The Demon Hunter Ep.27 English Sub

  • 2 ay önce
01:05Come on don't you watch it? Hey shit, don't you know?
01:21Just a big one you father don't mean for that
02:01What you know man
02:03Well, I mean you don't need to know what's in you
02:06Jigwit, only boy
02:08You know, it's a good thing time
02:10Don't you see look at Angie?
02:14Don't need for
02:37The girl see what the machine chung-chung
02:41high school on ya
02:43Don't the book on that dog?
02:45What would you do?
02:47She'll move it. Yeah
02:49The girl look at you shouldn't don't ya
02:58Yeah, what's on high wall to show?
03:01Don't even food. Oh, they want that. Who do you mean? Don't mean food? He can't I don't know if a
03:07Chill don't mean for one. I'm a sweet
03:12No, that's a little bit about the moon. Yeah, you didn't want to talk on
03:16Oh, yeah
03:26No way
03:30Don't tell me what you don't you know, huh?
03:38You know
03:46How'd I do
05:49Yeah, I'm gonna run some you can't see me see don't you and some fire? I don't know. What's wrong?
05:58They just watch it. I said
06:01Come on. How's your time?
06:03You're in to a country. I see you
06:06can't tell you
06:09See if it'll work for her
06:12Don't let that joke I just saw her
06:14Put the meaner I'm in a jaw title
06:17See, you sure couldn't have you to do it. Yes. I'm gonna tell me the truth. You don't get shit
06:23You be good
06:31You found there's not a table that
06:48Don't catch on to me
06:51Sure, some of them told y'all that what do you know可是中心梗梗啊我看你是春心骚动
06:59told you
07:04That is
07:16You don't know
07:25It's the only food you don't know what they want to see her lady
07:30You know what they're doing
07:32You know, I'm quite you know, it's like she's holding a you know, she's in the room. She's a few
07:39You know she's a child
07:41You know, she's a little bit of a shit. She's a little shit
07:46You know she's a little shit
07:48You know she's a little shit
07:54Chunking don't change the way they do
08:32这群人,浑身的杀气... These people are full of murderous intent.
08:46诸位,莫要逼我们动手,还是让开的好。 Everyone, don't force us to do anything, it's better to step aside.
08:51想要带走姑母的尸体,除非从我们身上踏过去! If you want to take my aunt's body away, you have to step over us!
08:56神尊遗体由我游神卫统一看管,这是规矩。 The body of Shen Zun is under the supervision of Shen Wei. This is the rule.
09:01规矩便是规矩,诸位,莫要坏了规矩。 The rules are the rules, everyone, don't break the rules.
09:15在我梦家,就要守我梦家的规矩,而我梦家的规矩便是,做人要讲礼貌。 In my dream world, I have to follow the rules of my dream world, and the rules of my dream world are, to be a good person.
09:25喂喂喂喂,让你们搬个尸体,怎么都这么磨蹭呢? Hey, hey, why are you all so slow?
09:33这是,什么力量? What is this power?
09:37这是,杀,理应是神尊的力量。 This is, killing, which should belong to Shen Zun.
09:44可他们,明明不是神尊。 But they are not Shen Zun.
09:46这就是,新的未来吗? Is this, the new future?
09:55赶了一天的路,都没劲儿了是吧? You've been on the road for a whole day, and you're exhausted?
10:00一群趴菜! A bunch of losers!
10:25哼 Ah
10:36动想试试? Want to try it?
10:40有意思的小子。 What a interesting dude.
10:46哪位是孟川? 国家都尉有请。 I'm asking for Meng Chun. Welcome, Commander.
11:24General, your words are much more than a general.
11:31Can you be called a master?
11:35Meng Chuan.
11:40You're their commander?
11:43Where are you from? What do you do?
11:45I'm from Yuan Chu City. I'm a guard.
11:50By order of the City Master of Yuan Chu City,
11:52I'm in charge of Dong Ning Manor.
11:55In that case, you can just take care of Dong Ning Manor.
11:58What are you doing in my Manor?
12:01As a descendant of Shen Zun's family,
12:03Shen Zun's remains belong to Yuan Chu Mountain.
12:06Don't tell me you don't know.
12:09When you leave Dong Ning Manor,
12:11I will hand over my grandmother's remains to you.
12:15What right do you have to negotiate with me?
12:18Meng Chuan, you can't even protect yourself.
12:22Yuan Chu Mountain already knows that your Shen Zun's foundation has been damaged.
12:26My other purpose in coming here is to test you.
12:31If you really become a useless person,
12:33I will cancel your qualification for the trial.
12:37Test? How do you want to test me?
12:40When the time comes, you will know.
12:45As for Shen Zun's remains,
12:47since you want to keep it, then keep it.
12:50But if you lose it,
12:52you and your Meng family will be doomed.
13:04Oh, right.
13:06I entered your secret chamber without permission.
13:08Are you not angry?
13:11Everyone has their own style.
13:16Starting today, Dong Ning Manor will be closed.
13:20Young Master Meng, you can rest at home and wait for the test.
13:29This kid is interesting.
13:32He won't go to my club.
13:33Being liked by Yuan Chu Mountain,
13:35he won't go back on his word.
13:37What about Tian Yao Sect?
13:39Just wait and see.
13:40Don't get in the way of our plan.
13:45For no reason, why is it being closed?
13:49Dong Ning Manor is going to be in trouble again.
13:54Tian Yao Sect
14:07What are you singing?
14:14You guys split up to look for it. You, come with me.
14:24That person...
14:25What's wrong?
14:38This is...
14:39The Ten Changes.
14:53This person has already lost his soul.
14:55He's already dead.
15:01Let's go.
15:14Don't! It's my father!
15:23They broke into the Ten Changes last night.
15:25They took more than 20 people.
15:27Where did they take them?
15:29We'll know when we follow them.
15:47Who is it?
15:49Playing with fire in the middle of the night in the forest.
15:53Young Master Meng.
16:03What should we do with these people?
16:05Young Master Meng, this is none of your business.
16:11I'm asking you.
16:14Young Master Meng, you're already disabled.
16:17You still want to meddle in other people's affairs?
16:23Meddle in other people's affairs?
16:25If you don't explain clearly, I'll let you...
16:27You guys...
16:28hold a funeral in one place.
16:30Looks like Young Master Meng's mouth is enough to pass the exam.
16:35Xiao Wei said that Young Master Meng has a bad temper.
16:38So he asked us to pretend to be him.
16:40But I really can't help but want to ask.
16:42Young Master Meng, you're so weak.
16:44Why do you always pretend to be strong?
17:09What happened just now?
17:13Young Master Meng.
17:15Next, I'll knock you out in one move.
17:18After all, you're in the way of public affairs now.
17:21They'll kill you if there's a guard.
17:23Be careful.
17:25Even if it's just a one-color kill,
17:27it's not something ordinary people can deal with.
17:29One-color kill?
17:31What's the highest level?
17:32As far as I know, the highest level is five-color kill.
17:37Then this guy's kill is quite weak.
17:39Don't pay too much attention to it.
17:43Isn't he going to knock me out in one move?
17:48Kid, you'll see.
18:13I'll show you something new.
18:28What did you draw just now?
18:30How should I know? It's just a sketch.
18:32You're so evil.
18:34Let's do it together.
18:43You're going to kill Liu Yebai?
18:45If you don't go after those traitors of Tianyao Sect,
18:48how dare you come to my place?
19:12You're in the way of public affairs now.
19:23You're in the way of public affairs now.
19:42Since we haven't taken care of this matter,
19:45we'll take care of it to the end.
19:48If the magic pill is taken by Tianyao Sect,
19:51the whole world will be doomed.
19:56Liang Cheng, who are these people?
19:59It's better to see than to hear.
20:01They're from Tianyao Sect.
20:04Shen Zhou?
20:06Then please return the pill to me.
