• last year
Kristine Carlson and her husband Dr. Richard Carlson, co-authors of the bestselling book series "Don't Sweat the Small S | dG1fVnFBcXhCampILVk
00:00It feels so stupid and pointless to do anything
00:09when all I want to be is just so angry.
00:12Who is he?
00:14Girls, what are you doing home?
00:16Jazz wasn't feeling well, so we left early.
00:18I asked, who is he?
00:20This is Mr. Renwick.
00:22He's helping me with the website redesign.
00:25Hi there.
00:27Doesn't look like that's what he's helping you with.
00:28Jazzy, don't get riled up.
00:30No, no, I want to get riled up.
00:31Okay, I'm gonna go.
00:34Sorry I upset you.
00:35That's the last thing I wanted to do.
00:41I'm sorry.
00:42It's fine.
00:50Did you have to be so rude to my guest?
00:53Jazzy, just stop.
00:54For months, you haven't talked about anything
00:57except putting on a brave face and wanting us to be okay,
01:00learning that there's a lesson in all of this.
01:03You don't share your pain or your fears or your doubts,
01:07but with some random stranger, you spill everything?
01:10Were you eavesdropping?
01:11We didn't have to eavesdrop.
01:12We could hear you.
01:14Do you think your dad would lay his concerns on you
01:17if I were the one who died?
01:19No, he would be strong.
01:21He would make you feel safe and taken care of.
01:23He was our great protector, and now that he's gone,
01:27that's what I need to be.
01:28We don't need you to protect us, Mom.
01:31We need you to be human.
01:33Do you have anything to say about this?
01:35I mean, are you upset at all?
01:37I'm already upset most of the time,
01:38so this isn't that different.
01:41And Jazzy, you shouldn't even be angry.
01:44Okay, it's not good for the...
01:47It's not good for the what?
01:54What the hell?
01:56I should just tell her.
01:57Tell me what?
02:00I'm pregnant.
02:05How did this happen?
02:07Okay, I know how it happened.
02:08Where do you think you're going?
02:09I'm staying at Henry's tonight.
02:10No, you're not.
02:11We need to talk about this.
02:12No, we don't.
02:14Why didn't you tell me you were sexually active?
02:15I would have gotten you birth control.
02:17I'm not an idiot, Mom.
02:18I use birth control.
02:21Part of the 0.8% of women that still gets pregnant
02:24even after using the pill accurately.
02:26How far along are you?
02:28Eight weeks.
02:29And you want to keep the baby?
02:33I can't believe you just asked me that.
02:34I don't want you to ruin your life.
02:36My life's already ruined.
02:38This baby and Henry are the only chance
02:40that my life could be good again.
02:46Kenna, where are you going?
02:47I'm going to Callie's house.
02:49She's the only one in the team who hasn't ditched me.
02:51Both of you girls, stop.
02:53This instant.
02:55What do I have to say to make you stay?
02:57That I miss your dad so much
02:58that it feels like my heart's been ripped out
03:00and thrown on the ground and stomped on?
03:03That I can't process my grief as fast as life wants me to
03:06because I feel like I'm constantly failing?
03:09Because I don't know what the hell I'm doing.
03:10And that's what's really going on.
03:12I don't know what the hell I'm doing.
03:14So both of you, take your bags and unpack them
03:17because you are not going anywhere.
03:19We might not like each other right now,
03:22but we are still a family.
