Australia vs Wales 2024-07-13 2024-07-13 Second Half

  • 2 months ago
Australia vs Wales 2024-07-13 2024-07-13 Second Half
00:00The penalties are the difference at the moment as we go to the second half
00:05Australia leading Wales by 23 points to 14 it's been wet it's been a yellow
00:11card to Luka and Salakai a lot so he's still in the send-in they'll start the
00:16second half with 14 players and we understand Archie Griffin has passed his
00:20HIA so he'll be back out there for the top of the second half as well a couple
00:25of big games coming your way as well today don't forget we're off to Durban
00:28for the second test 4 p.m. UK time 3.30 on air for that South Africa Ireland
00:35second sets and then went to Juana's Iris eight o'clock where lost Pumas will
00:39dust themselves down having lost the first test against France France looking
00:44to make it to nothing in that series
00:51tank laundry awaits the restart here second test in Melbourne 40 minutes to go
00:58in the test match season for Wales good comeback from them in that first half
01:04the two tries to tell we like about 2314 it is as Ellis Bevan gets his left foot
01:15interaction early the Wallabies looking to seal the series after the opening
01:24test win in Sydney and they work it away with the ball and hand at Jeremy
01:27Williams Gordon again to fluke the Queensland Reds outside sent to his
01:35second test match carried on by down gunu the try score there is a change for
01:40Australia turning on the tupo has been replaced by Alan number 18 there he is
01:49well the CEO shifts it across the pie sign it's abrasive inside sensor for the
01:54Wallabies to Williams out the back to Lola see a quick answer get to right
01:59well read though by Wales good work from Liam Williams
02:10Tesla it's away from raffle line speed from Wales trying to force the issue on
02:17these Australian ball runners and Lola Sia has to go to plan B because of the
02:22line speed there from tame plum tree back row from Wales at a really good
02:27night so far was a big talking point coming in wasn't it Sam the absence of
02:31Aaron Wainwright so far so good Wayne was exceptional last week and it was
02:35going to be a big challenge to see could they step up I think James Botham has
02:39carried exceptionally well he's a brilliant athlete anyway and I think
02:42tame plum tree is that a really good evening as well it's been a good good
02:46night the back row so far well taken from cam win at that time came up with
02:51an error under the high ball in the first half which led to the Gordon tribe
02:54for Australia
03:03see confirmation Archie Griffin out there for Harry O'Connor got a few
03:06minutes down the stretch there a minute left to go on the Salaqai lotto
03:20just happy to take their time here
03:25in the first half they were content to go through the phases keep the ball in
03:31hand and rack up the the phases and now another box kick into Welsh territory
03:37when it wins it again as he hits the floor or maybe just before he hit the
03:41floor he was hit by down goodness he got penalized for the same sort of thing in
03:46Sydney last weekend as a city penalty from Australia then surely would have
03:51spoken at halftime when you're in those 10 meters you know between Wales is 10
03:56and their 10 don't give away a penalty there's going to give Wales an easy
03:59entry we'll see where this kick ends up now but it's going to be 30 meter game
04:04can't win it as well to get a battle with Jones said it in the studio should
04:07get up off the floor so it means you can't be played when you're up in the
04:10air like that I'm gonna knows better than that being away who's chased many
04:13kicks his career turn over from Charlie Kyle at the front he's one of the
04:23leading turnover exponents and line outs I'm in super rugby Pacific he's
04:31done well there and can win it hurried gets the ball over the sideline
04:39it's good line of defense of Australia they don't get up on the malls where
04:43Wales have been dominant they get up they get much more success when they
04:46get off the ground for some great athletes
04:56that's how they're gonna nullify this will stop it at sauce so like a lot of
05:00brilliant skill one-handed caught up like a tennis ball up high that's loose
05:05behind Australia and here comes Rio Dyer running it down Kelaway gets there
05:11just in time for the wallabies slips on this very damp surface in Melbourne
05:17struggling to reload here quick ball off the line out but then the bit of
05:24inefficiency in midfield
05:36rifle will try and charge it down but he gets the ball away Gordon over the
06:00test match season with a W at the end of this tour it would mean so much to this
06:04young much-changed Wales team they're rebuilding of course and here's the man
06:09he's got two tries already tonight in this kind of situation it'll be a lot
06:13closer to the trial on Dowey Lake but they're still moving forward to Wales
06:18straight massive problems the ball's loose my son he tries to hack it for
06:25Australia have it back do they no Lake has it for Wales dummies and goes Devon
06:33to riffle coming into the game that the wilds open side haven't seen a huge
06:38amount of it at the breakdown so far this series that's his bread and butter
06:42big hit on Rio Dyer from James slipper that's a loose head prop goes in again
06:48slipper Jenkins dummies and then puts the head down
06:52of course he captain Wales throughout the Six Nations earlier this year and
06:56here's the current skipper Dowey Lake good carry again Thomas
07:04a lovely short ball to plum tree Thomas again double pump to win it fluke with
07:13the tackle good opportunity flicked on by Thomas to like again look at the
07:20captain go driving the legs for Wales Griffin you can hear the support for
07:27Wales at any park in Melbourne now Mason Grady big chance for both from
07:33both of them's over the line is he no just shorts big moment in the test match
07:43this quick hands might do it
07:47for Wales
07:52Liam Williams never scored against the Wallabies in 12 test matches against
07:59them and he's got one tonight and they're within a score of Australia
08:04that's the best set of attack I've seen Wales to in this game and last week a
08:08lovely combination of game players on their feet some tip options from forwards
08:14options out the back Derry Lake is carried brilliantly in that sequence of
08:19phases Archie Griffin offering himself Jim Botham tame plum tree if you go
08:23forward it opens up the options drastically the big difference from this
08:27week and last week is Wales carriers are going forward a bit of a combination of
08:31some just being powerful and direct some architected from good shape and good
08:36deception from having decoy runners and options at the line which make the
08:40defenders make decisions to make the wrong decision to give you that half
08:43break Wales will take a lot that attack set as the best attacks I've seen for
08:48some time it's 21st all the time is first against the Wallabies what a time
08:53to do it off the back of 14 phases as Thomas sends through the extra couple
09:00the flags are up we got a ball game in Melbourne 2321
09:14it was the likes of Lake as you say up front in the back row that got involved
09:21plum tree and both of them and they had the resolve for the backs to do the job
09:27Williams with the finish two points the difference 48 minutes gone
09:33Wales on an eight test losing run heading in to this match tonight
09:45lowest all-time ranking of 11 Australia will replace them in that position on
09:51the world rankings if Wales could beat them tonight that'll be the Wallabies
09:55lowest ever ranking all-time I think where this game is turned Rupert is who
10:01makes the least mistakes in the middle of the pitch and at the minute Wales are
10:04making the least mistakes in the second half Australia given a ball give away
10:08penalties which gives way at Wales field position Wales are doing that quite
10:12smartly so far and it's got them back in the game
10:16Gordon just slightly hesitant that a lot of CEO gives the Welsh defensive line
10:21that opportunity to move up quickly and against him at right just a bit flat on
10:27their heels here Australia well the CEO that Valentini they've been
10:32shoved all the way back to the halfway line
10:46Tom right hits it high taking the air from Ken when it's had his problems in
10:54that area in the first half not in a second he's been outstanding so far his
10:58Archie Griffin who passed that HIA
11:07something's gone on in back play finish finish finish
11:13Liam Williams has been having a good couple of dollars as well Australian
11:17players also the team is gonna come in on it we'll have a listen
11:34getting in the face of the rookie Charlie Cale is that William Williams in
11:42first test
11:44what happens if Williams took out an Australian player he threw Liam Williams
11:49to the floor
11:54unless you got a different picture
11:58yeah this inflate the situation so
12:12it came off the crossfield kick Australia cross the left Liam Williams as
12:15well to protect can win it and it's after that when he tries to protect the
12:23okay with the football
12:29but you're screaming Williams takes out kale might be that hand to the face he
12:34could be looking at
12:39the close-up angle we saw before
12:50this process needs to be quicker Rupert just for the speed of the game we're
12:54taking too long to make this decision if somebody's going to come in with sit
12:57with a call we need to know the time code what you're looking at let's make a
13:01quick decision this is slow the game down by some time
13:08first off and first off and I'm saying it's a take out beyond the break break
13:13down from a Welsh player so that's started off and then we had a reaction
13:19all right so first offense as it's a full play it's going to be a penalty
13:24against him taking the man beyond wealth 14 that's the first offense all right
13:29I'm gonna explain it
13:35captain so the first offense is the taking the men beyond the breakdown okay
13:40that's a full play your player reacted but it's nothing more than a penalty so
13:43we go with the first full play offense which is a taking the man beyond the
13:47breakdown okay so it's going to be penalty against you no it's on eventually
13:56penalty Australia well there's an example of that middle third management
14:00you know just a little bit of composure required I get what Liam Williams is
14:03doing he's being aggressive he tries to clean up the play here but then you've
14:06got to let him go you take those for a second bite the cherry takes him out
14:11beyond the record takes him further on here out your screen to the right hand
14:14side which you can't do just gives Australia an entry
14:24the seat of the penalty which results in this try opportunity for Australia
14:3330 minutes to go 2321 this one's on a knife edge Salakai Lotto wins it at the
14:40it's taking no risks now the wallabies given that line at issues earlier in the
14:47she Griffin sneaking around and Faisal carries it on for the wallabies and
14:51William Williams going in there for the steal for Wales and he's done brilliantly
14:56but no there's a knock on was there on the floor
15:00on the ground
15:02who may he says
15:07it's great work to be good to see this I didn't see the knock on myself so my
15:14I was hands on the floor but I still think he's supporting his body weight
15:16there it is yeah left hand just pushed it forward I said lucky it was great
15:21initial work he's one of the best I think in the world in the back three are
15:24competing on in the breakdown in defense something you have to do is all the top
15:30players do in the world they don't just value the attack inside the game they
15:33value attack and defense good effort for me and William is very close
15:39big scrum here defensively for Wales you tighthead for Australia
15:47Mala Al-Atta is 69th test
15:52free kick now new regulations you cannot choose another scrum this is the new law
15:58that's come in all of that speeding up the game
16:05some people think this bails out the team that's under pressure at scrum time
16:10some like it because they like this kind of thing the tap and go we're back
16:14under way
16:18penalty advantage has come to Australia didn't need that
16:24rolling away is the call so now they've got the option they can kick to the corner
16:28they can take a scrum now if they choose or even kick at posts
16:39that's what they do through Lollasea so they're going to back their line out
16:43here the Wallabies perhaps give Wales a dose of their own medicine off the line
16:48out drive
16:51Wallabies have led all the way they were 17-0 at one point early in the game now
17:0223-21 and here they come with Fesla hasn't under control
17:07Damgunu helping him out Fesla carried forward Charlie Kael
17:15Alatoa is there he picks and goes it is 69th test match as his first try for
17:32well what a moment for him that's how you come off the bench and make an
17:35impact seven-point lead for the Wallabies you see David Jenkins on the
17:41left of your screen trying to hold the Australian forwards they can't get
17:44into their pick-and-go game but they fold rounds there's a powerful carry
17:48from Alatoa he goes he's both man they relate to explosive men for Wales
17:53it goes straight through it's a big carry that's a big moment in the game
17:58now you felt if Wales repelled that effort and get bad at back upfield but
18:02now it's seven points potentially nine with a conversion that's a big moment in
18:07the game for Australia
18:11yeah many thought he would be the captain for this series Alan Alatoa
18:18was handed to Liam Wright but he's a vastly experienced campaigner what a
18:22night for him to get his first meat pie as they call him down there for the
18:27Wallabies Wallace here just to make it a two-score game once again it's well so
18:39remain seven points the difference
18:46man was a big fan of cricket he's named after Alan border famous Australian
18:56brother Michael played for Samoa the World Cup last year he missed the World
19:02to have a world-class title
19:06Wallace here with the clearance
19:19why change
19:22everything is
19:26his second straight win
19:29the wreckage of that
19:37to make the quarterfinals for the first time in the history of Australia
19:42Isaac Kylia who's come up with James Slipper in the 17 shirt for Australia
19:48born and bred in Melbourne and it's his birthday as well he gets good game time
19:54tonight from Joe Smith as Wales will their drive again
19:59likes directing traffic plum tree has a little back team he's got himself on the
20:05wrong side but he's still holding on so he's legal
20:10Mason Grady
20:14it's the kind of go for what they want from him Jamie Roberts style punching
20:23holes to try and get the momentum for Wales Thomas
20:33Dyer William Williams chips it forward ricochets off the Australians into the
20:38hands of Tommy Rafferty as well that ends well for Wales they maintain ball
20:43nice pass from Griffin to Thomas Gareth Thomas the loser Ben Thomas again out
20:50the back from Brady opportunity here for winners and Watkins good carry from
20:57Owen Watkins Derry Lake again he's on a hat-trick remember he's just a couple of
21:03meters out the captain
21:08Thomas big moment in the test match this score here Wales they're back in business
21:17here's that cry of Wales Wales around Amy Park in Melbourne once again plenty
21:24of support for the visitors tonight like again lunges forward slightly slow ball
21:32again though for Wales there's Kylie with his tackle and they've turned it
21:38over Australia
21:41and it's Rob Valentini
21:46the Melbourne rebel who comes up with the turnover right on his own trialer
21:52they've been excellent there this this evening of the Australia breakdown
21:56defense they've won a few tackle penalties Wales probably haven't managed
22:01to get get as many as they'd like the ball retention has been excellent from
22:05Australia clean our players really quick onto their ball carrier that's one edge
22:09that Australia have had they've been very good over over the ball good on the
22:12floor this evening just as we watch this replay we can go to studio now and hear
22:18from Alan Wyn Jones he's got a word for us on the importance of leadership now
22:22for Wales yeah I think the second half is a dream start for Wales through Derry
22:27Lake and his carries we saw obviously William's go over I think Ben Thomas has
22:32been instrumental in that possession just one thing to add I think Sam
22:35mentioned in commentary this middle for third is hugely important now not to
22:39give Australia any more chances thanks Alan Wyn good carry from Valentini
22:46though has got the Wallabies some good go forward and they're already into
22:50Welsh territory off that line up but Charlie Cale's knocked it on he had
22:55raffle coming down his channel just took his eyes off it that the youngster
23:02substitutions coming in for four and eight replacements on the way as we hit
23:07fourth quarter time shake of the head from Charlie Cale perhaps hasn't gone
23:11his way entirely so far tonight
23:16we see this knock on from Charlie Cale a couple of changes to report
23:33he's now the on-field captain
23:38Angus Blyde there replaces Williams and Lange Gleeson from the Waratahs is out
23:45there for Charlie Cale in the number 20 shirt. You can see him there. The Waratahs had a really difficult season in the Super Rugby Pacific this year. Failed to miss the play-offs and loose aduse that Dan McKellar has taken over there. He's going back to Australia to carry the Waratahs and there is Isaac Cale on the occasion of his 24th birthday from the Harlequins Junior Rugby Club in Melbourne.
24:14We're talking to his dad before kickoff.
24:20His dad actually predicted that he was going to make his Wallaby debut on his birthday in Melbourne. Well it actually happened last week in Sydney a week early. Good scrum from Wales here.
24:30Plumtree has it under control. There's the decision from the ref and they get the penalty. Now another chance to punch it deep into Australian territory. Big big scrum Rupert. That is big. You've got to consider as well Archie Griffin on the tight end. Gareth Thomason's shot there. Very good loose head for Wales. He's been Gatlin's man at loose head for some time now.
24:52But Archie Griffin who's playing tight end. This is his second start in a professional game ever. He's been in the bath set up. Wales qualified but been on the bench previously. What a great effort from himself. 60 minutes in. A lot of props don't play much beyond 60 minutes.
25:08And I remember when I was a young player you get into the depths of games and your calves, your legs are screaming. But to create a scrum and produce a scrum like that in this part of the game. That's a huge effort from the whole pack but in particular the two Welsh props. Archie Griffin been very very impressed in tonight. And that man Ben Thomas. He's been excellent at time.
25:31More subs for Australia. It's Josh Nasser who makes his test debut. Son of Brendan Nass who won the World Cup in 1991. The halves are off for Wales. So Kieran Hardy and Sam Costello are out there for the final quarter here.
25:52Can Wales do what they haven't done for 55 years? You've got to go all the way back to 1969 the last time they beat the Wallabies on Australian soil. Costello's kicked it away but a penalty was coming. It's one of those new regulations. They're hot on the crock roll. Are you suffering from that back in the day?
26:22They're going to end up making their knee almost cave inwards and it's obviously putting ligaments into a lot of danger. That's a new law change. It's been outlawed. You can't do that. You can't try and roll someone sideways out of a ruck. We're going to have a look now. Not sure if this angle will show us very well. I think it's Refel who tries to roll him out of the way. We can't quite see it. It's on McBride who makes himself a nuisance again. He's been excellent at breaking that in. It's a good law change. Player safety.
26:52The jersey presentation because he's missed a huge amount of rugby in the last couple of years with injury. The replacement hooker. There's Nick White, replacement scrum heart for the Wallabies and now Collier with a good carry and Valentini although there's a little obstruction in there. There is.
27:07Goal player in front taking the defender.
27:37Australia looking to contest again. Lange Gleeson was lifted high but Wales have brought it down.
27:5062 and a half minutes gone.
27:54Seven points the difference.
27:57Wales looking to avoid a ninth straight test defeat.
28:01Australia looking for their second straight win.
28:05Australia haven't won a test in Melbourne since 2017.
28:13Lolicio did well.
28:16Here's Salakaya Lotto again.
28:19That's a great take from Lolicio. If he doesn't win now Wales get the ball back and that's the break that they were hoping for. The mistake from Australia but it's great secure play.
28:30Nick White's come on as the closer for the Wallabies.
28:34Vastly experienced player. He kicks it off the base and can win it.
28:39Brings it down. Hardy.
28:42Kieran Hardy. Now the Ospreys just signed from the Scarlets.
28:49There's actually only one Scarlet in the starting 15 for Wales tonight. That's Tame Plumtree.
28:55That's Hardy. He kicks it high.
28:59Can't take that one Lolicio.
29:02Come off his foot I think into a Welsh player. Gone back on the Wallabies side and now they hoof it forward. No perhaps not.
29:13Yeah that's the mistake they were waiting for Rupert. That's where we talk about this aerial battle.
29:17Both teams going for it but if you have more dominance in the air you're going to get a field position.
29:21It was good patient play from Wales. They don't need to naively play into the wide channels. Just go for the box kick. Have a good chase.
29:27And try and force that vital mistake out of Australia.
29:34Trav Jenkins is headed to the sidelines here. Corey Hill comes on to win his 34th cap for Wales.
29:43This is going to be 15 minutes isn't it for Warren Gaffney and Rob Howley of this Welsh team.
29:50Corey Hill out there at number 19. He's currently playing in the 4th division in Japan for a team called the Saicom Ruggets.
30:00It's pretty much must need in terms of reinforcements in that position without the likes of Ben Carter, Adam Beard and Will Rowlands as well.
30:15Front row's down. We'll have a reset.
30:20What do you want to see from Wales here Sam? Obviously scrum's really important first up but in terms of how they try and get over the line here against Australia.
30:29I think here is a position just to launch. I think you don't want to get carried away. They've given away a free kick for chasing.
30:35So when you hit you can't chase until the ball comes in. You've almost got to hit and stick.
30:39So it's not trying to get too macho. Don't let your ego run with it. Solid scrum. Get the ball out and put Australia under pressure.
30:50He mentions a lot of times Australia in Australia's course. He did have a massive win over them in the World Cup by 40 points to 6.
31:02But this would be significant if they can find a way back here.
31:06Scrum just wheels slightly. Pintree has to react. He does well in the end. Hardy's there. Now they can play wax.
31:13Both of them. Just gets in a bit of a tangle with Owen.
31:23That's exactly what they didn't want to happen. Just a lack of communication there perhaps.
31:30Yeah timing. It's almost carbon copy of what Australia did. Exactly the same area of the field at the opposite end of the pitch.
31:36Just gets in front of James Botham. So it's obstruction.
31:40Owen Watkin experience final 41st test tonight. They try to keep it in Wales.
31:45But it's going to work out in a try from nowhere for Filippo D'Angunu.
31:52His second of the night. His third of the series.
31:58William Williams. The acrobatic leap in the air and it's resulted in 5 points for the Wallabies.
32:05And that could be the test match.
32:07A lot of people will say that's lucky. It's not. That's the value of chasing a penalty hard.
32:12Not many people chase this. Look at D'Angunu on your screen chasing that. Not many people will chase a penalty.
32:17Kick the touch. They just presume it's going to go out by 10 metres.
32:21You have to credit him for no lost causes. That's the sort of unseen work from a winger.
32:27Liam Williams does so well to get up and get the ball back in play. He's never expected him to be there.
32:31Players don't typically chase a kick like that.
32:34So you've got to credit D'Angunu. But it's so unfortunate for Wales.
32:39I think that could be the moment of the game.
32:42It's a carbon copy of what happened in Pretoria last week where James Lowe tried to do the same thing as Liam Williams.
32:48And Cheslin Colby benefited for the spring box.
32:5533-21. And that's a heartbreaker.
32:5833-21. And that's a heartbreaker for Wales.
33:03Right in this match.
33:06In the Australian 22.
33:09With the attacking scrum. They give away the penalty.
33:13And then that happens.
33:15Conversion misses. But at 33-21.
33:1812 minutes to go.
33:20It's a mountain to climb now for Wales.
33:28Evan Lloyd has replaced Darryl Leight.
33:31So Darryl Leight won't be able to do what JJ Williams did.
33:36And score a hat-trick against Australia.
33:45Nick White.
33:47Now with the Western Force.
33:49In Perth.
33:51Nick Tompkins is out there as well for Wales.
33:55He's replaced Liam Williams.
33:58Just like last week.
34:00They probably had a little bit of a reshuffle.
34:02Brady might well go out to the wing again.
34:04Costello kicks it high.
34:06Approaching the final 10 minutes here.
34:08Tom Wright doesn't get there.
34:10But Josh Fluke has it on the second grab.
34:14We've seen a huge amount of Josh Fluke.
34:17With the ball in hand.
34:19His new Australian centre alongside Paisani.
34:22But he is highly rated.
34:24The Queensland Red.
34:26Queensland Reds actually make up the lion's share of these
34:30wallabies during this series.
34:32Jerry Smith has been doing a lot of talking to
34:35Les Kiss, of course, who we used to work with in Ireland.
34:39It is Rio Dyer though with a chance for Wales.
34:42Rio Dyer reaches out and scores!
34:46Rio Dyer.
34:49In the narrowest of channels.
34:52Has somehow found his way over for Wales.
34:55Or perhaps this one's not done quite yet.
34:58Chris Shunza.
35:00Right-hand side of that ruck.
35:02That's why you need your big men.
35:04Charging down kicks, putting pressure on nine.
35:06Nick White didn't expect him to be there.
35:08Shunza's been sniffing there all game.
35:10I think that's his second or third charge down.
35:12And what a powerful finish from Rio Dyer.
35:14Not enough men in that Australian ruck.
35:16Shunza gets his hands on it.
35:18But Rio Dyer, this is a great finish.
35:20Beats one.
35:22Second man bounces him off.
35:23That is a fantastic finish.
35:25Wales back in the game.
35:28Rio Dyer.
35:30He's played more minutes this calendar year
35:32than any other player for Wales.
35:35Massive try for them.
35:39Kick to come.
35:41Ten minutes to go.
35:44Sam Costello.
35:4689% off the tee.
35:48This year for Wales.
35:51He's hit it well too.
35:53He's banged it straight through as Costello.
35:58Five-point ball game in Melbourne.
36:01We've got a grandstand finish here, folks.
36:04Now the last two tries,
36:06or the two tries before that one,
36:08Wales scored a gateway penalty
36:10immediately from the kick-off.
36:12So you're looking at this now,
36:14and you're thinking Wales should learn their lesson.
36:17Frustrated looking.
36:19Lola Sio hits the sideline.
36:21He's been replaced by Ben Donaldson.
36:23He's got some history against Wales as well.
36:26Not the kind of muscle memory, perhaps,
36:28that you'd want to be taking into this game
36:30after the trauma of Lyon.
36:35Archie Griffin still going again.
36:3771 minutes.
36:39He played 73, although he did have
36:4110 minutes with an HIA tonight.
36:43But he's still out there, the young tighthead.
36:46And Hardy now.
36:48Under pressure from Blyde.
36:50Gets it away nicely.
36:52It's tense now in Melbourne.
36:55Ala'ala Toa, bobbling ball.
36:57Wales have it.
37:05Long kick behind Zamgunu.
37:08It's going to be a little bit too heavy, that is it.
37:13It's not too bad.
37:15That went all the way over the end line.
37:17They've come all the way back,
37:19but they touch it down.
37:21It's a goal line dropout.
37:23It's a good option though, Rupert.
37:25Play the territory game.
37:27I like it.
37:29I think some of the decisions from these young Wales players
37:31are the right ones.
37:33Put this Australian team who are desperate for a win
37:35again at home under pressure.
37:37Keep pinning them back.
37:39Donaldson with the goal line dropout
37:41up towards the halfway.
37:43And here's James Botham.
37:45He's had a big night.
37:47He had to.
37:51Seven and a half minutes to go.
37:53Evan Lloyd with the carry.
37:57Part of this Cardiff cluster.
37:59These youngsters from the Welsh capital
38:01on show for Wales on this tour of Australia.
38:05Hardy to Costello.
38:08Scarlett sends it high for Mason Grady.
38:12Evades everybody, including Tom Wright
38:15and goes over the sideline.
38:21Good option from Costello
38:23when you've got the six foot five Mason Grady out there.
38:26I wouldn't want to be Tom Wright in that situation.
38:28That's such a difficult kick
38:30when you've got someone like Mason Grady
38:32who's such a good athlete.
38:34It's much easier to get up in the air off the floor
38:36when you're coming onto the ball
38:38than when you're backtracking
38:40and you can't get as much height.
38:42Smart kick.
38:44Mason Sam Costello started the ball by Tess.
38:47Six nations ahead of this,
38:49but turnover at the line.
38:51Charles didn't want
38:53and Nick White can hack it clear.
38:57Grady allows it to bounce
38:59and go over the sideline.
39:01The back throw was too low.
39:03You've got to get that ball up a little bit more.
39:05Of course, I've never done that myself,
39:07so I don't understand the pressure.
39:09It's a high pressure throw for Evan Lloyd.
39:12For Wales, he tries to make up for his error there
39:14by going for the charge down.
39:16Just need to get that ball a bit higher
39:18because Australia are competing.
39:19Big throw this time from Lloyd,
39:21but again Australia steal it.
39:23Langie Gleeson at the front once more.
39:25Well, they took Dowie Lake, the captain, off.
39:28He felt it was one of those
39:30sort of pre-planned substitutions perhaps
39:32to take off the skipper,
39:34but since then the line-out's been having problems.
39:39Win it.
39:41Keep coming back, Wales!
39:43Finds good distance.
39:45Australia could go quickly,
39:47but no, with a five-point lead
39:49and five minutes,
39:51well, work time now.
39:53Good work from Langie Gleeson.
39:57Wales playing it safe,
39:59going to the front, looking at Shunza,
40:01who is a great option, yeah,
40:03but Australia bred that,
40:05got in front of Shunza.
40:07Look at the height of Australia's lift as well.
40:09That is a good line-out steal.
40:11Good ball there.
40:13The lift is really important there.
40:15The lift was good on Salah Khayelotso as well.
40:17Balotini, shot to the floor by Redford.
40:19White, here's Josh Fluke.
40:21There's that silky running we've heard about.
40:28White kicks
40:30over his shoulder to win it.
40:33He responds in kind.
40:35Here's Tom Wright.
40:37We saw how dangerous he was last week in transition.
40:39Whistle's gone, though.
40:43Offside, Wales.
40:45Just what you didn't want.
40:47Tom Wright taps and goes quickly.
40:50Nick White to Alan Alatorre.
40:52Donaldson, cut out ball over the top to Fluke.
40:54Luka and Salah Khayelotso.
40:56Dangunu is on a hatchery.
40:58Stopped by Lloyd.
41:04No advantage going back.
41:06It's been some really crucial moments for Wales
41:08deep in this match.
41:10That penalty's the last thing they needed.
41:12Offside here on the back foot.
41:14Sort of surprised that Tom Wright went quickly there.
41:16You think three points just nudges them
41:18beyond the seven-point try,
41:20so it almost guarantees the win,
41:22but very high probability.
41:24Alan Alatorre points into the post, rightly so.
41:26They have to take the three
41:28to take them beyond the converted try.
41:30But we say, Rupert, about errors, don't we?
41:32Getting himself in that position now,
41:34an opportunity for Ben Donaldson,
41:36now of the Western Force,
41:38formerly of Waratahs,
41:40to make the transition.
41:42He's got the ball.
41:43Formerly of Waratahs
41:45to make this a two-score game.
41:47Here's Mike Crom, the new scrum coach,
41:49formerly with the All Blacks, of course,
41:51for over 200 games.
41:59With three minutes to go,
42:01Ben Donaldson
42:03has made life really difficult now
42:05for Wales to find a way back.
42:07Another three points,
42:09and it's 36 points to 28.
42:14What have Wales got now?
42:16We thought it was done and dusted before
42:18with the Damgoumi try.
42:21Rio Dai got them back,
42:23but two-and-a-half minutes to go.
42:26Now it's in Aussie hands,
42:28and it's into the hands of
42:30Isaac Kiley,
42:32a birthday boy,
42:34or it might have been for him
42:36if he could get the win here.
42:38There's Alan Alatorre,
42:40trying to score coming off the bench
42:41for Australia.
42:47Hard to overstate
42:49what it would mean for Australian rugby
42:51to get back-to-back wins here
42:53at the start of their international season.
42:55Here's Costello at pace.
42:57A tackle from big six-foot-eight
42:59Angus Blythe on him on the fly.
43:01Big tackle on Plumtree.
43:03Gets the ball away though to Hardy.
43:05Now Tompkins to Costello.
43:07Now Corey Hill.
43:11Need to score really quick
43:13or else have any chance at all.
43:15Otherwise it's eight test match defeats in a row.
43:18Corey Hill.
43:23Loose pass at the feet of Costello.
43:26He couldn't take it.
43:42Hardy with the pass.
43:44Just slipped out of his hands
43:46as he flung it to Costello.
43:52Correction, of course, if Wales lose this
43:54it'll be their ninth test match defeat
43:57in history.
43:59After their eight in Sydney a week ago.
44:02Had their moments again tonight,
44:04haven't they Sam?
44:06They've been in this match just like Sydney.
44:0868 minutes in, two-point ball game.
44:09They've got themselves within five
44:11down the stretch here.
44:13They'll take a lot from this, I think Wales.
44:15I think Australia have taken their chances very well.
44:17But first try was bounce of a ball.
44:19An uncharacteristic penalty
44:21which gives them the field position
44:23for another try.
44:25Wales have been in the game
44:27and they haven't given up.
44:29But Australia just had a little bit more accuracy.
44:31Probably a more powerful scrum
44:33overall as well.
44:35The Wales more kept Wales in the game.
44:37But you do feel this score
44:39that they have been the better team today.
44:41They have been the better team
44:43over the last two weeks.
44:45Still plenty of mistakes from them
44:47and a lot they can clean up.
44:49And a lot of growth in both sides I feel
44:51over the next 12 months.
44:53They've already started shaking hands
44:55in the Australian coaching box.
44:57Australia wrap up the series.
45:01Two-nil against Wales.
45:03Back-to-back test match wins
45:07for the Wallabies on home soil.
45:10Round off the day.
45:12Eight o'clock this evening
45:14from Buenos Aires
45:16is Argentina take on France.
45:18Oh, look at that.
45:20Next weekend, back-to-back rugby.
45:22You don't need to get off your sofa, do you?
45:24Reds versus Wales on Friday.
45:26Sasson, a stacked day.
45:28New Zealand against Fiji.
45:30Australia, Georgia, South Africa, Portugal
45:32and Uruguay against Argentina.
45:348pm Sky Sports Arena for that.
45:37It's a feast for your eyes.
45:39Isn't it?
45:41And then,
45:43back to Australia.
45:45And it is a Wallabies series win.
45:49A fantastic performance from them.
45:51And we have the Lions tour as well
45:53to look forward to next year.
45:55It all gets underway on the 20th of June.
45:58Lions against Argentina in Dublin.
46:00And on the 28th,
46:02nine games coming your way
46:04on Sky Sports.
46:07Away from the rugby,
46:09just to remind you,
46:11we have the World Match Play Dance
46:13which gets underway tonight.
