مسلسل بنون الحلقة 3 الثالثة
TV ve DiziDöküm
00:00The man does not become a man unless he leaves behind a man.
00:30The man does not become a man unless he leaves behind a man.
00:35Thank God you're okay, Ms. Sara.
00:38I know you're tired.
00:40But I'm sorry, I'm a little tired and I'd like to ask you a few questions.
00:44Go ahead.
00:45Ms. Sara, is Tarek okay?
00:50No, actually, he wasn't telling me much about his work.
00:54I don't believe he was killed.
00:57Okay, let's start from the beginning.
00:59On the day of the incident, what brought you home at that time?
01:03I was at my mom's house for two days.
01:06I talked to him a lot that day.
01:09At first, he wouldn't answer me.
01:12Then his phone went dead.
01:14So I went upstairs to check on him.
01:17Is that why he took you downstairs so late?
01:20Actually, yes.
01:21Because when he did that, he was out drinking.
01:27So I was afraid something had happened to him on the way.
01:32When you got home, was the door locked or open?
01:37No, it was locked.
01:39And when you came in?
01:44As soon as I got home, I found a glass of juice on the table.
01:52It was strange, because Tarek usually drinks juice in the morning, not at night.
01:58So I thought there was someone in his room.
02:01So I went straight to his bedroom.
02:04And as soon as I got in, I saw his bed.
02:41I didn't know what to do. I ran to the door.
02:43I called the police.
02:45I tried to scream so that no one would come and chase me down the stairs.
02:49And then I felt like I was going to die.
02:51What if we assume that Tarek was with a woman in the apartment?
02:54Who do you think it was?
02:57I don't know.
02:59When you entered the room, did you notice that the door was broken?
03:04No, all I saw was Tarek's face on the bed.
03:08Anyway, we need to do another check-up on the crime scene.
03:11I need you to be there. I want to do an autopsy on the missing person.
03:15Of course.
03:17What about Tarek's cell phone?
03:20Didn't you see it at the crime scene?
03:22As I told you, I didn't see anything but Tarek's face on the bed.
03:28So you didn't see Tarek's cell phone.
03:32Let him finish the cell phone for us.
03:37Do you have any doubts?
03:40No, we doubt everyone.
03:43But don't worry.
03:44We'll be there soon.
03:46That's right.
03:47I knew you and Tarek had broken up.
03:50What was the reason for the divorce?
03:56I can't continue this conversation with you.
03:58I don't want to get in Tarek's way.
04:00I want to finish with him and talk to you.
04:02Don't accept the situation.
04:08I'll finish with him and talk to you.
04:45I understand that Shirin was the reason for the divorce.
04:50I'm sure no one can bear to see you with another woman.
05:01What are you doing?
05:04I'm not going to continue.
05:07What do you mean?
05:09She's going to divorce me, Tarek.
05:11Are you kidding me?
05:12Are you kidding me?
05:13Did you see what he did?
05:15It's my fault.
05:17I told you I'm not going to change.
05:18I'm trying.
05:22I can see that you're trying, Tarek.
05:26Can you calm down?
05:28Can you calm down?
05:29Can we talk?
05:30Tarek, I'm not going to calm down.
05:32I don't think you'll let me stay with someone who doesn't love you.
05:35Divorce me.
05:36I'll leave you alone for a few days.
05:38We'll talk later.
05:39I'm not staying in this house.
05:40Divorce me.
05:42Divorce me.
05:46You're divorced.
05:50You're divorced.
05:54But you saw me, you put up with me, and you came back.
05:57Because when I found out I was pregnant, I didn't want my son to be raised away from his parents.
06:02That makes sense.
06:04And after you came back, was he really away from Shereen?
06:07I asked him to walk her.
06:09At first, he fought with me.
06:13But after that, he really walked her.
06:15And he got very close to me.
06:17Okay, Mrs. Sara.
06:19We've exhausted you.
06:20I'll let you rest.
06:22Thank you.
06:35Uncle Hussein, I know what happened was very serious.
06:38But there are a lot of things that can't be resolved in the company.
06:40No one will be able to make a decision for you.
06:43Act, Heslin.
06:44I've told you a lot, but you don't come to the company.
06:46You don't know what's going on.
06:48I almost don't have any right to act.
06:51Do you know how long I've been traveling?
06:53Why did I travel and what did I do?
06:55I think you were supporting the office in Dubai.
06:58No, I wasn't in Dubai.
07:00I was in London.
07:03I'm sorry, I don't understand.
07:04I had cancer.
07:06And I had to go there for surgery.
07:11How could you hide something like that from us?
07:13I didn't want anyone to know.
07:15You know, I was determined to fly back.
07:19Because I thought I wouldn't come back.
07:21I came back and found that everything I planned for her,
07:24turned out the other way around.
07:32Is there any news about Sara?
07:34No, there isn't.
07:35And you didn't have to answer my calls.
07:37I think she took it out of her head.
07:39You know, for a while,
07:40she didn't want to talk about it.
07:43If she still loved you,
07:45she would have calmed down.
07:47She doesn't have the right to hate me, honestly.
07:50I don't know how that happened.
07:52If she likes you, buy her, don't marry her.
07:55Marry who, Haq?
07:58I'll just enjoy buying her.
08:00But marry her?
08:01Of course not.
08:03You don't have to buy her.
08:04Look for someone else.
08:06Instead of sitting around like this.
08:09Do you want me to look for a grandson?
08:10A man can't be a man unless he finds a man.
08:14Or do you want the family to stand by you?
08:16That's not enough.
08:19I'm not divorced like Sara.
08:22And it's all a matter of time, not more.
08:23We'll get back together.
08:24And from now on, this house is full of kids.
08:26Son, there's no time.
08:27I'm traveling. Come on.
08:28I don't care if I come back or not.
08:29I want to rely on you.
08:31I hope you come back safe and sound.
08:33Tarek is gone.
08:35And I'm all alone.
08:36I don't know what to do.
08:38Your wife is still here.
08:40And Razani's company will remain as big as it is.
08:42And you're not alone, uncle.
08:44I'm by your side.
08:45Don't worry.
08:52You're not going to do the surgery tomorrow, are you?
08:55And I'm going to do it alone, Tarek?
08:59Yes, you're going to do it alone.
09:00You're going to do it alone?
09:03You mean I'm going to sleep with you?
09:07Men and women do these things together.
09:13You have a history,
09:14so your sister won't be left without a problem.
09:18So first, you're going to do the analysis.
09:21No, I don't understand what the problem is.
09:24We're not going to change the subject at all, right?
09:27Not at all.
09:28Not at all?
09:29Okay, I'm going to do the analysis today.
09:31If you'll excuse me.
09:36Okay, Tarek.
09:42Come in.
09:51How are you?
09:54How are you?
09:55Thank God.
09:56How are you?
09:58Where did you go?
09:59I went to my mom's.
10:01Then I went to the hairdresser's.
10:03And now I'm here.
10:06What is this?
10:07This is the analysis you asked me to do.
10:10Didn't you tell me before you came in?
10:12How are you?
10:13I'm fine, thank God.
10:17Okay, I already asked about the time.
10:19The doctor said you also have to do the analysis.
10:22I'm not going to do the analysis, Sara.
10:24I don't have anything.
10:25Then why are you doing the analysis?
10:29Okay, as you wish.
10:31This is God's business.
10:33I mean, as I told you, it's just a matter of time.
10:36We're not in a hurry.
10:37How are we not in a hurry?
10:38You're always being mean to me and Nani and your dad.
10:41I'm being mean to you because they're being mean to me.
10:44Don't worry.
10:45I'll talk to him.
10:46Okay, as you wish.
10:50Did you eat?
10:52I forgot to eat.
10:53I don't want you to have lunch with me.
10:55I'm hungry.
10:56I have a lot of work.
10:58I have to finish it.
11:00I can't.
11:02Wait for me after the email and we'll go down together.
11:14How are you?
11:15I'm fine, Tarek.
11:20I don't have anything.
11:23I can't walk.
11:27It's good that you can walk.
11:28I don't feel good.
11:30You too.
11:32It's a different situation, my friend.
11:34But I'm fine.
11:36I'm happy and then I get shocked.
11:42What are you going to do?
11:43I'm not going to do anything.
11:45What are you going to do?
11:47I'm going to get out of jail.
11:49But I didn't want to.
11:53Sara didn't tell you?
11:55Do you know her?
11:56Yes, I know her.
11:58She called me yesterday.
11:59What do you think?
12:01She won't come down.
12:02What if she does?
12:03Do I have to think about it?
12:05Of course, she's his daughter.
12:06Or do you want to kill her?
12:07But you know very well that if you kill her, what will happen to her in life.
12:10Don't you think so?
12:12Shai and I are going to get married.
12:13What's wrong with that?
12:14You're going to get married?
12:17How are you going to get married?
12:18I'm going to get married, Tarek.
12:19Who do you think I am?
12:20Tell me.
12:21What's bothering you?
12:24Sara is going to do the analysis.
12:27And I want to do it too.
12:28What's the problem?
12:29Why don't you do it too?
12:31I'm good.
12:32Why should I do it?
12:33Do it, Tarek.
12:34And when the analysis is out,
12:35tell her I'm good and you're the problem.
12:38You're so weird.
12:46What do you mean?
12:47Did you forget me?
12:48No, I didn't forget you.
12:50Where's the money?
12:52How many days is it?
12:53What do you mean?
12:55Just wait for me.
12:56I can't wait to know that you're a good person.
13:04This was...
13:05I know.
13:07This is the dealer.
13:09His voice is loud.
13:12Do you have money?
13:13A lot.
13:15Are you going to pay him?
13:16I hope so.
13:18But from where?
13:22I don't know.
13:32I'll give it to you.
13:34I'll give you your money.
13:39I know.
13:40Can you give me some money?
13:43I have money.
13:52Can we calm down so we can start the investigation?
13:56It's not the way. It was a shock for all of us.
13:59He's still a young man.
14:01He didn't see the son he wanted to see and dreamed of seeing.
14:08Of course, what he did wasn't human.
14:11Of course, what he did wasn't human.
14:16Did you see the way before the accident?
14:19Can I have some water, please?
14:30Welcome, Tarek B.
14:38How are you, my love?
14:40Gigi, my love.
14:42Come have a drink with me.
14:44Did you wipe your tears, Tarek?
14:49I'm so sorry. I didn't see Tarek.
14:52Why? Are you two fighting?
14:54No, not at all.
14:56Tarek is always busy, and I'm always traveling.
14:59We meet when there's a family gathering.
15:02Selim Abdelkader Tawfiq.
15:0434 years old.
15:0690th Street, Al-Tajamah.
15:08What do you know about him?
15:10He's part of his cousin. I work with him at the company.
15:12How did you meet him?
15:14I met Tarek the day I went to my wife's wedding.
15:17Did he ask you to work for him?
15:19I don't work for Tarek.
15:21My wife is one of the owners of the company.
15:24It was normal for me to offer my services to Al-Razzani, not any other company.
15:27Was Tarek treating you as one of the owners of the company?
15:31Yes, of course. Tarek respected me a lot.
15:35Al-Tajamah, Al-Tajamah.
15:40Tarek, your career path has become very difficult.
15:43This is the path that has increased the company's profit by 40%.
15:47Tarek, money is not a measure of success.
15:52What is a measure of success for you?
15:54A measure of success, Mr. Tarek.
15:56When the employees who work at the company
15:58find their love for the company increasing.
16:00This has nothing to do with work.
16:03Do you want coffee?
16:07Don't forget that you are just an employee at the company.
16:10I have nothing to do with the studio and the legal department.
16:13You have no business with them at all.
16:15No, Tarek. I will talk and you will listen to me.
16:17Because I am not just one of the family.
16:19I am also considered one of the partners.
16:20You are considered.
16:22I mean, you are not absolutely one of the partners.
16:26Then it doesn't mean that you marry one of your partners
16:29and deal with them as a partner.
16:31You look bad.
16:32Look, Tarek.
16:33I know that no matter how much I talk to you,
16:35I won't get anywhere.
16:39Then stop talking and go do your job.
16:42Do my job?
16:44Yes, Tarek.
16:47I will do my job.
16:55And since you have found an HR and a part of the owners,
16:59why did you refuse?
17:00He said that he is not qualified.
17:03Not qualified.
17:20Tarek, is this the email you sent?
17:25How long will I keep talking to you about the wrong decisions you make?
17:29Did you refuse the best designer in the company?
17:31And without getting back to me, Tarek?
17:33By the way, I am the HR manager of the company.
17:35And I am the owner of the company.
17:37And the owner of the decisions you make in the company.
17:40I want to understand why you refused.
17:44Not qualified.
17:46Not qualified?
17:47Not qualified because you affected me in this job?
17:49I want to hear from you the reasons.
17:51I don't like your job.
17:52And that is enough reason for me to leave.
17:54Tarek, this is an interrogation.
17:55No, sorry.
17:56No, sorry.
17:57We need to know the real reason behind this strange decision.
18:01Because the boss has crossed his limits.
18:03Ah, I understand.
18:04But what caused the personal problems at work?
18:07Tarek, I don't understand anything.
18:08Can you explain to me what is happening?
18:09Ask him.
18:11You will lose a lot, Tarek.
18:13I forgot to tell you the truth.
18:14There is no company in Egypt that doesn't make mistakes while I am alive.
18:17You are the one who is annoying.
18:18You don't have to be alive at all.
18:27Do you also have this opinion?
18:29No, of course not.
18:30I had a big argument with Tarek.
18:32And I told him that what is happening is nonsense.
18:34He was flirting with Youssef.
18:36And what is the reason for the disagreement between you, Selim and Gigi with Tarek a week before the murder?
18:41There was no disagreement between us.
18:43We were talking about some things that have to do with the company.
18:46There were some differences in opinion.
18:48But that doesn't mean that one of us can harm Tarek.
18:51Why are you all worried?
18:53Tarek loves me and listens to me.
18:55Gigi, Tarek is not the Tarek that you used to know.
18:59Are you Gigi?
19:00Yes, I know her.
19:02Gigi has really changed.
19:04Imagine that Youssef refused to be the best designer in the company.
19:07And he warned all the companies in Egypt that no one should work for him again in Egypt.
19:12Or he will be executed.
19:13All this because he loved Tara and wanted to marry her.
19:15Is it possible?
19:16Does Tara love Youssef?
19:18It's beyond your imagination.
19:20The same thing happened to me a long time ago.
19:22When I was deprived of the person I love,
19:24and he married me to his partner,
19:26there was a deal.
19:27And when they got divorced,
19:29I got divorced.
19:30There was no difference between us.
19:31Gigi, you have to come back.
19:33When you stay with us, we will be a very strong front.
19:36We will be able to stand in front of him.
19:37Maybe he will be able to come to his senses.
19:39You are right.
19:41So come back as soon as possible, Gigi.
19:42Okay, I will.
19:43I will book a flight and I will tell you next week.
19:46You will come back safely, God willing.
19:47Okay, bye.
19:50Tarek, are you talking to me like this?
19:53I am Gigi, Tarek.
19:54What is this, Gigi?
19:55Are we partying in your pub or going out to the club?
19:58We are at work.
19:59What is wrong with you?
20:00What do you mean, what is wrong with me?
20:02And you are acting like this in front of everyone.
20:04You just stay quiet.
20:05What do you mean, stay quiet, Tarek?
20:07Is this my husband or is it you?
20:09He tried to be the manager before and ruined it.
20:11I ruined it?
20:12Yes, you ruined it.
20:13I will kill you.
20:14Did you forget that we are your partners?
20:17Our share is exactly the same as yours.
20:20But it is the same as yours?
20:24Because I am the one who increased your profit by 40%.
20:27I am the one who bought all the new clients and I am the one who renewed the whole company.
20:29You are humiliating us.
20:30This is our money.
20:31This is all the money I make for you.
20:33By the way, this is our right, not yours.
20:35What is your right, Abu?
20:36All you know about this company is that you are his wife.
20:38His wife?
20:39I will not accept any more insults.
20:41Stop crying, Tarek.
20:42What are you saying?
20:43Yes, my husband.
20:44Even if he is here, he will get his wife's right from you, Tarek.
20:48No, as far as you are concerned, I will take care of her.
20:50Have some self-respect.
20:52Stop it, guys.
20:53Are you crazy?
20:54Stop it, guys.
20:55This is enough.
20:56We will leave and then I will talk to Hussein.
20:59Is that possible?
21:00Let's go.
21:01Let's go.
21:12Do you remember who killed Tarek?
21:14Your Highness, Tarek is a target for a lot of people.
21:17We are a big family and we have a lot of people around us.
21:20Of course, there are people who try to get close to us.
21:23And there are people who want to hurt us.
21:27What about Yusuf and Tarek's relationship?
21:29Tarek used to respect Yusuf a lot.
21:31And he always thought that we had the best designer in Egypt.
21:36Until Yusuf and Tarek fell in love with each other.
21:38Their relationship was over.
21:59I am sorry.
22:08Why are you so quiet?
22:11I am a little upset.
22:13What happened?
22:17My parents left me with their words.
22:21I don't know what to do.
22:24I told you not to make an analysis and reassure them.
22:26There can't be a problem.
22:27I am not going to make an analysis.
22:29I am like a fool.
22:30Don't worry.
22:31We will do what you want.
22:35Honestly, the background is important.
22:41I am telling you.
22:42I will come and get you before you leave.
22:45No, I am going.
22:48I needed money.
22:53Give me money.
22:55Is it possible?
23:06Uncle, it's over. You are still counting.
23:19Good night.
23:27Good night.
23:39How are you? Why are you sitting alone?
23:41Come sit with me.
23:43How are you?
23:48This is a copy of the keys to Tarek's office.
23:58I want you to go to the company tomorrow.
24:01Open it and bring me all the documents inside.
24:05I want to know the real situation of the company.
24:09I know that your brother was removing the copy from the important documents.
24:13Of course, I won't blame anyone but you for something like this.
24:17And I don't care if you don't know anything about this.
24:20Why, dad? Is there something in the papers that I don't want to know?
24:23No, honey.
24:24I don't know anything about this.
24:25But everyone has their own style.
24:27I haven't been to the company for a long time.
24:30So, I don't know how your brother was doing.
24:34Why don't you go by yourself?
24:36At least the employees there will see that you are back to the company.
24:39No, on the contrary.
24:40I don't have to show up in the picture at all right now.
24:43So that it doesn't look like I don't care about all the work.
24:47I have to understand first.
24:48So that when I go down to them, I know what I'm going to do exactly.
24:53Anyway, do what I told you to do.
24:56And try not to let anyone know anything about this.
24:59As we agreed.
25:01Okay, dad. I'll go by myself.
25:22I love you.
26:05I did the analysis.
26:11As of now, I don't leave anything.