Elmo, Abby, and Cookie Monster Play Grocery Games | Sesame Street Full Episode.

  • 2 months ago
Can you name a food that starts with the letter “C”? Elmo, Abby, and Cookie Monster go to the supermarket and play a game where they work together to find three food items beginning with the letter “C” before time runs out!
00:00Welcome to Sesame Street.
00:01Today, we're going to learn all about the supermarket.
00:05Supermarkets never have what I'm looking for.
00:08But Oscar, supermarkets are where you go to buy food, like
00:12fresh bread, or fresh milk, or fresh fruits and vegetables.
00:15Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:15That's the problem, though.
00:17It's all fresh.
00:18I like my food to be all spoiled and moldy.
00:22Oh, well, they don't sell that.
00:24Yeah, told you.
00:26Watch for more supermarkets today on Sesame Street.
00:30Mario jumps into the manhole.
00:32Luigi holds his nose and fires a yell.
00:35I hate you.
00:35I want to be gone.
00:36I don't want to be gone.
00:37Ha ha ha.
00:38We're going to have to have you.
00:40We're going to have you.
00:41We're going to have you.
00:42We're going to have you.
00:43We're going to have you.
00:44I think there's a lot more to be said.
00:46Congratulations, everybody.
00:48Nice job.
00:49So race tomorrow for the big day, please.
00:51No time.
01:38Hi, welcome to Sesame Street, I am just on my way to the supermarket
01:47That would be fun Abby, but no a supermarket is a place where people go to buy groceries not superhero costumes
02:00You guys can come with me if you want
02:06Cookie yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they sell all kinds of foods at supermarkets. You want to go to there? Oh, well, come on, let's go
02:19Where we're having our juggler special three oranges for just a dollar they're not only healthy and delicious
02:26They're also wonderful exercise
02:29All right, here we are at the supermarket
02:36Hey, and I always make a shopping list so I can remember what I need to buy
02:43It sure is and that's why I have a shopping cart to put all the food we're going to get oh boy
02:49This could take a while. Well, we can have some fun while we shop. Let's make up a game
02:55Let me think. All right, you guys try to find three foods that start with the letter C before I finish shopping
03:04You know C is me favorite letter. Oh, well, then this game is perfect for you
03:09And the supermarket has different sections like the deli section where you find meats and cheeses
03:15the bakery section for bread and cookies the aisles where you find food in boxes and cans and the produce section for fruits and
03:24So you can look anywhere. Oh
03:27Okay. Now you guys go that way. I'll go this way and that way we can look anywhere
03:32Okay, you guys ready? Yeah, one, two, three find the letter C
03:38And they're off oh I better hurry
03:41Wow, look at all these fruits and vegetables. It's like a garden in here, but without any trees. Now, let's see
04:00Which one of these starts with the letter C well apples no that starts with the letter a moving on
04:09Excuse me
04:15I'm not buying all these I'm the produce clerk. I work here in the produce section
04:21Well, you sure do have a lot of fruits and vegetables in this produce section
04:25That's because fruits and vegetables are called produce and it's my job to put more produce on the shelves when it's running out
04:32Like here look at this. We've got tomatoes and
04:36broccoli and
04:40Seahair tomatoes to touch the letter T broccoli, but broccoli and carrots
04:49That's right
04:52It's like a magic vegetable one
04:58You're welcome, that's my job
05:03One two three peppers
05:08Hi Abby, I'm just doing a little shopping garlic
05:13Pass I
05:19Just put cereal on my list I need to be more specific
05:28Great job Abby carrot starts with C and
05:33And carrots are on my list one down two to go
05:40I wonder how everyone else is doing
05:52Hi there need something from the deli
06:00Well, you're in the right place, this is the deli where we sell meat cheese and salads and I am the deli
06:16Sure am I'm getting coleslaw
06:25I guess it does and it's tasty too. Elmo
06:32Please oh sure. Here. Let me see you. Here we go
06:38There you are. I'll pay when you check out. Okay. Thank you. Thank you big red. Bye happy to help. Hi, Elmo
06:52Oh, well, it really depends on the day
06:58That's great coleslaw starts with C
07:07Coleslaw is on my list two down one to go
07:20Boy me like that one and me like that and all that look yummy me like that. Oh boy me want to live here
07:28What is this place? This is the bakery section where we make and sell all the baked goods. Oh
07:37Who you I?
07:39Am the bakery clerk nice hat
07:44Thank you. Mmm. I sell all the bread the muffins and the cookies. Oh, yeah me see
07:53Sorry, uh, what did you say? Oh cookies
08:00Cookies oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy me love this bakery
08:06Just take a ticket and I'll call your number when it is your turn, okay
08:13108 number five number five
08:20105 oh
08:23One of I mean, that's the any takers
08:28Okay, that's the last item on the list
08:33Well, don't give up yet. Hey if Cookie Monster gets back before I finish checking out you still win
08:41I've never been so happy to wait in a line
08:51Freshly baked cookies me me me me next wait until I call your number
08:59Hey, yeah, me not see anybody around here, sir
09:12106. Oh boy me got 108. Oh me got to wait
09:18Anyone 106? No
09:41Me forgot that me is supposed to bring food that start with letter C for game. Oh
09:49Cookie starts with C bring that but we want to eat cookie
09:55Ha the agony
10:00Cookie team cookie team cookie
10:07Becoming becoming you can do it
10:13Did you find everything you needed today sir, I did
10:37Three samples
10:49Congratulations, you won the game
10:54You see we had to find three things that started with the letter C before Alan finished shopping and we found a
11:09Okay, well very good, um, how would you like to pay sir?
11:12Well, I will use my kaka card, which also starts with C
11:18All right, let's run this
11:21Okay, uh-huh. Are we all paid? Yes, we are. Oh goody
11:53Okay, well very good, um, how would you like to pay sir I need three cans of soup
12:02One red apple
12:06Did you find everything that you needed yes, thank you
12:13That'll be $100, please
12:15Thank you, you're welcome. Have a nice day
12:45To the letter of the day
13:20Yes, it's for supermarket
13:25Where are we going?
13:47Check out this black tower Rudy's been busy stacking things
14:06Well, I get to stack them again don't start stacking yet cuz I've got something really exciting today
14:24Supermarket aprons people who work in supermarkets wear aprons just like these
14:29Hey, is there a job where you stack things at the supermarket?
14:34Is there ever just grab onto my handles and we'll be off on a supermarket
14:40super adventure
14:51Whoa, look at all this stuff we can stack and organize
14:56the person who puts cans and boxes of food on shelves and
15:01Sets out the fruit and vegetables in the produce section is called a stock clerk. I was born to do that
15:09Okay stock clerks your job today is to make a display of fruit that looks like this butterfly
15:21Super stock clerks Abby and Rudy are up for the challenge
15:27But you'll have to do it quickly. The store is going to open soon. Hurry
15:32First we need to find fruits for our display that match the colors in our drawing green
15:38Orange and red
15:41Check. Okay. Let's start with green fruit
15:45Blueberries. Oh, no, they're blue. Um grapes grapes can be green. Oh
15:52No, these are purple grapes. Can you help us find a green fruit?
15:59Over there avocados are green, but are they a fruit? Yep, then
16:08Avocado butterfly body
16:11Okay. Um, what's next? I start clerk Abby next. We'll need orange fruit for the butterflies antenna
16:19Yeah, and it's eyes. I'm on it. Oh, I found some bananas
16:26Bananas are a kind of fruit, but are they orange?
16:34We need an orange fruit Rudy the store is going to open soon
16:38Hey little oranges. Um, our orange is orange
16:44I'm just kidding
16:46And they're fruit
16:52Orange eyes and orange antenna
16:55How does the butterfly look?
16:58Kind of like a caterpillar
17:03Man this is too hard. Why don't we just put all of the fruit into a pile?
17:09Rudy don't give up we can do it. It just needs wings. What color are the wings?
17:19Okay, put me down
17:24Okay, red fruit
17:27Hey look
17:29Apples they're red
17:33Those will be perfect for the butterfly wing
17:36whoa, all done and
17:40Just in time the store is now officially open
17:46secret handshake
17:52Time to go home
17:57Well gotta fly
18:03Here's a job for you
18:05Pretend to be a supermarket stock clerk and stack things to make your own display
18:11You can use toys blocks or boxes
18:18Great little brother. See you next time
18:25Yum-yum-yum dum-dee-dee-dum, how many cookies are there today?
18:34While they still baking
18:36Let's do some shaking
18:42While they still baking
18:45Let's do some more shaking
18:52Meetings are ready everybody steady
18:56One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen
19:17Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, that's how many cookies there were today!
19:27Time to go shopping at the supermarket.
19:31Here are 15 ingredients to make a yummy burrito.
19:37One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
19:46eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen!
19:59Fifteen ingredients from the supermarket.
20:04Fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight, seven, six,
20:13five, four, three, two, one.
20:18Fifteen ingredients to make a yummy burrito.
20:30La la la la, la la la la, la la la la la la la la,
20:35Elmo's full of wonder, wonder what we will discover in Elmo's Wonderful World!
20:41Hi, welcome to Elmo's World!
20:46Oh, guess what Elmo is wondering about today?
20:50Wait for it.
20:52Wait for it.
20:55Wow, supermarkets!
20:59Looks like the store is open. Hi, Ernie.
21:03Elmo loves supermarkets and wants to find out more about them.
21:10Hey, let's ask Elmo's friend, Smartie. Let's call her together.
21:15Oh, Smartie!
21:21A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter.
21:25Oh, hi, Elmo. Hi, Smartie.
21:28I was just going over my list of things I need from the supermarket.
21:31Oh, that's perfect, because Elmo wants to learn all about supermarkets.
21:35Well, what do we do to learn something new?
21:38We look it up!
21:41Searching for supermarkets. Here we go!
21:44Supermarkets are where you buy food and other things that you need for your home.
21:49Supermarkets have different sections, like the bakery, where you can buy bread from the baker.
21:55Or the deli, where you can buy meat and cheese.
21:58Or the produce section, where all the fruits and vegetables are.
22:02The person who helps put all the food on the shelves is called a stock person.
22:07Then when you're done, you take your groceries to the checkout line and pay the cashier.
22:14Wow! Supermarkets look like so much fun!
22:17That's why they call them super!
22:21Well, I'm off to do my grocery shopping. See you later, Elmo.
22:25Oh, thank you, Smartie. Bye-bye.
22:28Boy, you can find lots of different things in the supermarket.
22:32Hey! That gives Elmo an idea!
22:36Let's play a game together!
22:39Yeah! Come on, come on!
22:48Oh, Elmo needs help finding all the things on his grocery list.
22:53Are you ready? Let's play!
22:57Elmo has to get milk, bread, and a green apple.
23:02Hmm, what's first on the list?
23:06OK, let's find the milk.
23:08Over there.
23:10Oh, there it is.
23:12What's next?
23:14OK, let's find the bread.
23:16Over there. I see the bread. There's the bread.
23:20Aha! Now, Elmo just needs to find the apple.
23:25Here's an apple.
23:27No, that's a red apple. You need a green apple.
23:30Oh, right! There it is.
23:34Yay! We found everything Elmo needed on the list.
23:38Wow! There's lots of different things to do at the supermarket.
23:42Oh, and that makes Elmo wonder even more.
23:46What does Mr. Noodle do at the supermarket?
23:49Oh, let's ask him.
23:52Hey, Mr. Noodle!
23:56It's Mr. Noodle's brother, Mr. Noodle.
24:00Hi, Mr. Noodle.
24:02Mr. Noodle, can you show Elmo what to do at a supermarket?
24:07Yeah, show us.
24:09He's dancing.
24:12Mr. Noodle, you don't do ballet at a supermarket.
24:16No, Elmo will give you a hint, OK?
24:19It has to do with food.
24:23He's a giant cheese.
24:27Mr. Noodle, you don't dress up like food at a supermarket.
24:31You buy food.
24:33Oh, boy.
24:40He did it. He's shopping.
24:44That's it, Mr. Noodle. Make sure you have everything on your list.
24:49Bye, Mr. Noodle.
24:53Learning new things makes Elmo so happy
24:57that makes him want to dance.
25:00Come on.
25:01Happy, happy, dance, dance. Happy, happy, dance, dance.
25:05When we learn something new, we do the happy dance, dance.
25:09Let's see your happy dance.
25:11Yeah, cool.
25:13See you next time. Keep learning. Elmo loves you.
25:17Happy, happy, dance, dance. Happy, happy, dance, dance.
25:21When we learn something new, we do the happy dance, dance.
25:28Here's some olives and an apple.
25:30Beep, beep.
25:32OK. Oh, hi.
25:34I hope you had fun finding out about supermarkets today on Sesame Street.
25:38You can play supermarket, too.
25:40Give it a try. It's fun.
25:42By the way, I scanned your food and it comes to a gazillion dollars.
25:46Elmo has a T-Rex and a Go-Fish card.
25:48Uh, perfect.
25:50See you next time on Sesame Street.
25:54Come on and move your body and use your mind
25:57because you know you are growing all the time.
26:00You're getting smarter, stronger, kinder on Sesame Street.
26:06I'm done holding when you click.
26:08Friends are cheering and caring every day.
26:11You're getting smarter, stronger, kinder on Sesame Street.
26:18On Sesame Street.
