Remember the episode where Haley fed Scooby-Doo chocolate just for not liking Deadpool?
00:02I saw three of them!
00:04Oh, look! It's their grandma!
00:09Lee's a TV star!
00:11Hey, girls, it's the turkeys!
00:14They must have your gods of desire!
00:18Not so fast, Marie.
00:19You should know that subjecting us to the usual amorous onslaught on Eddie's land is punishable by law.
00:25Eddie's land?!
00:26Yeah, well, here's a fact check.
00:30You guys need to brush up on your history.
00:33It's a missing page.
00:35And the entirety of the founder's land was signed over thusly to one who bested him in a gambling match.
00:40Lord Canker?!
00:43Looks like we're owed some back rent, huh, girls?
00:46That's right! 300 years worth of smoochin' and rootchin'!
00:51History is so unkind!
00:55Crisp high five.
00:58Merry Christmas.
01:05Oh, hello.
01:07I know, right?
01:09Whose balls did I have to fondle to get my very own movie?
01:12I can't tell you, but it does rhyme with pulverine.
01:16Anyway, I got places to be, a face to fix, and, oh, bad guys to kill.