MILF Manor Season 2 Episode 12

  • 2 months ago
MILF Manor Season 2 Episode 12


00:00Welcome, friends and family.
00:04How do you feel about having another child?
00:08That's not an option for me.
00:12I was married for 20 years, and I was like,
00:14I'm never getting married again.
00:15Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:16But I don't know, girl.
00:17I might be living in Texas.
00:20He's not ready.
00:21He ain't feeling it.
00:23It's not there.
00:25It's true that good things are worth waiting for.
00:27But I won't wait forever.
00:30You're fake as shit.
00:31I'm fake.
00:31You can't even look at me when I talk to you.
00:33Because you're weird.
00:34You're up here.
00:35I'm weird?
00:36Because I don't wear crop tops?
00:37Because I don't have bad extensions?
00:40This is like too much.
00:42I'm ready to go home.
00:43I'm done.
00:45No, I'm a fifth circle, but I'm down to leave.
00:47The whole point of us being here is to find love.
00:50If I've already found it, why am I still here?
01:11That was very tragic for me.
01:16It was so hurtful.
01:18I did not need to be gone.
01:21It hurts so bad.
01:23You should have gone to my room to be nice to her.
01:26And she'd go around and be like, Jackie.
01:30There's only, like, so much time in the day.
01:33Waking up this morning, I'm feeling a little uneasy
01:36because of the altercation between Barbie and I last night.
01:41I was being called all sorts of names and stuff like that.
01:44And it was very hurtful.
01:47Get beautiful.
01:48Get yourself together and be your beautiful self
01:51and come on downstairs and have a good time.
01:53All right.
01:55Barbie has been starting arguments
01:59almost from the very beginning.
02:01This pho's going to be so good.
02:02So on Sundays in Vietnam, we usually eat pho.
02:05But today is Monday, so we'll pretend like it's Sunday.
02:09Yesterday, people were mingling and getting
02:12to know each other.
02:14And then all of a sudden, I hear Barbie screaming at Kelly.
02:17And I'm just like, why would she do this and embarrass all of us
02:21when we've got family and friends there?
02:23Like, this is the worst day to do it.
02:25Yeah, that's really good.
02:27How is it?
02:27Spicy fish sauce.
02:29Guys, I just got a text.
02:31OK, what's going on?
02:33Chris and Barbie have left the journey together.
02:36They have decided to take their love out into the real world.
02:40We wish them well.
02:42Good for them.
02:43They're good people.
02:45Salute to Chris and Barbie.
02:48Chris came in the middle of the night
02:50and he told me he's getting out of here.
02:51Wants to take off him and Barbie and run away
02:54in the middle of the night like two lovebirds.
02:56He don't want to deal with no more drama or nothing.
02:58He says, I'm getting out of here.
02:59I don't blame him.
03:00I'm kind of bummed out that, you know, Chris and Barbie left.
03:02But I don't blame them, honestly.
03:04You know, he's already found a connection.
03:07And they're happy, so.
03:09I just want the best for them.
03:10And I want them to have a happy future together.
03:12They're going to make it, too.
03:13These two.
03:20I'm really excited that Barbie and Chris are not in the house
03:24because now everyone can focus on their own relationships.
03:27Rob and I actually have a chance to get to know one another.
03:30Where we're not constantly looking over our shoulder,
03:33not knowing what explosion is about to happen.
03:36It was hell living with them.
03:38Bye, bitch.
03:41I needed good energy today.
03:43We should, since we don't have certain people here.
03:45We should.
03:46I'm not shocked at all about Chris and Barbie
03:48leaving in the middle of the night.
03:50I'm very happy about it.
03:52Because I feel like now we can be at peace.
03:55And look, I'm not excusing Lecrae.
03:58But that young man will back her up to the end of days.
04:03I just don't want to be around that.
04:04And I just think we should just move forward.
04:07I think most of us are surprised.
04:10I know there's been a lot of drama.
04:12But I didn't expect Chris and Barbie to be leaving.
04:15I'm happy for them.
04:16They're probably the strongest and craziest couple.
04:19You know, you hear some couples are fire and ice.
04:22Chris and Barbie are like, I think.
04:23Mount Vesuvius and the sun collide.
04:26Earthquake and tsunami.
04:29They're both amazing people, though.
04:30I think that's one of my favorite relationships.
04:33There's two sides and usually three in every incident,
04:37every story.
04:42I'm sorry.
04:55We came here for one reason.
04:56We found that reason.
04:57I want us to be able to leave this manor knowing that we had
05:00all the reassurance in the world.
05:01And so we got a little date planned for us.
05:04We got a little surprise planned for us.
05:07You look so nice.
05:08Thank you.
05:08I think it was necessary for us to leave it I had to get out of there there's no
05:18point for us to even be in the house anymore I don't want to go back to the
05:21house just because it's a headache I just want to get away from all these
05:24other people all these other factors and just focus on what I found now the next
05:29step is back to reality yeah just know that I'm here I'll see you can call me I
05:35will I have no problem coming out there to see you I will catch an overnight
05:38flight if I if I have to I will be there like the second you need me you're
05:43my person you're my person baby and as crazy as it sounds I can truly say like
05:54Bobby I like I love you I love I love being with you I love being around you I
06:02love who you are as a person I love what you bring to me I love that you make me
06:06a better man actually saying it and putting it out
06:10there that you know I love you age age don't mean I know it sounds crazy
06:16because we've only been together for three years I've had to tell myself not
06:19to say it out loud I've been I want to love you before we go to bed
06:26I love you too but in order for me to allow a man into my life you would have
06:38to make my life better not harder period and that's just been why it's been so
06:43hard for me to find anybody and I saw the bigger picture with you and damn I
06:48never thought that I was gonna be walking out of here all booed up this is
06:52my queen this is my goddess this is my rock this is my backbone this is my
06:56lover now this is my woman are we weird are we crazy yeah
07:09hey y'all I got a text all right you've had the opportunity to build meaningful
07:17relationships but now it's time to find out just how compatible you are with the
07:23people you're dating each of you will be texted a series of relationship focus
07:29questions remember to be open and truthful in your responses as only those
07:35individuals who show the highest compatibility will continue on this
07:40journey good luck the compatibility test concerns me because I'm thinking about
07:47me and David and the time we spent together and you know possibly the
07:51future but sometimes who we think we should be with is not the person that we
07:55should be with so I'm feeling kind of anxious about this all right let's get
08:01to it let's get out there
08:12well you want to be compatible with who you're going to be spending the rest of
08:17your life with so I think to find out these questions right away is really
08:22helpful I'm a little nervous I thought she and I had something but I'm not I
08:28don't know if we're compatible anymore so I guess the test will let us know how
08:34would you handle serious arguments with your partner oh geez being certain that
08:40every day before we go to bed that we realize we're on the same team with
08:47Kelly the things I'm not compatible with is she comes across as very brash and
08:52bold woman's very strong woman so it's nice to know that deep down inside of
08:57her she does have a very soft side and she's very vulnerable but you wonder how
09:01that's gonna last after weeks and months together am I ready for a serious
09:07commitment I was married for almost 18 years and that ended and then I got in a
09:14long-term relationship and then got engaged and that ended look I'm human I
09:19don't want to get hurt again how important is physical intimacy in a
09:24relationship even though I feel that we do have some compatibility I am a little
09:30scared because Stacy is not allowing us to get on a deeper connection physical
09:37intimacy would be top of on my list outside of God and family for sure do
09:46you want children with your new partner one of the biggest desires in my life is
09:52to have a lot of kids and my concern with with Christina having a 22 year old
09:57already in the house and and having already gone through that stage of her
10:00life if she would be open and willing to you know start all over again and have a
10:04house full of kids do you want children with your new partner interesting do you
10:11want children with your new partner I definitely want children I'm really
10:22hoping that the results are that me and Sean are compatible even though we have
10:25some obstacles to get over if I'm in a relationship I'm gonna be in the
10:29relationship 100% and hey deal with things as they come we're saying in our
10:33restaurant sempre avanti always moving forward you know instead of dwelling on
10:38stuff right Joe yeah always moving forward I want to be a dad sooner than
10:43later I thought it'd be like on the on the DILF team by this point in time my
10:48wife how important is physical intimacy to you in a relationship yeah it's very
10:54important you know very important I know how important it is to have physical
11:01intimacy in my in a relationship because I you know had that problem in
11:05my past relationship I've basically like built a little bit of a PTSD with like
11:11older guys because I'm afraid that there's gonna be a problem and I'm not
11:15gonna be able to like have a sex life but Connor and Anthony are very physical
11:20with their touch so I'm feeling pretty confident that I am compatible with both
11:25of them these are challenging questions I just not really sure where to go I'm
11:30very confident with my relationship with Rebecca but what if it shows that
11:34she's more compatible with Anthony they live closer together they're closer in
11:38age he doesn't want kids she doesn't want kids so I'm worried about if
11:43they're a better match together
11:51everyone I got a text oh here we go yikes okay oh man what we got thank you
12:07everyone for taking the time to thoughtfully reply to the questions sent
12:11earlier today your thoughts have brought clarity to who is connecting
12:16romantically and who is not
12:23Fletcher and Sam your answers did not line up with the women here and your
12:30journey has sadly come to an end please say your goodbyes and go
12:37oh my god all right see you on the other side later guys
12:48it's been amazing to meet all of you Joey day one I think I'm feeling a
12:55little bit of guilt because Sam's having to leave but David is definitely putting
13:00in the effort after friends and family he got along with everyone he was very
13:05attentive to me and I feel like you know there could be a future here
13:10have a good one I know thank you thank you very much have a great time I'll see
13:19you back at Jack's I know I know it's not really a big surprise I didn't make
13:27any love connections but this experience reaffirmed what I want out of life
13:33I I want to be a dad you're a diamond in the rough as far as a guy who is your
13:40age who's coming right out and saying that's what he wants not too many guys
13:43like you out there
13:54as awkward as it was having my dad here at first now I also don't think I could
13:59have done anything without him here
14:06I'm gonna miss you take care of him he's gonna he's gonna act all tough
14:14please just take care of him we love you he's in great hands
14:22in all honesty the whole point of this experience is to come out and meet new
14:27people and explore a bunch of different options so I'm extremely grateful for
14:31all the time I had with Christina but I'm also brokenhearted that I didn't
14:35find love but I think love is definitely out there I'll find it it's not about
14:42whether he found a connection or not that's not what makes me sad that he's
14:46leaving it's that I've really enjoyed doing this whole experience with him I
14:50mean I'm gonna miss you but you got Kelly Mac you got mama K
14:56you tired yeah so I just got a message as well congratulations on making it
15:08this far in your journey to find love tomorrow will be your final day here
15:13tonight the woman will be leaving the house the men will stay here tonight is
15:19for reflecting are you confident in what you have found tomorrow you will meet
15:25down at the dock to make your final choice good luck Wow everyone I have
15:34something to say
15:45tomorrow is such a big day we have to make a huge decision and I'm definitely
15:50nervous so I made my decision this is her life's short and you have to take
15:58chances and go after what you want if that's what you really want
16:13I've been on a journey to find love I've been very blessed to connect with joy
16:21because joy was very truthful yesterday that has really put a big impact on my
16:28decision and this is the end of the road for me so thank you thank you thank
16:37you I follow my heart and that's what I did with Joey but we can make it work
16:47that's all it hurts and back home but I know I'll just I'll be okay
16:57Shauna thank you okay you showed me more than any woman I've ever met in my life
17:02on how to treat somebody and how to value certain things in life so I want
17:06to say thank you for that
17:09thank you this was a huge journey for me being in the manor and just getting
17:29out my comfort zone I'm leaving here with hope pride a girl just ready to
17:36take on the world and find my partner find my husband
17:47she's so sweet
17:52Shauna class act and I understand what Joey's going through because sometimes
17:57you can have such a beautiful relationship but you don't have the same
18:01vision for your future so I guess just learn from it and create a beautiful
18:07friendship coming into this experience was honestly just looking at fun so you
18:12know building a connection with Shauna was something that I'm very grateful for
18:16I love this experience we had to go proud of you always be proud of you
18:22right this is my my why I love you love you thank you for everybody here but
18:31at the same time this is also my time to leave so Wow
18:37he's leaving as soon as Shauna opened up to the house you know about how she
18:44felt I knew I had to tell everyone what was going on in my head and you know
18:47speaking to her aunt really opened up my mind about how Shauna and I are not
18:52ready to you know take this outside of the manor I'll go with you want me to go
18:59with you come on you're saying I mean it going to this experience with my
19:07father was you know something that I'll never forget it's something I'm grateful
19:10for you know I think I'm one of the only guys at the house who when they saw their
19:13dad was actually happy about it I'm so proud of him and I'm proud of us for
19:20being able to get through this from the the strip teases to the tantric yoga
19:25sessions it was all fun and I want to find love that's what I want he deserves
19:32it very very very very proud of you any father would be proud of this being here
19:44really opened my eyes on what I'm looking for exactly in a woman doesn't
19:48matter how old you are you can be 21 44 58 and the connections that you build
19:52aren't based on your age it just matters who you are inside okay ladies
20:02we need to go pack now unfortunately make it short but I'm gonna it's coming
20:07from my heart all right
20:10I want to see this to the end and I want to leave with Darren but I don't want
20:35to have to guess you know I want him to just like you know this is how I feel
20:39and lay it all out on the table all his cards just like that over tomorrow is a
20:46big day that's why I'm feeling down a little bit I mean these men they can't
20:50make up their minds like you're almost 55 I only have one good relationship
20:56left in me and the reason why I say that is because I'm 48 years old and on the
21:02fact that I lost my son and I'm still grieving over him I can't take another
21:07heartbreak I just can't the next man's the one that I'm gonna be with for the
21:11rest of my life girl if you even tried to leave I would have like knocked you
21:16out you said what like I'm gonna leave I'd be like even though my sister Misha
21:25came to me and told me after her conversation with Stacy that he was not
21:28ready I know that when we're together we get along really really good I like
21:34Stacy a lot he's very genuine he's very honest he's been very open with me he
21:41makes me laugh of course I like his swag he did express to me that he still
21:47wanted to get married again and that he's open to a relationship and that
21:51he's a family man and he would rather you know be with someone so I know me
21:56and Stacy could be good together but it's either now or never
22:05now you and Connor like yeah really into each other definitely have a
22:10connection yeah I really like him but I also don't want to stop him from you
22:15know his life because he's so young obviously there could be a possibility
22:20with Anthony as well the thing with Connor is that I know that he still
22:24wants four children he has a lot of life to live I've already lived all of that
22:30we'll see yeah what happens tomorrow I know after Joanne left yesterday she
22:38thought that Anthony was probably the better pick for me because he's older
22:42more mature and I should be with that one versus Connor the hot young one I
22:47don't know I don't I'm I'm torn I am torn how about you like what do you feel
22:52like I mean I'm happy you know I hope David feels the same way I mean we'll
23:01see yeah so go from there I am a hopeless romantic I believe in love and
23:09there's something about David when I first saw him you know I felt like
23:13there was an attraction our conversation just kind of flowed and you know we told
23:16each other exactly what we were looking for and I am honestly not concerned at
23:20all that you know David lives in Texas I live in North Carolina I feel like you
23:25fall for who you fall for
23:31tomorrow is such a big day we have to make a huge decision and I'm definitely
23:37nervous because I'm not really sure where Rob stands exactly I hope that you
23:42know we're aligned in everything that we've been talking about if not I could
23:46be heartbroken
23:51I am nervous as hell I'm literally shaking I made my decision and I want to
23:59make sure that he knows exactly how I feel I thought I was coming here to find
24:04a connection love I have to admit that's not what I came
24:41full of life so fun to be around he's handsome he dresses great good
24:46personality and he's Italian there's Connor and he's gorgeous great body
24:52loves fitness like I do he's got a lot a lot of things going for him I'm ready
24:57I'm happy in my decision but I'm also very concerned about the person I'm
25:02gonna let down I came here to find love and I think I did I definitely
25:11found a connection I definitely feel me and Rebecca are suited for each other
25:16because you know our age first of all you know we both have kids that are out
25:20of the house and we're at a point in life that we know who we are we've
25:24experienced life you know and Connor still has to do that I think Rebecca is
25:30amazing I mean starting from when she came into the house I was in awe and she
25:34was absolutely stunning and she is 20 years older than I am but I think that
25:39we did have probably one of the best connections in the house definitely
25:42didn't expect to walk down with Anthony and I don't know what's gonna happen but
25:46I believe if a relationship is meant to be it will be
25:58all right
26:01hi how are you guys good good beautiful thank you thank you so I just wanted to
26:27tell you both like how much fun I had with you guys thanks I loved how when I
26:32came in the house you you know you took me right away in your hands and and took
26:37me around the house and introduced me to everyone and showed me around it was my
26:40pleasure and I loved our first date I had so much fun like rolling around
26:44doing paint that was a good like icebreaker touching each other we had
26:49our first kiss there too thank you and Connor you as well like you were so much
26:53fun to be around like we have a lot of the same interest and you're a lot like
26:57me in a lot of ways and I love spending all those times that we did together it
27:02was it was special thank you you too thank you so I made my decision
27:11you have the whole package for me but I have to go with like how I feel inside
27:26and I um Anthony I care so much about you but I'm choosing Connor
27:39I wish you both well you know you're good people yeah all right I'll give you
27:48some privacy all right I'm definitely disappointed I didn't find love here but
28:03I just had this beautiful connection with my son and Joey's a special special
28:10person a beautiful part of me that I I'm lucky to have so I'm looking forward to
28:15going back home and you know looking for the love of my life I'm just like living
28:22in the moment right now and the moment feels really good I do like the moment
28:27I think the moment I think these uh you really made these past couple of weeks
28:31quite the journey for me and thank you for that oh thank you I got my man
28:43you're so cute you are no you're cuter I think it's gonna be fun I'm looking
28:51forward to all the new memories that we can build outside of the house yeah
29:01I'm excited and nervous this is my second time getting to this stage and honestly I was ready
29:17to leave the day before Rob came I felt like there was nobody here for me and then he came
29:22in the next day so I'm shocked there's so many things I like about Rob he is smart disciplined
29:30he stands up for me but the fact that he's on the completely opposite side of my country
29:36it's like it makes me question a lot of things today is the day I've been waiting for I came
29:43in a house late and I was a little skeptical that I could make anything happen I took a shot and
29:49went for the diamond and I'm constantly surprised at how compatible me and Kelly seemed to be in
29:55normal circumstances I probably would not approach Kelly she looks a little bit like she's out of my
29:59league I've learned a lot from past relationships look at this so I'm very hopeful that I made the
30:07right choice I won't know for certain until I hear it from her lips thank you
30:12well I'm glad you came hey you look stunning thank you as you always do well
30:26I did come here trying to find you know a partner and the biggest thing for me is and I told you
30:39this is that you know I've never really had someone to like have my back and you stood up
30:45for me and that was huge and that means a lot to me and I love we can just hang out with each other
30:53and chill with each other and it just feels to me it's so calming and peaceful and easy
31:00it's almost like unreal that we communicate on so many levels and you're so you're fun
31:09spontaneous and you're also surprisingly so sensitive have enjoyed our time together but
31:15you know you live so far away I'm in Florida you're in California and
31:29I'd still like to continue to see you and see what we can do to make things work with us
31:35how do you feel I am definitely interested in like trying to make it work I feel like
31:46we're both very disciplined people and if we want something we just go for it
31:50second time's the charm I came here to date younger men but I'm leaving with like an older
32:07man I've learned that maybe I'm more open to dating older men as well because I feel like
32:15Rob and I are more similar and where we're at in our life in our career and our families so
32:20I feel like you know we may have a better chance he's very young at heart and he looks good for
32:26his age everything worked out just as planned I'm excited that she accepted my proposal she
32:34proposed proposed to come see you oh did I get a ring I don't see a ring on this it was it was a
32:42visitation proposal oh visitation proposal yes
32:56the bonding that me and Stacy has is like beyond crazy I've haven't gotten along with a guy like
33:03this in so long we like the same things we're from the same place so um I care for Stacy I do
33:13and I am nervous as hell I'm literally shaking because I made my decision and I want to make
33:22sure that he knows exactly how I feel the experience with Crystal down here has been
33:30eye-opening she's taught me a lot about myself and what I need to do as far as growth I know
33:37that she's more than a friend no question
34:01oh wow
34:04Crystal made the difficult decision to not show up today she ultimately realized there is no
34:23romantic connection between the two of you therefore she is choosing to leave this journey
34:28single I'm definitely shocked because I thought that we were you know close enough to where
34:39whether or not I wanted to move forward in a relationship I would have let her know I would
34:43at least showed up never really hurt but this experience has let me know that next time I fall
34:51in love I'm going to make sure that person feels appreciated the one thing that Crystal reminded
35:03me is that your son Myles may have left but he's not gone and that really stuck with me and the way
35:13I look at it is that I found new love with my son yeah definitely I decided not to meet Stacy
35:25on the dock today because I felt like we don't need to talk about what it's already been shown
35:31it's been a hard lesson but it's been a good lesson you know I'm happy to go back home to
35:41see my family's people see my best friends and I'm very hopeful that I can find love again someday
35:47I have immense feelings towards Christina she possesses so many of the qualities that that I
35:59desire and a partner she's beautiful she's honest she's loving she's just a wonderful wonderful
36:04person and this last 24 hours but there's been a lot of thoughts going through my mind you know
36:09just some of the the hang-ups that I have in the the long term of our relationship together
36:16how we see our lives playing out from from here forward so this decision could be a very big
36:21turning point in both of our lives I'm excited but I'm nervous as hell I'm gonna throw up I
36:37never feel like this coming into this experience it's definitely changed my mind on what I want
36:43in life after my divorce you know I was like I'm done I'm never marrying it you know again but
36:48hopefully me and David can you know move forward and hopefully plan I can't believe I'm saying
36:55this a future together I'm gonna cry
37:15he just brings out a different side of me and and you know that's something I want long-term
37:20how are you good to see you did you miss me last night yeah I like this it's good yeah it's hot
37:32yeah okay so I'm nervous I had time to reflect and it's crazy me saying this but like like
37:47I'm gonna cry oh god you just like feel like at home for me like they're safe
37:59today golly golly so I hope that we can move forward and possibly build on this connection
38:13okay well you know you have so many qualities that I desire in a woman you
38:41you're you're confident you're gorgeous you're you're humble as well and the combination of
38:47those is amazing and our future being with geographical difference right you know your
38:55son being in North Carolina as well and me being in Houston the distance between us is is somewhat
39:04unrealistic right you know I mean just I mean maybe yeah I mean I feel like life's short and
39:13you have to take chances and you know go after what you want if that's what you really want so
39:20it's just about you know having something that it might might feel right but it might not be right
39:31on paper to to make such a drastic move that we move forward from here is something that I'm not
39:40willing to do I don't know what to say I mean I'm actually a little shocked I'm not gonna lie so but
39:57you know I just wish I would have known sooner I'm not very good at goodbyes that's fun I don't
40:09know where I'm just gonna walk off I'm good thank you well yeah you never want to be the
40:22person that breaks someone's heart and the sad thing is a genuine connection did formulate I
40:28learned through going through this experience that I have a very hard set of values the the
40:34factors that I just continue to pile up or the destination as well as the kids and I'm in that
40:41nesting phase and I think that she's more of the going out and experiencing and enjoying life phase
40:47and our timing is just not quite there for that and there's not always a fairytale ending at the
40:51end of all relationships and it's it's unfortunate why don't you say something like I just it just
41:07doesn't add up I also you know ruined a potential other relationship with Sam I'm 46 years old and
41:20you know I want to be in a relationship and grow with someone and have a partner and this is
41:29exactly why I don't allow myself to be vulnerable when I went into this experience I would not have
41:47thought that I would end up here like here with someone Darren represent the man that I've always
41:52searched for I mean just everything I've ever wanted I've only been in love a couple times in
42:02my life and I know when I'm in love I'm afraid to say I'm falling in love because that will trigger
42:11my automatic response to put up a wall to protect myself from getting hurt because I don't know if
42:17I deserve Kelly I don't know if anyone deserves Kelly holy nervous
42:30I'm nervous because there's always that one sliver of a chance that you know people do change their mind
42:44so here we are I know I came on this experience with an open heart open mind that's how I live
43:00my life so that being said I took this opportunity and ran with it with an open heart and I can't
43:10wait to continue this journey with you okay all my confidence went away I'm scared Kelly
43:25oh you are the kind of woman that I have been hiding from for most of my life because I didn't
43:36think I deserved you I thought I was coming here to find a connection or love I have to admit that's
43:49not what I came here for I came here to find Kelly I have been doing a lot of soul-searching over the
44:01last year year and a half and I decided I did deserve love I deserved a second chance at love
44:07and I don't know what else to say other than I'm so looking forward to where we go next
44:12I manifested Darren years ago and I've gotten lots of knockoffs and I knew that was no real
44:32deal three marriages nearly 60 years it's about damn time sorry I'm late
44:41I am the luckiest man I don't feel like the luckiest man in the world I am the
44:46luckiest man in the world so how do I feel like I just won the damn lottery