Rhett Wellington talks “Dance Rivals” at the movie's world premiere in Los Angeles

  • 2 months ago
Actor Rhett Wellington interview on the red carpet at the world premiere of "Dance Rivals" on Sunday, July 14, 2024 at the Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills, California, USA. Interview by Athenna Crosby @athennacrosby. This video is available for editorial use in all media and worldwide. To ensure compliance and proper licensing of this video, please contact us. ©MaximoTV


00:00Tell us what it was like playing Lex's dad. Did you absolutely love it?
00:05It was awesome. It was so much fun. So much fun. Since I'm not like the dad age, it was
00:11the only time I really had the opportunity to play a dad because she was young. She was
00:16a toddler. So yeah, it was super, super cool. I've never really had the opportunity to play
00:19a dad before.
00:21You know, this is not the traditional dad fit. I don't think I've seen my dad wear this.
00:25Really? Well, I'm sure your dad would look great in this.
00:26Can you tell us a little bit about it? It's super swaggy right now.
00:29Thank you. I appreciate it. This is from a tattoo artist named Finnegan. I love his work,
00:34so I bought this shirt from him. And this is just like boohoo man, and I cut it to make
00:39it a crop.
00:40Okay, so he's the cool dad.
00:42Yeah, I'm the cool dad. I'm the cool dad.
00:44So what are you most looking forward to tonight?
00:46Honestly, I'm kind of going in blind. Like I said, what I filmed was kind of like, you
00:52know, I didn't get to witness all the dance performances or anything like that. So I'm
00:55just excited to see the whole thing, you know?
00:58Tell us about your dance resume.
01:00Oh, I took like hip hop class when I was in like second grade. So it's, it's, I don't
01:06really have a dance resume, but my sister's an amazing dancer. So I grew up watching dance
01:09my whole life. So it's a lot, a lot of respect for it.
01:12And what advice did you have for up and coming actors who want to break into the business?
01:18Take everything at first, take everything, just get, get yourself on tape, get footage
01:22of yourself, build the reel. You can, there's no downside when you're new.
01:28And last question for you, favorite memory from filming this movie, maybe a crazy experience,
01:33funny experience. What comes to mind?
01:36I mean, it was, it was funny to see the DP, the cinematographer, cause I've worked with
01:40him on music videos before. So just like seeing him on set, it was kind of like, dude, no
01:44way. So that was cool.
01:46A tween teen dance movie. Did you see that in your future?
01:51I did not. I did not. But Hey, I'm here for it. I'm excited.
01:54You're loving it right now.
01:55I'm loving it. I'm loving it.
01:57Well, thank you so much, Rhett. Congrats on the premiere.
01:59Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Thanks guys. Thanks man.
