Another Top 10 Over the Top Villain Deaths

  • 2 months ago
Great theme! Here are some memorable movie villains whose quest for unstoppable powers ultimately led to their downfall:

1. **"Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" (1989) - Walter Donovan**
Donovan’s greed for eternal life leads him to drink from the wrong Holy Grail, causing him to rapidly age and die in a horrifying sequence.

2. **"Avengers: Infinity War" (2018) - Thanos**
Thanos achieves ultimate power by collecting all six Infinity Stones and snapping half the universe out of existence, but his quest for power leads to his eventual defeat and demise in "Avengers: Endgame."

3. **"Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith" (2005) - Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader**
Anakin’s desire for power to save Padmé leads him to the dark side and transforms him into Darth Vader, resulting in personal tragedy and physical and emotional ruin.

4. **"The Mummy" (1999) - Imhotep**
Imhotep’s quest to resurrect his lover and achieve immortality ends in his downfall when he is rendered mortal and devoured by flesh-eating scarabs.

5. **"Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" (2001) - Sauron**
Sauron’s desire to dominate Middle-earth through the power of the One Ring ultimately leads to his downfall when the Ring is destroyed, eradicating his physical form.

6. **"Doctor Strange" (2016) - Kaecilius**
Kaecilius’ quest for immortality and power by tapping into Dormammu’s Dark Dimension ends in his defeat and eternal entrapment in the Dark Dimension.

7. **"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2" (2011) - Voldemort**
Voldemort’s quest for immortality through Horcruxes leads to his downfall when Harry and his friends destroy the Horcruxes, making him vulnerable and ultimately leading to his death.

8. **"Spider-Man 3" (2007) - Eddie Brock/Venom**
Eddie Brock’s desire for power through the Venom symbiote leads to his own destruction when he is consumed by the very entity that granted him power.

9. **"The Incredibles" (2004) - Syndrome**
Syndrome’s desire to become a super-powered hero results in his downfall when his technology turns against him, leading to his death.

10. **"The Matrix" (1999) - Agent Smith**
Agent Smith’s quest for ultimate power and freedom from the system leads to his self-destruction when Neo defeats him, restoring balance to the Matrix.

These villains' quests for ultimate power not only provide thrilling narratives but also serve as cautionary tales about the dangers of unchecked ambition. Asking viewers to share their favorite examples will surely lead to an engaging discussion in the comments!
00:00When a movie sets up a really good villain, you want to see him go down in a big bad way.
00:12Welcome to, and today we're counting down our picks for another Top 10
00:18Over-The-Top Villain Deaths.
00:22For this list, we're taking a look at more big-screen baddies that bite the dust in the
00:30most insane fashions possible.
00:33If you think we're missing a few, be sure to check out our original list of the Top
00:3710 Over-The-Top Villain Deaths.
00:39Also, and this is probably really obvious, but a spoiler alert is definitely in order.
01:03There aren't many things as strong as a mother's love for her son.
01:06That's why when Pamela Voorhees' boy drowned in a lake while camp counselors were off screwing
01:10around, she vowed to take revenge on sexy teens.
01:22And she's mostly successful in terrorizing the youths of Crystal Lake.
01:28However, when a camp worker named Alice decides she's had enough of seeing her friends murdered,
01:34the tables are turned.
01:36After an epic beachside battle, Alice gets the upper hand and subdues Jason's mom machete-style
01:42by lopping off her head.
01:43Cue bad-80s slow motion and wacky music.
01:46After a lifetime of doling out mindless and oftentimes extremely entertaining murders,
02:06John Rambo decides to retire to the forests of Thailand, where he catches snakes and gives
02:11people boat rides for a living.
02:16When evil military officer Major Tint pillages his way into the picture, Rambo knows what
02:25he must do, and starts shooting his way through the jungle and Tint's army.
02:30After he somehow single-handedly takes out many of Tint's troops, some in gruesome fashion,
02:36Tint himself decides it's time for a change, turns tail, runs, and tries to escape being
02:41brutally killed by Rambo.
02:46Sadly, Tint is harakiried before he can get too far, and Rambo saves the day.
03:16Since the filmmakers were in a dispute about the rights to the character of Ernst Stavro Blofeld,
03:22they decided to send him off in style, albeit without naming him outright.
03:29After entering a remote-controlled helicopter, Bond is nearly killed by the cat-stroking baldy
03:35we assume to be his arch-nemesis, but soon rests control of the vehicle by using some
03:40of that MI6 know-how.
03:46007 chases down his wheelchair-bound adversary and steers him wildly through the air with
03:59the copter.
04:06After a brief exchange where Blofeld pleads for his life with some bizarre bargains,
04:10our hero unceremoniously drops him down an industrial chimney.
04:15And that is all before the opening credits.
04:39As he's wont to do, Indy stumbles upon a fiendish world domination plot
04:43concocted by the evil high priest Molaram.
04:54Jones and his sidekicks attempt to stop Molaram and escape his evil lair when
04:58they're cornered on a precarious bridge.
05:00Indy uses that patented no-nonsense logic and cuts the bridge in half,
05:06sending them all tumbling to the side of a cliff, where Indy and Mola face off some more.
05:13After some clumsy kicking and slapping, Molaram gets his hands on artifacts that
05:17are a little too hot to handle and plummets straight into the jaws of waiting crocodiles.
05:22And that's the end of Indy and Mola's story.
05:30Still, it's better than having the life sucked out of you.
05:52Quentin Tarantino is all about girl power, and this throwback to Grindhouse classics is packed with it.
06:01When the homicidal stuntman Mike McKay tries to continue his killing binge
06:05by targeting three adrenaline junkies with his death-proof car,
06:09they fight back and a chase ensues where Mike's car is thoroughly pummeled.
06:23The pursuit ends with the would-be killer's ride upside down,
06:26and him being beaten to death by the three heroines.
06:30Just goes to show that high-octane murder sprees never end well.
06:40If you work at a compound full of nightmare creatures, serial killers and horrifying beasts,
07:01you're gonna run into a snag every now and then.
07:07When the nice people at the facility encounter some technical problems
07:10with their teenage slaughter ritual, the monsters are set free and the result is a fiasco.
07:18As everyone in the facility is brutally torn to shreds by mythical monsters,
07:23one senior technician is cornered by the creature that fascinates him the most,
07:27the dreaded merman.
07:30While calling Steve Hadley a villain may be a stretch depending on your interpretation of the
07:34movie, the beast doesn't seem to care as he summarily slays him.
07:38Hey, at least he got to see one up close.
07:52After a confusing series of events leads Bruce Willis' Hudson Hawk into a final
07:56showdown between the mafia, the CIA, the heads of a giant corporation,
08:00and who knows what else, Willis ends up facing off with the bad guys in a castle, obviously.
08:09One of the villains in question, a blade-happy butler named Alfred,
08:16attacks Bruce and the two do battle.
08:25Our protagonist gains the upper hand and beheads the butler with his own blades.
08:29Hey, Alfred.
08:34You won't be attending that hat convention in July.
08:37Of course, there's always time for an awkward, if not completely tasteless, one-liner.
08:41Oh, and Hudson Hawk is not above dog murder either.
08:45Don't worry, the dog was an asshole.
08:47A bunny?
08:50Baa baa?
08:56Come on, puppy child, gotta go!
08:59Captain Darrow, the Rock.
09:08When Nicolas Cage's Dr. Stanley Goodspeed is cornered by a homicidal rogue marine,
09:13he must improvise to save himself and countless others.
09:22The marine pulls a knife, so Goodspeed looks around for the nearest weapon,
09:26which happens to be the controls to a big ol' rocket.
09:29I think we got started off on the wrong foot.
09:31With an over-the-top send-off line to send him on his way,
09:34Cage causes Captain Darrow to fly through the air and right down onto a busted fence post.
09:39You're the rocket.
09:47How do you like how that shit works?
09:49It's a hell of a lot cooler and more dignified way to go out than being force-fed a powerful nerve poison,
09:55which Cage also does to another one of the film's main baddies, Captain Fry.
09:59Eat that, you f***er!
10:07Frank Castle is dead.
10:10Call me...
10:13...the Punisher.
10:14Revenge is never the answer.
10:16Well, unless your loved ones are killed and you have a lot of guns.
10:20It's been five months since my family was killed. I don't see one man in jail.
10:24The villainous Howard Saint murders Frank Castle's family
10:27and thinks he's killed Castle as well.
10:29But the guy survives to become the homicidal Punisher,
10:33fighting crime one bullet at a time.
10:36You know whose building this is?
10:38Howard Saint's.
10:40I'm just gonna f*** your life up.
10:42You already f***ed my life up.
10:44He sets his murderous sights on Saint and systematically plots his revenge
10:49by seeing to the murders of his friends and loved ones.
10:52May you kill your best friend.
10:57May you kill your wife.
11:05And now I've killed you.
11:07He then puts the final subtle touch on his spree by shooting Saint,
11:10tying him to the back of a car and sending him through a parking lot
11:14filled with exploding automobiles,
11:16which, when seen from high above, form the Punisher's logo.
11:20Frank Castle is nothing if not brand-conscious.
11:23I have work to do.
11:24Read your newspaper every day, you'll understand.
11:27Before we unveil our number one pick,
11:29here are some honorable mentions.
11:33Why don't you pick on someone your own size?
11:47Baby, you're a firework
11:54Come on, let your colors burn
11:59Make them go up, up, up
12:20Go now.
12:30Sayonara, Robocop
12:43Number 1.
12:44Cyrus the Virus Grissom con air
12:54As the big baddie in this classic 90s action romp,
12:57Cyrus' death is a multi-part process,
12:59starting with a broken spear through the leg.
13:05This is followed by a sound beating at the hands of an accented Nick Cage,
13:09after which he's cuffed to the ladder of a fire truck
13:12and raised high into the air.
13:14You ain't getting near my daughter. Buckle up.
13:18Still somehow alive,
13:19Cyrus is then thrown through a glass window
13:22and into some high-tension power lines,
13:24where he is electrocuted and then falls onto a conveyor belt.
13:28Still somehow alive,
13:29the belt leads him into a crushing machine,
13:32where his head is turned to peanut butter.
13:34Still somehow miraculously alive,
13:37nah, we're just kidding,
13:38he's finally dead.
13:40Oh God, he's dead.
13:41Cameron, this guy's dead.
13:43Do you agree with our list?
13:45That was fun!
13:46Which villain's death do you think was the most over the top?
13:51For more outrageous Top 10s published every day,
13:53be sure to subscribe to
