Don't Deport My Luna- Part 1

  • 2 months ago
00:00Hey, just because I'm grabbing coffee with the guy doesn't mean I'm marrying him.
00:04Plus, I can't just wait to get to 4BED.
00:08I've just arrived. I'll talk to you later.
00:13It's been five years.
00:15That girl...
00:17I mean, where are you?
00:24Mr. Kingsley?
00:31When we talked online, I didn't expect you to be so...
00:35Young. Hot.
00:39Never mind.
00:41I'll introduce myself again.
00:43I'm Emma Young, 23 years old.
00:46As you can see, I'm not in any debt.
00:48I have a job, so I can provide for myself.
00:51Plus, my parents are in Canada, so you don't have to worry about all the family hassles.
00:54In conclusion, marrying me won't bring you any trouble.
00:57Well, nice to meet you, Miss...
01:00Yeah, Young.
01:03However, today's the first day we've met in person,
01:06so perhaps it's a bit early for talks of a marriage?
01:10Of course not! It's the perfect time to talk about marriage.
01:14Look, if I don't marry you, I'm going to get deported.
01:18As you can see, my visa's going to expire soon.
01:23Don't worry. I'd understand if you were to use...
01:26risky business after all.
01:28Anyway, it was nice meeting you.
01:30Miss Young, may I invite you to the Town Hall for a totally legitimate marriage?
01:41Congratulations! You are now lawfully wedded.
01:44Thank you so much.
01:46You have no idea how much this means to me.
01:49Actually, there's a 100th couple today.
01:51If you'd like, we can host a small ritual for you.
01:53Thanks, but I think we're good.
01:55Why not?
01:56I've always felt sorry for not getting her a full wedding.
02:00If there's anything you can do, I'd really appreciate it.
02:04If we're going to do this, we might as well do it right.
02:09Would you like to say you will, Scrooge?
02:12I swear I'll love you from now on.
02:14My wife.
02:16In sickness and in health, until death do us part.
02:20So, Emma Young...
02:23Will you marry me?
02:42Alf Alexander!
02:44Where'd you go?
02:45Parents are looking for you. Party's about to start.
02:47Tell them I'm not going.
02:48But it's the 10th anniversary of K.S. Group.
02:51You're the CEO and alpha of Crimson Shadow Pack.
02:55Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley will be furious if you ditch this.
02:59Then ask them what's more important.
03:01The party, or Crimson Shadow's Luna?
03:03Well, of course, the Luna is...
03:08Our pack has a Luna?
03:10Are you sure she's your mate?
03:12And Luna?
03:13How do you know she's not that girl?
03:15But it seems she's forgotten about that night.
03:17Or does she remember who I am?
03:19Doesn't matter.
03:20She'll get to know me again.
03:22As my wife.
03:27Here's 50k.
03:28Count it.
03:29I can't believe you paid off your ex-boyfriend's debt after five years.
03:33You got balls, girl.
03:35Can I have my stuff back now?
03:45We're clear now.
03:49What is this?
03:56You know I've always had feelings.
03:58Be my girl.
04:00I'll give you back this 50k.
04:02Get you back to NYU to study fashion design.
04:05Let me go, you fuck!
04:07Do you have no shame?
04:08Who gave you this right?
04:10Let me go, you jerk.
04:11You're a Kingsley.
04:13Get out.
04:15Leave, now!
04:32This is gonna hurt.
04:38How did you end up in a place like that at this hour?
04:41To pay back my debt.
04:42Didn't you tell me you weren't in debt when we first met?
04:45Well, technically it was my ex's.
04:47He borrowed $500,000 from the casino and I spent five years paying it back.
04:52Seems like you've had rough times.
04:54It's all over now.
04:56Now I can finally live for myself.
04:59Don't worry.
05:00As of today, I'm gonna watch over you.
05:03I'm sorry.
05:16Tom Robert.
05:17The fuck do you want?
05:22Why don't you tell me your name?
05:24I'll make sure your body ends up in a nice sewer by tomorrow.
05:28Alexander Kingsley.
05:30Alexander Kingsley.
05:33Looking forward to your hospitality.
05:42He's Alexander Kingsley.
05:49Are you crazy?
05:50It's against the law to marry someone for a green card.
05:53If you get caught, you'll be sent away for good.
05:55I won't back down.
05:57It's my dream to go to New York and be a fashion designer.
06:00Fucker Tony.
06:02You know, you never would have had to drop out of school if you didn't need to pay off his debt.
06:05Speaking of which, I know you have always loved KS Fashion.
06:10Now, they are holding a fashion design competition and first prize is $100,000 and a chance to work for them.
06:18But I don't have a diploma.
06:20Will I be able to enter?
06:21Don't chicken out, Emma.
06:23It doesn't say anywhere on there about diplomas.
06:27I know how talented you are.
06:30There's a good chance for you to take the top prize.
06:45You shameless bitch.
06:46I chinned to get with my boyfriend.
06:48I don't want anything to do with your boyfriend.
06:51Plus, I'm married.
06:52Too draggatic?
06:54No wonder you have your eyes on my boyfriend.
06:56I'm not you.
06:58Treating shit like treasure.
07:00If I were you, I would keep your boyfriend to yourself to prevent him from fucking up everything.
07:04Brainless fucker.
07:06Get your dirty hands off of her.
07:09You okay?
07:10Alex, what are you doing here?
07:12What did they do to a horse?
07:14Who the hell are you?
07:15As you can see, I'm her husband.
07:17Wow, are you coming straight from the ghetto?
07:20You really are the perfect guy for that bread.
07:22My husband may not be rich and powerful, but he is kind and hardworking and I wouldn't trade him for all the money in the world.
07:28It's true, I used to be in a relationship with your boyfriend, but we broke up a long time ago.
07:33And this is the first, hopefully the last, time we've seen each other since then.
07:38And Tony, I won't even bring up the $500,000 I paid back for you, but I hope this is a clean break and you won't bother me ever again.
07:53What are you doing?
07:55Get out of my way!
08:00Sorry I dragged you through this shit.
08:02I was actually quite happy.
08:04Happy? For what?
08:06The way you spoke up for me. It's kind of cool, especially so in front of your ex.
08:15Why were you with your ex?
08:17I didn't know he was coming. He just showed up.
08:20It's okay, you don't have to explain.
08:22I trust you 100%, and because you're my wife now.
08:27Alright, let's go.
08:32What? You gonna take the trolley?
08:34Emma, get in the Audi. A princess like you shouldn't have to walk.
08:38Tony, what part of weird-on do you not understand?
08:41Look, I know you were angry at me.
08:43Yeah, I left you behind, but that's because I was nobody when I was young.
08:46Now, I've got money. We can have a future together.
08:49For God's sake, Tony, how many times do I have to tell you?
08:51I don't want you in my future at all whatsoever.
08:54I know you love me. You just can't say it.
08:57This guy threatened you with your visa?
09:00Emma, don't worry. Just divorce him. I'll take care of everything.
09:03Mister, I'm afraid you got it the wrong way.
09:06My wife married me with her own heart, not because of the visa or any other reason.
09:11If you keep bothering us, you will regret it.
09:14Oh yeah? Like how?
09:16Am I young?
09:20What about the immigration?
09:23The visa expires today.
09:26I have to go to my office.
09:42God, I'm so dead.
09:44I meant to go over this information with you before the investigation.
09:48But now it's too late.
09:50Sweetheart, maybe you should just calm down.
09:53How could I? We barely know each other.
09:56We've been married less than a week.
09:58They're going to ask me the first question and I'll be exposed and get deported.
10:03That's it. We need to do a crash course.
10:14You trust me?
10:19Listen, no one is going to deport you or break us apart.
10:24I assure you, everything is going to be just fine.
10:33Emma Young, are you trying to kiss me?
10:36Yes, sir.
10:41I have a question.
10:43Did you get married so she won't get deported back to Canada?
10:48Did you get married so she won't get deported back to Canada?
10:52Where does that come from?
10:54Just now, a man claiming to be your ex just reported this to us.
10:57Who? Tony Brown?
10:59That jerk wouldn't leave me alone even if we broke up.
11:02He is a hypocrite. That man is not to be trusted.
11:06Okay, then I'm going to ask several personal questions.
11:09Only true couples could get it right.
11:11But before that, I've got to tell you,
11:14if your marriage is unconsistent,
11:16you're going to be deported indefinitely.
11:19And you, you're going to get fined $350,000
11:23and a seven-year imprisonment.
11:25Is that understood?
11:28Let me get this started.
11:32What's your favorite color?
11:38Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
11:41So she's closer to my heart.
11:43To my heart.
11:50When did you meet?
11:52About a year ago?
11:54Actually, it was five years ago.
11:58She was drunk, ambushed by several thugs.
12:01I took care of all of them.
12:03And we've been tied to each other ever since.
12:09Okay, the investigation is over.
12:12Just wait a minute.
12:19We're done for.
12:22Calm down.
12:23Sorry, I should have never pulled such a stunt
12:25dragging you down with me.
12:27Now I'll go talk to them and confess my crimes
12:29so that you don't get fined or go to prison.
12:31It's too late to be guilty.
12:33Just sit here.
12:34I'll go talk.
12:35Everything's going to be just fine.
12:42I'm sorry.
12:49Beta Jack, come to the immigration office.
12:53They want to deport your Luna.
13:10Omega Felix!
13:12You're in big trouble.
13:16Omega Felix!
13:18You're in big trouble.
13:20Honestly, Beta Jack, I'm sorry.
13:23I'm not quite sure how I offended you.
13:25Offending me is nothing.
13:27It's Alpha Alexander you've crossed.
13:30Alpha Alexander?
13:32No, no, no.
13:33How can that be?
13:34How is that possible?
13:35I haven't seen him in more than a year.
13:38Maybe you're so drunk with the power of this office
13:41you've forgotten who you are.
13:43No, no, no.
13:44Everything I have, Alpha Alexander gave to me.
13:47Everything I do, I do for the prosperity
13:49of the Crimson Shadow Pack.
13:51How do you contribute to your pack exactly?
13:54By trying to deport the mate of Alpha Alexander?
13:57Luna of the Crimson Shadow Pack?
13:59No, no!
14:00I wouldn't do that.
14:02Nor do I dare.
14:04Rest assured, Beta Jack.
14:06I'm on top of it now.
14:07I promise you no one will touch my Luna.
14:16One more thing.
14:20Luna Emma doesn't know her husband is a werewolf yet.
14:24So try to keep Alpha Alexander's identity a secret.
14:27They're still getting to know each other.
14:31Don't want to blow the cover.
14:46Sorry, Mr. Kingsley.
14:48I shouldn't have got you into this.
14:54What are you thinking?
15:07Emma Young.
15:08You're deported indefinitely.
15:10You committed a fraud trying to get a green card.
15:13And Alex Kingsley?
15:15You're under arrest for fraud.
15:17And you can explain yourself in court.
15:19I confess that I married him to get my green card,
15:21but he's nothing to do with this.
15:23I lied to him.
15:24He knows nothing, so please leave him out of this.
15:27We got married because we love each other.
15:30I know what you're thinking.
15:31You want to take all the blame, but I got to tell you,
15:33that's not going to happen.
15:35We're a couple.
15:36A team.
15:37And we face and fight everything together.
15:39Well, well, well.
15:40I never thought it was true.
15:44Whatever scum you're trying to pull off,
15:46you're doing it in front of the judge.
15:50Get away from her.
15:51Alex, I'm with Kingsley.
15:53Are you resisting arrest?
15:54No one's going to take my wife away
15:56or deport her from this country.
16:01No one's going to take my wife away
16:03or deport her from this country.
16:07Take him down.
16:10Stop it!
16:11Stop it!
16:12Think of a scene in the federal office like this.
16:14Do you want to keep your job or not?
16:16Mr. Miller, I'm sorry for the disturbance,
16:18but these two are trying to bend the law.
16:19Mr. Miller, it was all my idea.
16:21I'd willingly accept my deportation,
16:23but please spare him.
16:24All right, I can see what's going on here.
16:29you can go now.
16:30With your husband.
16:33I got the report here.
16:34I'm on investigation.
16:36It proves they don't know each other at all.
16:38What are you going to do
16:39with a bunch of stupid questions?
16:41You don't even remember your own wife's birthday.
16:44She admitted to crime herself.
16:46You want us all to lose our jobs?
16:51Obviously, this kind woman
16:53is trying to protect her husband.
16:55And this gentleman,
16:56though aware of the consequences,
16:58is always standing by his wife.
17:00Man, I see nothing but love in them.
17:04How are you trying to question my decision?
17:08No, sir.
17:09Know your place!
17:10As for you two,
17:12though you're off the hook for now,
17:13the Department of Immigration
17:15will conduct further investigations.
17:17So if anything goes wrong,
17:19you know the consequences.
17:23Yes, sir.
17:24Thank you.
17:27I told you it would be okay.
17:34Thank God I get to stay in America.
17:38You have anything to say to me?
17:42For what?
17:45For not believing in you.
17:47Anything else?
17:51What else?
17:53You shouldn't have left me out
17:54when you were in trouble.
17:56I'm your husband.
17:57It's my duty to protect you.
18:02We're a couple.
18:03A team.
18:04Whenever a problem arises,
18:06we solve it together.
18:07You understand?
18:14Who is he?
18:17Miss Emma.
18:20He is my boss.
18:24He pulls some strings here
18:25at the Immigration Office.
18:28I'm his boss.
18:30Well, thank you so much, Mr...
18:34Jack, uh, Thomas.
18:35Jack Thomas.
18:37Yes, Mr. Thomas.
18:38Would you like to come
18:39to dinner with us?
18:40Oh, no, no.
18:41No need.
18:42Uh, he's got work tonight.
18:44Do I?
18:45Did you forget you have
18:46a meeting with a client?
18:48Oh, yeah.
18:49You're going to be late.
18:52Thank you.
18:54Why do I get the feeling
18:55you're the boss?
18:57It's called bottom-up management.
19:00I want to take you to a place.
19:04Shabby little place.
19:11I told him to find me
19:12a cheap place
19:13and he gets me this?
19:14You call this place shabby?
19:16I've never seen
19:17such a nice apartment.
19:19So you're rich.
19:20Oh, of course not.
19:21I'm just renting it.
19:24It belongs to my godmother.
19:25She's working abroad,
19:28so I'm just renting it.
19:30Okay, but
19:31why did you bring me here?
19:33In fact,
19:34I wanted to invite you
19:35to move in with me.
19:38Are you sure?
19:39I don't want to be an obsession.
19:41We're a couple.
19:42We should live together, right?
19:44And anyways,
19:45you remember what
19:46the immigration officer said
19:47when they were investigating us?
19:49So I thought
19:50we could get to know each other
19:51by living together.
19:54you know what?
19:55I think
19:56I'm going to move in with you.
20:01I get scared every night
20:02living in such a huge place.
20:06I'll move in.
20:07But I'll share half the rent.
20:09That sounds good.
20:10Let me show you to your bedroom.
20:29Alex, can I borrow your charger?
20:44I'm sorry.
20:45I didn't know you were taking a shower.
20:47Do you want to borrow the charger?
20:54I'm sorry.
20:55I didn't know you were taking a shower.
20:57I'm sorry.
21:03Here you are.
21:20Aren't you forgetting something?
21:34We're mates.
21:39We're mates.
21:47Emma Young, you're married.
21:49How can you dream about another man?
21:57Fuck you, Tony.
22:51I've prepared breakfast.
22:53You made all of this?
22:55I didn't know what you liked
22:56so I made several dishes.
22:59Enjoy the meal.
23:00I'll be right back.
23:01I'll get the door.