These American companies were the most valuable brands in 2024 according to consultancy firm Brand Finance.
00:00Think about the phone you have did you buy that phone because of a ton of personal research or because of the logo on
00:04The box bear with us market value measures the entire worth of a company
00:08The number is based on the company's performance the conditions of the stock market and the slew of other finite and very measurable factors
00:13However, brand value is less concrete and uses customer loyalty and brand recognition to gauge what a brand is worth to the people to buy
00:20It so question is what are you willing to pay for a company's reputation independent brand consultancy firm brand finance ranked 2024
00:2710 most valuable u.s. Brands coming in at number 10 is Tesla with a brand value of 58 point 2 7 billion Nexus Starbucks at
00:3468.67 billion meta own Instagram sits at 70 point 44 billion Verizon stands out as the only telecommunications company at
00:4371.75 billion Facebook outweighs sister brand Instagram at
00:4775.72 billion at number 5 is Walmart at
00:5096.84 billion Amazon takes a major leap forward at
00:53308 point 93 billion third on our list is alphabet owned at Google at
00:58333 point 44 billion in second place is Microsoft at
01:02340 point 44 billion and if you're watching this on your iPhone
01:05It'll be no surprise that Apple is the envy of them all the stunning value of five hundred and sixteen point fifty eight billion