• 3 months ago
00:00This is King Judah 23 of the Judah Life Podcast and you're watching the Empire Network.
00:07As we understand now that both the Republican and the Democratic Party in our country are
00:34basically run by the same people, the same money finances both sides. We now know, of
00:40course, through the work of many historians who have spent their life working on research
00:47to show us that both sides of world conflicts have always been financed by the same people.
00:52And as I've said before, there seems to be a method to the madness going on in the world.
01:00We know, of course, that we cannot depend on our leaders. Our leaders are misleaders.
01:06There is a science that they're following. They have their own agenda and it doesn't
01:10include you. Conflicts require money and corporation. World conflicts require world banks, international
01:23monetary fund. Professional groups all have fraternal orders. Doctors, attorneys, etc.
01:33have their own specific fraternal orders. In the banking world, it is the same way.
01:40They have a fraternal order. In politics, there is a fraternal order. However, we're
01:47not supposed to know anything about that because that's not our business. That fraternal
01:53order in politics and banking has been known for many years by those in the inside. It
02:01has been referred to by different names, different times, in different countries. The best overall
02:09name that we can give to this fraternal order, which is running our country, politics, monetary,
02:17is Freemasonry. Because in America, we Americans love to talk about how we have the ability
02:26to elect our leaders. We're big on talking about how we can elect our leaders. But as
02:32Dick Gregory once said a long time ago, yes, we can elect our leaders, but you can't select
02:39your leaders. You don't select anyone. Your masters who own you will select who will run.
02:50You can merely vote on whoever they decide to allow you to vote on. And so when people
02:56go to the polls, for instance, people every four years are talking about going to the
03:01polls. How many people have ever wondered what does the word poll mean? Why do you have
03:08to go to the poll? It's like Gallup, the Gallup company. It's called a Gallup poll.
03:17Any time some company is taking a poll, what does that mean? It doesn't mean that they
03:22are electing anybody. You take a poll to get a consensus of what the people are thinking.
03:32That's what a poll is. It's called a Gallup poll. There would be many other companies
03:37that conduct polls for universities, for government. So that's what a poll is, is to get a consensus
03:43of what the people are thinking. How many people like this color or this product as
03:49opposed to how many like the Pepsi as opposed to Coca-Cola as opposed to root beer? And
03:55so they take a poll. And so the poll shows that the masses all particularly like one
04:01product. That's all they wanted to know. Just which one do you like best? It doesn't mean
04:07much of anything. It's just a poll. And so every four years, Americans go to the poll
04:13to tell their masters who own them. And they do own you. Your body is a security on the
04:20New York Stock Exchange. You need to understand that. And so every four years, your masters
04:27who actually own your body want to know which one of these individuals that work for us,
04:36they work for the corporation, they work for the company, but which one of these would
04:40you feel better about having at the head of the company? Which one do you personally like?
04:46All six of them work for the company. They work for the government. Period. But which
04:51one do you particularly like? Because this way, if you particularly like one and you
04:58vote for him, then we will make him the president of the company and you will be happy because
05:03it was your choice. No, it wasn't your choice. You didn't have the opportunity to select
05:11your leader. You only had the opportunity to elect one of the six that they gave you.
05:18And all six work for the same company. So this is why nothing ever gets done because
05:23people don't understand how their world really works. Extraordinary stuff. I suspect that
05:32this is a very important time in human history and especially in the history of our country.
05:39When you don't know how your government works, you had better wake up and understand that
05:46you have left your government in the hands of other people to take care of things for
05:51you because you're too busy with your everyday life. Well, when you leave your personal business
05:58and your children and your life in the hands of someone else to take care of you, they're
06:05going to take care of you alright. Whatever decisions they make, they're going to take
06:09care of themselves, not you. Because you left yourself in their care, they will decide what
06:16you will eat. They will decide what you will wear. They will decide if you will have a
06:21job or not. Why? Well, because you left yourself in my care. I'm supposed to be in charge of
06:27you so I will decide how much you will make. And you can bet that I'm going to make a thousand
06:32times more than you do because I'm in charge. After all, you voted for me. So I'm just saying
06:39there's time for us to wake up. These are very evil days and unless America is ready
06:46to wake up and face the facts that we have been lied to, deceived and tricked into surrendering
06:55our lives, our minds, our sovereignty of thinking, and as I said in the beginning,
07:03what we need more than anything now is a spiritual and intellectual renaissance. A revolution
07:13spiritually around the world where people wake up to the responsibility to stand before
07:19your creator and be a normal adult human being who knows what's going on, who understands
07:26the world and can contribute something to the good for the whole human race. But it's
07:33going to require that you educate yourself and understand how the world works.
07:40So now everybody's asking me why I don't vote. Okay, I'll let you know why. So Princeton
07:45University came out with a study back in 2014 that proves that our voting does not
07:51matter and if you don't believe me, just watch. This is the study. You can look it up online.
07:56It's free. If you look at the graphs behind me, this represents the likelihood of something
08:00being passed, whether it's 0% of people agreeing with it or 100% of people agreeing with it.
08:06If you look at the average citizen, it's a straight line. It's always 20%. So if nobody
08:11agrees with something, it has a 20% chance of being passed. If everybody agrees with
08:16something, it only has a 20% chance of being passed. If voting really mattered, it would
08:22look more like this one. You see how it says economic elites? Yeah, no wonder theirs is
08:27more proper because their voting matters. Ours, it doesn't matter, okay? They're always
08:33going to get what they want and we're always going to be fighting and bickering with each
08:37other over a two-party system that's rigged.
08:41Okay, in order to, don't you stick things in my face.
08:48A pro-Israeli advocate knocked a camera out of the hands of Alison Weir, president of
08:52the Council for the National Interest Foundation. The group just finished their press conference
08:56on what they call unjustifiable USA to Israel. The two sides met when the press club scheduled
09:03a pro-Israeli news conference to follow held in the same room. The altercation illustrates
09:09heightened tensions on differing views regarding America's relationship with Israel. The Council
09:15for the National Interest Foundation wants Americans to know how much of their tax dollars
09:20are going to Israel.
09:22Three trillion dollars. That's including massive amount of direct money to Israel, then a lot
09:28of hidden costs. CNIF alleges Israel receives so much aid and special treatment because
09:34the U.S. Congress is controlled by AIPAC, America's pro-Israeli lobby. Executive Director
09:40Philip Girardi says Israel spends a lot of money on U.S. elections.
09:44There are many Israeli PACs and they do give a lot of money very selectively to congressmen
09:50that they want to support.
09:51The Council for the National Interest Foundation says many members of Congress fear if they
09:56don't always side with Israel that they will face retaliation in their own reelection campaigns.
10:02If a congressman crosses the Israel lobby by voting against aid for Israel or voting
10:07against some legislation that Israel favors, they very often will find that the next time
10:13they're running for office, there will be a candidate put up against them who is very
10:18well funded.
10:19Girardi is a former CIA counterterrorism expert. He questions why America gives aid to Israel
10:26when Israel conducts more espionage for profit against the U.S. than any other U.S. friendly
10:33They steal military technology. They steal information that is useful for telecommunications.
10:39Retired Lieutenant Colonel Karen Katowski works at the Pentagon and says Israel receives
10:44preferential treatment.
10:46We do not question what the Israelis want.
10:48Katowski believes America is beginning to take more interest in U.S. foreign policy
10:52in the Middle East, in large part due to tough economic times. More and more Americans
10:57want to know where their hard-earned tax dollars are going.
11:00Maybe I'm not an American citizen. Some people said, ah, he has a forged birth certificate.
11:07Well, first of all, it's true, I'm not an American.
11:14I was not born in Hawaii. I wasn't born in the United States of America.
11:27Rigged. It was rigged. Planned.
11:30It's like everything they fucking do is planned.
11:37I thought you had to be an American to be president.
11:39Every election, you already know who's going to win. It's y'all dumb dummies who keep voting
11:43for these motherfuckers when you're both.
11:46I never really got why people chose to be a Republican or a Democrat.
11:50I never really got why people chose to vote.
11:53It's a very human thing to do because people are so worried about picking a side and who's
11:58right and who's wrong that they're not understanding that is literally two wings to the same bird.
12:05So no matter how you feel, no matter what your vote is, it don't matter because they
12:10already know who they're going to put in office.
12:13They're just giving you the illusion of you having a choice when you really don't.
12:19I feel like it's a very human thing to vote, and I feel like y'all got to start saying
12:26no. Y'all got to start saying no to paying taxes.
12:29Y'all got to start saying no to working a job.
12:31I got to start saying no to voting as a collective, not individually saying no, because that's
12:37just going to mess you up.
12:38But as a collective, if people start saying no to these things, they have no power.
12:45Literally, I just really think people need to let go of these political things and just
12:52these illusions because it's very human like and that's why I never participated in it
12:56because I understood it and I overstood it.
13:00We don't have a say so.
13:02They give us the illusion of it, and it's literally two wings to the same bird.
13:08People be over there fussing and fighting with each other, Republican and Democrat.
13:14But it's all a show.
13:16It's all an act.
13:18They're making you get riled up for a reason.
13:21They're making it seem like you have a choice.
13:23They're making it seem like your opinion and your energy matters when it don't.
13:28They already know who they're going to choose.
13:31It's an act.
13:32It's a show.
13:33It's a movie just to make you feel like you're a part of it.
13:36But no, you're not.
13:38People need to start saying no.
13:39I think people need to start saying no, and that's when things are going to start to actually
13:43change, and that can only change when we do it as a collective, not individually.
13:48Y'all got to start saying no because we giving them the power.
13:51We hold the power, not them.
13:53Start saying no.
13:54That's my message.
13:55Start saying no.