1950s Durwood Kirby & Carol Burnett PLEDGE spray TV commercial

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1950s Durwood Kirby & Carol Burnett PLEDGE spray TV commercial.

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00:00Dear friends we are calling on Miss Winnie Finster to see how she keeps
00:05things spotlessly clean. Are you one of those nuts who wants to wash my laundry
00:11on TV?
00:13Indeed not madam, I just want to solve your dusting problem. Well, dust off Charlie, this was good enough for Grandma and it's good enough for me.
00:24Well it's okay of course if you just want to push the dust around, but
00:28Johnson's Pledge gives waxed beauty instantly as you dust. Now you simply
00:33spray and dust. Pledge picks up stains, smudges, fingerprints and puts down a
00:40real wax shine that dries instantly. And then of course for any tricky places
00:45like that beautifully carved filigree,
00:58you just spray the cloth first and then dust. Now don't you think really that's putting everything into a nutshell Miss Finster?
01:17What did you say honey?
01:19I say don't you think that's really putting everything into a nutshell?
01:23I don't know, I've never been in one.
