A Little Daytime Drama 2024 - New Hallmark Movies

  • 3 months ago
00:00:00Oh, Brad, I would love to keep this energy going, but I've actually got another meeting,
00:00:11so we're going to have to pick this up sometime later this week, all right?
00:00:16That's why you are my favorite writer.
00:00:18All right.
00:00:19Talk to you soon.
00:00:21Jamie, my favorite writer.
00:00:23Oh, and Aaron, my favorite producer.
00:00:26Well, your only producer.
00:00:28Well, that too.
00:00:29So, is everything okay?
00:00:31You said this was urgent.
00:00:32You know, we should probably order first.
00:00:33Have you tried the seared tuna?
00:00:39The studio read through your pitch.
00:00:47They loved it.
00:00:52Wait, seriously?
00:00:54Well, I mean, don't pop any champagne quite yet, because, yeah, they want to see a completed
00:00:57script first.
00:00:59But if that script lives up to the expectations all of us have, our movie is greenlit.
00:01:07Really happening?
00:01:09No need to pinch yourself.
00:01:10This is as real as it gets, kid.
00:01:11It's going to be quite a milestone, too.
00:01:13I will be producing my 25th major motion picture with the promise of another Oscar, knock on
00:01:20And you, my most talented discovery, will get to write and direct your first feature
00:01:30I can't believe this.
00:01:31Well, you know, there is a small catch.
00:01:33Of course there is.
00:01:34They need the script a week from today.
00:01:36Wait, what?
00:01:37Next Monday?
00:01:38Why so fast?
00:01:39It's the International Film Festival.
00:01:41Yeah, so?
00:01:43That's where they always announce their entire slate of films for the coming year.
00:01:46They have only one more slot, and they want our film, but only if you can wow them with
00:01:51your script.
00:01:52In seven days?
00:01:53You've been working on this thing for a decade.
00:01:55You're never going to finish it without a deadline.
00:01:57Consider this a blessing in disguise.
00:01:58It's impossible.
00:01:59I mean, there's too much left to write.
00:02:02Well, just show me whatever you have.
00:02:03It's on my laptop at my apartment.
00:02:05Okay, download it from the cloud, and I'll pull it up on my phone.
00:02:08Well, I've never used the cloud.
00:02:13You are so old school.
00:02:14I guess you're going to insist that we shoot this film on 35 millimeter.
00:02:17Duh, I mean, that's the only way.
00:02:20All right, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
00:02:22In a horse-drawn carriage, apparently.
00:02:25But please, can you just send me whatever you have?
00:02:28It's not ready yet.
00:02:30It's not every day that a major studio takes a chance on a first-time writer-director.
00:02:35If we miss this deadline, there is no film.
00:02:39I just, I want it to be perfect.
00:02:41And it will be.
00:02:42It's not that easy, Aaron.
00:02:44I can't just turn this out overnight.
00:02:46You know, I have been developing this story ever since I started working at that movie
00:02:49theater back home in Hades.
00:02:50No, no, no, I know.
00:02:52At the movie theater owned by your boyfriend.
00:02:55Ex-boyfriend, Nick.
00:02:57And technically it's owned by Nick and his father.
00:02:59It's just, you know, that movie theater started everything for me.
00:03:02My entire script centers around it.
00:03:04It's practically a character in my movie.
00:03:07Well, that's it.
00:03:09You know how they say, write what you know?
00:03:10I say, write what you know even better when you are actually there, soaking up the atmosphere in person.
00:03:16But you're not suggesting.
00:03:18Oh, no.
00:03:19I am not in the suggestion business, kid.
00:03:22I am ordering you to get on a plane pronto and finish that script in the authentic locale
00:03:28where you were first inspired to write it.
00:03:31At that movie theater.
00:03:33Chop, chop!
00:03:40I thought we were closed for the night.
00:03:42Not yet, Dad.
00:03:43The last showing was at 8.
00:03:45And how many tickets did we sell?
00:03:48A little over a third.
00:03:51Mostly it's been a pretty good month.
00:03:54I wouldn't call that exactly a good month, Nick.
00:03:58I remember when we used to sell out the 8 o'clock shows.
00:04:01Even in our most profitable months, sales are rapidly declining.
00:04:05Things are rough.
00:04:08By the way, we need to fix the old popcorn machine.
00:04:11I'm burning some of the popcorn.
00:04:13Nick, I hate to tell you this, but that popcorn machine is going to be someone else's problem.
00:04:19What do you mean?
00:04:21Well, I was looking for a way to tell you this, but there's just no way to put it delicately.
00:04:27We are officially selling the building to Mr. Weathers.
00:04:31The lawyers have drafted the contracts already.
00:04:34I've signed them.
00:04:35The only signature left is yours.
00:04:37I can't believe you did this behind my back.
00:04:39The theater is losing too much money, Nick.
00:04:42And Weathers' offer was just too good to turn down.
00:04:45Now, the contracts are on your desk.
00:04:48And I know this is sudden, but all the paperwork needs to be filed by the end of this week.
00:04:55Now, this theater has been good.
00:04:58Very good to our family.
00:05:01But it's time to move on.
00:05:12I love you, Nick.
00:05:42I love you, Nick.
00:06:12I love you.
00:06:37Oh, man.
00:06:43I wish I could watch you again, but without a projector, that is just not going to happen.
00:07:06Hi, Mom.
00:07:08Happy birthday!
00:07:10Happy birthday!
00:07:12Well, thank you, but you're a few days early.
00:07:14Oh, I know, I know. I'm just so excited.
00:07:16How's that pitch going?
00:07:18Oh, the pitch went great. The studio loved it.
00:07:20Oh, that's fantastic, honey. Wow.
00:07:23My baby is going to finally direct her first big Hollywood movie.
00:07:27Well, thanks, Mom, but it's not a done deal yet.
00:07:31I have to deliver a completed screenplay by Monday.
00:07:34And if they don't love it, then the deal is off.
00:07:36Oh, you'll deliver a fantastic script.
00:07:39I don't know, Mom. I'm blocked.
00:07:42I just can't seem to find my creative flow.
00:07:45My scenes aren't working.
00:07:47Sorry to hear you're stuck, sweetie.
00:07:49You know, when you were growing up, you and Nick used to have so much fun writing together.
00:07:56Yeah, I remember that.
00:07:58You know, funny enough, Nick and his family's theater actually inspired the movie.
00:08:03But things are weird now. We don't really talk anymore.
00:08:07I know, I know. Just come home for your birthday.
00:08:10You can try to write while you're here.
00:08:12Mom, I'd love to, but...
00:08:14Oh, visiting that old movie theater would inspire you.
00:08:17You know, my producer said the same thing.
00:08:19Well, then what are you waiting for, honey?
00:08:21Seeing your beautiful smile would be a treat for everyone.
00:08:24Including Nick.
00:08:26Mom, Nick and I are not getting back together.
00:08:29Oh, I didn't say that, but...
00:08:31You can at least be friends.
00:08:33Will you at least think about it?
00:08:36I'll think about it, Mom.
00:08:38I love you. Back to writing.
00:09:06I love you.
00:09:10I love you.
00:09:43Oh, Jamie! Oh, my goodness.
00:09:45Oh, you said you weren't sure you'd be able to make it.
00:09:48Well, I just wanted to come for one of your hugs, so I'm going to be leaving.
00:09:51Oh, you stop that. I'll give you all of my hugs.
00:09:54Oh, honey, I have missed you so much.
00:09:56Oh, I missed you too, Mom.
00:09:57Come in, come in.
00:09:59We're going to organize a small get-together for your birthday.
00:10:01This is so exciting.
00:10:03I have to invite the neighbors.
00:10:17Oh, Jamie! My favorite oldest daughter.
00:10:20My favorite dad.
00:10:22Your only dad.
00:10:23That too.
00:10:28Hey, check out my latest character. You're going to love him.
00:10:31This is Thorneer, a brilliant inventor from the ancient world.
00:10:36So brilliant, the people in the village think he's a little...
00:10:40But then one day, there's a series of devastating floods that hit the village.
00:10:44And when it comes time to figure out what to do,
00:10:46Thorneer volunteers to find the villagers a new place to live.
00:10:51Oh, okay. Well, where does he go?
00:10:53Oh, come on, honey. I don't want to bore you with this.
00:10:56No, no. I miss hearing you tell these tales.
00:10:59You taught me everything I know about storytelling.
00:11:01Oh, you give me way too much credit.
00:11:04How do you always manage to tell the perfect stories, though?
00:11:07Well, they're not exactly perfect.
00:11:09But I guess the answer to the question is, I love the characters.
00:11:13My imagination flows best when I can visualize them.
00:11:17In their element.
00:11:21Well, if it isn't my long-lost sister, the celebrated Hollywood writer-director Jamie Leone.
00:11:27Ah, celebrated.
00:11:30I think that honor belongs to you, Dr. Stephanie.
00:11:34You've gotten shorter.
00:11:35Oh, you've gotten funnier.
00:11:38You posted a picture with that guy from Grey's Anatomy, and I never received one text. Not one.
00:11:44Did you at least tell him about me?
00:11:45Oh, of course. I walked right up to him and I said,
00:11:49Hi, nice to meet you, Mr. Emmy-nominated doctor-slash-actor.
00:11:53Let me tell you all about my overachieving obstetrician sister.
00:11:56Did you know that she actually failed her driver's test six times?
00:12:01And what did he say?
00:12:03You know, it's not the same around here without you two.
00:12:07Okay, so spill it. Tell us all about your movie deal.
00:12:10Well, it's not a deal just yet.
00:12:12But they liked your pitch.
00:12:14Yes, but they're only going to greenlight the movie if I can deliver the script I promised by next Monday.
00:12:20This is Tuesday.
00:12:21Yeah, I know. Six days.
00:12:24I was having trouble writing back in L.A., so...
00:12:26So you came here to snap out of your writer's block and finish the scripts?
00:12:29Well, more like write almost all of it, but yeah.
00:12:33Okay, well then let's get to it.
00:12:36Alright, come on.
00:12:54Is that who I think it is?
00:12:57It is I, the Plaza Theater's greatest all-time popcorn chef.
00:13:02What are you doing back home?
00:13:04I just couldn't stay away from this theater for one more second.
00:13:08Want to see a film while you're at it?
00:13:10I would love to.
00:13:12One ticket for the 8 p.m. showing, please.
00:13:17Enjoy the show, Jamie.
00:13:19Hello, welcome to the Plaza Theater.
00:13:21I can do your ticket.
00:13:24Here you go.
00:13:27I'll be right with you.
00:13:48No problem.
00:13:49Take your time.
00:13:57What are you doing here?
00:14:00What are you doing there?
00:14:02Oh, I'm just trying to fix the old popcorn machine.
00:14:05Afraid it's on its last leg.
00:14:07Kinda like this whole place.
00:14:09What about you?
00:14:10What are you doing back in Hastings?
00:14:12I'm just here for the week, you know, visiting some family.
00:14:14Thought I'd come down and see a movie and do some writing.
00:14:18It's funny, I was just thinking about you.
00:14:20Because I realized it's your birthday this week.
00:14:24Yeah, it is.
00:14:29Sorry, um...
00:14:31You want some candy?
00:14:33Popcorn machine's out of commission for the moment.
00:14:37You know how I love the popcorn here.
00:14:40But, yeah, candy would be great.
00:14:42I'll have the chocolate peanuts.
00:14:47Yeah, I'm trying to fix it, but it appears I'm missing someone.
00:14:55Like a mechanical part.
00:14:56I'm trying to order a new one.
00:14:59Oh, no, no, on the house.
00:15:00Early birthday gift.
00:15:09It's nice to see you.
00:15:12Yeah, you too.
00:15:42Get some hot soup for me, Martha.
00:15:45Some hot soup?
00:15:46And I love it, it's one of those nice salads.
00:15:48No, I need hot soup.
00:16:04I didn't stay too long.
00:16:07Mom might be a better driver than I am, but I am second best, at least.
00:16:11No comparison.
00:16:12Um, remind me, who was the one who backed Dad's van into a shopping cart?
00:16:17It's not my fault that someone left a shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot.
00:16:21I can't stand when people do that.
00:16:23Speaking of shopping carts, how was the movie?
00:16:28You went to the Plaza Theater?
00:16:30Was he there?
00:16:31I thought you were going to write.
00:16:33I'm not sure what any of this has to do with shopping carts.
00:16:35I knew it.
00:16:36You guys should get coffee or something.
00:16:38I mean, after everything that has happened, that would be the mature, healthy thing to do.
00:16:41You know, lay it all out on the table.
00:16:44Yeah, we're going to need a bigger table.
00:16:46Oh, it wasn't that bad.
00:16:48Are you serious?
00:16:49He broke up with me on my birthday, right before we were supposed to move to L.A. together.
00:16:52And he never even told me why.
00:16:54Seeing Nick again could be good for you, Jamie.
00:16:56Get those creative juices flowing.
00:16:58Yeah, Jamie.
00:16:59Maybe Nick can help you with that.
00:17:01Yeah, Jamie.
00:17:02Maybe Nick can help you write like old times.
00:17:05You both changed and grown.
00:17:07You probably less or so, but at least getting some answers can provide a bit of closure.
00:17:10I'm not here for closure.
00:17:12I am here to finish my script so that I can finally have a career.
00:17:20And to spend time with my family, of course.
00:17:25Well, maybe he'll let you write in the lobby or something.
00:17:27I can write anywhere.
00:17:28It doesn't just have to be in that theater.
00:17:30You should invite him to the party.
00:17:32Mom, can you please stop encouraging this?
00:17:35You so should.
00:17:36I'm still trying to figure out the shopping cart connection.
00:17:40Look, everyone, I appreciate you all looking out for me, okay?
00:17:44But I'm not going to open that door again, okay?
00:17:47I just came to finish writing my script and to spend quality time with my family.
00:17:51That's it.
00:17:53Well, then I guess that means you're going to tag along with me and Dad
00:17:56to the Hastings Gingerbread Design Competition tomorrow.
00:17:59Fine. Fine.
00:18:01Was the movie about shopping carts?
00:18:06Dad, could you just pass me the corn?
00:18:10Thank you.
00:18:30Thank you.
00:18:38Food and beverage make up 45% of our annual revenue, right?
00:18:41So if we invest a little bit of money in better concession options,
00:18:44we could drive new repeat customers.
00:18:46Nick, we have tried everything.
00:18:48If you'd like to pitch some of your ideas to the new buyers, that's fine.
00:18:52But this deal will close on Saturday.
00:18:55Now, I admire your tenacity, son.
00:18:58I always have.
00:19:00But you can't save a movie theater in three days.
00:19:03Let's just sign the contracts and move on.
00:19:09Oh, hey.
00:19:11Didn't see you guys there.
00:19:14You remember my father, don't you?
00:19:16Yeah, of course. Of course. Mr. Sullivan. Long time no see.
00:19:19Jamie Leone, what a nice surprise.
00:19:21Well, it's good to see you.
00:19:23Yeah, you too. And, you know, I've got to run to a meeting, but...
00:19:29Hey, can I sit down?
00:19:31Yeah, yeah.
00:19:33You didn't stay for the movie yesterday.
00:19:36You noticed.
00:19:37Yeah, it's kind of my job to notice.
00:19:39I guess you do get a little bit more VIP attention.
00:19:44I'm actually writing a movie that I'm going to direct.
00:19:47Oh, the one about the movie theater you've been kicking around since we were teenagers?
00:19:50Yeah, actually that's the one.
00:19:52Can't seem to shake it off.
00:19:54It's under my skin itching to get out.
00:19:56That's good, though. You've got to be passionate about it.
00:19:59Yeah. Well, the unfortunate thing is that the deadline for my script is next Monday,
00:20:04which is just five days away, and I've just been struggling with writing.
00:20:08So, you know, I thought I'd come here and see a movie at the Plaza Theater
00:20:13and see if it might spark some imagination.
00:20:15Oh. So why'd you leave?
00:20:20I guess I just wasn't really in the right mood.
00:20:23Oh, I understand. I'm probably the last person you wanted to see.
00:20:27I get it.
00:20:29Oh, no. I mean, I've moved on. We've moved on. Right?
00:20:37Okay, so do you want to come inside, then?
00:20:40I'll be around for a little while, but I can promise to stay out of your way.
00:20:44Oh, I wouldn't want to intrude.
00:20:47You need inspiration, right? You're welcome here.
00:20:50You need inspiration, right?
00:20:52You're welcome here as long as you're home.
00:20:55I'll be sure to reserve you a seat.
00:20:58Okay. Reserve me a seat. I like that.
00:21:05You remember when we used to write together?
00:21:07We used to have so much fun.
00:21:09Yeah. Oh, we really did.
00:21:13So, you know, maybe I will come in for an hour or two.
00:21:18If it's still okay.
00:21:20It's more than okay.
00:21:22Is that right?
00:21:24I feel you.
00:21:38Should I remove the jacket?
00:21:43Ah, this still isn't working.
00:21:55I just wanted to see how it's going over here.
00:21:58Well, it's going.
00:22:01I mean, I keep thinking I'm coming pretty close, and then I realize it's still not working.
00:22:05I mean, this place feels like magic to me.
00:22:07You know, I thought just being here would be enough, but...
00:22:10I'm still struggling to make the story flow.
00:22:12I'm sorry to hear that.
00:22:15You'll work it out.
00:22:17You always do.
00:22:21I mean, this place has so many memories for me.
00:22:24I remember on my 14th birthday, all I wanted was to come see a movie.
00:22:30No party, no cake, nothing like that.
00:22:32Just a movie, a popcorn, and a soda.
00:22:36So I invited Sarah and Ariana, and we got here, and all the shows were sold out,
00:22:41except for the original Little Women.
00:22:43The one with Katherine Hepburn?
00:22:45Yeah, I loved that movie.
00:22:48But no, they said it was too old, so I saw it by myself.
00:22:52Just me, the plaza theater, and Little Women.
00:22:56It blew me away.
00:22:58It was the second best birthday I've ever had.
00:23:02I turned in my application to work here the very next day.
00:23:06This place really means a lot to you.
00:23:11It's where I discovered my deep love of filmmaking.
00:23:14It changed everything for me.
00:23:16So you must have a plaza theater back in L.A. where you go on all your dates?
00:23:21Well, your little fishing expedition to find out my current dating status is a tad obvious.
00:23:27Guilt is charged.
00:23:30And if you must know, I hardly go out with anybody.
00:23:35I'm never on a second date.
00:23:40How come?
00:23:43Oh, well, my schedule's just crazy. It's ridiculous.
00:23:47Yeah, it's really busy.
00:23:49And besides, there's no other plaza theater in the world as far as I'm concerned.
00:23:54And I step into this theater, and it's just... electric.
00:24:01Is there anything better than a crowded theater on opening night?
00:24:04Right, when the lights go down and you can feel the chatter turning into silence.
00:24:09We go on this emotional journey to experience love, laughter, joy, and thrills.
00:24:15And then when the credits roll and the lights go up...
00:24:19You're left still thinking and talking about the story you just witnessed.
00:24:24Then it's back to normal life.
00:24:27Speaking of which...
00:24:29I should go. I, uh, I have a thing later.
00:24:32Oh, yeah, yeah. So do I.
00:24:34Oh, you know, actually, Nick, I wanted to ask you, um...
00:24:37Would you mind helping me with some writing tomorrow?
00:24:39I'd love to bounce some ideas off of you.
00:24:42Yeah, I'd love that.
00:24:45Great, I'll see you tomorrow.
00:24:49Alright. See you tomorrow.
00:24:52Mmm. Mm-mm-mm. Smells like, um, gingerbread.
00:24:57I was going to say a bakery.
00:24:59I just wish your mom could have come this year.
00:25:01Oh, you know how she is with book club.
00:25:03Haven't missed one since the winter of 19-
00:25:04Oh, I'm sorry.
00:25:05I'm sorry.
00:25:06I'm sorry.
00:25:07I'm sorry.
00:25:08I'm sorry.
00:25:09I'm sorry.
00:25:10I'm sorry.
00:25:11I'm sorry.
00:25:12I'm sorry.
00:25:13I'm sorry.
00:25:14I'm sorry.
00:25:15I'm sorry.
00:25:16I'm sorry.
00:25:17I'm sorry.
00:25:18I'm sorry.
00:25:19I'm sorry.
00:25:20Haven't missed one since the winter of 1999.
00:25:22Well, if it isn't the Leone thing.
00:25:25Oh, hi Debra.
00:25:26So which two of you will be on the team?
00:25:28Well, we'll be a team of three this year if that's alright.
00:25:31Well, rule 4B of the Hastings updated handbook says teams of two only, no exceptions.
00:25:37What happens to the odd person out?
00:25:39Well, luckily one of our sponsors said he'd be happy to pitch in if someone needs a partner.
00:25:44Well, I'll be on a team with Dad.
00:25:47Dad and I are a team every year.
00:25:49We're a dynasty.
00:25:50Alright, fine.
00:25:52I'll be on a team with the sponsor guy.
00:25:54Who is it anyway?
00:25:55Well, it's someone you may know, Jamie.
00:26:05So that's what he meant by a thing.
00:26:08I can see you're happy about that.
00:26:09Am I that transparent?
00:26:11Practically invisible.
00:26:17Okay, you actually want to put it along the joints of the walls.
00:26:21Thank you.
00:26:22Let me show you.
00:26:23I forgot you took this so seriously.
00:26:26I always come in second place, though.
00:26:28I mean, you came by yourself.
00:26:29I figured you were the Willy Wonka of gingerbread construction.
00:26:32Well, if you must know, the Plaza Theater has been sponsoring the event for the past few years.
00:26:36And Cora, my theater manager, needed a partner.
00:26:39Something came up, so here I am.
00:26:44Could you pass me another layer?
00:26:46Another one?
00:26:48How big are we making this, uh, building?
00:26:52It's a movie theater.
00:26:53I've got you.
00:26:55Look, the people that build the traditional gingerbread houses never win.
00:26:58And I am not losing to Stephanie and my dad.
00:27:03All right.
00:27:05How's this looking?
00:27:19Spreader knife.
00:27:20Spreader knife.
00:27:22White gumball.
00:27:24How wide is the south wall?
00:27:26Six inches, but remember there's a door on that side, so don't put too much weight on top.
00:27:30Good call.
00:27:31All right, and attach the sign to the parallel wall.
00:27:35And frosting needs about 20 more seconds to harden.
00:27:37Perfect timing.
00:28:17Do you know how to make a Hollywood sign out of gingerbread?
00:28:34Yeah, who doesn't?
00:28:37Are you eating it?
00:28:40Nick, this is serious.
00:28:42I am so sorry.
00:28:46You just made the biggest mistake of your life, Jamie Leoni.
00:28:49No, no, no, no, no.
00:28:51We're even now.
00:28:52You always did want to kiss on your nose.
00:28:55Yeah, well, uh.
00:28:56You know what?
00:28:57Oh, look.
00:28:58Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer has some very shiny competition.
00:29:00That's good.
00:29:09We're sorry.
00:29:11Time's up.
00:29:13Everyone step away from your creations.
00:29:15And let's try to act like mature adults during the judging process.
00:29:19Shall we?
00:29:27What can I say?
00:29:28All my creations are half-baked.
00:29:30You always did love irony.
00:29:32Yeah, kind of like a movie theater that doesn't serve popcorn.
00:29:34We serve popcorn, just not right now.
00:29:37Speaking of, how's the repair coming?
00:29:39I still can't find that part.
00:29:42Might have to spring for a new one.
00:29:43No, no.
00:29:45That machine has so many memories.
00:29:47I mean, that's the machine I served you from when I first met you.
00:29:51We made a whole short film about it.
00:29:53Magic Movie.
00:29:55It was a good little film.
00:29:56My directorial debut.
00:29:58On 16 millimeter, no less.
00:30:00Wish I could see it.
00:30:02All right, everyone.
00:30:03So, first I want to say thank you for participating in this year's competition.
00:30:08Give yourselves a hand.
00:30:13Second, I want to thank our sponsor, The Plaza Theater.
00:30:19One of the co-owners, Nick Sullivan, is here.
00:30:21And he's partnered with our very own talented filmmaker, Jamie Leone.
00:30:27And they have made a movie theater.
00:30:35So, all of your creations are incredible and edible.
00:30:39But there can only be one winner.
00:30:41So, the winner of the annual Hastings Gingerbread Design Competition is...
00:30:49Table 8.
00:30:50Thank you.
00:31:02Theirs is really good.
00:31:05There's no way it tastes as good as ours, though.
00:31:07Well, that doesn't make me feel better.
00:31:10Look at theirs.
00:31:11It looks exactly like The Plaza Theater.
00:31:13Ours doesn't even look like a building.
00:31:15All right.
00:31:17Let me make it up to you.
00:31:20And how are you going to attempt to do that?
00:31:32That's exactly the same.
00:31:34Yeah, we've added some new digital equipment.
00:31:36But we still have our 16mm projector.
00:31:39We like to play some of our older films the classic way.
00:31:42I see it, and I'm impressed.
00:31:44Who's your projectionist?
00:31:46Well, we don't have much of a staff anymore.
00:31:48So, Cord doubles as our manager slash projectionist.
00:31:51She doesn't mind, though.
00:31:52She's been an employee of the month 24 times in a row.
00:31:55Don't tell Mr. Desmond.
00:31:58I couldn't run this place without the two of them.
00:32:01Did it take her a while to figure out all the equipment?
00:32:04Well, she was lead technician over at Tim's Computer Repair Shop down the street
00:32:08until they went under.
00:32:09And then she came here and made everything state-of-the-art.
00:32:13Wow. Sounds like you're lucky to have her.
00:32:15Oh, we are.
00:32:16One thing I've stopped doing is taking people for granted.
00:32:21That's a good thing to work on.
00:32:30Well, it is getting late, so I should probably head home.
00:32:35I'll walk you out.
00:32:50Where have you been?
00:32:53I was at the gingerbread decorating competition.
00:32:56Sponsor the event every year, remember?
00:32:58I hate that we can't support them anymore.
00:33:00Nick, I need you to focus on what's happening right now.
00:33:03I'm focused.
00:33:04Then why haven't you signed these?
00:33:07Weathers needs this deal to close by the end of the week.
00:33:10He wants to demolish the theater and build condos
00:33:14before the new tax laws take effect.
00:33:16That's why he's willing to pay such a premium now.
00:33:21Dad, we can't let that happen.
00:33:22This plaza is the heart of the town.
00:33:25It inspires people.
00:33:26It means a lot to them.
00:33:30It's magic.
00:33:31When are you going to grow up, son?
00:33:34Everything that I have ever done has been in your best interest,
00:33:38and this deal is no different.
00:33:41It meant a lot to Mom.
00:33:45Sometimes you just need to know when to let go.
00:33:49Trust me.
00:34:15Come in.
00:34:19Oh, look, it's the Frank Lloyd Wright
00:34:21of the whimsical world of gingerbread architecture.
00:34:24Thanks, honey.
00:34:25Hey, Mom sent me up here to see if you were hungry.
00:34:27Yeah, something to eat sounds great.
00:34:31You know, sometimes your mom and I would come in here
00:34:33just to remember all the wonderful films
00:34:35you and your friends used to make.
00:34:37We call it our own little museum slash art gallery in here.
00:34:41You're such a genius.
00:34:43Stop it, Dad.
00:34:44Hey, speaking of genius,
00:34:46would you like to hear the rest of that story of Thorneer?
00:34:49Oh, yeah. I thought you'd never ask.
00:34:51You left me on quite the cliffhanger.
00:34:54So Thorneer sets out to find a new home for the village
00:34:57using his inventions to cross the flooded land.
00:35:01But when he gets to his final destination,
00:35:03he realizes that the floods extend far beyond the horizon.
00:35:07Oh, no.
00:35:08Well, what does he do?
00:35:10Defeated, he decides to end the journey and go home.
00:35:14But while he's there,
00:35:16he invents an advanced irrigation system
00:35:19that not only saves his village,
00:35:21but all the villages around him.
00:35:23And he becomes the hero of the land.
00:35:28I love that.
00:35:30So what's the message?
00:35:32Well, I've got a pretty good idea.
00:35:34But I'm much more interested in hearing yours.
00:35:39Uh, when you don't succeed at the thing you first attempted to do,
00:35:44if you can think outside the box,
00:35:47then you just might come up with something even better.
00:35:51Well said, honey.
00:35:53You're listening to the characters.
00:35:55Thanks, Dad.
00:35:56I love you.
00:35:57I love you.
00:36:00Hey, you still want to come downstairs to the kitchen for a bite?
00:36:03Yeah, I'll be down in a minute.
00:36:04Okay, great.
00:36:39I thought I'd find you at your favorite thinking spot.
00:36:43You got a lot of thinking to do.
00:36:46So, what's going on with you?
00:36:49I mean, I know it's a beautiful view and all, but, uh,
00:36:53why are you really here?
00:36:57My father's selling the plaza.
00:37:01To who?
00:37:02This old family friend, Maurice Weathers.
00:37:05Apparently he wants to use the land for condos or something.
00:37:09Once I sign the contracts, the deal's final.
00:37:12Nick, you can't.
00:37:14That's our theater.
00:37:15Believe me, I am trying to talk him out of it,
00:37:18but the theater's losing money.
00:37:20A lot, actually.
00:37:23I feel like I owe it to my father, you know?
00:37:26Ever since Mom passed away, he's been...
00:37:30We're each other's only family left.
00:37:35I don't know what to do.
00:37:37Well, how do we convince him not to sell?
00:37:39I don't know.
00:37:40It's like I'm fighting this uphill battle with him.
00:37:43Especially when no one goes to the theater anymore.
00:37:45Yeah, but the plaza's more than just a theater.
00:37:47I mean, it's a living, breathing thing.
00:37:49You know, it's a character in this town, in my movie.
00:37:52He does not see it that way.
00:37:54It's just these declining sales numbers.
00:37:56I haven't been able to turn the numbers around.
00:38:05Nick, you can't blame yourself for this.
00:38:09I'm sure that your dad has agonized over this decision.
00:38:15And besides, we have a lifetime of memories at the theater, right?
00:38:21And that's something that no sale could ever take away.
00:38:28You're right.
00:38:33Thanks, Jamie.
00:38:35I always know just what to say.
00:38:43Look, my family's throwing me a little birthday party tomorrow night at the house.
00:38:48Maybe you should come.
00:38:50Might cheer you up a little.
00:38:55And bring Cora, too.
00:38:59Oh, I almost forgot the whole reason that I came here to talk to you.
00:39:04You remember how we used to finish each other's sentences?
00:39:08Well, I could kind of use some of that compatibility with my script.
00:39:13Is that right?
00:39:18Let me hear it.
00:39:20It's my protagonist, Olivia.
00:39:22The typical Hollywood ending would have Cole, my leading man, coming in to save the day and rescue her.
00:39:28Because she wanted to save herself.
00:39:30I mean, she's a modern woman, you know?
00:39:32It's got to be her choice.
00:39:34Okay, so what's the problem?
00:39:36They wouldn't have hired a female writer-director if they wanted a male point of view.
00:39:40Go with your gut.
00:39:41Well, I could easily write my version, but then Cole doesn't really have a part in it.
00:39:47That's not satisfying either.
00:39:49Well, what if Cole's the one who inadvertently sets up the opportunity for her,
00:39:54but it's Olivia who makes the final decision?
00:39:57Which would mean that I could bring him in later in act two,
00:40:02and then I could push the decision to later in act three.
00:40:05Yeah, does that work?
00:40:06Oh my gosh, Nick, you're a genius!
00:40:09Well, I barely did anything, but you're welcome.
00:40:12No, it makes perfect sense now.
00:40:14Will you help me write this?
00:40:16Yeah, of course.
00:40:17I told you I would.
00:40:18Oh, great.
00:40:20I just can't thank you enough.
00:40:22Let's head back to the plaza.
00:40:24Kind of feels like we're picking up where we left off, doesn't it?
00:40:28Well, let's see how long we last before we get sick of each other again.
00:40:34So here's what I'm thinking.
00:40:36I feel like when the decision happens, it needs to be something that she's really thinking about.
00:40:47Olivia is faced with the hardest decision of her life.
00:40:51Their eyes meet for the last time, and ever so slightly, Olivia smiles.
00:40:56The end.
00:41:00Jamie, this is fantastic.
00:41:03I love this story.
00:41:09Well, thanks.
00:41:11But now you can see where I'm stuck.
00:41:14Well, let's see if we can get you unstuck.
00:41:19But first, how about a little creative break?
00:41:24You still have that?
00:41:28All right, Cora, hit it.
00:41:30You got it.
00:41:38I didn't think I'd ever see this again.
00:41:40I didn't think I'd see you again.
00:41:44I didn't think I'd see you again.
00:41:46I didn't think I'd see you again.
00:41:48I didn't think I'd see you again.
00:41:50I didn't think I'd see you again.
00:41:52I didn't think I'd see you again.
00:41:54I didn't think I'd see you again.
00:41:56I didn't think I'd see you again.
00:41:58I didn't think I'd see you again.
00:42:00I didn't think I'd see you again.
00:42:02I didn't think I'd see you again.
00:42:04I didn't think I'd see you again.
00:42:06I didn't think I'd see you again.
00:42:08I didn't think I'd see you again.
00:42:10I didn't think I'd see you again.
00:42:24You look so disappointed.
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00:46:35StSq3 3.30 (-0.99")
00:46:41Yeah, yeah, well it's getting late, so
00:46:45Yeah, I should finish up a few things here
00:46:49I'll walk you out
00:46:51No, it's fine. I'm just gonna head out the back anyway
00:46:57Are you still coming to the party tomorrow with Cora?
00:47:01Yeah, of course
00:47:03Okay, I'll see you tomorrow
00:47:10There's the birthday girl.
00:47:30How does it feel to be a year older?
00:47:32Well, after this week, I feel like I've aged ten years.
00:47:35I missed you for Scrabble.
00:47:37Where were you all last night?
00:47:39Oh, I was with Nick at the theatre.
00:47:41Oh, things are going well with you two.
00:47:48Oh, your snickerdoodles.
00:47:52Don't touch their hat.
00:47:56These are the real reason I came home.
00:47:57Oh, stop it.
00:47:59I'm kidding.
00:48:00Why are you in such a good mood?
00:48:02Oh, I don't know.
00:48:03It could be because I'm in the home stretch of finishing my script earlier than expected.
00:48:09I am so proud of you.
00:48:11Oh, I know they're going to love it.
00:48:14You deserve this.
00:48:16Thanks, Mom.
00:48:17But unfortunately, they want to meet first thing Monday morning.
00:48:21So, I'm going to have to fly out a day early.
00:48:25I'm sorry I can't stay as long.
00:48:32Are you crying?
00:48:33Oh, come here.
00:48:35Oh, I just love you so much.
00:48:37Tonight's party will be a double celebration.
00:48:44Speaking of which, you did remember to invite Nick and Cora, right?
00:48:48Yeah, Nick said he's coming, but I don't know.
00:48:52Things ended kind of weird last night.
00:48:54I think we're both beginning to figure out just what this would take to even possibly work.
00:49:01How long have you been trying to get a movie made?
00:49:04Ten years, seven months, and 16 days.
00:49:07And was it easy to get here, or did it take years of hard work?
00:49:11Well, the latter, obviously.
00:49:13You work hard for what you love the most, because it's always worth it in the end.
00:49:19Trust me.
00:49:21I know, it's just that it's easier to write about a movie relationship than it is to make one work in real life.
00:49:27Except this is your chance to make a happy ending together?
00:49:31You know what? First things first.
00:49:34Let me work all day today and finish this script so that I can take time off for the party tonight.
00:49:39Because nothing is coming in between me and a piece of that birthday cake.
00:49:42Will you write at the theater?
00:49:44No, I think I'm going to give that a rest.
00:49:48I'll probably hole up in my room today.
00:49:52See you later.
00:50:00Thanks, Mom.
00:50:20Look at that.
00:50:22Who would buy a whole tub of popcorn and not even touch it?
00:50:26Oh, that's why.
00:50:29The machine is still burning it.
00:50:36You seem distracted. What's wrong?
00:50:41I'll finish up here. You can head out for the night whenever you're ready.
00:50:44What about Jamie's birthday party?
00:50:46Eh, you can go without me.
00:50:48Maybe I'll stop by later.
00:50:51I don't know.
00:50:56Hey, what are you doing?
00:51:00You broke this girl's heart once, and now you're going to do it again?
00:51:04No, I just have a lot I need to do.
00:51:07What could possibly be more important?
00:51:10Well, I know what's more important to her right now. The movie.
00:51:14It's her big break. It's what she's always wanted.
00:51:16She's a grown woman, Nick. She can multitask.
00:51:19I know, but it would be selfish of me to complicate things right now.
00:51:22Selfish? How?
00:51:24She's trying to be laser-focused on her career. If things don't go her way,
00:51:27I blame myself for distracting her.
00:51:30So this is all about you?
00:51:33No. But she has a life in Hollywood, and she's going back there on Sunday.
00:51:41Yeah, she's a busy woman.
00:51:44Maybe she'll leave and never come back ever again.
00:51:47I feel a lot better now, thanks.
00:51:49Well, you can't control that, Nick.
00:51:52All you can control is how you treat her.
00:51:55And after what you did to her the first time around, you need to do better.
00:52:04We're going to that party, and you're going to make this night special for her.
00:52:15Put something nicer on. And shower.
00:52:18You smell like melted butter. And boy...
00:52:36Hey, Nick.
00:52:38Mr. Leone. So, I hear you're showing a movie at your theater about shopping carts.
00:52:43Excuse me?
00:52:45Thanks for getting the door, but I got this one.
00:52:48Hey! I'm so glad you two could make it.
00:52:50Yeah, of course. How could we miss it?
00:52:52Are we too early?
00:52:54No, no. Come on in. We were just about to play a game.
00:52:57So I got these for you.
00:53:00And happy birthday.
00:53:01Thank you.
00:53:08You're an actress who loves breakfast, and you wear dark sunglasses.
00:53:13Sherlock Holmes!
00:53:15What? No. An actress. You love breakfast at Tiffany's.
00:53:20Right, right, right. Breakfast. I don't know. Give me more hints.
00:53:24Okay. You were a beautiful British actress in the 50s and 60s. She won an Oscar for...
00:53:31Why didn't you just say she was in West Side Story?
00:53:33She was in West Side Story. That was Natalie Wood.
00:53:37You've really got to get outside more, Cora.
00:53:40All right. Last round.
00:53:42All right. Ready?
00:53:43Yep. You ready?
00:53:44I'm ready.
00:53:51You're the king of the jungle, but you're terrified of everything.
00:53:54Cowardly lion.
00:53:58Oh, I can't sing.
00:54:06This is cheating.
00:54:09Singing in the rain?
00:54:10The actor.
00:54:11Gene Kelly.
00:54:17We watched this movie on my birthday the night that we accidentally got locked in the theater room.
00:54:22Ten seconds.
00:54:23Bride of Frankenstein.
00:54:24Yes, but who played the title role?
00:54:26Elsa Lanchester.
00:54:27Yeah, bingo. With her electrified beehive.
00:54:31All right. Yeah. We got it.
00:54:33You guys got the easy ones.
00:54:35Okay. It's time for birthday cake.
00:54:40Oh, wait, wait, wait.
00:54:45I got you something.
00:54:48Should I open it now?
00:54:50Well, it's part of another gift, so maybe wait until later?
00:54:57You don't even know what it is yet.
00:54:59Well, I'm sure I'll love it.
00:55:02Jamie, come on.
00:55:04Let's go get some cake.
00:55:23Do you want to swing by the theater?
00:55:25Right now?
00:55:26Yeah. I got a little surprise.
00:55:29I was up to.
00:55:32Oh, bring your gift.
00:56:05It's fixed. How'd you do it?
00:56:08Well, I finally found a guy a couple of towns over who was closing his drive-in theater.
00:56:12He happened to have the same model.
00:56:14His was broken, too, so I bought the machine, stripped out the part,
00:56:18and installed it just before I left for the party.
00:56:23Okay. Now, I'm going to go get the cake.
00:56:30Okay. Now, open your gift.
00:56:46Oh, my gosh.
00:56:49Well, you shouldn't have.
00:56:51And I have the perfect place to mount it for posterity.
00:57:03I'm not crying. It's just dusty in here.
00:57:05Don't cry.
00:57:09So maybe we should pop some of the popcorn just to see if it works properly?
00:57:12I haven't had time to test it yet.
00:57:14Yeah. You know what?
00:57:16All right. I mean, somebody's got a Kristen version 2.0.
00:57:19Watch and learn.
00:57:35Okay. This is like riding a bicycle.
00:57:39How do you know how much corn to put in?
00:57:42Well, there's a little measurement chart on the back,
00:57:45but I just kind of go by instinct.
00:57:48How do you keep from burning the corn?
00:57:50Well, some machines, the newer ones,
00:57:53they have something that beeps at you to tell you when the popcorn's done.
00:57:56This one does not have such luxuries.
00:57:59So you just have to listen very carefully.
00:58:04Listen for what?
00:58:09You know the popcorn's done popping
00:58:11when there's two to three seconds of silence in between each pop.
00:58:14You really love this, don't you?
00:58:18Okay. Okay. I'll stop.
00:58:21No, this is nice.
00:58:27Yeah, I miss this.
00:58:28I know. Me too.
00:58:30Not one day has gone by since you left that I haven't missed you.
00:58:41I don't know how to tell you this,
00:58:43because you're leaving the day after tomorrow,
00:58:45and I don't know how this could work.
00:58:49All I know is that
00:58:53I don't want to go another day without seeing your face,
00:58:57or listening to your stories,
00:58:59or hearing your laugh.
00:59:06Because I still love you.
00:59:11I always have.
00:59:15I've never stopped.
00:59:28What is it?
00:59:31The silence.
00:59:37Okay, let's see what we got.
00:59:42It smells so good.
00:59:44I know, right?
00:59:45Here, hand me one of those.
00:59:50Oh, man.
00:59:52Look at this.
00:59:56Every kernel is perfect.
00:59:59What do we do now?
01:00:01Now we share a tub of the best popcorn in the base.
01:00:06While it's fresh and hot.
01:00:14Even better than I remember.
01:00:28And then,
01:00:31she shows up,
01:00:33and she surprises him
01:00:35when he's least expecting it.
01:00:37I think that's really the way to go.
01:00:39That is a great idea.
01:00:41I really love what you're doing with Olivia.
01:00:44So will they end up together in the end now?
01:00:49Well, I think Olivia can wind up with Cole,
01:00:52but I don't want him to be the hero of the story.
01:00:55Olivia's independent.
01:00:57She can have a happy ending with or without him.
01:01:00So you don't think she needs Cole?
01:01:02I think Olivia has learned
01:01:04that it's okay to lean on someone
01:01:06who loves her when she needs it,
01:01:08but he's got to have her back.
01:01:14And never lets her fall again.
01:01:18It's a story of trust and forgiveness.
01:01:32I can see these characters so vividly sometimes, you know?
01:01:35It's like they're standing right in front of me.
01:01:39I finished the script tonight, though, before the party.
01:01:42Really? Congratulations.
01:01:45I knew you'd get it done, and with time to spare.
01:01:49Would you read it, actually?
01:01:51I'd love to hear what you think.
01:01:53Yeah, absolutely.
01:01:58It's all there, good or bad.
01:02:01If you have any suggestions or find any typos,
01:02:04please, I'm all yours.
01:02:06I can't wait to read it.
01:02:08Well, don't wait too long. I only have tomorrow to polish it.
01:02:11It's my priority. I promise.
01:02:17I don't want this night to end.
01:02:21I could come by the theater in the morning.
01:02:24I'll bring bagels.
01:02:26That would be perfect.
01:02:33You said that watching little women at the plaza by yourself
01:02:37was the second best birthday you ever had.
01:02:41What was the best birthday you ever had?
01:02:47It was the night we got locked inside the theater
01:02:49and watched Bride of Frankenstein.
01:02:52It was the night you asked me to be your girlfriend.
01:02:56Maybe we should do that again sometime.
01:03:01Yeah, I'd like that.
01:03:08Good night, Nick.
01:03:10Good night, Jamie.
01:03:18Hey, guys.
01:03:20Night, Mom. Night, Dad.
01:03:23Night, Mom. Night, Dad.
01:03:28What's gotten into her?
01:03:31Cupid's arrow.
01:03:33You think?
01:04:29Wake up.
01:04:32Wake up. It's no time to fall asleep.
01:05:24It's just a signature, son.
01:05:26Yeah, Dad. Not to me.
01:05:28What would you have us do?
01:05:29Hang on by a thread?
01:05:31Slowly slip into debt until we lose this place anyway?
01:05:34We have a chance to still get out on top.
01:05:37Make a small profit and move on.
01:05:39Today is the deadline.
01:05:41So just like that, it's over.
01:05:44Nothing be said about what this theater means to this town.
01:05:47To me.
01:05:49To Mom.
01:05:50How dare you bring your mother into this?
01:05:52How can you not bring Mom into this decision?
01:05:55This theater came from her side of the family.
01:05:58Her grandfather built this place.
01:06:03Why are you so determined to erase this legacy?
01:06:05Because this is a business.
01:06:08And business sometimes requires tough decisions.
01:06:13You know, I'm fine. Give it to me.
01:06:20This is all you care about?
01:06:27I hope you're happy.
01:06:29Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no.
01:06:31Dad, get out, okay? Please.
01:06:34What the? That's Jamie's laptop?
01:06:36Her script. Everything's lost.
01:06:38She must have a backup, the cloud or something.
01:06:40No, she's old school.
01:06:42Okay, please tell me you can do something.
01:06:43If anybody can do anything, it's you.
01:06:45Can you recover the data?
01:06:46I gotta take a look at the hard drive.
01:06:48It's soaking, Nick.
01:06:49It's dry. It's hopefully okay.
01:06:59Bagel delivery!
01:07:04Wait. Is this a joke?
01:07:07Because it's not funny.
01:07:10It's fried. Nothing can be done.
01:07:14It was an accident.
01:07:16I am so sorry.
01:07:25Oh, my. Oh, my gosh.
01:07:30Jamie. Jamie, hold on. Jamie, wait.
01:07:33Jamie, just hear me out.
01:07:34No, I asked you to do one small thing for me, okay?
01:07:37One simple favor.
01:07:39Just to read my script before I had to turn it in tomorrow morning.
01:07:42And you ruined me.
01:07:43It was a mistake. It was an accident, okay?
01:07:45I was fighting with my dad and I...
01:07:46Oh, well, it was an accident.
01:07:48So I'm sure that the studio will totally understand when I tell them the dog ate my homework.
01:07:53Jamie, hold on. You can't just walk off without letting me explain.
01:07:58Wait, what did you just say?
01:08:00Now you want to explain?
01:08:03Where is my explanation, Nick?
01:08:04When you just suddenly broke things off and I had to move to L.A. all on my own.
01:08:16My mom.
01:08:22She was sick.
01:08:25I couldn't bring myself to leave Hastings.
01:08:36Oh, my God.
01:08:39Why won't you tell me something that important?
01:08:43I don't understand. I would have stayed. I would have helped you.
01:08:48I would have held you back from everything you wanted to do.
01:08:51Your dreams.
01:08:55It wouldn't have been right.
01:08:58I did you a favor.
01:09:05You hurt me.
01:09:08You made it harder, not easier.
01:09:11You are the reason that I didn't want to come back to Hastings.
01:09:15That I lost all trust in men.
01:09:18And I finally came back and things were going really well.
01:09:23Or at least I thought they were.
01:09:26And once again, you let me down.
01:09:35You broke my heart for the last time, Nick.
01:09:39Jimmy, wait. Jimmy.
01:10:24Hey, Aaron. I can't wait to talk right now.
01:10:27Fine. I'll make it quick.
01:10:29Just tell me how thrilled I'm going to be once I read that box office hit of a script.
01:10:32Well, I actually wanted to ask if I could get a little more time.
01:10:37See, my laptop...
01:10:39Now is not the time for cold feet.
01:10:42I know what this is. I have seen many other first-timers come so close to getting everything they wanted, only to blow it.
01:10:49Now, is that going to be you?
01:10:51Was I wrong to go to bat for you?
01:10:52No. No, no, no, no, no. That's not what I'm saying. I just, um...
01:10:56Okay. You've got one chance to prove it.
01:10:59If I don't see that script in my inbox by 9am tomorrow morning, that's noon your time.
01:11:05We're done.
01:11:06Got it?
01:11:24Thank you for holding, Ms. Leone.
01:11:25I've gone ahead and changed your flight to Los Angeles from Monday to this afternoon.
01:11:30You'll be getting a confirmation email shortly. Travel safe.
01:11:33Thanks. Bye.
01:11:55Is this a joke?
01:11:57Because it's not funny.
01:11:58He broke up with me on my birthday right before we were supposed to move to LA together.
01:12:02You are the reason that I didn't want to come back to Hastings.
01:12:06You broke up my heart for the last time, okay?
01:12:09I have seen many other first-timers come so close to getting everything they wanted, only to blow it.
01:12:36I know it's bad when you're eating my entire prize-winning gingerbread for lunch.
01:13:01Well, I already devoured all of mine, so...
01:13:04Thanks for giving me a ride to the airport.
01:13:12What's this?
01:13:14It's from Nick.
01:13:16I can't do it anymore, Steph. I just...
01:13:18Just open it.
01:13:23What's the point?
01:13:24I've got a flight to catch.
01:13:46I don't know what this is, but...
01:13:49It's not enough.
01:13:51You're not even going to see what's on it?
01:13:54It's probably something cute, and a thinly-veiled attempt to apologize for something that's much bigger than could ever fit on this small little drive.
01:14:01You don't know that.
01:14:03Aren't you the one who told me to live my life as if I were in a movie?
01:14:07Well, if this were one of your stories, and you were the main character, what would you want to happen next?
01:14:19Okay. Let's see.
01:14:47Hey, Mr. Sullivan.
01:14:50I didn't think I'd get a chance to see you again.
01:14:53I wanted to come by. I was hoping I might find Nick.
01:14:57In the auditorium. Can't miss him.
01:14:58Only tall and handsome guys soaking in the corner.
01:15:03You know, I wanted to tell you, too. I'm so sorry to hear about the theater.
01:15:07I can't believe this place is going to be gone the next time I'm here.
01:15:10Yeah, well, actually, there has been a change of plans.
01:15:14Oh, really?
01:15:16What happened?
01:15:17Well, my son got me to think things through with a little more clarity.
01:15:21And lucky for us, Mr. Weathers and I go way back, so I was able to convince him to not demolish the theater,
01:15:28but rather build a plaza entertainment village around it with restaurants, shops, and condos.
01:15:37Oh, wow. That's amazing.
01:15:40And the best part is, no one got hurt.
01:15:43Matter of fact, you are looking at the new general manager of the village.
01:15:47Cora, congratulations!
01:15:48Thanks. It's quite a relief.
01:15:51Yeah, I bet. But if you're going to be general manager, then what's Nick going to do?
01:15:56I'm not sure. I think he needed to take some time away from all the memories.
01:16:03Tell you the truth, Jamie, I think he's taking the way he left things with you pretty hard.
01:16:10Yeah. Yeah, I thought that might be the case.
01:16:14Well, I guess that's my cue.
01:16:17Anyway, it was really good to see you again, and congratulations on the great news.
01:16:22Thank you.
01:16:30No. Taxes. You've got to watch out for the taxes.
01:16:33The taxes.
01:16:51I suppose you heard the news about the theater.
01:16:54I did. You saved it. And it sounds like it's going to be better than ever.
01:16:59Your mom would be really proud.
01:17:01I'm just glad this place can be here to inspire others the way it inspired you.
01:17:06It really is magic, isn't it?
01:17:09Yeah. It is.
01:17:11Yeah. It is. And it will continue to be.
01:17:18What are you doing here? Stephanie said you were flying home today.
01:17:21Well, I had one foot out the door when Bertie came and brought me this.
01:17:30How did you manage to retype my entire screenplay?
01:17:35Well, it wasn't that hard, actually.
01:17:37Well, hard in the sense that I worked around the clock, without any sleep.
01:17:42But easy in the sense that it all just came to me.
01:17:47That's how compelling and memorable your writing actually is.
01:17:53I still can't quite believe it.
01:17:57Let's just say the deep recesses of my brain knew I had to come through for you.
01:18:01But I think there's even more to it.
01:18:04What I'm trying to say is that I am so unbelievably in love with you, Jamie.
01:18:13I remember every second that we spend together.
01:18:16Every smile. Every laugh.
01:18:22I hang on your every thought, just waiting for the next.
01:18:26Your words are like oxygen to me.
01:18:28Your words are like oxygen to me.
01:18:32How could I ever forget the words to something that is so important to you?
01:18:43I really hope you don't expect me to recite that mouthful from memory.
01:18:47Seriously, though.
01:18:51I don't want this to end.
01:18:55I am so, so sorry that I ruined your faith in happy endings.
01:19:04Please give me another chance to prove to you that I'm not a liar.
01:19:09I'm sorry.
01:19:11I'm sorry.
01:19:13I'm sorry.
01:19:14Please give me another chance to prove to you that they can come true.
01:19:27You remember when we used to write together?
01:19:29We used to have so much fun.
01:19:31We'd go on this emotional journey to experience love, laughter.
01:19:36Nick, this is serious.
01:19:38Joy and thrills.
01:19:44The credits roll and the lights go up.
01:19:48Left still thinking and talking about the story you just witnessed.
01:19:52All I know is that I don't want to go another day without seeing your face.
01:19:57Because I still love you.
01:20:00I've never stopped.
01:20:03It's a story of trust and forgiveness.
01:20:15I want to be with you, too.
01:20:19I don't ever want to spend another day without you.
01:20:22Ever again.
01:20:31There is just one small problem, though.
01:20:37What is it?
01:20:41It's your dialogue.
01:20:43Yeah, you always were the brains of the operation. Did I mess it up that bad?
01:20:49No. Nothing a few hours of polishing can't fix.
01:20:53What about the deadline? It's noon in seven and a half minutes.
01:20:58I'll take care of that.
01:21:00Okay, great. I'll go grab my computer. Should I get us a couple of sodas?
01:21:05Yeah, that's going to be a no.
01:21:10Let's meet in the nurse's house.
01:21:14I'll be right back.
01:21:23That's it?
01:21:24That's it.
01:21:26I still can't believe you did this.
01:21:28We did this.
01:21:31Okay. Well then, it's only apropos that we hit send together.
01:21:37I think this is the rebirth of a beautiful friendship.
01:21:41Humphrey Bogart, Casablanca.
01:21:44Well, with one minor revision.
01:21:51Alright, now I need to call my producer.
01:21:53Good luck.
01:21:58Hi, Aaron? It's Jamie.
01:22:00Jamie who? I don't have any first-time writer directors by that name on my development slate.
01:22:04Alright, you made your point.
01:22:06Now, park the snark for a minute and listen to me, okay?
01:22:09I just emailed you a copy of the script. I'm sorry, it's a few hours late.
01:22:13You were right. You always are. I should back everything up to the cloud.
01:22:16And going forward, I will. So please, send my apologies to the studio for the late delivery.
01:22:21Now, rest assured, I will be there tomorrow morning on time for our meeting, okay?
01:22:25Well, it better be good, kid.
01:22:27It is. Oh, and one more thing. Don't call me kid.
01:22:35Well, alrighty then.
01:22:42Aaron taught me the fine art of using a hang-up as an exclamation point.
01:22:46Duly noted.
01:22:47Wait, Cole. Don't you think we're rushing things just a tad?
01:22:51If we take things any slower, Olivia, we'll be going backwards.
01:23:17Perfect. We got it.
01:23:18Alright, everyone. That's a wrap on Jamie Leone's reserve BFB.
01:23:24Well, you did it, kid.
01:23:26Sorry, Jamie.
01:23:28The perfect happy ending.
01:23:30I always knew you had it in you.
01:23:32Now, let me see if I can turn this into a three-picture deal.
01:23:39So, when do I get to see it?
01:23:41How about when you're in my date to the premiere?
01:23:43At the plaza.
01:23:44Wait, are you serious?
01:23:46The studio is going to let me have the premiere back in Hastings at the theater where it all began.
01:23:50Now, that's what I call a happy ending.
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