Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Realistic IMMERSIVE ULTRA Graphics Gameplay Part 1

  • 2 months ago
Realistic IMMERSIVE ULTRA Graphics Gameplay Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
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00:01Get up, Private Allen!
00:02Rangers lead the way!
02:08Hold on!
02:14Ten seconds!
02:16Which building is it, sir?
02:17It's that tall one at one o'clock.
02:19Which building?
02:20The one at one o'clock.
02:21Hey, Dave, which one is it?
02:23Is it the one on the left or the right?
02:25The one on the left.
02:26Hey, isn't this danger close for the task force?
02:28Come on, since when does Shepard care about danger?
02:34That's what I'm talking about!
02:36Get some, baby!
02:39Howdy, it's Oscar Mike!
02:40All right, we're Oscar Mike!
02:42Oh, look, look, look!
02:43The building's going down!
02:53Hunter 2, breaking away.
02:55Copy, Hunter 2.
02:59All Hunter 2 victors, keep an eye out for civvies.
03:02We're not clear to engage unless they fire first.
03:05Scan the rooftops for hostiles.
03:07Stay frosty.
03:10You see anything?
03:12I got nothing, dude.
03:14This place is dead.
03:16Oh, Lord.
03:17Overlord, Hunter 2-1.
03:19We're passing Tunnel Harvey.
03:21Crossbeat Elizabeth.
03:22Roger that, Hunter 2-1.
03:24Proceed with caution.
03:28All right, stay frosty, you guys.
03:30This is the Wild West.
03:31Roger that.
03:36Watch those alleys.
03:44Three-foot locals.
03:45Balcony, twelve o'clock.
03:47Troubled by militia.
03:48How are they on?
03:51They're just watching us.
03:55I bet they're scouting us.
03:57But that don't mean we can shoot them.
04:02Can you see him?
04:03Can you see him?
04:04I don't see Jack.
04:06All Hunter victors.
04:07This is Sergeant Foley.
04:09Prepare to engage.
04:10We're taking sniper fire from multiple directions.
04:13We got a ton of contacts running back.
04:30There's too many of them!
04:31Back up! Back up!
04:33Get on top of him! Run!
04:44Slow down! We're getting strung up!
05:15Let's go!
05:27Is everyone all right?
05:32Get the hell away from those animals.
05:33Secure the front door.
05:35Move! Move!
05:49Get that bag in there!
06:14Hunter 2-1 to Hunter 2-3.
06:16I have eyes on the school.
06:182-1, we are combat ineffective here.
06:20We're taking heavy fire from the school.
06:22Can you assist? Over.
06:24Keep it together, 2-3.
06:25We're on the way. 2-1 out.
06:27Quad, on me. Let's go.
06:33Window, left side!
06:52Hunter 2-3. Hunter 2-1.
06:54We're in the school. Heavy resistance.
06:57Copy that, Hunter 2-1.
07:03Get up there!
07:15Keep moving!
07:16We need to take the heat off of Hunter 2-3!
07:32I'm moving!
07:37Hunter 2-1, this is Hunter 2-3.
07:39Thanks for the assist. We're leaving.
07:41Roger that, 2-3.
07:42Yeah, I'm cutting through history class now.
07:45Roger that.
07:48Cover me!
08:10Cover me!
08:15Cover me!
08:18Hunter 2-1 Actual to Overlord.
08:192 coming out!
08:21Hunter 2-1 Actual, this is Overlord. Send traffic.
08:24The school is secure and hostiles are withdrawing from the area.
08:27We're just mopping up now.
08:29Solid copy, Hunter 2-1 Actual.
08:30Proceed with caution to the rally point.
08:32EPWs may still be in the area. Over.
08:35Roger that, Overlord. Thanks for the tip.
08:38Quad! Watch for enemy stragglers!
08:40Let's get to that rally point!
08:48There's a lot of them! I'm out of ammo!
09:08I didn't have ammo!
09:12Don't think we'll be getting shot from up here. Use my helicopter.
09:15Gentlemen, good work on taking the town. Private Allen, you'll be taking orders from me from now on.
09:21I'll brief you on the chopper. Let's go.
09:23Battalion is Oscar Mike!
09:36Brakes over, Roach. Let's go.
09:44Stay here and spot me. Wait for my go.
10:14All right, the ice is good. Follow me.
10:44Let's go.
11:15Let's go.
11:16Let's go.
11:41Good luck, mate. I'll see you on the far side.
11:52Hold on! Don't let go!
12:16Let's go.
12:33Roach, check your heartbeat sensor.
12:39You should be able to see me on the scope.
12:41That blue dot is me.
12:43Any unrecognized contacts will show up as white dots.
12:58Roach, these muppets have no idea we're here. Let's take this nice and slow.
13:03You take the one on the left. On three. One.
13:12Two. Three.
13:31You take the one on the left. On three. One. Two. Three.
13:38Nicely done.
13:42Let's go.
14:13Storm is brewing up. Let's split up.
14:17I'll use the thermal scope and provide overwatch from this ridge.
14:21Use the cover of the storm to enter the base.
14:24You'll be a ghost in this blizzard, so the guards won't see you until you're very close.
14:29Keep an eye on your heartbeat sensor. Good luck.
14:43He's mine.
14:46Target, on your right. I'll take this one.
14:50Then again, maybe not.
15:04There's a truck coming. Stay out of sight.
15:12If they move, we lose the job.
15:17Hold up. I'm seeing some activity on the runway.
15:20Looks like 20-plus foot mobiles headed your way.
15:23Roach, the fueling station is near the northeast corner of the runway.
15:27That's the fueling station.
15:28Find it.
15:37I'm picking up more radio traffic about a satellite. Stand by.
15:43Got it. Sounds like the satellite's in the far hangar.
15:47Appreciate it. Oscar Mike, out.
16:28Take a scenic view, eh?
16:30Let's go.
17:01Go upstairs and look for the ACS module.
17:16Roach, I've been compromised. Keep a low profile and hold your fire.
17:21This is Major Petrov! Come out with your hands up!
17:26You have five seconds to comply!
17:30Roach, go to plan B.
17:50Stay close and hug the wall. We'll use the makes for cover and cross the tarmac to the southeast.
18:00Roach, follow me. Let's go!
18:08Head for the mix. I'll cover you.
18:27Head for the mix. I'll cover you.
18:30Come on, Roach! Take them out! To the east, Roach! Go!
18:37Come on!
18:40Cover me! We're making a break for it!
19:32Roach, take that snowmobile. Let's get the hell out of here!
19:43Kilo-6-1, the primary export point is compromised. We're en route to the backup LZ using enemy transport. Meet us there. Over.
19:51Bravo-6, this is Kilo-6-1. Roger that. Out.
19:54More tangos to the rear! Just outrun them! Go! Go!
20:00Go! Go!
20:03Don't slow down! Keep moving or you're dead!
20:09Go! Go! Go!
20:16Come on! Come on!
20:30Come on!
20:53Bravo-6, we're at mingle fuel. What's your status? Over.
20:56Can't get heavy fire, but we're almost there. Stand by.
21:03Pin the throttle! Keep going!
21:19There's the chopper! Let's go!
21:21Bravo-6, we have you on visual. Get your ass on board. We're running on fumes here.
21:25Okay, they got the ACS. We're outta here!
21:34No Russian.
21:55Bravo-6, we have you on visual. Get your ass on board. We're running on fumes here.
21:58Okay, they got the ACS. Get your ass on board. We're outta here!
22:01Bravo-6, we have you on visual. Get your ass on board. We're outta here!
22:04Bravo-6, we have you on visual. Get your ass on board. We're outta here!
22:07Bravo-6, we have you on visual. Get your ass on board. We're outta here!
22:10Bravo-6, we have you on visual. Get your ass on board. We're outta here!
22:13Bravo-6, we have you on visual. Get your ass on board. We're outta here!
22:16Bravo-6, we have you on visual. Get your ass on board. We're outta here!
22:19Bravo-6, we have you on visual. Get your ass on board. We're outta here!
22:26Up the stairs. Go.
23:01Sniper, over there.
23:13Don't shoot!
23:44I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
23:49I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
23:54I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
23:59I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
24:04I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
24:09I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
24:14I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
24:19I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
24:24I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
24:29I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
24:34I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
24:39I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
24:44I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
24:49I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
24:54I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
24:59I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
25:04I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
25:09I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
25:14I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
25:19I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
25:24This way, let's go.
25:45FSB, take him out.
25:54I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
25:59I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
26:04I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
26:09I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
26:14I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
26:19I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
26:24I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
26:29I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
26:34I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
26:39I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
26:44I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
26:49I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
26:54I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
26:59I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
27:04I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
27:09I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
27:14I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
27:19I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
27:24I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
27:29I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
27:34I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
27:39I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
27:44I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
27:49I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
27:54I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
27:59I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
28:04I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
28:09I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
28:14I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
28:19I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of smoke coming from the left side of the building.
28:24The Americans thought you could deceive us. When they find that body, all of Russia will cry for war.
28:47Ghost, the plates are a match.
28:49Copy. Any side row has right-hand men.
28:52Negative. They've stopped twice already. No sign of them.
28:55Wait, they've stopped again. Stand by.
28:59I've got a positive ID. Whoever these guys are, they're not happy to see them.
29:04Ghost, we have a situation here.
29:07Get down! Get down!
29:12They're getting away! Let's go! Let's go!
29:15Ghost, a driver's dead. We're on foot. Meet us at the Hotel Rio and cut him off if you can.
29:21Roger. I'm on my way.
29:31He went into the alley.
29:34Non-lethal takedowns only. We need him alive.
29:44Roach, take the shot. Drop it in my...
29:46He's down.
29:52Roach, this is going to take some time. Go with Meat and Royce and check out the favela for any signs of Rojas.
29:58That's where this guy was headed.
30:00Let's go.
30:08Remember, there are civilians in the favela. Watch your fire out there.
30:16Meat, get these civvies out of here.
30:21Roger that.
30:40Roach, I'm with you. Watch the rooftops. Go!
30:45Royce, give me a sitrep. Over.
30:47Lots of militia, but no sign of Rojas over here. Over!
30:50Copy that. Keep searching. Let me know if you see him. Out.
30:55Roach, move up! Let's go!
31:01Meat is down! I repeat, Meat is down!
31:18Roach, I'm hit!
31:20Roach, I'm hit!
31:27There's one in front of me!
31:47I see one on the left!
31:55Roach, we've got Rojas' location. He's headed west along the upper levels of the favela.
31:59We'll need to resupply back on our side. Keep going and cut him off up top.
32:03Keep going and cut him off up top.
32:07There's no time for backup. You're going to have to do this on your own. Good luck. Out.
32:20We need backup! We need backup!
32:34Enemies ahead! Fire at them!
32:37I see one behind the wall!
32:47Roach, this is their territory. They're doing well.
32:50Keep an eye open for adverse conditions, and check your corner.
32:54Roach, watch the rooftops! We've had a few close calls with RPGs and machineguns positioning up high.
33:00I see one behind the wall!
33:03Roach, we're taking heavy fire from the militia here, but I've still tracking Rojas.
33:07He's running to a building. Roach, do you see him?
33:10Roger that. He's coming up a shuttle road here on the right, duffel bag.
33:14That ought to slow him down.
33:15Roach, we're keeping him from doubling back. Keep moving to intercept. Go, go!
33:19Go, go!
33:32Keep going! Rojas is still headed towards your side of the favela.
33:36Roach, don't let the militia take you down for too long. Use your flashbangs on them.
33:40I've lost sight of him again!
33:42Those suck to me!
33:43I'm up to it!
33:44He's trying to come back to the outpost.
33:47Roger that. Stay on him.
33:55I've got a visual on Rojas. He's cutting through the market.
33:58Roger that. I'll head for the rooftops and try to cut him off on the right.
34:02He's gonna have good chances of getting away.
34:07I'm taking a lot of fire from the militia. I don't think I can track him through the market.
34:11I'm gonna have to find another way around.
34:17I've got a visual on Rojas. He's cutting through the market.
34:20I've got a visual on Rojas. He's cutting through the market.
34:23I can see Rojas running across the rooftops on the right side.
34:26Roger that. Roach, we're surrounding him closer to your side of the hill.
34:29Keep an eye out for Rojas. He's still making his way across the rooftops.
34:33Roach, I've fired Rojas. He's making a run for it. He's headed your way.
34:37Don't shoot! I've fired Rojas. He's making a run for it. He's headed your way.
34:41Don't shoot! We need him alive and unharmed.
34:46Roach, we're gonna cut him off at the center. Keep taking him that way. Go! Go!
35:34Go! He's going for that motorcycle!
35:36No, he's not!
35:40Nice! He's making his way again.
35:42Roach, if you see him, do not shoot him. I need him unharmed.
35:46Don't give him the eyes on Rojas. Wait! I'll shake his head if I caught you.
35:50Roach, he's on the move and headed your way. Go! Go!
35:53Roach, keep pushing up the hill. Don't let him double back.
35:57Roach, he's just another bastard still headed towards your end of the favela. Keep moving up. Go! Go!
36:06Ghost, I'm going far right. He's gonna get away!
36:10No, he's not.
36:15Frontrunner, this is Bravo Six. We've got the package. I repeat, we have got the package.
36:20Command, ready for dust-off. Send the chopper. Coordinates to Fog.
36:25Bollocks! The skies are clear. Send the chopper now!
36:31Command's got their head up their ass. We're on our own.