Midi infos - 13/07/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Midi infos - 13/07/2024


00:00Media TV, thank you for staying loyal to us. Here are the headlines of your newspaper.
00:16The Israeli army intensifies its strikes on Gaza City or further north.
00:21The inhabitants of Shujaia and other neighborhoods are devastated after the withdrawal of Tzahal from these areas.
00:28In Ethiopia, six candidates have been selected to participate in the final phase of the 5-year memorization competition organized by the local section of the Mohamed VI Foundation of African Ulema.
00:43And then we will be in Ivory Coast where a vaccination campaign against malaria begins next week.
00:50It concerns children aged 6 to 23 months.
00:55On the spot, the authorities are playing the card of awareness.
01:03Still no respite in the war in Gaza.
01:05The Israeli army continues its operations.
01:07It has launched a strike on the camp of Deplacé al-Mawazi in the south of the Palestinian enclave.
01:14Provisional report, more than 70 dead.
01:17Meanwhile, in Gaza City, the inhabitants of Shujaia and other neighborhoods are devastated after the withdrawal of Tzahal from these areas, leaving behind hundreds of bodies under the rubble.
01:35A campaign yesterday in Michigan.
01:51It was Joe Biden, galvanized, who once again swept speculation about his withdrawal from the race to the White House.
01:58Assaulted by parliamentarians who ask him to withdraw and live criticism of his physical and mental state, Joe Biden has assured that he will be a candidate.
02:08Scientists warn against any conclusion that is too active on his state of health.
02:17What is the impact of alternative sentences on the population, on the overpopulation, prison and recidivism?
02:25The question has been at the heart of yesterday's conference on the issues and challenges of the judicial application of these sentences.
02:33A conference that is closing today.
02:35It is organized by the Ministry of Justice, an opportunity for many countries to draw inspiration from Morocco, which adopted the law on alternative sentences.
02:44We remain in a kingdom where health is everywhere and for all is much more than a slogan.
02:54The health care offer is strengthening in Morocco.
02:57Today we are going to visit the Zemmouri hospital in Kenitra, which has begun to welcome its first patients.
03:04This is a report by Ayub Deraza, Driss Beyoud and Shema Fikri.
03:09The Zemmouri hospital in Kenitra opens its doors.
03:14Its inauguration is part of the efforts made by His Majesty King Mohammed VI to rehabilitate the health sector, improve the quality of care and provide high-quality medical services to citizens in the different regions of the kingdom.
03:31This hospital offers its services to the northern part of the Rabasale region in Kenitra, namely the provinces of Sidi Qasim, Sidi Slimane and Kenitra.
03:4348% of the inhabitants of this region are from rural areas.
03:47This hospital therefore aims to facilitate access to medical services to its citizens.
03:52In the context of the efforts made by His Majesty the King for the consolidation and development of the medical sector, the various medical staff of the city of Kenitra have joined their post at the hospital to offer its services to citizens.
04:12The inauguration of the Zemmouri hospital has reinforced the health offer for the population of the region of Kenitra.
04:20The center, whose construction cost more than 8 million dirhams, has a capacity of 500 beds, which brings the capacity of the region to 1,000 beds, with more than 21 medical and surgical specialties.
04:33This hospital is considered one of the new generation health centers.
04:38It is equipped with the most modern medical and surgical equipment to treat the various cases that occur in the center.
04:45I am very pleased with the service. The medical staff offered me the necessary care and attention for patients with cancer, who previously had to go to Rabas to benefit from it.
04:55These services are now available in Kenitra.
04:58This new hospital center reflects the efforts of the Kingdom to strengthen and develop the national health system and guarantee citizens access to quality health services in all regions.
05:11A key element of the projects aimed at strengthening Morocco's position as a leader in the field of health.
05:19With us to come back to the situation in Gaza, Amjad Shehab, professor of political sciences at the University of Al-Quds.
05:28Amjad Shehab, hello and thank you for accepting our invitation.
05:33Thank you, hello, thank you for the invitation.
05:36So, we saw it in this edition, the Israeli army continues its operations in Gaza.
05:42The death toll today exceeds 38,300 people killed.
05:47And the discovery of bodies follows, let's say, the withdrawal of some neighborhoods in Gaza.
05:54How would you describe what is happening in Gaza right now?
06:00Yes, every time during negotiations on a death or exchange of prisoners, Israel continues to carry out massacres.
06:12It continues to commit these massacres so that it can put pressure on the Hamas movement and the Islamic Jihad movement,
06:21so that they make concessions to the state of occupation.
06:28And every time they approach an agreement, Israel continues to commit these massacres.
06:35We have noticed today that these massacres are aimed at the refugees, especially the refugees in northern Gaza.
06:45These refugees, while waiting for the possibility of returning to their homes,
06:50despite the massive destruction of the houses in northern Gaza, in all the neighborhoods, Beit Lahya, Beit Hanoun,
07:00Israel continues to commit these serious violations, these war crimes against civilian population.
07:08And also, they try to show in the inner Israeli front that they have their hands up,
07:16and that they continue to take revenge on the attack of October 7,
07:24and that they continue to try to take a victory on the ground,
07:30to make concessions on the part of the Hamas movement and the Islamic Jihad.
07:37For the moment, the weapons, as you said, continue to hold.
07:41The American President Joe Biden is talking about progress in negotiations. Do you still believe in it?
07:49There is always a possibility.
07:52The problem is that the Israeli government, a far-right presided over by Netanyahu,
08:00does not seek to put an end to this war for personal, partisan or ideological reasons.
08:12He thinks that this is a good opportunity to try to liquidate the Palestinian cause.
08:18And above all, there is a huge divergence within this government
08:25in our attempts to return to colonize the Gaza Strip,
08:29and to try to force the civilian population to leave these territories.
08:35This internal conflict is being paid for by the Palestinian civilians every day.
08:42They have used famine against the population.
08:48They cut water, they cut electricity.
08:51The sanitary situation is very, very serious.
08:54And they continue at all costs to put an end to the Palestinian resistance,
09:02while also showing that they have won this war,
09:06despite the fact that the Palestinian resistance continues in very, very difficult conditions.
09:13They did not want to give the impression that they did not succeed during the nine-month war against the Gaza Strip,
09:22with a group that does not have the military means and the capacity to stop the Israeli army.
09:36But despite this, they continue to kill people in a systematic way,
09:45by means of about 50 Palestinians killed per day.
09:50And yet the Israeli street continues to demand that the fire be put out.
09:57Despite the fact that the Israeli street continues to demand the resignation of the Israeli Prime Minister,
10:07he thinks that he is responsible for what happened on October 7th.
10:11Also, he has poorly managed the issue of the terrestrial offensive on the Gaza Strip.
10:20And they are convinced that Netanyahu is looking for personal interests.
10:26He is also trying to break the constitution of an investigation commission on what is happening on October 7th.
10:36Also, all the horrors that were committed during the war on the Gaza Strip.
10:45And also the inability of the Israeli army to put an end to this war on the Gaza Strip.
10:53Despite all this, we saw yesterday the last poll.
10:5771% of Israelis prefer the departure of Netanyahu.
11:05Despite all this, they urge the community to continue to resist and continue to bring the Palestinians to the Gaza Strip.
11:14Amjad Shihab, thank you for all your clarifications.
11:17Thank you for answering our questions.
11:20Thank you.
11:22Back to the Kingdom, where the Moroccan Storage Company inaugurated yesterday
11:29its fourth gas storage cavity in Sidi Larbi.
11:33It was the presence of the Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Leila Ben Ali.
11:40The new cavity has mobilized an investment of 400 million dirhams.
11:46It has a total storage capacity of 310,000 tons, which is an increase of more than 55%.
11:54This strategic expansion meets the growing demand of the market
11:58and increases national autonomy in butane gas for more than 40 days.
12:06Let's go to Ethiopia, where the final stages of the fifth edition of the national memorization, recitation and psalmody of the Holy Qur'an were closed yesterday.
12:21Organized by the local section of the Mohamed VI Foundation of African Scholars,
12:26six candidates were selected to participate in the final stage of the competition.
12:31I invite you to know a little more about the selection criteria, following this recording of Sheyma Fikri.
12:50More than 55 candidates participate in the pre-selection in the different categories of the competition.
12:56The memorization of the entirety of the Holy Qur'an with the recitation according to the Wajh reading.
13:02The memorization of the entirety of the Holy Qur'an with the recitation according to the reading chosen by the candidate.
13:08As well as the memorization of at least five chants of the Holy Qur'an.
13:12These are the rules of the competition.
13:20In application of the recommendations of the Supreme Council of the Mohamed VI Foundation of African Scholars,
13:25we met on the occasion of the pre-selection of the competition of the Holy Qur'an,
13:29organized in Ethiopia, in partnership with the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs of Ethiopia.
13:35The winners of this competition will participate in the final, alongside representatives of the foundation in 48 African countries.
13:50We are delighted with the outfit of this competition and the pre-selection of the fifth edition.
13:54It is a very honorable initiative.
13:56Ethiopia is delighted to welcome Morocco on the occasion of this competition.
14:04This competition reflects the importance given by His Majesty the King Mohamed VI to the sacred text and its memorization,
14:10as well as the fraternal and solid spiritual link between the Kingdom of Morocco and the State of Ethiopia.
14:16I take this opportunity to speak on behalf of the representative of the Secretary General of the Mohamed VI Foundation of African Scholars,
14:28in order to express our thanks and gratitude for this gesture, which aims to strengthen the links between the two countries,
14:35especially at the level of the religious and spiritual domain.
14:38This memorization competition of the Holy Qur'an is organized for the second time in Ethiopia.
14:44The country is known to be the first country of migration.
14:48This competition aims to promote the Holy Qur'an and perpetuate the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohamed,
14:54and to encourage youth to appropriate and apply the noble teachings of the Holy Qur'an.
15:00In Senegal, the security and defense forces were on a pilgrimage to Popenguin, 70 km from the capital of Dakar,
15:08a marital pilgrimage that saw the participation of all military and paramilitary forces,
15:14as well as their families and close ones, under the theme of the Holy Qur'an.
15:18This is a very important event.
15:20They are far from the barracks and other areas of intervention to live their faith and fraternize between brothers in arms.
15:26The theme of the national cohesion at the foot of Notre-Dame de la Paix de Popenguin.
15:32We are with you.
15:34We are with you.
15:36We are with you.
15:38We are with you.
15:40We are with you.
15:42We are with you.
15:44We are with you.
15:46We are at the foot of Notre-Dame de la Paix de Popenguin.
15:50We are 70 km from Dakar, on the Petite Côte.
15:54We invoke the Virgin Mary, under the vocation of Notre-Dame de la Paix,
16:02as protector of the national cohesion of our country, Senegal.
16:10We have come to her so that she guides us to her beloved son.
16:18And we want to ask her this morning to remove the clouds of division,
16:26the clouds of terrorism, the clouds of hatred, of armed conflicts,
16:34the clouds that have particularly accumulated in recent years in our sub-region.
16:42A people, a goal, a faith, such is the motto of Senegal.
16:46The forces of defense and security have paid tribute to Colonel Dominique Ndiaye,
16:54former director of the Senegalese Customs.
16:56If he was able to carry out the various charges that were entrusted to him,
17:02it is probably because he had faith in his body.
17:06So I think that this posthumous recognition touches us,
17:10and I think that from where he is, he who has always lived with a lot of humility his functions,
17:16he had never ceased to repeat that it is not the function that honors him,
17:20but that it is him, by his acts, his behavior, that honors the function.
17:26The pilgrimage is a time of prayer and gathering for these military and paramilitary
17:32who devote their lives to serving the nation.
17:36It is a moment of communion between all the forces of Senegal,
17:41the forces of security for Senegal and around the Catholic Church.
17:48After a well-done job, it is good to gather around Mama Marie
17:57to give her all our words, all our prayers,
18:03and also to say thank you for all the graces received.
18:07Friends, parents, faithful came to communicate with the Yimbars on the occasion.
18:13An edition that has recorded financial support from the Moroccan embassy in Senegal,
18:19which has contributed to the good course of the event.
18:23Appointment and price for the next edition.
18:31So, in Côte d'Ivoire, where the time is at the mobilization,
18:35a vaccination campaign against malaria must start next week on site.
18:40It concerns children aged from 6 to 23 months.
18:44The authorities are currently playing the card of the hypolytic sensitization,
18:48and in July there will be a meeting.
18:50Malaria is a major concern for public health in the epidemiological profile of the Côte d'Ivoire.
18:57Despite efforts that have resulted, on the one hand,
19:00in the regression of parasitic prevalence from 37% to 26% among children under the age of 5,
19:06and on the other hand, in a reduction in the number of deaths linked to the disease in the general population,
19:11from 3,340 to 1,315 deaths,
19:14malaria constitutes 30% of consultations in hospitals and is the first cause of mortality.
19:21The Ministry of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Disease Coverage
19:25has therefore decided to introduce, from July 15,
19:29the anti-malaria vaccine R21 Matrix in its expanded vaccination program,
19:34in order to contribute to the acceleration of the elimination of malaria in the country.
19:38With the vaccine intervention, we can hope to reduce the prevalence of malaria
19:45and lighten the burden on our communities and our health system.
19:52Ladies and gentlemen, this success would not have been possible
19:57without the collaboration of our technical and financial partners.
20:02The campaign will start with children from 6 to 23 months old
20:05and will concern 38 health districts in 16 regions of the country.
20:10According to specialists, this vaccine has a protection capacity of 75%.
20:15The director of the Cabinet of Ministers in charge of health
20:18has sought to reassure the populations on its effectiveness.
20:21The most vulnerable populations to malaria are children,
20:28it's true, 0 to 5 years old and pregnant women.
20:31But those who are the most exposed are the youngest.
20:35So the Ivory Coast has decided for the moment
20:39to vaccinate those aged 0 to 23 months.
20:42The vaccine in no case kills women or makes them sterile.
20:48Although the introduction of the anti-malaria vaccine
20:51is a real step forward in the fight against this disease,
20:54it is always recommended that the population continue to follow the previous instructions.
20:59Among them, the use of the mosquito net.
21:04In Guinea, an entrepreneur has set up a structure
21:07for the reinsertion of people with reduced mobility.
21:10Indeed, for several years, Thamba Bernard has been fighting
21:14for the training in the coordination of people with disabilities.
21:18Our correspondent on site, Idrissa Sissé, went to meet him
21:23and he never set any limits.
21:28For more than five years now, Thamba Bernard Tinkiano, 30,
21:33has been working on this exercise to rally his workshop
21:37located in the city center of the capital, Conakry.
21:40After a failed school cycle due to his disability,
21:43he embarked on the learning of the cordonerie
21:46and finally put this project in place.
21:49When I fell ill, the polio attacked me.
21:52The family managed to do the traditional treatment
21:58and finally I found myself with a disability.
22:01So I made an effort.
22:03All this is to fight not to stay in the city center.
22:07Wakilare, which means courage, aims to help people with disabilities
22:12who live in the streets of Conakry to reorient themselves to a professional training.
22:17This is to facilitate their autonomy to reintegrate into the active society.
22:23Wakilare is a social enterprise.
22:26There is the business side because the goods they produce,
22:30we make them available to sell.
22:32The money that comes takes care of their social case and also their salary.
22:37Being disabled is not condemned to the city.
22:41So we preferred to be in an association and focus on a job
22:46that can give us our daily bread,
22:49that can help us take care of our families,
22:52that can help us take charge.
22:56The products made by these artisans are displayed and sold in this shop.
23:01Wakilare needs external support to make the necessary investments
23:06to diversify its production and make its products more visible.
23:10There is no clientele here.
23:13We are here for the orders.
23:17If we have orders, we can get them out.
23:20I have messages to send to everyone who listens to me.
23:24We really need their help.
23:30They will come and buy with us.
23:32The idea is to get out of the city and become an entrepreneur.
23:36Wakilare has a group of 12 members,
23:38so 5 people who live with a disability.
23:41According to the Guinean government,
23:432% of the Guinean population is disabled,
23:46which corresponds to 240,000 people.
23:49Among them, 86% are illiterate.
23:54Back in the kingdom where mercury refuses to go down.
23:58On the map today, several provinces are on orange alert.
24:02Temperatures vary between 38 and 47 degrees Celsius.
24:06This wave of heat will continue until Monday.
24:09Drink plenty of water and avoid the sun.