Stuck in a Snowy Traffic Jam, Spent the Night in the Car with My Scary Boss

  • 2 months ago
Stuck in a Snowy Traffic Jam, Spent the Night in the Car with My Scary Boss
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00My name is Leo Miura, a third-year office worker in the sales department.
00:05I don't hate my job, but there's one boss I find a bit challenging.
00:09It's good that you're thorough with your work, but your quota is always on the edge.
00:14You need to work a bit more efficiently.
00:17I'm sorry.
00:19I don't want you to apologize. I'm discussing this to come up with improvement ideas.
00:27That's her, Kanna Takano.
00:30She came to our company three months ago as part of an executive exchange when our company underwent a merger.
00:37At 29, she holds a managerial position, and while she's beautiful, she's also famous as a tough boss.
00:46Hey everyone, how's it going?
00:49Hey, thank you for checking on us.
00:52By the way, the one traded from our company is Charao, the department head known for very proactive but being too casual.
01:01Regular meetings are held alternately at each company, so Atayamada, who used to be under manager Kanna, often comes with us.
01:10Getting another round of love and encouragement? Count me in, Kanna!
01:15That's not what this is about.
01:18Um, Kanna can be strict, but actually...
01:22It's okay. I know she's thinking about the company as a whole.
01:26Yes, everyone in the sales department knows that the manager is not just a tough boss.
01:33Back when we were acquired, it was the manager who changed the atmosphere for everyone who was anxious about the new working style.
01:41Combining the strengths of both companies, I want to create a workplace that's easy to work in and yields results.
01:49I will give my all for that, so please give your all too.
01:54During the busy season, when the delivery date to a client suddenly changed...
01:59I'm sorry, it seems like we won't make the deadline.
02:03I haven't been able to provide enough support either.
02:06Let's reschedule and get to work right away.
02:09Also, let's use an app to manage the progress from now on. That way, we can all keep track.
02:15Always calmly analyzing the situation and guiding us in a better direction.
02:20But um, it seems everyone has tight schedule.
02:24I'm sorry.
02:26I have a business to do too.
02:28Me too.
02:30It can't be helped.
02:32Well then, Leo, I'm counting on you.
02:35What do you mean?
02:37The next business trip. You haven't greeted them yet, right? Come along.
02:41What? Me and you?
02:44Your quota is tight, right? It's perfect. Do your best, Leo.
02:49And so, on the day of the business trip...
02:52It's cold.
02:54Why are you dressed so lightly? I told you to prepare.
02:58I'm sorry. I didn't think it would be this cold.
03:03Here. Use this.
03:06I said work is 80% preparation, right? You need to take care of your health too.
03:12But then you'll be...
03:14I'll be fine.
03:16There should be a blanket around here somewhere.
03:20Huh? I can't reach it.
03:23Uh, um, can I help?
03:26It's fine. It's just caught in my bag.
03:30Then I'll pull it from here.
03:33Got it!
03:35There you go. Now you should be warm too.
03:38Huh? Thank you.
03:41It's really warm.
03:43I'm sorry. It just slipped out.
03:46Huh? Her gaze seems more distant than usual. Or is it just me? Or is it lower?
03:53What? I'd rather you not stare too much.
03:56Well, today, it just feels like you're smaller.
04:00I'm not wearing heels for the snowy weather. A capable woman doesn't neglect her preparations.
04:06I see. It's kind of cute.
04:11Oh, sorry. I just remembered my little sister is about the same height, so...
04:17It's fine. I'm not bothered by it. Let's go.
04:22Yes? Something feels different than usual. Am I imagining things?
04:28After that, we walked a bit and decided to rent a car for our move.
04:33All our cars are equipped for snow. Tires and batteries are perfect.
04:39Today's forecast is clear, but just in case, I'll put an emergency kit and blankets in the car.
04:45Is that really necessary?
04:48Yes. Mountain weather can be unpredictable. Please be careful.
04:53A few minutes later, eager to be of help in any way possible, I volunteered to be a driver, though...
05:00Huh? The navigation system shows two identical buildings. Why? It's been like this since a while ago. I'm not being helpful at all.
05:10Could it be? Isn't the road over there?
05:13Oh, you're right. Sorry, I didn't notice.
05:17It's close.
05:19I'll handle the navigation so you focus on driving. What's wrong?
05:24Um, it's close.
05:27Um, excuse me?
05:29After smoothly visiting our clients, thanks to the manager, negotiations went smoothly.
05:35After concluding the last negotiation, all that was left was to return to the hotel we had booked.
05:40But due to heavy snow, a large truck got stuck, causing a traffic jam. It's no good. We might not move today.
05:50So, you mean we'll spend the night here?
05:53Looks like it.
05:55I'm fine, really. But you're one of my important subordinates.
06:01Even if it comes to keeping warm and comforting each other because it's freezing, isn't that part of a boss's duties?
06:07She cares for me even at times like this. She's kind. I want to reassure her somehow.
06:14Oh, by the way!
06:17Where are you going?
06:19Ta-da! The store attendant gave us this emergency kit and blanket.
06:24There are also emergency rations, so let's get through the night with these.
06:28Thank you for noticing, but...
06:31You're so cold!
06:32It's cold outside. You should've told me, and I would've gone to get it.
06:37I can't let you do that. My hands, and her hands...
06:42It's still cold.
06:50How about now? A bit warmer?
06:53Y-yes, quite.
06:55That's a relief.
06:58Afterward, we had emergency rations and managed to create a makeshift sleeping area by folding down the seats.
07:05There were cushions that could serve as pillows, and it seemed comfortable enough, but...
07:11Leo, you're too close to the edge, aren't you?
07:15Please don't mind. I really like sleeping by the wall.
07:19Is that so?
07:21I've decided to always sleep by the wall.
07:23Oh, stop saying such things!
07:26It won't make sense if you catch a cold, right?
07:29Come here, it's cold.
07:33It's an emergency, so we need to help each other, right?
07:36B-but... this feels like it could get awkward.
07:40Is it a bit better like this?
07:43Yes, it's warm.
07:45I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
07:48It's okay.
07:49Is it better like this?
07:51Yes, it's warm.
07:53I'm sorry for the situation.
07:55Huh? What do you mean?
07:57I should have scheduled things a bit earlier. It's my fault for neglecting to assess the situation.
08:03It's not like that at all!
08:07The rental car attendant also mentioned that the mountain weather can be unpredictable.
08:11Today, I had the opportunity to see your sales talk up close, and it was really informative. I'm glad I could come with you.
08:19So, please don't say things like that!
08:22Thank you. You always support me.
08:28That's more of you.
08:30No, it's not, because...
08:33After that, she shared her experiences when she first took office.
08:39The company she was originally in was highly performance-oriented. Therefore, she was quite surprised when she came to us.
08:48Individuals are lively, and it's easy to work here. If I combine my management skills with this company, it'll be fantastic.
08:56I was told to prove that I can handle the job, even in a less challenging environment than the upper management. But first, how...
09:05Hi, excuse me. Could you teach me about task management from the original office as well?
09:13I want to know too!
09:14Me too! It's unfair to sneak around like that, Leo!
09:19I also want to! Please!
09:24You have been a bridge between me, when I was at my most anxious, and everyone else.
09:30It's not like...
09:32You have the power to involve people around you and create a kind atmosphere. So I think we'll see even better results in the future.
09:39I have high expectations. I'm really looking forward to it.
09:44She was thinking of me in that way.
09:47Maybe that's why. Since then, I've always been curious. And before I knew it...
09:58It's moving now! Oh wait, it's you guys!
10:02Store attendant? Why are you here?
10:05I was on my way home. Did I intrude? I didn't think I'd disturb you.
10:10It's totally fine!
10:13That was surprising. And now we can go home.
10:19Yes, we can. I feel a bit disappointed for some reason.
10:23What am I thinking?
10:25But if I can improve my performance at work, it will also benefit her.
10:31After that, the car moved smoothly, and we arrived at the hotel.
10:35The next morning, we finished the remaining negotiations, and the business trip concluded successfully.
10:42Several weeks passed.
10:44You secured the contract with Scramble Corporation?
10:47They were apparently looking for a new business partner at just the right time.
10:52Impressive! As expected.
10:55I worked hard while appealing to her in the hopes she would notice me.
11:00So, if it's okay, could you teach me about after-sales support as well?
11:06If you ever get late, I'll make sure to give you a ride. Right? Hello?
11:11Alright, alright. No one is watching.
11:16You really are working hard, Leo.
11:18Thank you very much!
11:19Of course, I'll go out with you. Let's increase satisfaction together.
11:25I bravely invited her out for drinks, as a thank you for the everything she's done.
11:31You are too kind to us!
11:33You have so many projects, yet you support us and achieve high results.
11:38Are you a superwoman or something?
11:40It's not like that!
11:42Task management and support are part of my job.
11:45So, even if my subordinates drink too much, I'll take care of them properly.
11:53She's so close!
11:55Here, have some water. Drink it properly.
11:59Thank you.
12:01Wait, this is harsh! This is water mixed with vodka, isn't it?
12:06Sorry, I made a mistake. That's my water.
12:10You drink that as water?
12:11They say you should drink alcohol like it's water.
12:14Please take better care of your liver!
12:17Alright, here's your water, Leo.
12:19Apologies for the wait. A bottle of Grey Goose for you.
12:23A bottle? Cancel that order!
12:26I'm completely fine now.
12:29Even if you're okay when you're young, it might be tough in old age, you know?
12:34You worry about me?
12:37Well, yes.
12:41If it's meddling, I apologize.
12:44No, thank you.
12:46Then let's keep the bottle for next time.
12:49When it's just the two of us.
12:53Another month passed without taking that one step forward.
12:57I decided to visit the company where Kanna used to work for greetings.
13:01She was in an urgent meeting, and I was being briefed on product proposals by Ate Amada.
13:07And that concludes the presentation.
13:09I see! It seems like this new proposal could be useful.
13:14At this rate, the new product might...
13:17So, is this one better?
13:20Oh, hey Kanna!
13:22Hi! So how was it? Did you learn something?
13:27Hey, Kanna! Can I talk to you for a moment?
13:31Yes, I'll be right there. Thanks, Ate Amada.
13:35She has changed, hasn't she?
13:39It seems like the performance over there has declined.
13:43And it's because of the influence of everyone here, isn't it?
13:47If she had stayed with us, she could have advanced further. It's quite a pity.
13:52What he is saying is indeed true.
13:55Oh, sorry. It's just a difference in policies. Not meant in a negative way.
14:01But if you think you owe her a favor, you should return it soon, okay?
14:04Thank you for today. Well then, see you later.
14:10Thank you.
14:12Are you okay? You don't look well.
14:15No, it's nothing.
14:17Really? If you say so.
14:20She is thinking about us, and here I am.
14:23After that, I dedicated myself to work more than ever.
14:27If the performance improves, it should be recognized as the manager's achievement.
14:31If I work harder, she should be able to return with peace of mind.
14:36One day, amid such routine, after finishing work, I secretly worked at a restaurant.
14:42There you are.
14:44Huh? Why are you here?
14:47This is the only place near the office with usable Wi-Fi.
14:50It's troublesome if you're working at this hour. What are you up to?
14:54I'm sorry, but I have to do this.
14:58If I don't improve our performance even a little...
15:01That's not something you should be doing after working hours.
15:04You're doing your best enough during regular hours.
15:07It's not enough.
15:09If, because of me, you can't return to the original company, it would be a problem.
15:14It would ruin your future.
15:18Am I really that unreliable?
15:21It's not like that.
15:23I can create my own achievements.
15:25Besides, I don't want to force my subordinates to work hard, right?
15:29Uh, that's right.
15:32She wouldn't want something like this, yet I selfishly pushed forward on my own.
15:37Not realizing the situation until it gets like this?
15:41I'm unfit to be manager.
15:44Um, I...
15:46Sorry, I'm still your manager for a while.
15:49Anyway, go home for today.
15:51See you.
15:52If I let her go like this, it's not good.
15:59I'm sorry.
16:01I somehow ended up prioritizing my own feelings and forgot your goals.
16:04Because I like you and wanted to reassure you.
16:07Even though you taught me so many things,
16:10I'm sorry for doing something that tramples on your feelings.
16:13For my sake?
16:15Yes, but it was self-centered.
16:18To be told something like that...
16:20To be told something like that...
16:23I can't be angry anymore.
16:27That someone I like would think about me in that way,
16:31and put in so much effort for my sake.
16:34I never thought I would hear someone say they did it for me.
16:38I'm so happy.
16:42Sorry, forget what I just said.
16:45It was an inappropriate remark for a manager.
16:48It's impossible.
16:50Do you think of me that way?
16:52As someone you like romantically?
16:57I really like you, Leo.
17:00Are you satisfied now?
17:02There's no reason not to be.
17:04I really like you too.
17:06On the way back,
17:08I was told this in a boastful manner.
17:11I don't want to ruin Hanna's future,
17:13but I also felt jealous,
17:15not wanting to lose to Ate Amada.
17:18I need to properly tell Ate Amada about this,
17:21next time.
17:23I think it'll be okay,
17:25because Charao is their manager now.
17:31Charao was dispatched to the company
17:33in the world of cutthroat competition,
17:36because they expected him to break
17:38the conventional concept of a company
17:40in a positive way.
17:42Alright, today is no overtime day.
17:44Let's go drinking!
17:48I still have work.
17:50Save that for tomorrow.
17:52It's important to have a balance.
17:56I don't want to be in a company
17:58with these party people.
18:00Looking at the photos sent by Charao,
18:02as expected,
18:04Ate Amada couldn't stay the same as before.
18:06Hanna was promoted at our company,
18:08and we still work together.
18:10On holidays,
18:12we spend time with each other.
18:14It's like almost living together.
18:16And skiing!
18:18Which hotel should we choose?
18:20Leave all the plans to me this time.
18:22Are you okay?
18:24Leo, you sometimes forget things,
18:26so I worry.
18:28Remember when we went to the pool
18:30in the summer,
18:32and you forgot your swimsuit?
18:34I wanted to swim together!
18:36Ugh, I'm sorry.
18:38I'll double-check the weather forecast too.
18:40Oh, but you know,
18:42even if we can't go home next time,
18:44it's okay,
