday we will be faced with demons, but these are not just demons
00:08:49We as Christians we should not hesitate to fight fire with fire
00:08:54I will tell you one thing my brothers and sisters that you cannot afford to be lukewarm
00:09:00That's a comfort space but you need to make a decision
00:11:15We've been through enough we've been through enough my baby is so traumatized right now
00:12:56You're enjoying dinner baby
00:12:58I'll show you a ruthless. I will discipline man. No order him on watch me get ruthless
00:13:08Can I feed you some cheese
00:13:18Thank you
00:13:20Thank you, honey
00:13:23Honey, why aren't you eating? I made your favorite coleslaw. Well, I didn't make it of course
00:13:29But it's your favorite
00:13:58Sweetie, would you like something else like maybe pizza?
00:15:15Good night, daddy
00:16:36My tummy my disgusting
00:17:11Me and your mother, you know, we've been talking, you know, and we're thinking of
00:17:26Been talking about something more progressive
00:17:32So here's the thing baby. She's a leader
00:17:36Well, you don't need to be empowered
00:17:41Changing your school, but but I like my school and like my friends
00:17:48Don't think of it
00:17:51See where you are going to go there baby chief
00:17:54We're going to make new friends might not be integrated like in the new democratic South Africa with white kids
00:17:59No big things like
00:18:02Tennis, you know do piano
00:18:06Things and you come home dusty them baby chief
00:18:27Baby chief
00:19:59You think you can toss no
00:20:24Please come on
00:20:28Take a seat
00:20:31Thank you
00:20:40Young enough
00:20:45What seems to be the problem
00:20:53There was a terrible car accident this morning
00:21:03And that was mother
00:21:07She didn't make it
00:21:13I'm terribly sorry for your loss. Oh
00:21:19I'm so sorry
00:21:21So I'm just here to to ask if I can take you back to home
00:21:28So we can break the news to her
00:21:32In an environment where she she will have support
00:21:35Yes, yes, of course, of course
00:22:30Let Adam please come bring your bag as well
00:23:05Yes, you can leave me in class
00:23:12Not today
00:23:14not today, but
00:23:16I'm here to take you home with me. Yeah, would you like that? Yeah
00:23:22Big huggy for daddy. I
00:23:24Love you
00:23:32Thank you
00:23:57Good luck
00:24:36Don't know why do you have to bring so many things to be certified, huh?
00:24:41Now I'm gonna spend the whole day stamping and signing documents and I've got much more important things to do. Hey boo. Like what?
00:24:47I'm not the one you're not good. I
00:24:49May highly skilled officer of the law trained to retain order in the society
00:24:54Which is something that you youngsters know absolutely nothing about
00:24:58You're doing a good job preparing my documents
00:25:01You have absolutely no respect even for a highly decorated officer like myself
00:25:07Well, I said, how can I be of assistance? I'm here to see the station commander and it's a connection
00:25:16Okay, okay, okay, we don't hey damn it you can let go of him detective Connor
00:25:37Miss killed in decorated officer
00:25:42What a grand entrance you made out there well, thank you
00:25:48Well judging by your impressive record we're gonna say that you are a no-nonsense kind of a woman
00:25:58Why the violent crimes
00:26:03Know what I want. I mean, you fool. Oh, come on. We're in a month. Oh, what's up? Okay. Yeah. I mean, we're not
00:26:28Yes, sorry, what is the question
00:26:31Are you okay?
00:26:33Yeah, no, it's a fail. I'm just not used to the traffic
00:26:38Welcome to Springs. Thank you. Good. He's always like, oh, yes, please sir
00:26:45Just follow me
00:27:09Daddy where are we going?
00:27:16We are going to a magical place what's it called?
00:27:22What's it called?
00:27:25How about you give it a name
00:27:31How about
00:27:36Yeah, I like that I love you
00:27:53Well, here you are, thank you Oh
00:27:58the friendly word of caution
00:28:01This is Johannesburg. Isn't it only a little more hectic than they are. I'm afraid
00:28:09So manga booting Caesar don't hesitate to call
00:28:12Thank you, but
00:28:17Oh one more thing I
00:28:20Wasn't expecting a woman
00:28:23Ah, well, I wasn't expecting a bunch of girls myself, so
00:28:33Welcome to the team
00:28:43You want a dress yeah, you don't need
00:28:47I want
00:28:50Okay, stop shouting right I'm gonna get you a dress
00:28:56How about this dress
00:29:01Okay, okay, okay
00:29:10This dress. Yeah
00:29:12Yeah, this dress. Look at it. It's nice and it's blue. Yeah
00:29:18All right, this is the dress we're gonna go with that kid look at me. No, this is we're gonna go with
00:29:27You want shoes? Yeah. No, you don't
00:29:30Hey, what did I say to you? I said stop shouting now look at me now pick your shoes which shoes you want
00:29:43But my lingo
00:29:51It's expensive
00:29:59Hi, baby
00:30:02I'm just here to pick the router up from school and then we get ready to join you
00:30:09Zanzibar was never ready for us. Thank you so much my love for taking us on holiday and for getting the router into that new school
00:30:17You know, I'm done. Oh clever or bright and she deserves to rub shoulders with other kids who are
00:30:23smart like she is
00:30:28Thank you, my love
00:30:33Love you
00:30:43Am so glad we're leaving this
00:31:02Am I wanna
00:31:05Wow, just stand here stand here, please
00:31:19Don't you dare look at this like this man, this is food other kids don't have food
00:31:25Shut up
00:31:33Tell it paper
00:31:34Okay, you need the toilet. Yeah, right. No more stopping now. We have to go to the right or left, right? Yeah
00:31:45All right, I know I know you tired
00:31:55Witty hi, hi Clintus
00:32:03Hi, babe, I'm still waiting for Loretta. I don't understand what's taking us so long
00:32:14No, no, no, no, no, she's usually one of the first kids to come out
00:32:23Think I'm gonna go see what she's up to. I'm gonna go fetch her. Okay. I'll talk to you later. Bye
00:32:40Where's that up talent and Lindy Lynn
00:33:00Where's the doctor no time to say to you. Yes. It's me. I'm sorry. Where's my child?
00:33:12You're what
00:33:15Where's my child?
00:33:20So no
00:33:22What are you what what are you talking about, please?
00:33:26This moment. He said what?
00:33:29What time he came here earlier and he gave me some soppy story about you being in a car accident. You're supposed to be dead
00:33:42You believed him
00:34:06Oh, yeah, and wait, that is your head
00:34:15Thank you
00:34:21Two tickets to Kimberley one not out one chance. Oh, please
00:34:25Yeah, hello. Hello two tickets to Kimberley one not out one chance good
00:34:30Can I have your ID, please?
00:34:40Was I was 18
00:34:50Excuse me, can you not see that I need help
00:34:53How can I help you ma'am, okay, my daughter's been kidnapped
00:34:57Kidnapped by who?
00:35:01Yes, why would he kidnap his own daughter did you check at the house
00:35:05No, because he took her from the school exactly. He took her from the school and took it to the house go check
00:35:11I'm sure she's there. Look we're divorced. All right, and he took my daughter without my permission gonna let I want to lay a charge
00:35:17Right now. Okay, just calm down
00:35:19Calm down
00:35:19The thing is for us to open a missing persons case the person in question needs to be missing for 24 hours
00:35:25So I suggest you go home come back around about this time and then maybe we can
00:35:30Yeah, I'm telling you my child is missing
00:35:36I'm gonna ask you to calm down
00:35:38What are you? I'm the station commander. Okay, then maybe you can help remain calm
00:35:44And explain to me exactly what is happening. My child has been kidnapped
00:35:51Please husband kid. I just need you to help me help me
00:36:18Bought tickets for this evening
00:36:35Everybody can see it's not not inside there
00:36:42Yeah, yeah, everything is all right, okay
00:36:47Bye bye CD young fool away
00:36:53This is detective home with a collar she has been recently transferred here from my thing
00:37:00Who sends a new violent crime unit?
00:37:07Please can you tell us what happened?
00:37:10From the beginning
00:37:12Okay, my boyfriend who we live with. That's right. Who's we?
00:37:17Sorry, um, my daughter Loretta and myself
00:37:22Anyway, my boyfriend Jake
00:37:26Usually takes Lara to school in the mornings and then in the afternoon soon land
00:37:31No today on your London done
00:37:35I noticed that she wasn't with the same group of kids that she usually comes out with. I mean, I thought this was strange
00:37:40so anyway, I
00:37:44Decided to go and look for a class in yak
00:37:47Don't forget glassing to be a classy end. I decided to go to the principal's office
00:37:54And apparently who tell me? Yes, sorry, Tony
00:37:59Loretta's father my ex-husband
00:38:02So principal Medusa tells me that what Tommy
00:38:06told her that this morning I
00:38:08Was in a car accident and that's why Lega before the emergency services got there
00:38:17Can you believe that dead
00:38:30Tell me
00:38:32He had come over to our house on the weekend
00:38:35And it caused a huge scene and all you know, I may phone us in Philly
00:38:39So that he could see Loretta and the Malaysian. No, no, no, I'll muster time
00:38:45I don't want my child anywhere near that man. I got badly maintenance
00:38:49He makes promises to her that he doesn't keep and I just don't want my child experiencing what I went through with that, man
00:38:55I just want my baby
00:39:00This hot David, we'll make sure that happens
00:39:04But on a little snip is a lot out of me
00:39:08Thank you, and and I'm sure that time we can get on social media platforms
00:39:13Yes, it does. He does have a Facebook and a Twitter account, but I don't think he's been active for a very long time
00:39:18No, that's fine. I'm sure we can take up something. Do you know if he might have a criminal record maybe?
00:39:24No, I don't know. No, I don't think so. I
00:39:30Know his ID number. Does that help? Yeah, absolutely. I've just
00:39:34Alright, I know and then we'll run it on a national database and see what we can find
00:39:40Well, I can't go and stuff, but it's a good start
00:39:44In the meantime, but I prefer our team and then I'll update you with whatever we find
00:39:49You don't think I'm gonna go home do you no no, no, I'm gonna wait right here
00:39:52It's all linked. It's gonna be a long day
00:39:54I suggest for a year high and then we will call you as soon as we have some
00:39:58There's our pump and I'm selling dead or pioneer not knowing what is happening to my child while she's with that psycho
00:40:03Okay, but sitting here it doesn't go. I'm not going home
00:40:12Don't know what to do
00:40:14I'm gonna wait here. Okay. I'll sleep here if I have to I don't care
00:40:24As you wish
00:40:47Want to go home
00:40:51You what I want to go home I
00:40:56Want to see mommy
00:41:05You can't go but I want
00:41:16Don't care
00:41:38Thank you
00:42:06Any news
00:42:07Yeah, we've managed to find out what not until a guy is this so I've seen my guys there soon as they let me know
00:42:12I'll let you know all these hours later. And that's what you've come to tell me ma'am
00:42:15I think it's important you understand these cases take time
00:42:18I know you're frustrated and I can't promise that we'll find it. We will try to our best
00:44:07Okay, okay dad, are we sleeping here?
00:44:27Look at me
00:44:29We're gonna rest here
00:44:32Just for a while. Okay
00:44:34Because out there there's like bad people and the might steal you from me
00:44:43Will you protect me
00:44:47Protect you
00:44:49With everything that I have
00:44:54Everything yeah big hug you for daddy
00:45:04I love you. I love you too with all my heart
00:48:07Have to get up I have to brush my teeth and wash my face. Yeah
00:48:18We'll brush your teeth and
00:48:20Wipe your face your pretty face
00:48:23When we get to that I don't end right?
00:48:26Yeah time to go
00:49:04See you don't make a sound right you don't talk to anyone you don't look them you don't look them in the eyes
00:49:18Everybody she is a stranger
00:49:20Mommy told me that all these people are strangers. Yeah, your mother was right. Okay, remember don't
00:49:37How are you my baby
00:49:42There we go, let's go let's go let's go hello sweetie, that's the Kimberley good. There you go
00:49:58Not yet
00:50:01It cannot wait
00:50:05All right, yes
00:50:07When I ran through the kidnappers ID number central database, so information
00:50:12I keep tossing hang out the impact on our tools. Oh my god. So, you know, it's you know, where's keeping my child?
00:50:20Well, I'm gonna get this a video I came back likely for us passing a delayed up until this morning
00:50:25So I'm gonna try whispering station
00:50:31Hey, are you really gonna speak to me with food in your mouth? I'm sorry. Sorry. Yes. How can I help?
00:50:36I need you to inform all the units for a for a spring station. Okay, exactly
00:50:40Okay, we've just been informed Corey Tammy's about to get on the bus to Kimberly Lillard. Listen. I need you to tell everyone I get
00:50:52I need you to say no
00:51:51Comfortable this is a really nice bus. It is a nice
00:52:00You know, the Spice is taking us to Lerato Land.
00:52:13Enjoy the big hole.
00:52:15Ha ha ha!
00:52:17Hurry up!
00:52:18I'll be right behind you!
00:52:51Aussie has the Kimberley bus left!
00:52:55Which one is it, Aussie?
00:52:56That's homeless.
00:52:57You can find it somewhere there!
00:52:59Okay, so what happens now?
00:53:02Detective we have to find the bus and stop okay
00:53:05Don't tell me to relax. I'm gonna pass you can't just let it leave just like I just come down
00:53:10Don't tell me to come down detective. I'm done. Yeah, do you know what it feels like to have your baby?
00:53:15Just ripped away from you. Just like that. Did you just gonna need your time to die like I did?
00:53:19She's not there. She's been taken from me and then I get dragged all over town
00:53:23This is the full man only to find that I've lost her again
00:53:31Nt. Why am I sitting at the man? Where is the next stop?
00:53:41To just ask this to do that is the next stop. Thank you. Okay, let's go
00:53:49Like a tourist
00:54:00Need you to get the registration up and share it with all the units could go to do that. All right shoot
00:54:11If anyone has a problem bump on it, all right, I've got it
00:54:34Yes, ma'am the bird has taken off it should be flying over you any minute now
00:54:38All right, ma'am. Just switch your radio to line to net that line has been open for this operation
00:54:46Okay, listen, let me school you let me school you there is no such thing as traffic for us
00:54:50All right, we control the traffic you just drive drive drive drive and they'll get out the way for you
00:55:29Thank you
00:55:37Yeah, listen the kid that has been kidnapped as the daughter. Yeah, I'm Lulu Tondo had it who's a girlfriend. Yeah
00:55:43Jake and now who's a politician but right now that's all the information that I have for you
00:55:49on a shop
00:56:49Detective from the violence crime unit
00:56:58Tell me how dare they come out where you are with your hands behind your head
00:57:15Tell me we know you're in this bus come out
00:57:46Said put your hands behind your head put your hands behind your head
00:58:13Have a SWAT team outside who is dying to get inside this bus to take you out
00:58:19Daddy please listen to her. Let me help you
00:58:27Tell me calm down
00:58:34But no harm will come to you
00:58:49Who the hell do you think you are?
00:58:52I must work with you. Okay, but I'm the only hope you have tell me
00:58:57You want to come out alive I'm the only hope you have
00:59:02I can't think with a gun pointed in my face. Tell me Bonnie. You've got two choices when I know
00:59:08There's a lot of fun. Look at this bus alive. Tell me what back again and they're gonna remove you
00:59:17Do you wanna risk your daughter's life
00:59:37Need you to give me something in return
00:59:43Sure you do okay release some of the passengers
00:59:48Can you do that for me
00:59:50Don't do anything stupid
01:00:07You and you and you
01:00:20Calm down
01:00:26All right
01:00:29I'm leaving this radio right here. All right. What a good one with push up
01:00:36Yeah, get out get out
01:00:45Calm down tell me I'm moving
01:02:02On our hands and this information comes from a high-ranking official within the SAPS in Springs
01:02:11Any demands no, he just demanded what I said, but I think he knows he stopped so I don't move it up
01:02:17Well, it's your show
01:02:20The details around this hijacking and kidnapping are not clear
01:02:23But what we do know is that the girl is the daughter of a prominent political figures girlfriend and no names have been established
01:02:31But we'll keep you up to date as the case unfolds
01:02:36Did you know listed a divided information
01:02:40It's real or not I'm gonna tell that it's an enemy and I'll tell this police force I'm a real or homo cat's eye
01:02:46Oh my god, they this is a matter of public interest the people must know they must know
01:03:03All right, listen up the suspect is armed which means he is dangerous do not I repeat do not do anything stupid
01:03:09I'm the only person giving out orders here
01:03:12on whose authority
01:03:14on mine
01:03:16With all due respect say my men are trained to diffuse any situation
01:03:21Let us do our job. So you want to get in the back?
01:03:26Go in there shoot them all if you have to just please get my child. I just want somebody just please escort mrs
01:03:33Hey, there's a nice on Bonnie. What's on Bonnie? You think you call the shot? Hey, let me tell you you call
01:03:39Do you know
01:03:44Yeah, man
01:03:54You know, I'm too old to stand for a long time my feet cannot carry me anymore
01:04:01Yes, sit down, please
01:04:07Fine fine fine
01:04:12You said but everybody else
01:04:14You stand up. No interesting team. You keep standing up. You understand me?
01:04:22What I just want to know how how long is this going to take look I'm diabetic I'll fall anytime
01:04:32You've been stuffing your face the entire time since from Springs
01:04:36You've been stuffing your face. Now. You want to tell me about diabetes? Shut up, man
01:04:42Huh boner I'm back I guess what I said
01:04:46I'm sorry. Shut up. In fact, all of you just shut the hell up before I send you to an early grave. You understand?
01:04:57No, Tanya
01:04:59You know what? You look like a nice and decent
01:05:02Person, you know, I'm trying to think how you came to this point
01:05:07Have you taken the time to look around look outside there?
01:05:11You know, all the guns are pointing at you anyway
01:05:14And I'm a pirate you're pointing a gun at us your fellow passengers in front of your lovely little girl here
01:05:27Don't think I'm aware of that
01:05:30Why what?
01:05:31Why don't you do something about it? I've been trying to do something. I've been trying to do something about it and it's not working
01:05:40No, you haven't
01:05:44You don't know you don't know
01:05:47Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but
01:05:51Okay, you can tell me you don't care
01:05:53And tell you and tell you and tell you because nobody cares. Nobody cares
01:05:59I care about my life. I care about the life of these passengers here and yours too
01:06:14You don't understand just try
01:06:33Can hear you
01:06:36We have you surrounded
01:06:38There are snipers on the roof and the SWAT team on the ground ready to break the bus door
01:06:43Whatever force necessary to secure the safe of the passengers
01:06:46You are currently holding hostage
01:06:54Jenny Lizzy Janet with Muslim, Canada
01:07:00Everyone's blood will be on your heads. You understand me. Do you understand?
01:07:07All we want is for you to guarantee that you won't do anything stupid
01:07:23Don't want to hurt anyone
01:07:25Then why are you doing this?
01:07:30Because I have no other choice
01:07:49Have got a clear shot of the target requesting permission to take it take a shot
01:07:55Permission denied. Do not take the shot. Do you copy?
01:07:59Do you even know what you're doing?
01:08:01My man has a shot on your guy in there. Could be the last clear shot. Let him take it
01:08:06I am NOT giving up that or wrong. Are you crazy? If that man starts shooting innocent people
01:08:10You have to take responsibility
01:08:14What's going on out there?
01:08:16Tammy nothing's going on. All right
01:08:18Bono, you're gonna have to release some of the
01:08:21Tell me you need to work with me. Yeah, I get that. I could kill you on me
01:08:35Tell me
01:08:40Who gave those men orders to get on to the bus I did I
01:08:43Told those guys to pass the bus because I cannot stand here and watch you making stupid decisions
01:08:50This is exactly what I'm trying to prevent you keep challenging my authority
01:08:56I'm done here
01:09:00Tell me tell me do you read me?
01:09:05My son, you know
01:09:07Whenever I have doubts about anything. I
01:09:11Turn to the Lord God Almighty
01:09:17God has forsaken me
01:09:22The Lord doesn't do that you are probably the one who has turned your back on him
01:09:28I also got a gay. Why is she not letting you see your daughter?
01:09:37Because she's a selfish selfish bitch
01:09:44Who jumped from one bed to another bed as long as you're not gay now, she just keeps jumping and jumping and jumping
01:09:51And you still went ahead and married her knowing all of that I
01:09:58Had no choice I
01:10:02Had to do the right thing
01:10:06Because I know what it's like
01:10:08To grow up without a father. I know what it's like to grow up in poverty
01:10:14I know what it's like to fight for a slice of bread
01:10:17And I can't and I couldn't and I won't allow that to happen from Donald
01:10:28You see my I
01:10:31I was one of two students who got a scholarship to go study in the UK
01:10:40And I remember
01:10:42I struggled I worked hard. I worked hard
01:10:46I was sending money home when other people were getting money from home
01:10:53I did odd jobs so that my mother could survive
01:11:03And I remember
01:11:09And I remember when I got my master's degree
01:11:20When I landed
01:11:24There was so much joy
01:11:27I hadn't seen my mother in seven years
01:11:33Seven years
01:11:35Seven years
01:11:39Everybody celebrated me
01:11:42Everyone in the townships celebrated me. I was even made to stand up in church
01:11:49And everybody by Lillies
01:11:58But the most beautiful thing
01:12:01Was also coming back to my childhood sweetheart
01:12:12His smile
01:12:16Just light up a room
01:12:19His smile could just light up the entire
01:12:24So what happened to his on it I broke her heart
01:12:33Because I thought
01:12:38I became a hit
01:12:41Because everybody wanted to hang out with me because I had the money and
01:12:47one night I
01:12:49Went out to a local should be I was buying everybody beers. I was on the table want to kill another tequila
01:12:58Everybody cheering for me
01:13:01America Oh
01:13:07Ninja I call
01:13:11And when I looked next to me there was a beautiful girl
01:13:21And after that everything just went
01:13:28And I remember when I woke up in the morning I was in a fancy hotel room
01:13:33Next thing I know a few weeks later
01:13:37She tells me she's pregnant
01:13:46So you decided to do what all well-brought up men would do marry her
01:13:56That's not the only thing I did
01:14:01But I had to go and break my childhood sweetheart's heart
01:14:21I broke your heart
01:14:34No, I still don't understand what's not why are you doing what you are doing today?
01:14:42Because I'm tired
01:14:45I'm tired man
01:14:49This company that I worked for
01:14:52They were into fraudulent business
01:14:56And when the law finally caught up with them I took the fall I took the fall I
01:15:03Was blacklisted I was humiliated I
01:15:09Couldn't find work anyway
01:15:13And I was fired
01:15:17And then they started repossessing my cars
01:15:21It took my home and no, no time
01:15:25The woman that I married the woman who stood in front of the altar
01:15:31In front of the Lord in front of a congregation who said she would stand by me
01:15:36She didn't
01:15:38She didn't mind. She left me. She took my child and she left with my child
01:15:49Couldn't find him, but finally when I caught up with her she had already shut up with some cheap
01:16:04Politician I
01:16:07Tried everything I tried I tried to beg them for my child
01:16:13I've tried to fight them via the law
01:16:16But this politician is too connected
01:16:19He's using his powers. He's using his friends to block me from seeing my child
01:16:26I'm gonna warn me. I'm gonna warn me
01:16:34I'm sorry my child
01:16:37But maybe just maybe this is the time for you to redeem yourself
01:16:44You know, you know good people win sometimes
01:16:50Don't lie to me. Don't lie to me. Don't lie to me
01:16:56Good people never win
01:16:59But I'll tell you one thing. I know how I'm gonna fix this
01:17:12Yes time ago, um, are you ready to talk I am going to release
01:17:24One of a couple of a
01:17:26Police a letter as part of the phone no fucking ways
01:17:30She stays here
01:17:32She's my child
01:17:34I'll give you four passengers, but I want something in return
01:17:40Why not tell me nothing is gonna happen to you if you release
01:17:50Just speak to an old time
01:17:54Okay in exchange for four
01:18:00Okay, but I can I let me see what I can do. Okay, don't understand. How is with you team?
01:18:06How long is with you team? I want to have a conversation with no time to face to face
01:18:14Bona I'll get back to you. Let me see what I can do
01:18:17I'm gonna handle this piece
01:18:31All right, that's fine enough that's fine that's as far as she's gonna stand right
01:18:40Let out the baby, where are you?
01:18:47She stays here with me
01:18:51Why am I doing why why am I yes Tommy why you took my child?
01:18:57Where's Peter behind those?
01:18:59High walls in suburban areas, huh?
01:19:03You won't let me see my child. Huh? You feed her lies about me. And now you understand here and ask me why?
01:19:17I'm not gonna get away with this
01:19:19One wrong move and that sniper will blow your brains out a couple back over to suck. What did you love that?
01:19:25At least I will die
01:19:27with my dignity in debt
01:19:34You are such a fool
01:19:43Tell me listen, all right, you're a good man
01:19:47All right your story. All right, we'll be laying on the tundra. Do you?
01:19:51Well, yeah, I'm gonna look who about look the only thing I'm interested in hearing is what the hell he was thinking taking my child
01:19:57From her school kidnapping her. That's all I want to know. I mean look
01:20:02You still haven't realized the obvious I
01:20:10for you and
01:20:12What did you do when shit hit the fan, huh you up then you left
01:20:17You didn't just leave by yourself, but you took my flesh and blood
01:20:21with you
01:20:23And now John up a time and do it again
01:20:26Why don't you just grow up just man the fuck up Tommy and yes by that. I mean financially. All right, then maybe
01:20:33We'll talk visitation. I don't know
01:20:36but for now
01:20:37I'm taking my daughter
01:20:42No, you're not
01:20:44No, you're not in fact
01:20:47Get off this fucking bus you and that bulldog behind you get off the bus now
01:20:52Get off the bus
01:20:54No way
01:20:57My child
01:21:02She's my now she is not
01:21:18She's not your child
01:21:33You're joking right
01:21:36For your funny, it's true. It's true. I
01:21:40I slept with some European tourist about a month before we met. I
01:21:48Didn't want my child to grow up without a father a Alexandra I
01:21:54Had no choice
01:21:59I'm sorry. I'm sorry. She's not
01:22:18Don't come here
01:22:27Come to me sweetie
01:22:31Tell me what are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? Tell me? No, no, no, don't do this
01:22:57What's going on inside
01:23:09Tell me tell me tell me I'm sorry tell me please don't do this
01:23:20I've got a clear shot of the target
01:23:22Requesting permission to take it denied tell me what's going on. Well in that. Okay. I'm getting off the bus
01:23:29I'm getting off the bus
01:23:37Hold your fire everybody, please hold your fire
01:23:48Give me my baby
01:23:57Okay, okay
01:24:00Don't hurt my baby
01:24:03I just want my baby. I just want my baby
01:24:24I'm sorry detective
01:24:26We can't play by the rules anymore. We have to act now
01:24:29I'm giving you the order order Swartz to please the boss. Let's say I have done everything I can
01:24:35Give the order detective
01:24:42All right, listen up
01:25:05Just can't get out. All right, stand up stand up. I said stand down
01:25:19It's over now
01:25:24It's over
01:25:29Can I just ask for a favor, please
01:25:35Please pray for me
01:25:41Okay, let's pray
01:26:03God Almighty
01:26:06Jehovah Jireh Jehovah needs
01:26:09Jehovah Shalom
01:26:11Father you are Alpha and Omega creator of all things
01:26:16Call upon your name at this hour. My God
01:26:19We call upon the power of the Holy Spirit to give us the strength my God
01:26:25To give us the guidance
01:26:28Father God, we ask you to be with this young man father God
01:26:32We ask you to be doing this child father God
01:26:34We even ask you Lord God to be with the mother of this child
01:26:38To give them proper guidance to make decisions through your power of the Holy Spirit Lord father
01:26:45You are holy. You are holy. You are holy. You are holy Jehovah
01:26:53We thank you Lord
01:26:54We thank you
01:26:56We thank you in the name the powerful name and the only name of our Lord and Savior Jesus
01:27:04Yes, my boy
01:27:19Think it's time
01:27:23For you guys to go
01:27:27They're gonna come into this bus
01:27:33You guys can go
01:28:06Okay, okay
01:28:09Can I please just have one minute just one minute. Can I just talk to my daughter for one minute?
01:28:16Okay, look at me
01:28:25They're gonna take you away from me
01:28:34Want you to know no matter what I will
01:28:55Drop your gun
01:29:08You're gonna take
01:30:55Supply them toy
01:33:14Never felt a love like this
01:33:21Even though I've hurt you
01:33:28How do I explain this kind of love
01:33:44Will be forever grateful
01:33:56I am grateful
01:34:02You stood by me when I was low
01:34:08You listened when I needed a friend
01:34:27Thankful that I can call you
01:34:57What you've done
01:35:02Your life
01:35:09Life I've seen
01:35:14But you
