Salaried Class par Taxes ki Bharmar, Hukumat apnay Akhrajat Kam Karne Main Nakaam Kiyu ?

  • 3 months ago
#Taxes #budget2024 #alipervaizmalik #aniqanisar #aitrazhai #pakistaneconomycrisis

Salaried Class par Taxes ki Bharmar, Hukumat apnay Akhrajat Kam Karne Main Nakaam Kiyu ?
00:00Was it necessary to put the burden of taxes on the salaried class?
00:06Instead of increasing the expenses of the Senate, the National Assembly, the Presidency, the Prime Minister House,
00:16why couldn't you take austerity measures there?
00:19Why does all the burden go to the common man?
00:22Look, when you say that you want to bring economic recovery and to put the fiscal house in order,
00:29you are absolutely right. There are two aspects to this.
00:32One is that you want to increase the revenue, which comes under taxation.
00:35And the second is that you want to reduce your expenses and control your losses.
00:40So I would like to present to you what we are doing to control our expenses
00:45and the things you have pointed out, perhaps their symbolic value is very high
00:50because the government should see that it is leading by example.
00:54But I am requesting you while conceding this principle that the institutions you have talked about,
01:00your government employees work in them.
01:03If you nullify the 25% increase in their salaries,
01:10then it is not such a pronounced increase that you are talking about.
01:14But Anika, I have already conceded to you that the government must be seen leading by example.
01:30Now let me come to the real expenditure reform.
01:34I am coming to that. There is another perception.
01:36First let's clear the perceptions.
01:38Another perception is that this is basically the budget of the bureaucrats.
01:42The budget of the bureaucrats is increasing towards the common man.
01:46How is it the budget of the bureaucrats?
01:48In such a way that in the last 10 years,
01:50such a massive increment has not happened in the salaries of the government officials.
01:54It was 10%, 5%, 15% and you have gone to 20%, 25%.
02:00So this is a good increment.
02:02Then if they sell the house, they do not have to pay taxation.
02:05But if a common man sells the house, he has to pay taxes.
02:08So why these disparities?
02:10Why this method of making two Pakistanis?
02:13You have said two things.
02:15Now you just hear me out.
02:17You have said that the increments that have been given to the government employees are more
02:22compared to the increase in the salaries in the private sector.
02:25And secondly, you have talked about the exemptions.
02:28I will answer both.
02:30I have done a comparison in the last few years.
02:32Yes, absolutely.
02:34The salaries in the private sector and the salaries of the government employees,
02:39see the difference between them.
02:41If I am a government employee, I have a salary of Rs. 2 lakh
02:44and if you are a glamorous anchor, you have a salary of Rs. 20 lakh.
02:48And there is a difference in the purchasing power of both.
02:51So the increase of 25% has been given in the lower grades
02:55and it has been given on the base salary, not on the total salary.
02:58This is the first thing.
02:59And when the inflation is high, the increment should also be high
03:03so that you can maintain your lifestyle.
03:06This is the principle that I wanted to establish.
03:08Now, you talked about the exemptions.
03:10If a private person sells a plot, he has to pay tax on it.
03:14And if a government employee sells a plot, he has to pay a tax exemption on it.
03:20Now, the politics on this, I will explain it to you kindly.
03:25You tell me yourself where this exemption is wrong and where it is right.
03:29Now, the exemption that has been given on real estate, on plots,
03:34the first thing is that there are 4-5 types of taxation on real estate.
03:39There is new taxation and there is also old taxation.
03:41These exemptions, when Mr. Mifta Ismail brought the law of deemed income,
03:46he brought all these exemptions.
03:49And word for word, that exemption has been picked up
03:52and it has been applied to all taxes.
03:54Now, what is that exemption?
03:55So that it is not that he did it or I did it.
03:58I am taking some responsibility.
04:00There are 4 instances in which this exemption is given.
04:03And now you will tell me where it is wrong.
04:06First of all, this exemption is given to those who are our martyrs.
04:10Shouldn't they get it?
04:11Absolutely, they should get it.
04:12Secondly, war wounded, whose hands and legs are cut.
04:15Thirdly, those employees, whether they are of our army or civil bureaucracy,
04:22those whose death is in the service,
04:25should their employees get their exemption or not?
04:28Those who give their whole life in the public service.
04:32This is the first question.
04:33Secondly, the last exemption, which people have tried to give a different colour,
04:39is the exemption that you have allowed to civil servants and military officers and soldiers
04:47for plots given to them by their departments.
04:51As original allottees.
04:53In which instead of salary, if you get a plot on retirement,
04:58there is an exemption to that extent.
05:00Give it this colour that the exemption has been given in such a way
05:03that if a military officer or a government officer retires and starts working on the property,
05:06he will get an exemption.
05:08You tell me, with which of these exemptions do you disagree?
05:11It is clear.
05:12It is clear?
05:13In the last few days.
05:14Thank you.
05:15First, appreciate that we have done something like this.
05:17You just need appreciation from the government.
05:20Because this is the cabinet under the leadership of Mr. Shabaz Sharif,
05:24which is working pro bono in serving this country.
05:27You are not taking any salary?
05:28Absolutely not.
05:29You are not taking any other salary?
05:30Absolutely not.
05:31So this is for appreciation.
05:33And how many military vehicles do you have?
05:36You put a question to him and find out which new vehicles have been bought
05:41and who is taking how much petrol.
05:43All the cabins without any salary, including the Prime Minister,
05:48the Prime Minister is serving there only to put your appreciation and this country on track.
05:53All the expenses of the Prime Minister's house are being paid by Mr. Shabaz Sharif.
05:57I am taking all the expenses from my pocket.
06:00The finance minister has been leaving a job of 50 crores for 4 months
06:04and is working here without any salary.
06:06He is driving in a private car.
06:08Apart from this, please don't belittle all these efforts.
06:12You said everyone is working pro bono.
06:15That is appreciable.
06:19Why did we need to increase the budget of the Prime Minister's house?
06:23You are coming to the point of exemptions.
06:25You have raised this point yourself.
06:26I have not raised it.
06:27Why did we need to increase the budget of the Prime Minister's house?
06:29Because I have told you, in the Prime Minister's house...
06:32Apart from the salaries?
06:33Yes, apart from that, you tell me where the expenses have been increased.
06:37I will explain that.
06:38Please tell me.
06:39As far as I know, the increase in the Prime Minister's house is only because of the salaries.
06:45Apart from that, no other expenses have been increased.
06:47You do it.
06:48Educate me.
06:49I will get you that information.
06:50Are we living in the 21st century?
06:53Is our country still not a victim of severe economic pressures?
06:59There is no doubt.
07:00In such a situation, the living standards of the Prime Minister and the President
07:07and the staff of Fauj Zafar Mojay, do they need it?
07:11This is a question that every Pakistani asks.
07:13Look, look, please.
07:14And this was also asked about Mr. Khan.
07:16I request you not to work on generalizations.
07:21Tell me, which expenses do you think are inappropriate?
07:27I am telling you that the Prime Minister pays for his own entertainment expenses.
07:32He pays for his own travel expenses.
07:35He pays for his own salary.
07:38Apart from that, if there is a government employee in the Prime Minister's house,
07:42and there are a few hundred or a few thousand of them, I don't know.
07:45They must have come there through some process.
07:48The process is still the same.
07:50That is what I am saying.
07:51Let's move on now.
07:52Anika, now let's come to…
07:54Foreign ambassadors come and say that the Prime Minister of a poor country does not look good.
07:58Absolutely right.
07:59Now you are coming to what expenditure reform you have to do.
08:03In that, look, right-sizing of the government,
08:05in which the Finance Minister is chairing the committee,
08:08in which the ministries are being reduced,
08:10in which the courts are being closed.
08:12Isn't this a reality?
08:13Didn't PakPWD close in front of you?
08:16Are there any other…
08:18The departments that are being closed, the institutions that are being closed,
08:21will you fit their employees somewhere else?
08:26Or will they be given a golden handshake?
08:28Look, look, both.
08:29After all, the departments that will remain with you,
08:34they will also have vacancies.
08:36People come and go through attrition.
08:39Let me give you a small example.
08:41In LESCO, 2000 linemen are required.
08:44If we close GENCO,
08:46the thermal generation that is with the government,
08:49and the lager plants that we are going to scrap,
08:52should we give a handshake to their employees to vacate
08:55or should we get them absorbed in LESCO or GEPCO?
08:58They should be absorbed.
08:59There is a human touch,
09:01a human face to these transitions also,
09:04but the government is fully cognizant
09:06that we have to reform reforms and expenditures.
09:09That is why there is a 1,000 billion expenditure on pensions.
09:12Pension reform is being done on that.
09:14Contributory schemes are being implemented.
09:16Interest rates are being controlled on inflation
09:19and interest rates are being reduced.
09:21Efforts are being made towards that.
09:22Government is being right-sized.
09:24Public institutions are being privatized.
09:28PIA is just months away from privatization.
09:31Airports are being outsourced.
09:33GENCOs are being shut down.
09:35Distribution companies are being prepared.
09:37All these things are expenditure reform.
09:39Because you are absolutely correct
09:41that revenue is one part of the problem.
09:43The other part is expenditure reform.
09:45If we put both together,
09:47there is no point in putting the revenue in the well.
