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00:04:54But smotri to do должен быть оставлен пропуск на воракана
00:05:06Что нет но этого не может быть я только что заказывал посмотрите еще
00:05:16На вас пропуска нет
00:05:32Алло это воракан я в проходное пропуска нет
00:05:39Я же вам все объяснил полчаса тому назад я воракан с московского машиностроительного
00:05:45Приехал сюда в командировку по поводу кондиционера
00:05:49Но вы нам кондиционера поставляйте
00:05:53Но хорошо хорошо ладно что
00:06:07Товарищ воракан проходить
00:06:57Ниночка срочно в приказ попасть им я уже договорился
00:07:09Вы по какому вопросу
00:07:14Я с московского машиностроительного по поводу кондиционеров
00:07:21Сейчас доложу
00:07:23Пал палыч тут представитель московского машиностроительного
00:07:27Впустите проходите пожалуйста
00:07:30Представитель московского машиностроительного
00:08:20Я с московского машиностроительного
00:08:24Наш директор вам звонил это по поводу кондиционеров которые
00:08:33Мы вам кондиционеры поставляем
00:08:40Ну да уже 15 лет
00:08:45Прекрасно что вы еще хотите
00:08:52Мы хотим чтобы вы изменили панель задней стенки
00:09:04Ну у наших возвращать
00:09:07Мы изменили всю технологию и
00:09:10Теперь ваша панель с нашей не монтируется
00:09:14Но мы вам звонили посылали чертежи
00:09:17Вы просили прислать представителя чтобы начнить все так сказать на месте вот я
00:09:25Ну я думаю мы это оперативно решим сейчас я разыщу
00:09:33Нина Нина Нина даже наподевался
00:09:41Вы меня простите дело в том что ваша секретарша там
00:09:48Сидит совершенно обнаженная
00:09:52Как обнаженная но голая совсем голая
00:10:00В каком смысле в прямом без одежды
00:10:08Печатает как ни в чем не бывало что вы говорите
00:10:19У меня народ
00:10:24Говорите голая но снимите посмотрите
00:10:49Действительно голая ночью мы остановились да главный инженер
00:11:00Ничто соединение с главным инженером
00:11:05Даже он делся
00:11:09Когда душ месяцев 8 что ты говоришь
00:11:17Видите какое у нас несчастье
00:11:21Ниночка чего же он умер в речке
00:11:31Ну что ваше дело усложняется
00:11:36Давайте так
00:11:38Вы приедете к нам
00:11:41Через две недели
00:11:44Мы с главным инженером отработаем этот вопрос и
00:11:48оперативно решим
00:13:27I'll just because of aloha Natasha
00:13:33Normal no stress of порядке
00:13:36Почему заболел
00:13:38Нормальный голос
00:13:41Сегодня выезжаю
00:13:44А вот нет не сделал да сам не пойму чушь какая-то
00:13:50Но в общем приеду все расскажу это это очень смешно
00:13:56Сегодня выезжаю пока пока
00:14:05Вот черт
00:14:15Давайте без меню сразу примите заказ я очень спешу пожалуйста
00:14:21закуска что-то у вас есть
00:14:24борщ или солянка солянка есть давайте солянку и
00:14:29на второе мясо какой-нибудь не жирная бифштекс рублей давайте бифштекс
00:14:35бутылка минеральной и чай а что на десерт будете ничего спасибо у
00:14:42Нас пирожные свежие спасибо ничего не надо
00:14:48Больше заказов не принимаем товарищи у нас через 10 минут перерыв
00:16:35Ваш чай и десерт
00:16:39Такой десерт я ничего не заказывай не беспокойся этот счет не входит просто маленький презент от нашего повара
00:16:54Что это торт
00:17:51Кушать на здоровье наш повар специально для вас приготовим ему очень понравится он из кухни выглядит
00:18:05Бывает такое просто понравился человек человеку возникла такси симпатия
00:18:13Посчитайте вы попробуйте
00:18:17Я прошу дать мне счет ну хоть кусочек а то наш повар покончит с собой
00:18:31Прекратите молоть чайку
00:19:07Значит вы не были знакомы с николаевым нет
00:19:12Никогда с ним раньше не встречались
00:19:15Нет никогда да я вообще впервые в вашем городе у меня поезд вечером я зашел пообедать
00:19:24Такая история
00:19:32Официант курдюмов показывает что
00:19:35Предупреждала вас о том что николаев может покончить с собой если вы не попробуете торт да
00:19:42Он предупреждал но я как-то не придал этому значение все было так нелепо
00:19:48Абсурд какой-то
00:19:59Николаева как выдержанного уравновешенного человека активисты общества трезвости первоклассного специалиста
00:20:08Если бы я знал что все так обернется я бы конечно съел этот злосчастный торт
00:20:22Но хорошо распишитесь если можете идти
00:20:30С моих слов записано верно и прочитано и подпись
00:20:44Если понадобится мы вас вызовем
00:21:04Мне один купейный до москвы билетов нет да мне все равно какой свои плацкартные никаких нет
00:21:13А где вас начальник вокзала начальник не поможет
00:22:04Куда на ближайшую железнодорожную станцию
00:22:50Все приехали дальше ехать не имею права видите кирпич поставит
00:22:57Но что поворачивать а далеко до станции километра полтора не больше
00:23:04Это я пойду бежком
00:25:33Здравствуйте еще добры вы не подскажете где здесь станция
00:25:40Здесь нет станции здесь наш краеведческий музей
00:25:45Но мне сказали что где-то поблизости есть станция никогда здесь не было станции это самоведная зона
00:25:55Не желаете осмотреть экспозицию
00:26:02Скажите а как я могу добраться до города никак
00:26:07Автобус уже не ходит а
00:26:10Как же вы доберетесь
00:26:16Я здесь живу при музее
00:26:20Причем если вам непременно надо в город
00:26:22Здесь неподалеку живет одна дама случается по вечерам она ездит в город на своей машине
00:26:28Я могу узнать может быть она сегодня приедет
00:26:32Будьте любезны
00:26:42Львов Анна это я
00:26:47Вы не едете сегодня в город тут у меня симпатичный молодой человек вы не захватите его по дороге
00:26:57все улажено
00:26:59Через час она за вами заедет а пока можете ознакомиться с экспозицией билет стоит 35
00:27:42Куда это мы
00:27:45Осмотр экспозиции начинается на глубине 28 метров
00:27:50Это что специально для музея шахту копать разумеется нет в девятнадцатом веке здесь добывали уголь
00:27:57При проходке ствола рабочие наткнулись на древние захоронения
00:28:01купец бутов страстный поклонник археологии незаметно скупил все земли в округе и
00:28:07Продолжив раскопки собственно и положил начало основания музея
00:28:17Прошу вас не у нас тут свет
00:28:24Наиболее древние находки обнаружены на территории нашего города относится к периоду падения трое в этом саркофаги
00:28:33захоронен один из строянских царей дар дан
00:28:38Подождите как здесь очутили строянцы
00:28:41как непровержимо доказал профессор ротенберг час строянцев после падения трои пошла на север и
00:28:50достигнув здешних мест основала первое поселение на месте нашего города здесь вы видите надпись
00:28:58дар дан сын гелена
00:29:00внук прямо
00:29:02такая же надпись присутствует и на щите найденном бутовом подле саркофага
00:29:08Пройдемте дальше
00:29:21Вторая когорта 14 марсового с двойного легиона
00:29:28постукивает это что же
00:29:31римлянин что совершенно верно это та самая когорта
00:29:36обисследованном исчезновении который по пути из британии на кавказ
00:29:41докладывал нерону
00:29:43командующий легионом титру в бри останки же этой когорты были обнарушены бутовым при проходке
00:29:51второго ствола
00:29:53что за чушь ведь римлянин никогда не были на территории сцар
00:29:58скульптурные портреты восстановлены нашим художником игорем рюмином по методу профессора герасимова
00:30:07Продолжим осмотр экспозиции
00:30:12Кровать атилы на которой предводитель гуннов надругался над визгостской королевы
00:30:19на глазах своей эрды
00:30:22профессор ротенберг обнаружил на ней
00:30:26остатки семени по которым он вывел формулу днк
00:30:30ввел данные в компьютер и получил абсолютный
00:30:35достоверный образ атилы
00:31:00Первые исполнители рок-н-ролла в нашем городе
00:31:051, 2, 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock, 5, 6, 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock, 9, 10, 11 o'clock, 12 o'clock, we're gonna rock around the clock tonight
00:31:16Let's rock on, join me honey, we'll have some fun when the clock strikes one, we're gonna rock around the clock tonight
00:31:23Николай Самородинов, секретарь горкома комсомола, исключивших из рядов ЛКСМ
00:31:30Пистолет Петра Урусова, из которого он застрелил Лжедмитрия Второго, тут же голова самозванца
00:31:41А голова-то у вас откуда взялась?
00:31:44После гибели Лжедмитрия Марина Мнишек приказала своему лекарю Измаилу бальзамировать голову мужа
00:31:52Любовник Марины Мнишек, атаман Зарудской, проиграл голову в карты польскому Лану Белецкому
00:32:01При осаде Кремля ополченцами Мининой и Пожарской, Белецкий был убит
00:32:08И голова досталась Федору Кузьмину, стрельцу, уроженцу нашего города
00:32:14Его здесь нет. Пошли дальше
00:32:30Здесь вы видите киевского князя Владимира в момент принятия ему исторического решения о введении на Руси христианства
00:32:44Знаменитый русский боевик, член черного передела, уроженец нашего города Никифор Петров
00:32:51Был выдан царской охранке главой боевой организации эсеров провокатора Мазефом
00:32:57Умер на каторге, а это сам Мазеф
00:33:01Здесь же его любовница, актриса Кафешантана госпожа Энн
00:33:08Монах Юлиан, посол и разведчик венгерского короля Бела Четвертого в России
00:33:17Еще один представитель нашего города, товарищ Бурцев, комендант отеля Флоренция в Москве
00:33:25В 1918 году здесь проходила конференция анархистов
00:33:30Здесь вы видите товарища Бурцева, вот он входит в дверь с подушкой
00:33:36В конференции принял участие батька Махно
00:33:39Вон он разговаривает с командиром еврейской повстанческой батареи его армии Абрамом Шнейдером
00:33:46А слева от него Знаменитый Каврюша, командир черной сотни батьки
00:33:52Который утверждал, что зарубит собственных мать и отца, если только батька прикажут
00:34:00Первый стахановец нашего города, Егор Быков
00:34:06Здесь вы видите квартиру рабочего железнодорожных мастерских Порфирия Куридзе
00:34:12На этой квартире Йосиф Сталин, совершивший побег из ссылки, провел в ноябре 1904 года одну ночь в нашем городе
00:34:21На рассвете он поднял тост
00:34:24Скоро рассвет, скоро встанет солнце, это солнце будет сиять для нас
00:34:36Звучит музыка
00:35:07Звучит музыка
00:35:19Зиновий Пешков, приемный сын Горького, родной брат Свердлова
00:35:24Тридцатые годы посол Франции в Китае
00:35:29А это кто такой?
00:35:31А это председатель нашей писательской организации Василий Чигунов на своей даче
00:35:37Начинал он как поэт
00:35:3910 марта 1938 года в огоньке было напечатано его первое стихотворение
00:35:45Приговор народа
00:35:47Штыки охраны, мы в октябрьском зале
00:35:50Судейский стон, сталь прокурорских фраз
00:35:54Так значит, сколько вы у немцев взяли, чтоб родину продать в который раз?
00:36:00И злость в глазах блеснула и погасла
00:36:03И подсудимые не смотрят в зал
00:36:06Да, мы стекло подмешивали в масло
00:36:09Да, Горького убить я приказал
00:36:11Я деньги брал за шпионаж в Рейхсвере
00:36:14Террор, вредительство, измена, яд
00:36:17Они сидят, как пойманные звери
00:36:20Они по очереди говорят
00:36:22Чернов, Егода, Розенгольц, Бухарин
00:36:25И вот уж тают лиц людских черты
00:36:28Чудовищные дьявольские хари
00:36:31Перед собой невольно видишь ты
00:36:34В 1949 году Василий Чигунов был обвинен в космополитизме
00:36:40За исторический роман Кандалы Кефельбекера
00:36:43В 1956-м был реабилитирован
00:36:54Первый председатель нашего Ревкома
00:36:57Принимавший участие в ликвидации пиратской семьи
00:37:00Михаил Иванович Зверев
00:37:02Здесь вы видите его на встрече ударников
00:37:05Встретиться Беломоро-Малтийского канала
00:37:07С руководством в стройке
00:37:09Он стоит с гармошкой
00:37:12Слева от начальника ГУЛАГа АГПУ товарища Бермана
00:37:17Именно на этой встрече
00:37:19Руководитель стройки, замначальника АГПУ Егода
00:37:23Сказал, исправительно трудовые лагеря АГПУ
00:37:26Являются пионерами по культурному освоению наших отдаленных окраин
00:38:24Здесь еще один уроженец нашего города
00:38:27Академик Фомин
00:38:29Который обсуждает в 1934 году
00:38:32С товарищами Хрущевым и Кагановичем
00:38:36Проект возведения на Красной площади
00:38:39Величественного здания нарком-тяжпрома
00:39:00Майор Соколов
00:39:03Тоже родился в нашем городе
00:39:05Обеспечивая воздушное прикрытие англо-американского конвоя
00:39:09В сентябре 1942 года
00:39:11Принял бой с десятью немецкими самолетами
00:39:15Сбил шесть из них
00:39:17И смертельно раненый посадил в свой истребитель
00:39:20В Торосах южнее Шпицбергена
00:39:30Антонина Петухова
00:39:32Она же Мартышка
00:39:34Первая гражданка нашего города
00:39:37Задержанная во время фестиваля
00:39:40Молодежи и студентов в Москве
00:39:43В 1957 году
00:39:45За связь с иностранцами
00:40:00Композиция нашего скульптора Троицкого
00:40:03Под названием «Грёзы»
00:40:30Композиция нашего скульптора Троицкого
00:40:33Под названием «Грёзы»
00:40:59Композиция нашего скульптора Троицкого
00:41:02Под названием «Грёзы»
00:41:04Композиция нашего скульптора Троицкого
00:41:07Под названием «Грёзы»
00:41:29Композиция нашего скульптора Троицкого
00:41:32Под названием «Грёзы»
00:41:35Композиция нашего скульптора Троицкого
00:41:38Под названием «Грёзы»
00:41:41Композиция нашего скульптора Троицкого
00:41:44Под названием «Грёзы»
00:41:47Композиция нашего скульптора Троицкого
00:41:50Под названием «Грёзы»
00:41:53Композиция нашего скульптора Троицкого
00:41:56Композиция нашего скульптора Троицкого
00:41:59Под названием «Грёзы»
00:42:04Прошу вас, прошу.
00:42:09Странно, а где же Анна?
00:42:12Ничего не понимаю. Обычно она такая пунктуальна.
00:42:15Может быть, передумала ехать в город.
00:42:18Ну, ничего. Можете здесь переночевать.
00:42:21А где это здесь?
00:42:23Our electrician lives not far from here.
00:42:26They have a big house. You can spend the night there and go to the city by bus in the morning.
00:42:30Can I leave right now?
00:42:32No, you can't get out right now.
00:42:35The highway is 15 kilometers.
00:42:37Let's go, I'll see you off and I'll arrange a place for the night.
00:43:05Help yourself, help yourself.
00:43:08Thank you.
00:43:09How did you get to our region at night?
00:43:12Are you a tourist?
00:43:15Here you are.
00:43:16Thank you.
00:43:17I asked a taxi driver to take me to the nearest station.
00:43:20He brought me here.
00:43:22There is no station in Pamin.
00:43:24The station is in Perebrodino.
00:43:26And we are in Perebrodo.
00:43:27That's why the taxi driver is confused.
00:43:29Was the taxi driver young?
00:43:33Well, that's normal.
00:43:35Ma'am, you have potatoes there.
00:43:37They must have already burned.
00:43:38I'll bring them.
00:43:41How about a couple of glasses?
00:43:43No, thank you.
00:43:44I don't drink.
00:43:46Your own cooking.
00:43:53You will never leave our city.
00:44:02You will never leave here.
00:44:05You will die in 2015.
00:44:08And you will be buried in the city cemetery.
00:44:12You will die in 2015.
00:44:15You will die in 2015.
00:44:18You will die in 2015.
00:44:21You will be buried in the city cemetery.
00:44:24I can see your grave and the tomb.
00:44:27It says Varanin Alexei Mikhailovich,
00:44:35To my beloved father and daughters
00:44:38Yulia, Natasha, Tamara and Zinaida.
00:44:42To my beloved father and daughters Yulia, Natasha, Tamara and Zinaida.
00:44:47To my beloved father and daughters Yulia, Natasha, Tamara and Zinaida.
00:44:52Why are you sitting here?
00:44:54Go to sleep.
00:44:56It's 10 o'clock and he's sitting here.
00:45:04Good night.
00:45:06Good night.
00:45:08Misha, don't forget to brush your teeth.
00:45:16Well, goodbye.
00:45:21Excuse me.
00:45:23Where can I lie down?
00:45:26What? You want to sleep already?
00:45:29Sorry, I'm very tired.
00:45:31You haven't eaten anything yet. Try the potatoes.
00:45:35Thank you, I'm full. I'm just very tired.
00:45:42Well, I'll see you off.
00:45:44Thank you.
00:45:50Here's a towel. Make yourself comfortable.
00:45:53Thank you.
00:45:56And who is this?
00:45:58You know, I don't know.
00:46:00We bought this house.
00:46:02I hung it here.
00:46:05Good night.
00:46:07Good night.
00:46:09Good night.
00:46:30Excuse me.
00:46:32We came to pick you up.
00:46:36My name is Anna.
00:46:38I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up at the museum.
00:46:41I've lost my wheel.
00:46:43If you don't change your mind, I can take you to the city right now.
00:46:57Excuse me, could you take me to Perebrodino?
00:47:00Do you need to go to the station?
00:47:03Yes, I need to go to Moscow.
00:47:05There are two Moscow trains in Perebrodino.
00:47:08Adler and Tbilisi.
00:47:10Very good.
00:47:14Are you upset about something?
00:47:21I'm rather surprised.
00:47:24Tell me, have you ever been foretold the future?
00:47:33But I read that the French doctor Nostradamus predicted Hitler's arrival in the 16th century.
00:47:42Someone is following us.
00:47:45They're signaling for us to stop.
00:48:02Comrade Varakin?
00:48:08Please get in our car.
00:48:12We have new data, and we need to clarify something.
00:48:21Do you recognize me?
00:48:26It's me.
00:48:29That's right.
00:48:31The photo was found in the papers of the late cook Nikolaev.
00:48:41How did he get it?
00:48:46That's what we're interested in.
00:48:49You said you've never met the cook.
00:48:58How do I explain this to my dear father from Mahmud?
00:49:08So you're the son of the cook Mahmud?
00:49:14What nonsense.
00:49:16What son? What Mahmud?
00:49:23The expertise has identified the identity of the handwriting on the photo.
00:49:28And your handwriting.
00:49:30There is an act in the case.
00:49:38Listen, this is a misunderstanding.
00:49:41I've never seen this cook.
00:49:45My father, Varakin, Mikhailov.
00:49:54I've never seen the cook.
00:49:56He's an engineer.
00:50:00How do I explain that the photo with your handwriting was found at Nikolaev's?
00:50:11I don't know.
00:50:16But maybe you've met the cook before?
00:50:20Never. I swear. Never.
00:50:36I have to take your signature.
00:50:41What do you mean? This is a mistake.
00:50:45Don't worry. We'll figure it out.
00:50:48But I have to go to Moscow. I have to take your signature.
00:50:53However, you can complain about my actions to the city prosecutor.
00:51:38Varakin Alexeyevich?
00:51:42The city prosecutor is speaking.
00:51:45The city prosecutor.
00:51:47A car is waiting for you.
00:52:05Hello, Alexeyevich.
00:52:12Thank you.
00:52:24I know the case you wanted to see me about.
00:52:33It's a strange case.
00:52:35You see, it's a misunderstanding.
00:52:38I have nothing to do with this incident. I was there by accident.
00:52:43I have to go to Moscow.
00:52:46I see.
00:52:54Have you ever wanted to commit a crime?
00:53:03Just because.
00:53:05To do something criminal.
00:53:08I don't know.
00:53:10To steal a tape recorder.
00:53:12To attack a policeman.
00:53:16Why would I attack a policeman?
00:53:19A policeman is just a word.
00:53:23Can you imagine?
00:53:26I, a prosecutor,
00:53:29dream of committing a crime.
00:53:34I punish criminals all my life.
00:53:39But I envy them in my soul.
00:53:43It's a paradox.
00:53:45A worthy pyramid of a novelist.
00:53:52It would be good to do something so crazy
00:53:56that no one would expect you to do.
00:54:01I'm sorry.
00:54:11Okay, let's get back to our case.
00:54:14So you want me to let you go back to Moscow?
00:54:21don't you think you witnessed
00:54:25not a suicide,
00:54:28but a murder?
00:54:33A murder.
00:54:35But I saw him shoot himself.
00:54:40That's the point.
00:54:43You didn't see it.
00:54:46Remember how it happened.
00:54:59Your tea.
00:55:01And dessert.
00:55:03What dessert? I didn't order it.
00:55:05Don't worry, it's not included in the bill.
00:55:07It's just a small gift from our cook.
00:55:10What is it?
00:55:12A cake.
00:55:30Why did he play jazz?
00:55:32I don't know.
00:55:33Maybe they had a rehearsal.
00:55:35There's no jazz in the Dnieper restaurant.
00:55:37And there never was.
00:55:39But they were playing.
00:55:41Maybe these people only pretended to play,
00:55:44but in reality it was a phonogram.
00:55:46But why?
00:55:48So that you wouldn't hear the shot
00:55:51that was fired in the kitchen at that moment.
00:55:55The first shot in this story.
00:56:25I don't understand.
00:56:28Even if Nikolay was killed,
00:56:31why did they need all this circus?
00:56:34First of all, I'm not saying he was killed.
00:56:36It's just a theory.
00:56:38But why did they need all this circus?
00:56:41I don't understand.
00:56:44First of all, I'm not saying he was killed.
00:56:47It's just a theory.
00:56:49But why did they need all this circus?
00:56:52First of all, I'm not saying he was killed.
00:56:54It's just a theory.
00:56:57Indeed, this whole story looks pretty ridiculous
00:57:02to assume that it's a planned murder.
00:57:06But maybe this is what the perpetrators were counting on.
00:57:10They needed to convince you,
00:57:13a stranger,
00:57:15that you are a witness
00:57:18to a suicide.
00:57:21And they succeeded.
00:57:29Nikolay Ivanovich,
00:57:34I need to go to Moscow.
00:57:41I can see that you don't fully understand
00:57:44the seriousness of Nikolayev's case.
00:57:48It concerns the interests of the state.
00:57:53I can see that you don't fully understand
00:57:56the seriousness of Nikolayev's case.
00:58:16Since the time of the Mongol invasion,
00:58:19the main idea that unites us all,
00:58:22The idea that served the generations of our ancestors is the idea of statehood.
00:58:29A powerful, great state is the ideal for which a Russian man is ready to suffer,
00:58:36ready to endure any deprivation, ready to finally give up his life.
00:58:42This is an irrational idea.
00:58:44This is not a pragmatic European aspiration to make the most of yourself.
00:58:52This is the idea of the Russian spirit, which subordinates and dissolves your, my individuality.
00:59:02But in return, it gives you and me a hundred times more.
00:59:06It gives the feeling of belonging to a great organism.
00:59:10It gives the feeling of spirit. It gives the feeling of strength and immortality.
00:59:19The West has always sought to compromise the idea of our statehood.
00:59:26But the greatest danger for our ideas is not in the West, but in ourselves.
00:59:31It is we who grab hold of all these endless, fashionable Western ideas,
00:59:36seducing ourselves with their obvious practicality and rationality,
00:59:41without realizing that this is precisely where their destructive power lies.
00:59:51But that's all right. Our own ideas always prevail in the end.
00:59:58Look, all our revolutions, in the end,
01:00:02led not to destruction, but to the strengthening and strengthening of the state.
01:00:08And it will always be so.
01:00:16Few people understand that now is one of the most critical moments in our history.
01:00:24And the case of the cook Nikolaev, at first glance, is completely empty,
01:00:32but it has an extremely deep meaning.
01:00:39So, Alexei Mikhailovich, you must not leave the city.
01:00:54What should I do?
01:01:02The only request, if anyone asks,
01:01:06do not deny that you are the son of a cook.
01:01:45Varakin, do you want to have some fun?
01:01:51My friend and I are in a bad mood.
01:01:54I thought you might want to have some fun.
01:01:58Who are you?
01:02:00We'll make dumplings, and you'll take the wine.
01:02:04Listen, stop hooliganizing them.
01:02:07As you wish.
01:02:09Who is it?
01:02:20Who is it?
01:02:21Who is it?
01:02:37I came to you on business.
01:02:40The writer Chugunov Vasily Nikolaevich wants to see you.
01:02:44What for?
01:02:46It's very important to you. I'm in the car, we can go right now.
01:02:52I'm not going anywhere.
01:02:55I beg you.
01:02:57It's about your father Nikolaev.
01:03:21Alexei Mikhailovich.
01:03:25I'm glad to meet you.
01:04:11I know you witnessed the suicide of the cook Nikolaev.
01:04:16The thing is, Nikolaev was the first rock'n'roll performer in our city.
01:04:23It happened at the Zhdanov Palace of Culture
01:04:29on May 18, 1957.
01:04:46It was an ordinary youth night.
01:04:50You know, young people gather, dance, have fun.
01:04:56It's still unclear how Nikolaev ended up there.
01:05:01He was 27 years old.
01:05:04He was a senior lieutenant of the OSCE.
01:05:07Anyway, he ended up there.
01:05:10Look, Nikolaev is walking in the hall.
01:05:13Look, look, it's about to start.
01:05:28You see, the music of the waltz suddenly stopped.
01:05:32It became rock'n'roll.
01:05:34You see, everyone is confused.
01:05:36It's still unclear who replaced the music in the radio.
01:05:39Now look what Nikolaev is doing.
01:05:43Join me, heart
01:05:45We'll have some fun when the clock strikes one
01:05:47We're gonna rock around in clock tonight
01:05:50We're gonna rock, rock, rock till bright daylight
01:05:52We're gonna rock, gonna rock around in clock tonight
01:05:57When the clock strikes two, three and four
01:06:00And the band slows down, move your head more
01:06:03We're gonna rock around in clock tonight
01:06:05We're gonna rock, rock, rock till bright daylight
01:06:08We're gonna rock, gonna rock around in clock tonight
01:06:12We're gonna rock, gonna rock around in clock tonight
01:06:42Nikolaev was fired from the militia, and Lida Shulakova was expelled from the medical school.
01:06:50She tried to commit suicide. She drank vinegar.
01:06:53She was saved, but her vocal cords were burned, and she could never speak again.
01:07:13Nikolaev got a job in a canteen, then in a restaurant.
01:07:17He was calm and quiet.
01:07:21But I knew that sooner or later he would throw something out.
01:07:26And I was wrong.
01:07:28He could arrange such a show of his own death,
01:07:31but only he could be capable of such a thing.
01:07:33Do you know that the prosecutor thinks that Nikolaev was killed?
01:07:37Do you know that our prosecutor is the same Smorodinov
01:07:42who excluded Nikolaev and Shulakova from the Komsomol?
01:07:50All these years, I've been trying to find out
01:07:54whether Nikolaev and Shulakova were killed or not.
01:07:59All this is very interesting, but...
01:08:02I don't understand what I have to do with all this.
01:08:08The fact is that today in our city
01:08:12a club of rock'n'roll fans named Nikolaev is opening.
01:08:18And I would like you to perform at its opening.
01:08:29Why me?
01:08:36But you are Nikolaev's son.
01:08:56Well, let's go to the stage. It's time to start.
01:09:03Nastya Matveevich, thank you for coming.
01:09:25Nikolay Ivanovich, hello.
01:09:32Are you going to perform?
01:09:35What can I do, Nikolay Ivanovich?
01:09:38You are so stupid.
01:09:41What can I say about a person I don't know at all?
01:09:45Say a few words.
01:09:48What do they usually say in such cases?
01:09:50Say a few words.
01:09:52What do they usually say in such cases?
01:09:55That he was a good person and so on.
01:09:58But I have to talk about him as about my own father.
01:10:02Alexei Mikhailovich!
01:10:05Alexei Mikhailovich! We are waiting for you!
01:10:20Alexei Mikhailovich! Alexei Mikhailovich!
01:10:31Friends, today in our city the club of rock'n'roll fans is opening!
01:10:40This is another great victory of democracy!
01:10:43In the era of Stalinism, voluntarism, subjectivism, stagnation,
01:10:52we have brought a passionate desire to dance whatever we want!
01:11:01Friends, the first to dance rock'n'roll in our city was the cook Nikolayev.
01:11:06It is always difficult for the first, but the second appears after the first.
01:11:15And in this the great logic of historical progress, which cannot be stopped!
01:11:26Let me give the floor to the son of the cook Nikolayev.
01:11:36Nikolayev Nikolayevich Nikolayevich Nikolayevich
01:11:53I must tell you honestly, I did not know this wonderful person well enough.
01:11:57He was a very good person.
01:12:00We have rarely seen each other.
01:12:04Only once.
01:12:08He was a very good person.
01:12:11A good cook.
01:12:13I ate a very good beefsteak.
01:12:16Do you dance rock'n'roll?
01:12:19How can I tell you?
01:12:21I used to dance when I was studying at the technical school.
01:12:27Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:12:57Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:27Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:29Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:31Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:33Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:35Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:37Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:39Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:41Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:43Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:45Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:47Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:49Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:51Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:53Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:55Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:57Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:13:59Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:01Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:03Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:05Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:07Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:09Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:11Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:13Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:15Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:17Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:19Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:21Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:23Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:25Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:27Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:29Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:31Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:33Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:35Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:37Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:39Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:41Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:43Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:45Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:47Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:49Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:51Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:53Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:55Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:57Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:14:59Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:01Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:03Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:05Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:07Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:09Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:11Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:13Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:15Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:17Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:19Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:21Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:23Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:25Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:27Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:29Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:31Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:33Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:35Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:37Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:39Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:41Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:43Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:45Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:47Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:49Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:51Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:53Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:55Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:57Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:15:59Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:01Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:03Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:05Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:07Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:09Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:11Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:13Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:15Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:17Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:19Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:21Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:23Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:25Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:27Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:29Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:31Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:33Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:35Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:37Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:39Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:41Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:43Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:45Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:47Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:49Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:51Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:53Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:16:55Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock!
01:17:14Have a seat.
01:17:27My name is Lidia Shulakova, and this is my son, she means me.
01:17:41And what do you want?
01:17:46I am the same Lidia Shulakova who danced rock'n'roll with Nikolayev.
01:18:00Because of this, I was expelled from the medical school, I drank vinegar and lost my voice.
01:18:15I remember, Chugunov told me about you.
01:18:25I have a few things left from Nikolayev.
01:18:31They are very dear to me, but I want to give them to you.
01:18:54Thank you.
01:19:08You know, if these things are so dear to you, maybe you should keep them for yourself?
01:19:20Thank you for being just like him. You have kept our ideals.
01:19:47I want to dance with you.
01:20:17Good evening.
01:20:28Good evening.
01:20:30Good evening.
01:20:32And this is Alexey Mikhailovich Varakin.
01:20:35Pleased to meet you, Ivanov Stepan Filippovich.
01:20:38Our chairman of the city executive committee.
01:20:40Come on, Vasily.
01:20:42And this is Lidia Shulakova.
01:20:46Pleased to meet you.
01:20:52I wanted to meet you for a long time.
01:20:55Thank you for coming. Thank you for your help.
01:20:59It's not over yet, Stepan Filippovich.
01:21:01Yes, that's right. There is still a lot of work to be done.
01:21:05But there is a shift. This is the main thing.
01:21:08The very fact that rock'n'roll is rehabilitated is of great political significance.
01:21:14You can't calm down on this, Stepan Filippovich.
01:21:16And we don't calm down, Vasily.
01:21:23Please. Thank you.
01:21:24Thank you.
01:21:38Oh, hero of the day.
01:21:40Why did you come here?
01:21:45I came to see Alexey Mikhailovich on business.
01:21:48Well, if it's on business, come in.
01:21:58Why are you so embarrassed, Nikolai?
01:22:02Vitya, make it louder.
01:22:07You will ruin Russia.
01:22:09It's you who will ruin it.
01:22:10Well, that's enough.
01:22:15How long will you stay with us, Alexey Mikhailovich?
01:22:19Actually, you know, I need to be in Moscow.
01:22:22Could you help me leave?
01:22:24You can't leave now.
01:22:28Listen, Stepan Filippovich.
01:22:31I would like to talk to you in private.
01:22:33This is very important.
01:22:35I would be happy to help you.
01:22:39Could we talk right now?
01:22:42I'm ready.
01:22:44Then maybe we could go out into the corridor?
01:23:01Oh, hello, Pavel.
01:23:07Alexey Mikhailovich.
01:23:09I'm walking down the floor and I see girls guarding your door.
01:23:13I invited them.
01:23:18Thank you.
01:23:30What did they call you for?
01:23:31Do you remember?
01:23:32We made dumplings and took beer.
01:23:35Dumplings are good.
01:23:37Why are you so embarrassed, Nikolai?
01:23:39Get out of here.
01:23:44Well, let's drink beer.
01:23:50Excuse me.
01:24:07For progress.
01:24:08I won't drink.
01:24:10I won't drink for this.
01:24:12Well, hell with him.
01:24:13You don't want to drink for progress, so drink for your mother.
01:24:16I'll drink for my mother.
01:24:19What should I do with dumplings?
01:24:21There are no plates.
01:24:23Here's a spoon.
01:24:24Take it and eat right from the pan.
01:24:39Alexey Mikhailovich, we came to you on business.
01:24:43Tamara wants to change her room to a room in Tbilisi.
01:24:48This is only a three-way exchange.
01:24:50No one will change directly.
01:24:52And we won't let Tamara go to Tbilisi.
01:24:55We need such beautiful girls ourselves.
01:25:00No, seriously, I see you're a deputy.
01:25:04Now I'm not a deputy, but just a man in love.
01:25:09Immediately in love.
01:25:11By the way, Stepan Filippovich, since we've already started talking about business,
01:25:15we don't have a chief engineer.
01:25:20And we wanted to sing to you.
01:25:26Let me sing.
01:25:28No, you sit down.
01:25:30No, he sings just fine.
01:25:34The Sokolov choir of Uyara was once famous.
01:25:45The Sokolov guitar is still ringing in my ears.
01:25:53Money, money, money is everywhere.
01:25:57Money is everywhere, gentlemen.
01:26:00And without money, life is bad.
01:26:04It's no good anywhere.
01:26:09Can I join you?
01:26:11Who are you?
01:26:13We live in the next room.
01:26:15Expeditors from Kiev Obl-Rema.
01:26:18We heard you were singing here, so we decided to stop by.
01:26:22Well done.
01:26:23We have beer.
01:26:25Where are you from?
01:26:27We are locals.
01:26:28I am the chairman of the city council.
01:26:30This is our city prosecutor.
01:26:32This is the director of the IMF.
01:26:34And this is Chugunov, the chairman of the local...
01:26:40Yes, the writer's organization.
01:26:43So we are all friends.
01:26:45But Varakin is not ours.
01:26:47Oh yes, Varakin, Alexei Mikhailovich.
01:26:49The son of the cook Nikolaev.
01:26:52How will he take it?
01:26:54A very pleasant company.
01:26:57I don't understand if you will listen or not.
01:27:00We sing and you talk.
01:27:02What nonsense are you singing?
01:27:04Then sing yourself.
01:27:06Come on, Nikolai.
01:27:07You're not...
01:27:09Come on, sing.
01:27:11Why not listen to singing?
01:27:14What song would you like to listen to, Alexei Mikhailovich?
01:27:28The night is bright over the river.
01:27:32The moon shines quietly.
01:27:36And the blue wave shines in silver.
01:27:45The dark forest is so quiet.
01:27:50The night is bright over the river.
01:27:54The moon shines quietly.
01:27:58And the blue wave shines in silver.
01:28:02The dark forest is so quiet.
01:28:06And the blue wave shines in silver.
01:28:10The night is bright over the river.
01:28:14The moon shines quietly.
01:28:18And the blue wave shines in silver.
01:28:23The night is bright over the river.
01:28:27The moon shines quietly.
01:28:31And the blue wave shines in silver.
01:28:37The night is bright over the river.
01:28:41The moon shines quietly.
01:28:45And the blue wave shines in silver.
01:28:49The night is bright over the river.
01:28:53The moon shines quietly.
01:28:57And the blue wave shines in silver.
01:29:01The night is bright over the river.
01:29:05The moon shines quietly.
01:29:09Let's go.