
  • 3 months ago


00:01Tony Connolly.
00:02So this is what you're doing now, driving a cab?
00:05Yeah. 27 years loyal service, so they could just throw me under scrappy.
00:10You lost your job because your face didn't fit.
00:12There must have been something more to it than that, Tony.
00:14That's all science.
00:16How about I pick your brain sometime over a coffee?
00:19Get out!
00:22Steve works. He won't leave me alone.
00:24Protect the vulnerable.
00:26And those who have no one to look out for them.
00:30A film by
00:45Well, folks, the sun is rising over the mercy.
00:50So it's time for me to sign off for another night.
00:54But before we go, we're getting reports of a hit and run near West Derby Road.
00:59So as always, my friends, please stay vigilant and stay safe.
01:03Because there are some crazy people out there.
01:06This has been me, Lawrence Brightway, on Night Talk.
01:10Night Talk
01:28This is Tony, leave a message.
01:32Tony, Jimmy, time you dropped the cab over there?
01:40Tony, you dropped the cab over this morning or what?
01:49Tony, answer your bloody phone.
01:59Come on, Tony, I need the cab, mate.
02:01Come on, I need the cab.
02:10Hi, Tony. I just picked up your messages.
02:12Sorry you were worried about me, but I had to turn my phone off.
02:16Steve wouldn't stop calling me.
02:41Jimmy, it's me.
02:45Yeah, listen, yeah, I'm OK, yeah.
02:47Listen, we've got a problem with the cab.
02:53No, no, it's nothing major. I think it's probably the cam belt or something.
03:01Yeah, I'll sort it. I'll sort it. OK.
03:04OK. Oh, yeah, two days tops, mate. Yeah.
03:10Yeah, leave it with me.
03:12OK, bye. Bye, bye.
03:21Police have now named the victim of this morning's hit and run as 48-year-old Stephen Murray.
03:27Murray remains in a critical condition in hospital and police are continuing to appeal for witnesses.
03:33As they look to examine CCTV footage from the area around the incident,
03:37our reporter, Shona Williamson, spoke to DS Marshall, who is investigating the case.
03:43We would like to appeal to anyone who might have seen anything suspicious this morning to come forward.
03:49We know it was the early hours of the morning, but the incident took place on West Derby Road,
03:55which is a busy thoroughfare and we're very confident somebody would have seen something.
04:00This was a particularly nasty incident in which the victim was left lying in the street with life-threatening injuries.
04:07It's imperative that we find the person responsible for this callous and cowardly attack
04:13and bring them before the court before they can use any further offences.
04:24So the victim of the hit and run was Stephen Murray and he's got a list of convictions the length of my arm.
04:30I mean, he's done for selling class-A drugs, he's been done for fraud, deception, burglary and assault, no less.
04:37More than three times.
04:39That's right, folks, you heard me correctly. Three times.
04:44So I think we can safely say that our friend Mr Murray has been something of a menace to society.
04:51But even so, are there ever any circumstances when it's acceptable to take the law into your own hands and to mete out justice?
04:59I mean, you know, we're all capable of losing it, myself as much as the next person,
05:04but surely they can never be justified.
05:08Eddie, my friend, you are on Night Talk. What's on your mind, mate?
05:13Rats, lad. And do you know what? That Stephen Murray is a rat. And I bet the rest of his family are rats.
05:18And do you know what? The only way to deal with rats is to exterminate them before they bring any more rats into the world.
05:23Right, well, you know, thanks for that nugget, Eddie.
05:29Lawrence, I'm afraid I don't think we're going to see eye to eye on this one.
05:31And why is that, Sue?
05:33Because people are fed up with the Stephen Murrays of the world.
05:36Oh, Sue, isn't he the actual victim in all of this?
05:40Oh, don't make me laugh.
05:42He is in hospital on life support, and that's not really a laughing matter, is it, Sue?
05:47But what if Stephen Murray had someone close to you, Lawrence? Your daughter or your wife? How would you feel?
05:55I hear what you're saying, Sue.
05:57I'm not sure you do, Lawrence.
05:58Well, come on, Sue, I mean, two wrongs, they don't make a right.
06:02No, we'll just have to agree to disagree.
06:05OK, Sue, well, thanks for that. You look after yourself and give my love to Kenny.
06:09Aw, thanks, love.
06:11Sam from Speak, you're on the line.
06:13Alright, Laura, so, are you saying it wouldn't be acceptable to take out a terrorist then?
06:16Yeah, but that's different, mate, isn't it? You know, if there's a clear and present danger, then certainly.
06:21You're trying to tell me this Murray fella wasn't a danger to life? That he's never been off his head when driving?
06:27That he's not been tooled up when breaking into people's houses?
06:30That he hasn't gone on a night out carrying a knife?
06:33You tell me how that's any different. Go on. Go on.
06:37And you're saying that makes him fair game, yeah?
06:40Too bloody right it does, yeah.
06:42It's a pleasure.
06:44When you put it like that, mate, it's hard to argue, isn't it?
06:48Whether it's stand up in court of law, I'm not so certain, mate.
06:51Well, that's up to the court, isn't it?
06:53You know, as for the court of night talk, you, the jury, have delivered your verdict loud and very clear.
06:59In the matter of the hit-and-run case of Mr Stephen Murray, case is dismissed.
07:17All right, Rob?
07:19Oh, hello.
07:21Rose are in work?
07:22Yeah. Yeah, she's upstairs.
07:25Although, she probably shouldn't be.
07:28Er, why?
07:29Because some nutter ran over their ex and then just threw up.
07:35Fuck right off.
07:38I've got to go.
07:40I've got to go.
07:42I've got to go.
07:43Fuck right off.
07:47Hey, what the fucking hell is wrong with you?
07:50Hey, I warned you, didn't I? To stay out of it.
07:53I don't know what you're talking about.
07:54Yeah, OK. Fuck off.
07:56Fuck off.
07:57You what?
08:00OK, where's your cab?
08:02It wasn't running too smoothly. I thought it might cut out.
08:05I think it needs a new cab belt.
08:09Yeah, of course it does, yeah.
08:17Do you know anyone who can sort it?
08:20I need it done fast.
08:22I bet you do.
08:26Do you know anyone?
08:29Why would I want to drag anyone into your shit?
08:36It goes no further.
08:44Please, mate.
08:54There's a place just off the dock road.
08:56It's called Paddy's Autos.
08:57It's on Regent Street, OK?
09:01Now, it's...
09:03It's run by a bunch of rough asses, but...
09:07They'll do a decent enough job.
09:14I don't want nothing else to do with this.
09:18Do you hear me?
09:44One of the other drivers told me about Steve.
09:48I mean, what happened?
09:50Someone knocked him over and left him lying in the road.
09:53Jesus, H.
09:55He's in hospital.
09:57In a coma.
09:58I'm sorry.
10:00I know what sort of man he is, but...
10:03No one deserves this.
10:13Are you going to be OK?
10:18For what?
10:21Being nice to me.
10:23And looking out for me last night.
10:28Have you got my number?
10:32Ring me.
10:33Guess what, man.
10:34You got it.
10:35In the matter of the hit-and-run case of Mr. Stephen Murray,
10:38case is dismissed.
10:42Listen, I'm sending our fella around.
10:44I think he knows about the other thing.
10:46You think it's in that motel downstairs?
10:49Right. Well, we'll take a look when we get to you.
10:51So, me and you, we'll sort it out, yeah?
10:54Yeah. If it's definitely him.
10:57I'll meet you in the clear, all right?
10:59OK, then.
11:00All right, that's enough.
11:01Go on.
11:34All right?
11:35Hey, I got your number from a mate.
11:38Need some body work done.
11:45Hey, it's the bollard.
11:52Yeah, you're all right, lad.
11:56It is the bollard.
11:57Been scratching and damaging to the paintwork?
12:00Looks like someone's been trying to clean it.
12:03All right, yeah, it was a dog.
12:04You know, it was a mess, blood and stuff.
12:07Must have been a big dog.
12:10It was an Alsatian.
12:17Engineered it, by?
12:19Soon as.
12:21Day after tomorrow?
12:22Yeah, great.
12:28Be 800?
12:30You what?
12:39Got a mobile?
12:42So I can text you when it's ready.
12:43All right, yeah.
12:55In the cab.
13:10Hi, you've reached Rosa's phone.
13:12Please leave a message after the beep.
13:15Hi, Rosa, it's me, Tony.
13:17I'm just calling to see if you're doing OK.
13:20I just thought, you know, well, erm...
13:24Anyway, give us a call if you want to talk or anything.
13:27Take care.
13:29Hiya, Jim.
13:50Hiya, Rosa, please.
13:52Wait, sorry.
13:55Thank you.
14:12You lost your job because your face didn't fit?
14:16I think there must have been something more to it than that, Tony.
14:27Your instinct may be to tune out,
14:31close the curtains,
14:33hide away.
14:35But you know what?
14:36That just makes things worse.
14:43Give us a name.
15:56I've been joined by a very special guest,
15:58none other than Night Talk host Lawrence Brightway.
16:01He's here to talk to us all about his fabulous new book.
16:04Lawrence, welcome to the show.
16:06Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for having me.
16:09The book's about my life, my career,
16:13and it's chock-full of great anecdotes.
16:18Why, I would say that myself, wouldn't I?
16:21But seriously.
16:23You know, folks,
16:25the book is about our slot,
16:27and the good times that we've had together over the years,
16:30and the bad times,
16:31because it's not been all plain sailing, is it?
16:33Definitely not.
16:35It's an homage to you,
16:37the listeners,
16:39my listeners,
16:41my second family,
16:44and my best friends.
16:47Anyway, sir, apparently there's only a few tickets left,
16:49so please, you know, come along for a glass of black,
16:51a few nibbles, a few lumps,
16:52and possibly a few tears.
16:54Mersey Arts Centre, two o'clock Thursday afternoon.
16:58I'll be signing copies of the new book.
17:44Tony Conroy?
17:47I'm DS Marshall.
17:48This is DC Gardner.
17:50Sorry to disturb you,
17:51but I'm investigating a hit-and-run on West Arby Road.
17:54I wonder if you could spare us a moment of your time?
17:56I'm just about to go back out again.
17:57Mr Conroy, your taxi was caught on CCTV
18:00in the vicinity of West Arby Road
18:02around the time of the incident.
18:05Could we come in?
18:09Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure.
18:15Thank you.
18:26We have CCTV footage of your cab,
18:29which you confirm you were driving
18:31on West Arby Road at 1.19 yesterday morning.
18:35You were heading towards the junction
18:37where the victim was run over sometime between 1.15 and 1.30am.
18:41But the camera only covers that stretch of road.
18:44It's all the footage we have.
18:48At the moment, so?
18:51Did you see anything?
18:54Someone walking along the pavement or crossing the road?
19:01Or someone driving erratically or at speed?
19:08Did you have a fare?
19:09My day seen something?
19:11Well, no, I was on my way home.
19:12I was knocking off for the night.
19:15At 1.30?
19:17You always finish at that time?
19:19No, no, I usually work till, er, you know, 5 or 6,
19:23but I had a migraine.
19:24I suffer from them.
19:27Can't imagine driving at night's good for a bad head.
19:31Yeah, well, it's a choice between that and insomnia.
19:37Is there anything you can think of that might help us?
19:42The victim is in a serious condition.
19:44We need to find who did this.
19:47Yeah, well, I'm sure there's no shortage of suspects.
19:54Sorry, do you know the victim?
19:58Only what I've heard.
19:59And what's that?
20:00Off the radio, you know.
20:02Did he upset quite a few people?
20:07Where's the cab now?
20:09Out on the road.
20:11Jimmy, the fella I rented from, he does days.
20:15But I should have it back tomorrow if you need to have a look.
20:20OK, thanks for your help.
20:23And if you do think of anything...
20:31We'll be in touch, Mr Conroy.
20:54So, why Liverpool?
20:56Out of nowhere, north Wales,
20:58Liverpool always had this kind of alert to it.
21:02Music, football, nightlife.
21:05All seemed so glamorous.
21:07So, after my mum passed,
21:09I came up here and worked in a bar and a nightclub.
21:12But working nights suited me.
21:14And after a while, you've got to get used to being awake at night,
21:17and there was no difference, so I got the job in the night cafe.
21:22Are these plates finished, ma'am?
21:23Thank you.
21:24Thank you.
21:29If someone asked me to guess, I would have said you were a teacher.
21:36You've all the right qualities.
21:38You're wise, patient, kind and considerate.
21:42And the big thing, you listen.
21:45Everyone hears, but not everyone listens.
21:51It's a gift.
21:53Special quality.
22:02So, do you miss it?
22:07That was my corner in life.
22:09That's all I ever wanted to do.
22:15And you say you taught science?
22:17I was head of science.
22:21Head of pastoral care as well.
22:24And again? Wow.
22:27That must have been an eye-opener, the pastoral care.
22:32Crush on kids these days.
22:35Social media and all that kind of stuff.
22:39I bet you lots of them were really struggling.
22:42I'm sorry I need to.
22:58Because you know what happens when you keep it all in?
23:01You simmer and fester until there comes a point where you just explode.
23:24You OK?
23:26Are you alright?
23:27Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry.
23:29I was just checking the local news about Steve.
23:31Seems the police had arrested anyone.
23:33Have they?
23:35Not I can see.
23:43You said he was in your cab the night he was run over?
23:48Well, maybe you should tell the police.
23:50It might help them find the person who did this.
23:52Well, he was only in there for about ten minutes.
23:54Was he going to meet someone?
23:56Was he going to meet someone?
23:58I don't know.
24:00I just got in the cab.
24:04Top end of Wavertree High Street.
24:07Where do you drop him?
24:09Excuse me, can we have the bill please? Thank you.
24:11Yeah, of course. I'll just go and get it for you.
24:14I'm sorry, sorry.
24:15I'm sorry.
24:16It's not these questions.
24:17No, it's alright.
24:18I was just thinking about the person who did this to him.
24:23What do you mean?
24:26Well, they need to be found before they do the same thing to someone else.
24:40Here you go, sir.
24:49We can go Dutch.
24:50No, no, this is on me.
24:52Are you sure?
24:53Oh, yes.
24:54Thank you.
25:03Pat says thanks for the heads up.
25:05You and them are all good.
25:12Now, these are not the house.
25:16So, erm...
25:17So, what's going to happen now?
25:18About what?
25:19Come on, man.
25:21About the other thing.
25:22Lad, it's got you out of shit.
25:24So, what do you care?
25:41Thank you.
25:42That was lovely.
25:43Shall I get you a count?
25:45I wouldn't mind some fresh air.
25:46Shall we walk?
25:48Where to?
25:49You said you live quite close by.
25:50Yeah, well, it's still a good 15-minute walk that way.
25:52That's okay.
25:53We're in flats.
25:56So, I can't be in your place then.
25:59Yeah, sure.
26:02Er, this way.
26:05I thought you said it was that way.
26:06Yeah, but it's just as quick if you go on the main road.
26:09Come on.
26:21Did you tidy for me?
26:25It's always this tidy.
26:28Well, I suppose so, yeah.
26:30You should see the state of my place.
26:42Oh, this is nice.
26:48So many memories.
26:55I suppose you must have had your favourites.
27:05There you go.
27:06It's hot.
27:09So, erm, do you fancy watching a film?
27:13Er, yeah.
27:15Why not?
27:16Don't blame me if I nod off, though.
27:25Yeah, but don't we all have a responsibility, Mark, to a wider community?
27:30Yeah, but it depends what you mean by community, Lawrence.
27:32Well, you know, that's like work, school, you know, the football match, the pub, the street where you live, the park where your kids play.
27:40The people that you rub shoulders with when you're outside the newspaper shop.
27:45It's the people you don't even particularly like, you know, the nosy neighbour.
27:50The teenager who plays loud music.
27:52But my point is, we are all part of something like it, and it's called community.
27:58And it's a strong community where people take themselves seriously.
28:03And look out for one another.
28:42I just wanted to say sorry, mate.
28:44For what?
28:45My phone cut out on me while we were talking the other night.
28:48I honestly really wouldn't worry about it, mate. I'm actually used to people hanging up on me.
28:52No, I'd never do that, mate.
28:54I know. I know you wouldn't, Sonny. I know you wouldn't.
28:57So what are you doing? You're out on the road, are you?
28:59No. No, er, night off.
29:02Oh, nice. Just kicking back, chilling?
29:06Yeah, yeah.
29:09So what's on your mind, my old mucker?
29:12Well, nothing really.
29:17I just, you know.
29:19Yeah, yeah, I know, mate.
29:21Believe me, I know.
29:24You know, the wee small hours can play tricks on a man's mind.
29:30But you know, whenever I'm feeling a little bit, er, well, yuck,
29:35I think about sitting outside a lovely old boozer by the river.
29:40With a decent pint and the sun on my back.
29:44Me and my old mucker putting the world to rights.
29:49And, you know what, Sonny, if you've got nothing better to do tomorrow,
29:52it'd be lovely to see you at the book launch.
29:56It'd be great to finally put a face to the name and a voice.
30:19Taxi's ready.
30:21£1,200 cash.
30:26You've reached the voicemail of Paddy's Auto.
30:30You've reached the voicemail of Paddy's Auto.
30:41You've reached the voicemail of Paddy's Auto.
31:16All right.
31:19I got your message.
31:21Car's ready.
31:22I thought we agreed on 800.
31:25It's 1,200 now.
31:29Took a bit longer, I suppose.
31:31You suppose?
31:34How much longer?
31:38How much longer did it take?
31:41If you're not happy with the price.
31:44You can always call the busies.
31:51Oh, for fuck's sake.
31:59Aren't you going to count it?
33:17Oh, yeah.
33:18I've never seen this thing.
33:29I asked for it all.
34:19OK, everyone, let's get started.
34:25So, listen, so...
34:27So, after a great deal of thought and much deliberation,
34:30I simply decided to call it Listen,
34:33cos it ain't rocket science, essentially, that's all I do, really.
34:37I listen.
34:38I listen to you, the audience.
34:41The real stars of the show.
34:44I mean, it's you that comes up with the banter,
34:47that comes up with the laughter, the tears, the rants, the raves.
34:51And, God forbid, if ever I should get too big for my boots,
34:53you're the ones that put me in my place and remind me
34:55that I'm here to do a job, and that job is to what?
34:57It's to...
34:59Listen, that's right.
35:01But tonight, I'm going to do something a little different,
35:04if that's OK with you guys.
35:07I'm going to ask you to listen to me for a moment.
35:12Because I have something I'd like to share with you
35:15that I've not shared with anyone but the closest members of my family.
35:20So, big breath, here we go.
35:27Monday, the 10th of September.
35:31It's raining, again.
35:34It's the sort of day that you can't see one side of the Mersey from the other,
35:38and it's bloody miserable, and that's exactly how I feel.
35:43Imagine the worst hangover that you've ever had,
35:45Imagine the worst hangover that you've ever had,
35:47and times it by ten.
36:01is a swine.
36:07It leaves you, um...
36:10It leaves you washed up, it leaves you washed out, but...
36:14it also leaves you with hope.
36:20And sometimes that all...
36:23And sometimes that's all I feel that I have at the moment.
36:35Julie, my nurse...
36:38She's the power of good, she's a force of nature.
36:41She also has the gift of the gab, and is always keen to tell me how brave I've been,
36:46and what a hero I am.
36:50But as I learn about the three children that she brings up,
36:53the husband that she cares for, the two buses she takes every single day to go to work,
36:58I tell her I know who the real hero is.
37:05Once the chemo session is over,
37:07Julie, she tells me to rest up for a couple of days,
37:10and I tell her I'm going to be on air at midnight.
37:15She ticks me off, but I tell her I know the quickest road to recovery
37:20will be me spending time with the people who mean the most to me.
37:25My audience.
37:30I tell her...
37:33that the show must go on.
37:51Are we ready for some questions?
37:54Yes, do you have a question for Lawrence?
37:56Lawrence, can I ask just about your...
38:01Oh, forget it.
38:03Can I just give you a bloody big hug instead?
38:28Do we have any more questions? Oh, thanks.
38:31Why do you think you have such a unique bond with your listeners on Nighthawk?
38:35The amazing thing is that I couldn't believe actually
38:39how many people actually felt that they'd been left behind,
38:42that they'd actually been marginalised in some capacity,
38:45that they had no voice.
38:48And that is ever more apparent with people who work nights
38:51or who struggle to function during the day...
38:56..due to trauma...
38:59..or they've got something else going on in their lives.
39:03And that is when I realised that I had
39:06an important part to play in their lives.
39:11That I could be that person they could talk to, that would listen.
39:17I could be that friend in need.
39:24So, in answer to your question, yes, there is a bond,
39:29a genuine bond between me and my audience.
39:34It's indelible, it's unbreakable, because I have a feeling,
39:37correct me if I'm wrong, that we trust each other.
39:41We get each other.
39:46But the thing is...
39:48..when I'm talking to you lot on the radio...
39:52..I genuinely forget that I'm live on air.
39:56Now, it feels like two old mates...
40:00..down the local boozer in front of a roaring fire...
40:05..putting the world to rights over a couple of pints.
40:14So, the first round's on me.
40:26I love you.
40:38Love you, man.
40:39Cheers, Betty. Bless your heart. Thank you.
40:41Thank you. Keep listening, by the way.
40:43Hello, mate. How are you, sir?
40:46Great to meet you. Thanks for your time.
40:48Thanks for buying my book.
40:50Spoiler alert, I've read it. It's fantastic.
40:54Thank you.
40:56Mary, Mary!
40:58Absolute pleasure, Mary. It's a pleasure to see you.
41:03Thank you. Thanks for coming. Thanks for listening.
41:08Sue, trouble.
41:10Hey, I don't suppose there's any chance of a photo?
41:13No, of course not.
41:14I'll take it for you. Thanks.
41:16Come round to my side of the office.
41:18Oh, thank you.
41:20No, thank you.
42:01We're going to have to leave it there, folks.
42:03We're going to have to call it a day.
42:05I know.
42:07Leave it there. I'm so sorry.
42:09No, no.
42:10I know.
42:11No, no, I need... I need...
42:13Sorry, if you wouldn't mind.
42:15Thank you so much.
43:07Rascal, man!
43:11This one's for Steve, you prick!
43:21See you, buddy, yeah? You fucking hard maggot!
43:26Hey! Hey!
43:28I've called the police. Now fuck off!
43:34Hang on in there, mate.
43:36I'll call an ambulance.
43:38Just hold on, OK?