V S02E04

  • 3 months ago


00:00Previously on Veen.
00:02Sarita Malik has gone missing.
00:04Find her and identify those responsible.
00:06They corrupted Tyler's DNA.
00:08What do you know about Anna's plans for him?
00:11Skin him.
00:13I'm trying to warn my mom about this priest, Jack Landry,
00:16but she won't listen to me.
00:17I knew Anna would try and manipulate my interview somehow,
00:20but this?
00:21It's okay, Chad.
00:22If you have calm, hold strong.
00:24It's time you met the others.
00:25What did you discover today?
00:27I know who took the money.
00:28I found the fifth column.
00:33Three peace ambassadors' bodies were found
00:35when they opened the PA center this morning.
00:37Throat's a slip.
00:38They must have been murdered and strung up
00:39in the middle of the night.
00:40They're waiting for us to ID them.
00:42I know where it's here.
00:49Oh, my God.
00:58Oh, my God.
01:16It's not him.
01:18It's not him.
01:19It's not him.
01:21The Italians did this to Mussolini
01:23at the end of World War II.
01:26They branded him a traitor.
01:28Looks like somebody in fifth column is a student of history.
01:31They've pinned credit already.
01:33First coordinated suicide bombings around the world.
01:36Now this?
01:38I don't know.
01:39I don't know what's going on.
01:40I don't know what's going on.
01:41I don't know what's going on.
01:42Hey, hey.
01:43Hey, hey.
01:44Tyler, hey.
01:45It's fine.
01:48What happened?
01:49It's Mussolini.
01:53They're my friends.
01:55Ty, trust me.
01:56I'm going to find out who did this.
02:11You've got the night with your daughter as we agreed.
02:14Now it's morning.
02:15The fifth column has acted again,
02:17killing three of my peace ambassadors.
02:19I want you to find out who's responsible for this
02:21and for the abduction of Serena Malick.
02:24My bliss has alleviated her pain,
02:26but it will wear off soon, Ryan.
02:34A man named Eli Cole.
02:37He commands a faction of the fifth column that has Malick.
02:40Find them.
02:47Your daughter's so peaceful when she's not in pain.
02:54With Malick still missing in this morning's triple homicide,
02:56they're sticking me with some new hotshot partner from D.C.
03:00Another set of eyes on us.
03:01Just what we need.
03:02And we still haven't dumped what's left of Lady Lizard over there.
03:04Well, we can't just get rid of Malick.
03:06The Bureau is all over this case.
03:08Until they close it, their focus could turn to me,
03:10which means us.
03:11It's not getting any easier.
03:13Not until we stop Eli Cole and his radical fifth column.
03:17Ryan's right.
03:18Cohen's out of control.
03:19That could have been Tyler this morning with his throat slit.
03:22Yeah, but it wasn't.
03:24You know, if we take out Cohen, we lose a huge asset.
03:27His army, his international connections.
03:29I'm not saying we don't need the help, just not his help.
03:32With Cohen in the picture, we are fighting two enemies here.
03:35They're him and Anna.
03:37You said the FBI's got no leads on his whereabouts.
03:39No, Cohen's ex Mossad is a ghost.
03:41The ghost who was pulling kids off of the street and killing them.
03:45I'm not waiting for my kid to be next.
03:47We'll find Cohen.
03:49What if we let him find us?
03:53The first suicide bomber.
03:54His friends attend my church.
03:55Now, some of them may be Cohen's people, too.
03:57Now, what if...
04:00What if I let them know I'm ready to meet their boss?
04:10Take this down to Forensics.
04:11See if we can get a match.
04:12Yes, sir.
04:15You got Tyler, homie?
04:17You got Tyler, homie, okay?
04:18Yeah, he's freaked out, but he's hanging in.
04:19Look, I bought this new partner.
04:21I don't have time to break into someone new.
04:22This is the director's go-to guy.
04:25You can relax.
04:26You already know him.
04:37Chris Balling.
04:38Erica Evans.
04:42You're the hot shot agent from D.C.?
04:45Standards are slipping.
04:48Can you believe it's taken the Bureau this long
04:49to finally put us together?
04:51After the trouble we got into in the academy?
04:54I don't remember any trouble.
04:58I hope you don't mind I'm here.
05:00No, it's okay.
05:01I am glad to have you.
05:05I figured I'd dive right in.
05:06Of course.
05:07I've been looking at everything you've got on fifth column,
05:09and I noticed something.
05:10Do you mind?
05:13Took a step back.
05:14Looked at it from a wide angle.
05:15Asked myself, what sticks out?
05:20Everywhere I look,
05:22this guy keeps popping up.
05:24Jack Landry.
05:25I think the good father might be able to tell us something
05:27about the peace ambassador murders this morning.
05:33Topping headlines today,
05:34fifth column, the anti-V terrorist group
05:37responsible for the suicide bombings
05:39in each of the 29 cities where visitor ships are present
05:43has now claimed responsibility
05:45for the peace ambassador murders
05:47in New York City earlier this morning.
05:49In addition to the escalation of violence
05:51against the visitors,
05:52a growing number of religious figures
05:54have begun speaking out against the Vs.
05:57It remains uncertain as to whether
05:58they will ultimately urge acceptance or dissent.
06:02Among those leaders,
06:03Cardinal Janusz Woliczek
06:05has been heading up the discussions at the Vatican,
06:07but as of yet, no answers.
06:11Perhaps we should help this Cardinal Woliczek
06:13in his search for answers.
06:39Thank you for coming on such short notice.
06:42It's nice to know I have someone like you
06:44whom I can trust.
06:45You still haven't told me where we're headed.
06:47Why spoil this for us?
06:51Besides, we're already here.
07:08Oh, my God.
07:38Come on!
08:09This is Chad Decker reporting live
08:11from St. Peter's Square in Vatican City,
08:14where in just a few moments I will join Anna
08:17as she meets with Cardinal Secretary of State
08:20Janusz Woliczek
08:21to discuss the possibility
08:23of inviting missionaries on board motherships
08:26to teach the visitors
08:28about humanity's preeminent role in the world.
08:31I'm Chad Decker,
08:32reporting live from St. Peter's Square
08:34in Vatican City,
08:35where in just a few moments
08:37I will join Anna
08:38as she meets with Cardinal Secretary of State
08:41Janusz Woliczek
08:42to discuss the possibility
08:44of inviting missionaries on board motherships
08:47to teach the visitors
08:48about humanity's preeminent religious institutions.
08:54Welcome, Anna.
08:55On behalf of His Holiness,
08:57I welcome you to the Vatican.
08:59Thank you, Cardinal.
09:00I'm humbled by your esteemed presence.
09:03This way, please.
09:07Father, much more outspoken than usual.
09:13Yeah, well, I'm fed up.
09:14I can't help but feel it's time to...
09:17It's time to do something.
09:18You're starting to sound a lot like Fifth Column there, Father.
09:22Maybe so.
09:23But more and more,
09:24I think I get what those guys are trying to do.
09:27How's Tyler handling what happened this morning?
09:29As well as can be expected.
09:31Thank you for asking.
09:32So, not to get awkward, but I, uh...
09:35What about your last two partners?
09:36Both missing.
09:37Spent a couple of months.
09:39Should I be worried?
09:41Your next family?
09:43If it'll keep me from going missing,
09:44I'll be whatever you want me to be.
09:48I'm sorry.
09:49I'm sorry.
09:50I'm sorry.
09:51I'm sorry.
09:52I'm sorry.
09:53I'm sorry.
09:54I'm sorry.
09:56I'm sorry.
10:00When was the last time you talked to this priest?
10:02We hauled him in a few weeks ago.
10:04Put him through the ringer.
10:05I got the same vibe that you did, at first.
10:08Guy's got a big mouth.
10:09He's harmless.
10:26Father Landry.
10:32Agent, uh...
10:34Evans, is it?
10:36This is Agent Bolling.
10:38We'd, uh, like to ask you a few questions
10:40about the peace ambassador murders this morning.
10:42I'm sorry.
10:43I'm sorry.
10:44I'm sorry.
10:45I'm sorry.
10:46I'm sorry.
10:47I'm sorry.
10:48I'm sorry.
10:49I'm sorry.
10:50I'm sorry.
10:51I'm sorry.
10:52I'm sorry.
10:53I'm sorry.
10:54I'd like to ask you a few questions
10:55about the peace ambassador murders this morning.
10:57I heard.
10:58It's a...
11:01Most of this, uh, fifth column violence,
11:03done by a guy named Eli Cohn.
11:06FBI's been monitoring him.
11:08Ever heard of him?
11:12The reason we ask is, uh,
11:14when it comes to fifth column,
11:17your name keeps popping up.
11:21How exactly does it keep popping up?
11:23and the shuttle shoot down.
11:25The Healing Center suicide bomber claims your words
11:28as his inspiration.
11:30Like any man of faith, I speak from my heart.
11:33That doesn't mean I'm advocating violence,
11:34or that I'm a threat.
11:36But you're no saint.
11:39Your army jacket credits you with two kills
11:41of enemy combatants in Iraq.
11:44It's not exactly the usual thing for a chaplain, is it?
11:48I did what I had to do to protect fallen soldiers.
11:53Military past. I spoke against the V's.
11:56Take away the collar, Father.
11:57You fit the fifth column profile pretty good.
11:59But I do have a collar.
12:02And I'll humbly deride it.
12:03So, unless you have anything more than speculation,
12:07you can see yourselves out.
12:13Waste of time.
12:15You're kidding, right?
12:17He's hiding something.
12:24It has been my pleasure to welcome
12:26many a visiting dignitary,
12:28but never one as charming,
12:30nor certainly as exotic as you.
12:33You flatter me, Your Eminence.
12:35I cannot tell you how much the prospect
12:37of introducing your religion to my people excites me.
12:39Introducing the visitors to our faith
12:41is an exciting prospect for us as well.
12:43I'm so pleased to hear that.
12:45Before you go, there is one more thing.
12:48This morning in New York,
12:50three peace ambassadors were killed.
12:53The perpetrators, the same group that bombed our healing centers,
12:56cited inspiration from one of your parish priests.
12:59I'm sure you would agree that priests
13:01shouldn't use their position to speak out in hate
13:03against any single group.
13:05Certainly not.
13:06Then you'll understand that before I can recommend
13:08your religion to my people,
13:10I must ask that you issue a strong condemnation
13:12of all your clergy who engage in any form
13:15of anti-visitor rhetoric.
13:17An unconditional condemnation, of course.
13:30All I can offer, Anna,
13:32is that I will bring your request to the college.
13:35That's all I can ask for, Your Eminence.
13:47That ring that priest wears, I've seen it before.
13:51When I was younger.
13:53Find out everything you can about him.
13:58I've been keeping an eye on you, Father.
14:00I'm glad you finally expressed interest
14:02in befriending our cause.
14:04It's time we met.
14:06There's a vacant lot on the 6th in Kittredge.
14:09Be there at 3 o'clock today.
14:11I'll know if you're not alone.
14:13Israeli, it's got to be Cohen.
14:15Finally got a beat on him.
14:17Nice work setting yourself up as bait.
14:20So Cohen's hooked, okay?
14:22Now, how are we going to get to him?
14:24First meeting, Cohen's going to be extra careful.
14:26He'll have his men sweep Jack for tracking devices.
14:29There's no way humanly possible for us to trial him.
14:32So says the human.
14:34The tracking I used when I was asleep,
14:37it's undetectable by human technology.
14:45To be part of this potentially historic union
14:48between the Catholic Church and the visitors.
14:50In light of recent anti-V violence,
14:52some say this couldn't have come at a better time.
14:55In light of recent anti-V violence,
14:57Cohen is playing right into Anna's hands.
14:59He's giving her exactly the ammunition that she needs.
15:02If Anna succeeds, that's a billion Catholics
15:04supporting the Lizards.
15:05Now, we're going to need some friends,
15:07even one's like Cohen.
15:09We need to at least listen to this guy.
15:12He killed 3 more innocents this morning.
15:14He lost that option.
15:1517 dead at the healing center, 3 more this morning.
15:18I'm not waiting for the next one.
15:33Father, a moment.
15:38These works of art, quite beautiful.
15:42They are.
15:44I often like to be here alone with my thoughts.
15:48Or as alone as one can be
15:51in the presence of such magnificent work.
15:57This image is quite disturbing.
16:00What does it represent?
16:02The underworld.
16:06Where the unrepentant are sent upon their death.
16:09Satan, a fallen angel,
16:12is surrounded by the souls of the damned.
16:15I find it curious that you believe
16:17the soul can survive the death of the body.
16:20It is the cornerstone of our faith
16:22that the soul is immortal,
16:24meant for everlasting life.
16:27The human soul interests you.
16:32Indeed, very much.
16:34For example,
16:35do you believe the body can exist without the soul?
16:40It is the soul that makes us human.
16:44Without it, we would be nothing more than animals.
17:00Tyler, you've got to stop looking at this.
17:03You're just driving yourself crazy.
17:05It's priests like him that are inciting the fifth column.
17:08My friends are dead because of it.
17:16Let's get away from all this for a while, okay?
17:19Let's go do something.
17:22You're right.
17:24I shouldn't just sit here.
17:26I should do something.
17:28Tyler, where are you going?
17:31For my friends who were killed this morning.
17:34Starting with Father Jack Landry.
17:36Tyler, you don't even know that he's responsible.
17:39He's preaching anti-V. Hey, that's good enough.
17:56Going in by yourself is dangerous, Jack.
17:59You okay with that?
18:01Well, like you said this morning,
18:03I'm not for this kind of thing.
18:09Why didn't you tell me about Iraq?
18:11Two kills.
18:13Talking about it isn't going to undo it.
18:20Your new partner's good, which is not good for us.
18:24No, it's not. He's one of the best.
18:27Magnesium compound.
18:30It'll help us track you.
18:42Locked and loaded.
18:45Let's do this.
18:53This is what Callan said to me?
18:56Where the hell is he?
19:00Surprise, surprise, eh, Father?
19:02Not really.
19:04Sorry, we gotta take precautions.
19:13He's clean. Let's go.
19:25Set us up.
19:30Tyler, this isn't right. We shouldn't be here.
19:32No, listen, it's time we sent them a message of our own.
19:35You're scaring me.
19:37Why? To stand up for you? For the visitors? Right?
19:55Tyler, stop!
20:17Stop! This is the house of God!
20:30Your suspicions about Moreau were correct.
20:34He is one of us. A sleeper.
20:38He failed to identify himself to me.
20:40What else do you know about him?
20:42He was dispatched to Earth by the previous queen, your mother.
20:45His last contact was 15 years ago.
20:47According to this, his assignment was to study human emotion
20:50and its effect on our species.
20:52After all these years, I wonder what he's learned about emotions
20:55Make sure he returns with us when we leave.
20:58The college is prepared to render its decision.
21:10Anna, I am sorry, but after careful deliberation
21:15with the full College of Cardinals,
21:17we will not condemn those clergy who feel called to speak.
21:22Your eminence, distinguished company,
21:25in the short time that I've been among humans,
21:28I've come to understand the simple power that faith holds,
21:32but its simplicity is also its weakness.
21:35Why do over a billion followers look to you?
21:40I have no idea.
21:42I have no idea.
21:44I have no idea.
21:46I have no idea.
21:48Why do over a billion followers look to you and your church for answers?
21:54Because the answers lie here.
21:56Because they believe the answers lie here.
21:59And why do they believe that?
22:01Their faith requires it.
22:04But their faith in your institution is born from proof.
22:09Countless moments, large and small, over the centuries,
22:13that fuel their faith.
22:15You call them miracles.
22:18Our gifts to the people of Earth,
22:21the healing centers, blue energy, red rain,
22:25merely products of highly advanced science,
22:29but also viewed as miracles by many.
22:34It would be tragic for centuries of faith
22:37to suddenly turn from you to me,
22:40all because I can be mistaken for someone with answers.
22:46Believe me.
22:48That's not something I want.
22:51But how many more miracles do you think it would take
22:55for your followers to look to me?
23:00One a day?
23:57I only ask that you reevaluate your decision.
24:03In the name of faith.
24:05Of course.
24:13We've just received word that the College of Cardinals
24:16has voted unanimously to welcome the visitors
24:19as potential members of the church,
24:21and will issue a statement shortly
24:23condemning all anti-V rhetoric among its clergy.
24:26Anna now looks forward to meeting with leaders
24:29from other major religions, hoping for a similar welcome.
24:39Your eminence.
24:41Excuse me.
24:43Yes, Mr. Decker, what do you need?
24:45There was a priest by your side earlier.
24:47I wanted to say goodbye, but I can't seem to find him.
24:50Yes, Father Moreau, I have been informed
24:52that he's volunteered to be the first missionary
24:54amongst the visitors.
24:56He's leaving with Anna.
25:29Hello, Father Landry.
25:31I'm Eli Cohen.
25:35Fire in the hole!
25:42Drop your weapon. Step away.
25:44Three against one, mate. Make the smart move.
25:47I got a good shot on him, Erica.
25:50Erica? Evans?
25:53What, you don't think I do my homework?
25:55No FBI flack?
25:57Obviously off the grid on this one,
25:59since I'm not dead.
26:03You must be Fifth Column.
26:06We're all on the same side, are we not?
26:09That's what we're here to find out.
26:11Difference is, unlike you, we don't kill innocent people.
26:14They're not innocent people. They're collaborators.
26:17So that's your answer, to murder your own kind?
26:19There are some things you just don't do, even in war.
26:22This isn't like any war we've ever fought.
26:24You see, Anna, she needs our cooperation.
26:27That's the only way she can use us.
26:29We're breeding.
26:31How do you know this?
26:33How do you know it?
26:35How do you know it?
26:39Eighteen years ago,
26:41my wife suffered through a difficult pregnancy.
26:43She delivered a healthy boy, but...
26:46he died suddenly.
26:48He was only a few months old.
26:50I wouldn't accept that there was no explanation,
26:52so I investigated her doctor and come to find out
26:54he's been working with the visitors.
26:57They did something to my wife when she was pregnant.
27:01They did something to my son.
27:04I'm not a monster, Abigail.
27:24Mr. Decker.
27:26You know who I am?
27:28Of course.
27:30As does the world.
27:32You claim to be a true friend to Anna and the visitors,
27:35spreading their message like a prophet.
27:40But I noticed how you reacted to Anna today.
27:44You were bothered by her presence at the Vatican, weren't you?
27:48As were you.
27:52I don't understand.
27:54I was told that you volunteered to be the first missionary to the visitors.
27:57That was a story that Anna created.
28:01Who are you?
28:03Just a faithful soul.
28:06It's more than that, isn't it?
28:09Let me help you.
28:13My fate is already sealed.
28:16But yours is not.
28:18Whatever feelings you have about Anna, trust them.
28:21Keep up your fight.
28:30God be with you.
29:01What information have you extracted from his memory?
29:04None, I'm afraid.
29:06He seems to possess some inner strength that allows him to fight memory retrieval.
29:11Leave me.
29:14Both of you.
29:17You've been infected by human emotion.
29:20Is that why you didn't identify yourself to me at the Vatican?
29:23I was given explicit orders to report only to my queen.
29:26I am your queen.
29:30All this time, you've been studying human emotions and the soul.
29:35I have.
29:37I have.
29:40All this time, you've been studying human emotions and the soul.
29:47I demand that you tell me everything you've discovered.
29:53I would only tell Diana what I've learned.
29:57You want to see your queen?
30:02She's in hell.
30:06Like other souls of the damned.
30:15Maybe we can work something out here.
30:18This doesn't have to end badly for you.
30:20It doesn't have to end badly for any of us.
30:23If you join me.
30:25Anna was at the Vatican today. She's making big moves.
30:28We need to do the same.
30:30Big moves? Like the three kids you strung up this morning?
30:33More suicide bombers?
30:35How many more innocent souls do you plan to take?
30:37My faith taught me to value every soul.
30:40But in this kind of war...
30:45I've had to learn to adapt.
30:50Make sacrifices. And so will you.
30:52You know what? Maybe we can use this guy.
30:56Malik's body?
30:58What are you talking about?
31:00Erica, you want someone responsible for this morning's peace ambassador murders.
31:03We need someone to pin Malik's death on the closed investigation.
31:08Two birds with one stone.
31:14He's right, Erica.
31:16I think there's a way we can cement this new bond of ours.
31:19We have no bond.
31:23I will give you the two men who killed the peace ambassadors.
31:26You can use them as scapegoats for your partner's disappearance.
31:31We'll be in this cabin here tonight at 9 o'clock, ready to take the fall.
31:34Yeah, why would they do that?
31:36I already told you, Father. Sacrifice.
31:41We have a deal?
31:57Go to your queen.
31:59Where is he?
32:03I thought that you were dead, my queen.
32:06Make him tell us everything he knows about the soul.
32:09It's okay.
32:11Tell me what you know.
32:14Yes, my queen.
32:17Years ago, you tasked me with determining the risk of human emotion contaminating our species.
32:23Among all those that we have bred with, it is now my determination that the human soul is truly unique.
32:30It is not a curse, but it is in fact the greatest gift our species has ever found.
32:36We must not run from it.
32:38We must embrace it and make it part of us.
32:43For 15 years, I have been confined in this place.
32:47All those years, I've never lost hope.
32:50I've never lost hope. Never lost the will to live.
32:56It was the soul that sustained you, my queen.
33:01And if protected, it will sustain our species in the future.
33:08I will use what you know to eradicate the soul.
33:11When you're being skinned, inch by inch, you'll tell me everything.
33:17Indeed, I probably would.
33:21I am grateful that it will be you, my queen.
33:43What have you done?
33:45I gave a loyal servant the honorable death he deserved.
33:50He's right, daughter.
33:52The soul is not a curse. It is a blessing.
33:56And we must not deny our species this gift.
34:04Congratulations, Anna.
34:06You just killed your only ally.
34:20I refuse to believe that our only chance to stop Anna
34:23lies in joining up with someone like Eli Cohn.
34:25Tell him to start believing, Father.
34:27Marry a little band, just die incognito.
34:30Look, I don't like him any more than you do.
34:32All right, but if we could use him to tie up Malick's death
34:35and blame it on somebody else,
34:37that's an offer we just can't pass up.
34:39We have to close the Malick investigation.
34:42And I want the men who murdered those peace ambassadors this morning.
34:46It's always that first bite of the apple.
35:06My God.
35:09What happened?
35:11Anybody hurt?
35:13Anybody hurt?
35:15Three teenagers.
35:17Happened so quick, I didn't really see anything.
35:22What did the police say?
35:24I didn't call the authorities.
35:26I didn't want to bring any more attention onto you.
35:31It's your anti-V rhetoric.
35:33It's turned our church into a target.
35:36You did this, Jack.
35:43You did this.
36:09Kendrick said you were back.
36:11Thank you for covering me.
36:13I got to spend some time with Tyler.
36:15Look, Erika.
36:17We're not just partners.
36:19We're friends.
36:21It is nice to have someone that I can...
36:27Did you get anywhere on our investigation?
36:29I'm going after the surveillance warrants for that priest.
36:34It's going to take a couple of days, but I'll get them.
36:38Five Brothers Textiles.
36:40That's the suicide bomber investigation, yeah?
36:43Yeah. It's the last place Malik and I were checking out
36:46before she was abducted.
36:48I did what you suggested.
36:50I took a step back and I gave old evidence a fresh, wide-angle look.
36:54This... This stuck out.
36:56A receipt?
36:58On the other side, there's a number.
37:00I thought it was an address or a partial phone number,
37:03but wide-angle got me thinking,
37:05so I put the number through a substitution cipher
37:08and I got a hit.
37:10The result was a tri-state DMV.
37:12It's a plate number for a blue van.
37:14Witnesses at the Peace Ambassador murderers' ID to blue van
37:17leaving the scene.
37:19I got the address, too.
37:21It's a cabin, upstate New York.
37:41Get down! Get down!
37:58Oh, my God. Malik.
38:20I'm sorry.
38:24Your partner deserved better.
38:37I wasn't able to get Malik out alive.
38:42And the fifth column who killed her?
38:46In an anonymous call,
38:48point the FBI in the right direction.
38:50And Malik's true identity was not compromised?
38:52She never broke.
38:54I disposed of her remains and I brought that back to you for proof.
38:59And I blissed my daughter.
39:03Not yet.
39:05We had a deal.
39:08I still need something from you.
39:11Getting this brought you in proximity to Eli Cohn, correct?
39:18Good. I want you to get close to him.
39:21Get him to trust you.
39:23You want Cohn so bad?
39:25Why don't you just take him out yourself?
39:27I don't want just him.
39:30I want all of them.
39:32I want all of them.
39:34I want you to infiltrate his organization.
39:36Become my eyes and ears.
39:38And when the time comes,
39:41you will help me destroy them all.
39:54Need a hand?
39:58Vandalism, no.
40:00But with this...
40:23Are you gonna be okay?
40:25Probably not.
40:27Because I'm not gonna stop speaking out.
40:31That's Tyler's phone.
40:40This is the house of God!
41:01This is the house of God!
41:03I'm so sorry, Jack.
41:06This is not the boy that I raised.
41:08I know.
41:11I feel like I'm losing him.
41:13Jack, I...
41:17I need help.
41:19I'll do anything I can.
41:26I'm sorry.
41:30I'm sorry.
41:45Any problem pushing through that surveillance order this afternoon?
41:50I pulled footage from every traffic camera near Jack Landry's church.
41:55You asked me to tell you if I noticed anything suspicious about Erica Evans.
42:00You said you hadn't spoken to him in weeks.
42:02This was taken four days ago.
42:13You gonna be okay with this assignment, Bowling?
42:16I know you two are friends.
42:19That's why you asked for me, isn't it?
42:30To be continued...
43:00To be continued...