How To Find Out If Your iPhone Has Been Hacked ( Tip 12 of 15 )

  • 2 months ago
How To Find Out If Your iPhone Has Been Hacked
00:00So you already know your iPhone has fantastic security as long as you keep your device up to
00:05date and if you ever get hacked you might ask yourself how could this have happened? Well the
00:11iPhone is like a digital vault but human error can introduce vulnerabilities and how would you know
00:17if that happened? Well here's how, go to settings, go to privacy and security, scroll all the way down
00:24to the bottom of this page where you see safety check and depending on how concerned you are
00:29you might want to go with option one which is the emergency reset. This strips back all app access
00:35and people's access to your device and your data and you can start afresh or if you just want to
00:40check who and what has access to your data right now you could go for the manage sharing and access
00:45option and there are three simple steps to this process and if you do this now this could be
00:50an eye-opening experience for you, take a look.
