
  • 3 months ago
00:00Welcome to today's episode of the Mindset Mentor Podcast.
00:03I'm your host, Rob Diall.
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00:16as well.
00:17And I would greatly, greatly appreciate it.
00:19Today, we're going to be talking about how to make money online in 2023.
00:23And first thing I'll say is I have nothing to sell you.
00:26So there's a lot of people that teach how to make money online and then they want to
00:28try to sell you something.
00:30I'm not going to try to sell you anything today.
00:32What I'm going to hopefully do is inspire you to find a way to make money online if
00:37that's something that you want to do.
00:39And the reason why is because I did this episode about 18 months ago, something similar to
00:45And I got, you know, I put it out into the world, just hoping that people would go and
00:49maybe it would inspire them to start making their own money if they don't like their job.
00:53Maybe they would be opened up to the fact of, oh man, I could, I could grow my own thing.
00:58And I got a message about two months ago from a lady and I'm going to actually read
01:02you the message.
01:03She heard the episode 18 months ago and built a seven figure business from it.
01:08And so the message I got on Instagram from her was, Hey Rob, I'm unsure if you'll see
01:12this, but it's marked one year since I listened to the one episode about making money online
01:16and choosing to put in my notice of my job.
01:19Here's what's crazy.
01:20Listen to this.
01:21Since then, I've grown a seven figure business, written a bestselling book, hosted sold out
01:26shows in London, LA, New York city, Toronto, and New Zealand, gotten a two page feature
01:32in Vogue featured in business insider, BBC, Oxford women in business, a slot on a national
01:39radio in weekly column in my country, New Zealand, and been paid seven figures.
01:44I'm sorry.
01:45I've been paid five figures to speak at events and help over 4,000 students worldwide through
01:49our course.
01:51I've had children and adults stop me on the street to thank us for what we do.
01:55None of this would have happened if your episode didn't push me to believe in myself and create
01:59change that I never knew I had in me.
02:01Thank you a million times over.
02:04Pretty awesome.
02:05And so I want to inspire you where if you're out there to hear that message from someone
02:09who heard this podcast episode or one similar to it about 18 months ago and go, you know
02:15She built a massive business, seven figures.
02:17She's had bestselling book.
02:19She's been featured in Vogue.
02:21She's done all of these amazing things in the past year.
02:23It was one year that she sent me that message saying that she had quit her job and then
02:27one year that she had gotten to where she is.
02:30And so I get the message all of the time of how do I make money online?
02:34How do I make money online?
02:35And I think it depends on what you want to do, what inspires you, what you are interested
02:39in because there are a million ways to make a million dollars.
02:43And so if you're out there and you don't really love your job, maybe it's okay, but maybe
02:47it doesn't feel like it's fulfilling.
02:49It doesn't feel like you're living up to your life purpose in some sort of way.
02:53I want to give you examples from what I know.
02:55I've been working in the online space now about seven years, almost eight years now.
02:59And I remember when I first started, I was searching everywhere.
03:02I was Googling it and I was Googling it, how to make money online.
03:05And all I saw was courses that people were selling of how to make money online.
03:09I just want to inspire you to see that there's something out there and maybe for a couple
03:12of you guys, I'll get a message in a year about you growing your seven figure business
03:16or you having a, you know, amazing Etsy store, you growing a coaching business or whatever
03:21it is that inspires you to do.
03:23The one thing that I know about me is I want people to break out of the rat race.
03:27And I hope that you listen to this episode.
03:29If you want to break out of the rat race and get inspired to actually do it.
03:34The problem is that most of us though, we were raised before the internet was a thing.
03:37We were raised by parents who made no money on the internet a lot of times.
03:42And so it's a paradigm shift for us.
03:44You know, I'm 36 years old and my mom was a realtor and she did property management
03:49and stuff.
03:50And it was never like, Hey Rob, you can go out and make money online.
03:52You can grow your own business.
03:54You could do anything online because online wasn't a thing until I was like 13 years old.
04:00And so I want to inspire you guys to start thinking outside of the box.
04:04And we are raising a school system that's taught us to be a worker and not a business
04:11You know, if you think about what we do as children, we're told what to do.
04:14We're told that we have to sit in our seat.
04:16We're told that we have to wait till a bell rings until we're able to leave.
04:19We have to raise our hand and ask somebody for permission to go to the bathroom when
04:24nature calls.
04:26And so you have a time that you have to clock into school, clock in, you know, quote unquote,
04:30clock into school.
04:31And the time we have to clock out of school, it's exactly like a nine to five job.
04:35It's developed to raise us into being workers.
04:40And so to get out of that working mindset is a massive, massive paradigm shift.
04:46And I want you to know it might not be easy for you to grow your business if that's something
04:50that you want to do, but it will be worth it.
04:54A hundred percent.
04:55There'll be ups, there'll be downs.
04:56There'll be a, it's a rollercoaster trying to grow a business.
04:59But when you fast forward five years from today, after starting your business and you
05:03see where it is and you see where your life is, you see where your bank account is, you
05:06see that you're able to travel and do whatever it is that you want.
05:09It's cool to be able to make money online and to be able to do that.
05:12And I want to open you up to those possibilities.
05:14For me, the way I got into it in 2012, when I first started thinking about it, I quit
05:19my job and I was backpacking Europe for three months by myself.
05:22I was like, man, I love traveling.
05:25Like traveling is a massive, massive portion and part of my life and loving my life.
05:31And I wanted to continue to keep doing it.
05:33And to think that I only got two weeks out of an entire year to go travel and do what
05:38I wanted to is just not enough for me.
05:40And so I want to help you with this paradigm shift because we're thinking that time worked
05:46equals money earned.
05:47And it's a whole different paradigm to think I can grow my own business.
05:50I could do it on my own.
05:51I could eventually have employees.
05:53I could be able to make money while I'm not even working.
05:56And to think that way for a lot of us, for me, was a huge paradigm shift.
05:59And that's what I want to open you up to.
06:00So I'm going to give you a whole bunch of ways that I've heard people making money online.
06:07See if maybe of them interest you.
06:08You can Google it.
06:09You can figure out if there is somebody out there that has a course on it and you can
06:12buy a course on how to start a successful e-commerce business or whatever it might be.
06:16So I have friends that make money online in really weird ways.
06:20The very first person that I ever met that was like really blowing my mind, like crazy
06:25blowing my mind is I was at a networking event.
06:27There's this guy that I was talking to.
06:28He's very, very shy and super shy.
06:31Didn't seem like he could be a business owner in any sort of way.
06:34Super shy guy.
06:35And he's telling me about how he runs Facebook ads for other people.
06:39I was like, that's kind of cool.
06:40I didn't know that was a thing.
06:41About seven years ago, eight years ago at this point, almost, he's like, yeah, I make
06:45money doing this.
06:46I'm like, cool.
06:47Like, how's that going for you?
06:48How much do you make?
06:50And he's like, yeah, I make I make about $700,000 a month.
06:53And I was like, I'm sorry.
06:55I'm sorry.
06:56You do what?
06:57You make $700,000 a month?
06:59And I looked at this guy and I was like, he's not he doesn't seem like he's the leader type,
07:03the type of person that, you know, would be in front of a bunch of people.
07:06And it blew my mind to think that this guy could do that.
07:08And I looked at him and I was like, not a bad way, but I was like, if this.