• letztes Jahr
Hunde sind die besten Freunde des Menschen. Und Rob Lowe, der durch den Dokumentarfilm führt, liebt Hunde ebenfalls. Doch wie oft fragt man sich, ob seine vierbeinigen Freunde und Familienmitglieder einen wirklich lieb haben. Man fragt sich, was sie gerade denken, oder ob sie glücklich sind. Was sie wollen und brauchen. Was Hunde denken liefert die Antworten.


00:00Dogs have found their way into every corner of our lives.
00:05He is very lovely.
00:07They're our companions, our saviors.
00:10And yet, we're only beginning to understand how their brains actually work.
00:15I like to use the phrase, dogs smell in color.
00:18Dogs have nose prints in the same way that we have fingerprints.
00:21Dogs are both prey and predator.
00:24Every dog breed is just another version of a wolf.
00:29So how did dogs and humans become so intertwined?
00:33Instead of being afraid of humans, a population of wolves,
00:37they actually became attracted to all the yummy garbage that the humans were creating.
00:41Survival of the friendliest is really the most successful evolutionary strategy that has been identified.
00:50Dogs have 16 different facial expressions.
00:53Dogs are constantly communicating with us.
00:56You stink.
01:00They can smell our mood, adrenaline.
01:03They can even smell our stress.
01:05What people view as a great dog today is what service dogs have been raised and trained to be for a century.
01:13We can all get closer to our dogs if we know their secrets.