Lucha Underground Season 1 Episode 10

  • 3 months ago
00:00Since you didn't finish the job tonight,
00:06next week I will have to bring in an opponent who will.
00:10A thousand deaths are coming.
00:13Neil Muerte set to square off with Blue Deemo Jr.
00:17A thousand deaths are coming.
00:20One, two, death to Blue Deemo Jr.
00:24That's how you make a statement.
00:25You won the match, dog.
00:27Again with the stone.
00:29There's Chavo Guerrero coming to Blue Deemo's aid.
00:32What the...
00:34Here comes Sexy Star.
00:37He's just a sore loser after he tapped out last week
00:39to Blue Deemo Jr.
00:41Hey, Chavo, I am not done with you.
00:44Me tampoco, Blue Deemo.
00:46You said you were looking for the best fighters in the world.
00:49What you're gonna see is the best fighter in the world.
00:53Prince Puma is a direct descendant of the Aztecs.
00:58Ooh, I like this little matchup, Phoenix and Puma.
01:00The bird of war, Phoenix.
01:02Oh, pile driver!
01:04One, two...
01:07You can't afford to miss opportunities,
01:09and that's exactly what you did out there!
01:11Next time, those opportunities will be gone so alive.
01:15This is Lucha Underground Championship Aztec Warfare!
01:21Prince Puma rises to the top of the pyramid
01:24the way his ancient Aztec forefathers did!
01:30Here's your winner!
01:32Puma is your new Lucha Underground Champion!
01:46You know, Phoenix,
01:48I'm an honest man.
01:50And I need to be honest with you.
01:52You've impressed the hell out of me
01:54since arriving here at Lucha Underground.
01:56You jumped off the top of my office on your very first night.
01:59You won an amazing ten-man match,
02:02defeating Prince Puma.
02:04And last week, you started first in Aztec Warfare
02:08and against all odds, nearly won the entire thing.
02:16I see big things for you in Lucha Underground.
02:19I wanted you to come to this temple for a reason.
02:23It's your destiny to be here.
02:27And tonight,
02:29I'm gonna give you the opportunity to live up to your name.
02:33Show me that you rise from the ashes
02:36and defeat a man that you already have.
02:38I want you to destroy Prince Puma,
02:41even if that means you're perishing in the process.
02:44I know.
02:46And that is why you will face Prince Puma
02:49for the Lucha Underground Championship.
02:52Take the championship from them.
02:54Destroy Puma and embarrass Conan.
02:58Seize this opportunity, because if you don't...
03:02somebody else will.
03:56Welcome back to Lucha Underground.
03:58Last week's Aztec Warfare
04:00gave us our first ever Lucha Underground champion,
04:03Prince Puma.
04:04We waste no time tonight.
04:05Prince Puma defends his title
04:07against the high-flying Never Say Die Phoenix,
04:10but that's not all.
04:12No, it's a special confrontation
04:14because we also saw the return of the legend Blue Demon Jr.,
04:17and he will be in the ring tonight
04:19in a confrontation with Chavo Guerrero Jr.
04:22Matt, what's Blue Demon gonna say or do?
04:25We're gonna find out tonight,
04:26but our owner, Dario Cueto,
04:28has opened the door for brand-new luchadors
04:31that are coming your way right now.
04:33Let's go to the ring.
04:37The following lucha is a four-way elimination match.
04:45Introducing first, from the cosmos,
04:52All right, Vamp, you've mentioned it week in and week out
04:55that the doors are open,
04:56and I guess the skies are open as well
04:58because Arrowstar, just based on the name alone,
05:00should be high-flying and exciting.
05:02It's crazy, Matt, that I'm looking at it here.
05:04There is people from all over the world.
05:06You said it from day one,
05:07the doors are open worldwide.
05:08You ain't gotta be a luchador.
05:10You gotta be somebody with heart,
05:12and we are welcoming anybody.
05:15A real live-action hero, Arrowstar,
05:18here at Lucha Underground.
05:20I'm telling you, man,
05:21he's rocked the house in Mexico.
05:22I know him very well.
05:23I've seen him for years.
05:24All right, let's meet his opponents.
05:26And from Mexico City, Mexico,
05:33Well, here comes Argenis that, Vamp,
05:35you described as a mixture of Silver King and Dr. Wagner
05:39for our new fans that aren't familiar.
05:42What type of style is that?
05:43Well, you know what?
05:44You caught me off guard there
05:45because I was gonna give away a secret,
05:47but this kid is very...
05:49How would you...
05:50What's the right word?
05:51He's conflictive
05:52because he can fly, he can fight,
05:54he can take it to the ground.
05:55The thing is about him, Matt,
05:56he's hungry and he wants this opportunity,
05:58I think, more than anybody else in the ring tonight.
06:00All right, a nice blend of styles
06:02that we will see from Argenis.
06:06And from Johannesburg, South Africa,
06:13See, this is what's crazy about Lucha Libre, brother.
06:15Everybody's got the Japanese feel.
06:17Even if you come to South Africa,
06:19he's got a name.
06:20In Spanish, Lucha Libre is worldwide.
06:22Not only here in Boyle Heights,
06:23in the Lucha Underground.
06:24Matt, you open the doors, Pandora's box,
06:26and here we go.
06:27Well, Angelico doing his best to endear himself
06:30to the people here in the temple
06:32as well as the network
06:33wearing a Lucha Underground shirt.
06:35On first sight, this kid kind of reminds me
06:37of a Zack Sabre X-Pac blend.
06:40It's not just the colors.
06:41He kind of looks like a BMXer, doesn't he?
06:43Yeah, sure, why not?
06:47I'm a machine!
06:50And from the 559,
06:54they call him Cage!
07:00I'm assuming the 559 is an area code,
07:03and that is where Cage comes from.
07:05We presented honor and tradition
07:07of the Lucha style here at Lucha Underground,
07:09and Cage is none of those things.
07:11He's almost like the odd patch on the tapestry
07:14or the quilt of Lucha Underground.
07:16Brother, he's just ferocious.
07:18He's the opposite of everything Lucha,
07:20body-wise, style-wise, look-wise,
07:23and Cage is the antithesis of Lucha.
07:32Here we go.
07:34All right, so it's an elimination match,
07:36and the elimination could come via pinfall,
07:38submission, disqualification, or count-out.
07:44Well, Cage is definitely...
07:48Yeah, cocky and is definitely gonna get it,
07:50but he's not too bright, so he turns his back,
07:52and here we go.
07:53And normally guys that size aren't,
07:55and if you're that size and you hear that,
07:57don't be offended.
07:58Hey, man, these kids are making a mistake, brother.
08:00He's a rock. I'm sorry.
08:02How would you approach it if you were in the ring
08:04with a guy like Cage in an elimination match?
08:06Man, I don't even know if I'd get in, brother.
08:08Ooh, there's wise strategy.
08:10Yep, nice.
08:12Variation on the match.
08:16Jumping mafia kick by Angelico.
08:18Brother, that was no mafia kick,
08:19brother, that was a mafia knee.
08:21Hang on, catches Aerostar here.
08:27Looks from the start here that Argenis
08:30may be the most athletic,
08:32whereas Aerostar, who you see right there,
08:34probably the quickest.
08:35Match rolls on here to the ropes.
08:36Wow, for a big guy, he's very, very...
08:39Oh, man, where was that?
08:40You call it whatever you want.
08:41That was just a toe in the brown eye.
08:44Back and forth we go.
08:45Argenis with the tilt-a-whirl,
08:46head scissors on Angelico.
08:48Get to know these men,
08:49because some of them will stick around,
08:50and other luchadores may never be seen again.
08:54Aerostar now in the blue and red.
08:56Argenis in the white and pink.
08:58Aerostar up, springboard, jump.
09:01Beautiful Frankensteiner, Hunay and Conrana
09:03create space now.
09:04You see a great shot.
09:05Brother, did you see the way he just handled those ropes?
09:07Like it was going out of style.
09:09Bang, bang.
09:10Oh, yeah!
09:11Dead spring hit to the German,
09:13and Vamp is up, ref is down.
09:15Match rolls on.
09:16I love when Vampiro just gets off headsets,
09:18just so excited.
09:19If you can get a 400-year veteran excited...
09:21Brother, it's German, his ass.
09:22There you go.
09:23Oh, man.
09:24Hey, Vamp, and you're 4,000 years in the business.
09:26How has this changed the game?
09:28It's pretty much the same, brother.
09:31Oh, man!
09:33Brother, you know,
09:35there's not enough time to describe it.
09:37These kids are just evolutionizing things as we go.
09:39While all this is going on, Cage has been biding his time.
09:42You know, Cage has been loading the gun.
09:44He just took that kid's head square off his shoulder.
09:46Wow. Wow.
09:47Carellon lift, almost the strength there of Cage.
09:50Torch around.
09:51Into a reverse neckbreaker.
09:53Cage now has momentum.
09:56Brother, you see how he sets a high kick, man.
10:00Cage, we don't know how comfortable Cage is
10:02up on the ropes like that, but the power.
10:05He's certainly impressive.
10:07Look at him.
10:08Look at that face.
10:09Arrogance, cockiness.
10:10Calling him.
10:11Come on, brother.
10:12Arrow star flips through.
10:13Almost a catch.
10:14Oh, my God.
10:15Oh, my God.
10:16That's awesome.
10:17Jab, jabber.
10:19One, two.
10:21Match rolls on.
10:22I've never seen that in my life, brother.
10:24He caught him there in a suplex.
10:26Dips out, as does...
10:30That's right.
10:32Springboard in.
10:33Again, catch Steiner-Rana.
10:35Cage goes to the floor, leaving Arrhenes
10:37the only one in the ring,
10:38and it can only mean one thing.
10:39Someone is gonna fly.
10:50That's what it's about.
10:52These luchadores trying to earn a spot
10:55here in Lucha Underground.
10:56Back to the ring.
10:57It's Angelico and Arrow star.
10:58Arrow star on the move.
10:59Oh, man.
11:01I can't stay in my seat, brother.
11:02Another springboard for the back.
11:05Shrugged dive.
11:07That was awesome.
11:10Arrow star with the springboard,
11:13shrugged dive, and listen to the faithful.
11:17Holy shit.
11:18Holy shit.
11:19Holy shit.
11:20Holy shit.
11:21Holy shit.
11:22Holy shit.
11:23Holy shit.
11:25Angelico, welcome to Lucha Underground.
11:27Suicidal, man.
11:30Angelico showing some smarmy confidence.
11:34That cockiness may or may not backfire.
11:36Arrow star and Angelico in the ring now.
11:39Matt, we were in that match, brother.
11:41Maybe for a second, but we were in the match.
11:43The ratings dipped at that moment.
11:45Arrow star on the move now, using his size and speed.
11:48Beautiful tilt-a-whirl back through.
11:51Nicely done.
11:54This is what's crazy about Lucha Underground.
11:58This is what's crazy about the Lucha Underground.
12:00Every single match is off the hook.
12:02This is the first match.
12:04All right, reset the bar early.
12:06Spin, roll through.
12:08Angelico now.
12:09His height comes into play.
12:10Nice running jump kick.
12:12And again, Angelico spending time appealing to the faithful.
12:15Agree or disagree with that move?
12:17No comment.
12:18Fair enough.
12:25Now I'm a fan.
12:27Wow, nice side spine buster.
12:29Argenis, spelled A-R-G-E-N-I-S.
12:32Argenis, if you will, cage.
12:34Brother, who cares?
12:35There you go.
12:36Nice pump handle into the sit-out.
12:39Look at that man.
12:41Argenis has been eliminated.
12:42The match continues.
12:44Brother, he is just a machine of devastation.
12:47Yeah, back to the ring.
12:48Cage certainly taking advantage.
12:50Brother, he's angry.
12:52Why not?
12:53Oh, man.
12:54Oh, yeah!
12:55Powerbomb once.
12:57Powerbomb into Angelico's face.
13:00And we are not done.
13:03Tornado clothesline.
13:04Referee down.
13:05Arrowstar has been eliminated.
13:08That leaves Cage and Angelico.
13:11Man, who you rooting for?
13:14Man, I'm just feeling it, brother.
13:16I'm going crazy.
13:17This is just amazing.
13:19And Angelico has shown agility to go with his height.
13:22Cage has shown power, which will win.
13:25Well, I think Angelico, yeah.
13:28Thank you, Cage.
13:29One, two, three.
13:32And your winner, thankfully Cage!
13:38He got hit by the hammer of death like a machine.
13:41Booyah, Cage.
13:43Just a destroyer, man.
13:45Vamp, you've nicknamed him Cage the Destroyer.
13:48Brother, it was a machine out there.
13:50It was just like a machine of war.
13:52Lucha Underground!
13:55They call me Cage.
13:59Because I'm not a man.
14:02I'm a machine!
14:04I'm a machine!
14:34Two months ago, I made a mistake.
14:48I ruined the friendship between me and Blue Demon.
14:52I ruined the friendship between his family and the Guerrero family.
14:59I want to issue an apology.
15:05So, Blue Demon, please.
15:09Please, Blue Demon, come out here so I can apologize to you.
15:18There is the man known all throughout Mexico,
15:21known all throughout the world.
15:23Blue Demon Jr. makes his way back into the temple.
15:27Vamp, your thoughts?
15:28I'm surprised by Chavo,
15:29and I'm also surprised by Blue Demon to accept this.
15:32Stranger things have happened in this business.
15:34I mean, never say never, right?
15:36If that was the case,
15:37you'd be out of this business 800 years ago.
15:39Matt, I think I'm going to hit you in the head with a chair.
15:42All right, I'm going to stop him.
15:51Please have a seat.
15:53Please have a seat,
15:54and let me apologize to you like a man.
16:14I'm sorry.
16:25I'm sorry.
16:27I'm sorry.
16:28I'm sorry that I didn't expose you for the fraud that you are.
16:34I'm sorry that I didn't rip that mask off your face.
16:41I'm sorry, Blue Demon.
16:46I'm sorry that I did not remove your mask
16:52and cover your face with a mask of your own blood.
16:59Here we go.
17:03And this has been months in the making.
17:05This has to feel great for Blue Demon Jr.
17:07to beat the crap out of Chavo Guerrero
17:09after Chavo smashed Demon in the head with a chair.
17:17As Mil Muertes about to sacrifice Blue Demon Jr.
17:20several months ago, Chavo Guerrero hit the ring.
17:22We thought Chavo was going to save Blue Demon,
17:24but Chavo in turn just family affair laid out Blue Demon
17:28and now the retribution.
17:31Matt, if I was Blue Demon, I would not hold back.
17:33I would double and bend that chair across Chavo's cranium
17:36at least 17 times.
17:38There's an old saying in a great book, an eye for an eye.
17:41Here we go.
17:42Chavo, Chavo, Chavo, Chavo!
17:58One more time.
17:59Chavo, Chavo, Chavo, Chavo!
18:19Well, it seems that Blue Demon has gotten his revenge on Chavo.
18:22What happens next, no one knows,
18:24but the chapter between Blue Demon and Chavo Guerrero
18:28seems to have concluded for now.
18:33Coming up next, Drago vs. King Cuerno.
18:35Call your friends, set your DVRs.
18:37You're not going to want to miss this.
18:39It's next.
18:59Chavo, Chavo, Chavo, Chavo!
19:05The following lucha is scheduled for one fall.
19:09Introducing first, from the highlands of Guerrero, Mexico,
19:14King Cuerno!
19:18Well, Bonnie's never looked so good,
19:20and that's the last joke we'll make
19:21as King Cuerno enters the temple.
19:24And we often refer to Cuerno as the hunter,
19:27and lately, perhaps, he may be the hunted vampire.
19:30Might be.
19:31And you know, Little Horn is an old name,
19:33an Old Testament name that refers to somebody very diabolical.
19:37And you have a good call there, man.
19:39This rivalry has gotten to the stage where
19:42he can't differentiate who is the leader of the pack.
19:46And we are going to see who is the hunted
19:48and who has become the hunter.
19:51It's King Cuerno sets the symbolic headdress atop the ring.
19:55So much, just symbolism in everything that Cuerno does.
19:59And we await as Cuerno stares into the eyes of a dead buck.
20:03Yeah, man, I'm liking him to, like,
20:05the predator from the movie, dude.
20:06He just collects trophies from his victims, man.
20:08And I'm digging his vibe, you know what I mean?
20:10He's coming out for a kill, not just to win.
20:12He's making a statement, and I dig that in the guy.
20:15And his opponent, from El Inframundo,
20:23Week in and week out.
20:24These two luchadores have faced one another,
20:26both of them coming away with a win.
20:28So this match here is the defining match.
20:30It's going to tell us, essentially,
20:32who's better out of these two.
20:34Is it going to be the defining match,
20:35or is it going to be the start of something over
20:37that's going to take maybe decades?
20:39Let's see, you know what I mean?
20:40It's just like, this could be like rounds.
20:42One, two, three.
20:43Who's coming out on top in the moment?
20:45This is not going to end tonight by any means.
20:47Moment number three has a great significance in history.
20:49This, of course, the third match between Drago and Cuerno.
20:52Both of these men know each other very well.
20:54Vamp, when you start to wrestle an opponent multiple times,
20:57do you begin to anticipate their moves?
20:59I think so.
21:00You know, I've had a lot of experience with boxing in Mexico
21:02where people have just had like three and four and five fights.
21:05And yes, and it always becomes a will of stamina.
21:08Hit me as hard as you can, I'm going to take it,
21:10just to show you that I can take what you've got.
21:13And these luchadores know each other's timing very well,
21:15right there, inside out.
21:16There's a quick pin, but not enough.
21:18And Cuerno stays down, checks with the ref,
21:21and says, slow this thing down, please.
21:24But I'm feeling that so much in this young man.
21:26Look at his patience.
21:27He's just like, OK, I get it.
21:30Feeling you out, brother.
21:31And again, the familiarity is shown
21:33by how close these two luchadores stay to one another.
21:36They realize that their striking distance
21:38is now something that they've perfected
21:40when it comes to wrestling each other.
21:41Cuerno on the move.
21:45These moves, the fans have got,
21:47you definitely should be on their feet
21:49and appreciate this, because this is so suicidal
21:52that they get hurt, and they give their all.
21:55These are two young men.
21:56The future of the sport is in their hands,
21:58and they've got so much compassion
22:00that they have no concern for their bodies.
22:07Cuerno going to the exact opposite end
22:09of where Drago is,
22:10and now Cuerno looking for an accessory,
22:13and this has become something
22:14that we've become familiar with here at Lucha Underground.
22:16Every time a table is drawn out from underneath the ring,
22:19it usually has some unpredictable consequences.
22:22No doubt, and he is not inviting anybody
22:24to a buffet of Mexican food.
22:26Somebody's going to go through that table, brother,
22:28but who is it going to be?
22:29I don't know.
22:35All the while, Drago has remained down.
22:38That tells you the brunt of punishment
22:40that Drago has taken now.
22:41Cuerno set that table up on the portion of the ring
22:44in the area that he did for a reason.
22:46Needs to drag Drago literally across the field
22:49to put Drago now into jeopardy.
22:52Very good point.
22:53You know, if that was me,
22:54I would set that table up anywhere
22:56just because I would be so, like, aggressive,
22:58but he's definitely got a plan.
23:00Very good call, man.
23:03Drago realizes the jeopardy dropkick there.
23:07Match rolls on here.
23:10Wow. Crazy.
23:12He has definitely confirmed that dragons can fly.
23:15Not only spit blood and fire
23:16and wreck everything in their sights, but fly.
23:19Drago now is firmly in control.
23:21Now, Drago notices that the table has been set up.
23:28Just by the way they're taking their time,
23:30you called it, you said it, the fans should know it.
23:33This is a battle that has been going on for some time,
23:36and it will go on.
23:37These two know, no matter what I hit this guy with,
23:40he's going to get up.
23:41I know for a fact they are taking their time on purpose.
23:46He's got a chair.
23:47This is crazy.
23:48He's letting everybody know
23:49that it's made out of solid steel, man.
23:54Boom! Oh!
23:55Knocked out.
23:56And now the irony comes into play.
23:58The table set up by Cuerno is now the table
24:01that may be Cuerno's end.
24:04This is what we do here at Lucha Underground.
24:06We take everything to an entirely different level.
24:09Someone's about to die!
24:15Oh, my God, brother.
24:17Broke his face on the floor,
24:19but he also broke Cuerno in half.
24:22Social media going crazy right now.
24:25The Twitter world abuzz.
24:27Referee Rick Knox has counted both men out.
24:31Ladies and gentlemen, due to the double count-out,
24:36the match is a draw.
24:38These guys were hurt.
24:39He jumped off the roof.
24:40How high do you say that is?
24:4218, 20 feet.
24:43Like a bomb exploding and the dust will settle.
24:46Man, we don't know what's coming after that.
24:49The aftermath will tell the story.
24:51Well, we're going to have to clear the wreckage up
24:53because when we come back, our main event,
24:55the strap is on the line.
24:57Prince Puma's first title defense against Phoenix.
25:01This is insane.
25:09Things are just crazy here tonight
25:11in the Lucha Underground's Temple in Boyle Heights,
25:14and in just a few quick seconds,
25:16these two warriors are going to be making it to the ring
25:18for tonight's championship match,
25:20but first, please, let's take a quick look
25:22at one of those warriors, Phoenix.
25:25Legends say the Phoenix is a bird that cannot die.
25:31When a Phoenix falls,
25:34he rises again.
25:43When a Phoenix is weakened,
25:45it only makes him stronger.
25:49And from the ashes of defeat,
25:52the bird is always reborn.
25:56If you try and destroy Phoenix,
26:00if you try and destroy Phoenix,
26:04his rebirth will be your end.
26:29The following lucha is scheduled for one fall
26:32and is for the Lucha Underground Championship!
26:38Introducing first,
26:40the challenger from Mexico City, Mexico,
26:48Well, it's the match that everyone has been waiting for.
26:51Hashtag Phoenix, hashtag Puma.
26:53For the first time ever,
26:54the Lucha Underground Championship belt is on the line.
26:59And as he's making his way down the stairs,
27:01Phoenix, let's not forget that he has defeated Puma
27:04and this is going to be something incredible.
27:06People are going off the chairs, off the chain,
27:09off the hook for this, myself included.
27:11This is going to be something
27:12that is definitely going to peel back your weight.
27:14Pay attention.
27:18And his opponent,
27:20the Lucha Underground Champion
27:24from Boyle Heights, Prince Puma!
27:31Last week, we witnessed Aztec Warfare
27:34and at the end, standing amongst the rubble,
27:38our newly crowned champion, Prince Puma.
27:41This young man has taken the world by storm.
27:44Let me tell you something, man.
27:45In the eyes of many kids,
27:46as we are seeing on the feedback we're getting on social media,
27:49he has got the profile of a superhero
27:52that the kids can look up to and touch.
27:54He's got the face of a superhero.
27:57He's got the profile of a superhero
27:58that the kids can look up to and touch.
28:00He is great. He's on fire.
28:02Unfortunately, he's hooked up with Conan,
28:04but this kid is the one who's going to revolutionize this sport
28:07and take the Lucha Underground to worldwide status.
28:11All right, ladies and gentlemen, it's our main event.
28:14Don't go anywhere.
28:15The first-ever defense of the Lucha Underground Championship
28:18is coming your way in its entirety next.
28:27Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
28:30Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
28:33Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
28:36Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
28:38Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
28:41Welcome back to Lucha Underground.
28:43Champion Prince Puma defends against challenger Phoenix
28:46in the purple mask.
28:47Prince Puma the champion.
28:48Here we go. Vamp?
28:50Man, I would really like to point out
28:51this is something very special for the fans
28:53because it's very rare when you get a champion
28:55defending his belt
28:56the first time on TV in his hometown of Boyle Heights.
28:59This is crazy.
29:00Here we go. We expect a fast-paced match,
29:02a lot of innovative maneuvers.
29:04It's going to come down to whomever makes the first mistake.
29:06Lock up on the left, lock up on the right.
29:08Now the standing switch, the go behind.
29:09Phoenix, Puma, up and down.
29:11They both go, showing off their athleticism,
29:13trying to get each other's timing down.
29:17This is just insane, back and forth.
29:19This is like a human video game, bro.
29:20You'll notice that both luchadors use their hands
29:23and their feet with equal aptitude.
29:26Wow, I'm going to applause myself on that one.
29:29People definitely are digging this.
29:39And again, all of these broad, big movements
29:42are to establish timing and space.
29:44Guys like Puma and Phoenix need distance
29:46for high-impact maneuvers such as right there.
29:49Oh, man.
29:50Phoenix cuts Puma off right in Puma's tracks.
29:52Yeah, that right there was something
29:54that Puma definitely was not expecting, man.
29:56But I can tell you, something like that shows me one thing.
30:00Phoenix has been studying, and he wants this belt very badly.
30:05And again, early in the match, both luchadors' momentum
30:08have been cut off by their opponents,
30:10something to watch as the match rolls on.
30:12Who can build the momentum here?
30:14Puma, the champion, reeling, notices where Phoenix is.
30:18Vamp, here we go.
30:22Oh, man, it is just unbelievable.
30:25It's almost inhuman how this kid just throws his body
30:28into the wind and lands on his feet.
30:31Where else?
30:32Only in lucha underground.
30:34Once again, cut off by Phoenix,
30:36and it seems that Phoenix is enjoying...
30:38Hang on.
30:40Tit for tat.
30:41I was going to say Phoenix is enjoying
30:42a little bit of a striking advantage,
30:44but it seems that both of these luchadors
30:46are using the aerial arsenal to their ability.
30:48Well, that's lucha libre, brother,
30:49but let's give it to our champion,
30:51because he's not backing down like most champions do
30:54when they try not to find excuses
30:55and they hide behind people,
30:56they go under the chairs,
30:57they step behind the poles, whatever.
30:59This kid is out there, and he's swinging,
31:01taking it punch for punch.
31:03There you see a shot of AAA's Dorian Roldan
31:06watching closely, the eyes of the world
31:08watching this match closely.
31:10Well, Dorian, AAA, or anybody in Mexico
31:13would be really stoked if Phoenix
31:15would bring that belt back home, brother.
31:17And already both luchadors
31:19seem to be showing fatigue.
31:38Phoenix with the forearm shivers now.
31:41Puma went for the drop kick,
31:42and Phoenix had it well scouted.
31:43Phoenix went for the running knee.
31:45It's a victim kick right to the spine.
31:47It sends a tingle down your arms.
31:49Man, I almost lost usage of my legs
31:51when I was kicked in the back like that
31:53by Finley, brother.
31:54It knocked my lungs out.
31:55Hey, Vamp, you know, you keep taking,
31:56you make these covers in a championship match.
31:58Here's one again.
31:59They're not necessarily to win so early on.
32:01They really are just to kind of
32:02make your opponent use more energy, right?
32:04What's wrong with you, man?
32:05It's to win, brother.
32:07Pin him to win.
32:08This is a championship match.
32:09Forget about that stuff.
32:10Don't think so much.
32:11Just beat him and pin him and walk out with the gold.
32:14Great advice from Vampira.
32:16Don't think so much.
32:17Just beat him.
32:18And that's what Phoenix is trying to do here.
32:22Phoenix really uses the entire ring to his advantage.
32:26That was such a good call.
32:27Wow, nice.
32:28That is so amazing.
32:29That kid's so young,
32:30but he's experienced internationally.
32:32He does use every inch of that ring to his advantage.
32:36You'll notice the placement of the luchadors as they land.
32:40They seem to find themselves
32:41on the outer perimeter of the ring
32:43as opposed to the middle of the ring
32:44because every good luchador knows
32:46you get pinned in the middle of the ring,
32:47there really is nowhere to go.
32:48You're closer to the ropes, you may stand a chance.
32:51I wish somebody would have told me that.
32:53You've been losing matches for too long?
32:55Yeah, man.
32:56I mean, I thought it was different, bro.
32:58And now Prince Puma with a spin kick.
33:01Axe kick.
33:02Phoenix flat on his back.
33:03Puma needs to find a way to capitalize now.
33:06Man, I got hit in the head like that one time
33:08by Booker T in the history,
33:09and that rocked me.
33:11I believe it.
33:12And you see Puma there adjusting the mask, of course.
33:14We talked about how important the mask is
33:16to the history and the legend of Lucha Libre.
33:18Now with Puma as champion,
33:20the mask even has an even higher regard.
33:22No doubt.
33:23But people at home also got to understand,
33:26when you're in full combat like these two,
33:28wearing a mask, not always in your favor, brother,
33:30because it's really hard to breathe,
33:32and you get tired a lot quicker.
33:33Ooh, Finley once again.
33:35Again, the victim kick, softening up the spine.
33:38If the spine hurts, it forces you to bend over.
33:41That compromises your diaphragm,
33:42makes it harder and harder to breathe.
33:44Nice standing moonsault.
33:45What the hell is wrong with you, man?
33:47You kicked in the back and it hurts.
33:48Just say it like that so I can understand,
33:50Mr. English Teacher.
33:56Prince Puma now stalking Phoenix.
33:59Matt, I don't know about you,
34:00but it almost seems out of place
34:02when these guys with this talent and agility
34:04throw punches with the fist, man.
34:06They're doing so much, it just doesn't fit.
34:09You know, it's that close quarters fighting,
34:11and I learned it from guys like Aaron Anderson.
34:13It's those little things that you do in between the moves
34:15that can set the moves up.
34:17So where the punches may look foreign to you,
34:19they are obviously to set up something like this.
34:22Look at that bow and arrow crucifix surfboard submission.
34:25Crazy at what you just said, brother.
34:28It's almost being like a jazz musician.
34:30Don't ask me how to play the song,
34:31because at that point in time,
34:32I will pick the notes myself.
34:34One, two.
34:36Very unique there,
34:37submission into a high-impact move,
34:39into a roll-up,
34:40a nice combination from our champion, Prince Puma.
34:43This is what I love about the Lucha Underground.
34:45It almost reminds me of Japan in a sense.
34:47The fans are just sitting and watching and paying attention,
34:51and they are getting a treat.
34:52They're getting schooled in Lucha Libre, bro.
34:54Well, the world has been reconditioned
34:56to actually love and appreciate wrestling once again,
34:58thanks in part to these two gentlemen in this ring,
35:00thanks in part to our entire roster here at Lucha Underground.
35:04Let's go, Puma! Let's go, Puma!
35:07Let's go, Puma!
35:10Oh, nice helicopter enziguri was missed,
35:13but then received on the back end.
35:22And the story is told by the picture.
35:24Both luchadores have their shoulders off of the mat.
35:27Prince Puma stirring just a scotia hair more than Phoenix here.
35:32Man, the energy level is crazy,
35:34and how their bodies handle this physical abuse
35:36is something else, man.
35:38Kids, do not try this at home.
35:41Again, the reversal on the whip to Jerry Hanspring.
35:44Into a cutter. We've seen Phoenix hit this before.
35:46Is it enough? Do we have a new champion?
35:51Starting to feel the effects.
35:53Our champion's not looking too good right now.
35:55Phoenix, as we do know, took that beating from Mil Muertes,
35:58and he was beat like a dog,
35:59but he kicked out in the end. He came back.
36:01You can't count him out. Puma's got to pay attention.
36:04Phoenix, what does he do?
36:05Rises to the occasion every single time.
36:09With this locker room and with this roster,
36:11I wouldn't be surprised if the title changed hands
36:13on the first title defense.
36:15We've been changing everything else. Why not that here?
36:18Exactly. At this stage in the game,
36:20at this level of competition we have,
36:21anybody, anytime, anywhere could be a champion.
36:26Puma. Nice kick again, and that sets up Phoenix.
36:29No, Puma has something else in mind.
36:30I thought the 450 was coming, but Puma's the champ
36:33and knows exactly what he needs to do.
36:36Yeah, kick his teeth down the spine.
36:39Wow, pin him. Please, why?
36:40Sue, amazing.
36:42Saw Phoenix's hand was pushing up on Puma's face.
36:45You kind of knew Phoenix was going to kick out,
36:47but the two counts are getting longer and longer and longer.
36:50Yep, and there is a hell of a lot of respect
36:53floating around the building,
36:54and the ring is just enamored with the battle that's going on.
36:58You've got to remember, the ring has eyes, bro.
37:00Bam, let me ask you something.
37:01Are they watching in AAA Mexico?
37:03Are they watching in New Japan?
37:04Are they watching all around the world to try to
37:06kind of pick out who the best is?
37:09Man, my Twitter is blowing up every week
37:11from England, Germany, France, Ireland, Japan,
37:14United States, and Canada, Mexico.
37:16People are checking this out any way they can,
37:18and they are totally in love with Lucha Underground.
37:21There's Phoenix with the back fist and the bump.
37:24Again for the handspring, but this time
37:26it seems Puma has it countered.
37:29Bear hug.
37:30Wow, nice suplex.
37:31Puma rolls through.
37:33Hooks again for a vertical.
37:36That kid is so strong.
37:38Oh, my God.
37:39You see the way it's powered him around?
37:41Yeah, we've started to get to know
37:43the arsenal of Prince Puma and Phoenix,
37:45and we're starting to look forward
37:47to where they're going to place their signature maneuvers.
37:49It's in different spots each time
37:51because the match is different each time.
37:54Exactly, bro.
37:55And you've got to remember, these guys are giving it.
37:57They know their fans want to see it.
37:58It doesn't matter how beat up they are,
38:00how tired they are, they're going to pull it out
38:02because they are professionals,
38:03and they're the best in the world.
38:05Only here and where?
38:06Lucha Underground.
38:08And they make it tough in Boyle Heights,
38:10and that's where our boy is from, right?
38:12Am I right?
38:13Am I right?
38:14You're always right.
38:15I've learned my lesson here.
38:18Puma, wow.
38:20Nobody home.
38:24Phoenix now, mouth agape, sucking for air.
38:26Go behind.
38:27Sherman, shoulders are down.
38:29Roll through.
38:31Now Phoenix traps a half and half.
38:33Is this enough?
38:37That has got to be taking its toll.
38:39Man, when Steve Williams used to do that to me in all Japan,
38:42I would walk out of there with concussions.
38:44These guys are just crazy.
38:47The great wrestling history is no secret here
38:50on Lucha Underground.
38:51Now guys like Prince Puma and Phoenix
38:53are pounding their names into that lineage.
38:56You know what's really cool is nobody here is forgetting
38:58who came before them,
38:59and that's something very important.
39:03That's a move that Phoenix has stolen from Prince Puma.
39:06What the irony would be
39:08if Phoenix was able to win with that maneuver.
39:10Man, did he steal it from Prince Puma,
39:12or did Prince Puma steal it from who?
39:15Joshin Liger, maybe?
39:16Super Delphin?
39:17Great Suzuki?
39:18I'm sorry.
39:19Watch out, bro.
39:20Don't get me hot, man.
39:21All moves are stolen or borrowed.
39:23They are just revitalized and reenergized
39:26here in the 21st century.
39:30Back in sleeper position.
39:31We've seen Phoenix hit this move before.
39:33Tries to go for a pile driver there.
39:35Looks like Puma was able to reverse using his core strength.
39:38And now there's the pile driver that Phoenix likes to use.
39:41So tit for tat, so to speak,
39:42yet Puma cannot go for a cover straight away.
39:45Man, they're feeling it.
39:47They're tired.
39:48That's just not like our champion
39:50to try to pin with one arm.
39:51That's not a lack of experience.
39:52He's just beat up, brother.
39:56Here we go.
39:57The fans are starting to come alive.
39:59Everybody's on their feet.
40:00This match has earned respect,
40:02not only for these two,
40:03but for the company, Lucha Underground.
40:05We are showing the world
40:06that we do have the best talent there is, period.
40:08There's no doubt about it, man.
40:11Prince Puma, your Lucha Underground champion.
40:14Phoenix, the number one contender this match for the title,
40:17your main event here on Lucha Underground.
40:20Palm strike.
40:21That palm strike should have knocked him right to next month.
40:24You'll notice how Puma changed his footing right there.
40:26Puma knew that if he kept his feet on the outside,
40:29he'd be in a bad spot.
40:30But no one expects your opponent to be able to do this.
40:33From across the ring.
40:40The energy is absolutely transcendent.
40:42And now, Prince, here we go.
40:44Puma, high up above.
40:46Whoa, Matt.
40:53This could be answer hooked.
40:56Puma is still your champion.
40:58Here's your winner,
40:59and still Lucha Underground champion,
41:04Prince Puma!
41:11These two have definitely just shown the world
41:13that they are superstars, period.
41:17Amazing hard-fought battle.
41:19What a great main event.
41:21Everyone on their feet.
41:24Oh, man, that's Cage emerging from the bowels of the temple.
41:28He's got one thing on his mind.
41:30Total destruction.
41:31You know what?
41:32He has said, and he has made it real clear, man,
41:34he don't need no famous last names.
41:36He does not care at all about Azteca Blunt
41:39or Sangre from Mexico.
41:41Vamp, we've been talking all night
41:42about how important the championship is,
41:44and now it's illustrated right here.
41:46It's personified in the man that they call Cage.
41:50Definitely gonna have a new number-one hunter
41:52in the company, no doubt about it.
41:54Predator number one, Cage.
41:56Well, it doesn't take a great analyst to realize
41:58that when you're the champion,
42:00there is a huge bullseye on your chest.
42:03Cage has just thrown down the key
42:05and unlocked his fate.
42:09Sent a message that has sent shockwaves
42:11through the Lucha Underground.
42:13Cage has made a statement tonight,
42:15and he wants to be the top gun in the company.
42:19No other way to do it.
42:21Knocked out the champ.
42:22What's next?
42:23Who knows?
42:24But here you will see it in Lucha Underground.
42:27Well, it's obvious that this young man
42:28is positioning himself to be the new number-one contender
42:31to Prince Pumas' championship,
42:33and that number-one contender
42:34is simply a man called Cage.
