10 Most Paused Deleted Scenes In Movie History

  • 3 months ago
The deleted scenes that made you doubt your own eyes.


00:00It's fair to say that deleted scenes are deleted for a reason.
00:04Perhaps they killed the movie's pacing, upended its tone, or simply didn't pan out
00:08as the filmmaker intended.
00:09But that doesn't mean that there aren't great deleted scenes that fans and directors
00:14alike wish made it into the final cut, or that aren't worth checking out.
00:18So with that in mind, I'm Ellie with WhatCulture, here with the 10 most paused deleted scenes
00:23in movie history.
00:26Jameson wears the Spidey suit in Spider-Man 2
00:29Here's a deleted scene so delightfully unhinged that, if you saw a mere screengrab
00:33without context, you'd probably assume it was either a Photoshop job or a mere blooper.
00:38But Spider-Man 2 originally featured a scene in which after Peter Parker throws his Spider-Man
00:43suit in the trash and it's brought to J. Jonah Jameson, Jameson can't resist but
00:47try it on for himself.
00:49In the middle of a montage about Spidey's absence, we then cut Jameson in the suit pretending
00:54to be Spidey while prancing around and posing in his office, his signature cigar still hanging
00:58out of his mouth as his employees look on in horror.
01:01Is one hell of a visual, and finally saw the light of day three years after Spider-Man
01:062 hit screens when Sony released Spider-Man 2.1 on DVD, a studio-mandated reissue containing
01:13eight minutes of mostly superfluous gag scenes such as this one in order to drum up hype
01:17for Spider-Man 3.
01:20Donnie's corpse in Donnie Darko
01:21Donnie Darko's unforgettable closing sequence depicts the death of Donnie, who is killed
01:26when a jet engine falls through the roof of his house, seemingly crushing him to death.
01:30However, neither the theatrical release nor the director's cut actually show Donnie's
01:35dead body, even though filmmaker Richard Kelly did shoot a brutal deleted scene showing Donnie's
01:41corpse impaled with a piece of metal from the jet engine.
01:44It's absolutely horrifying, honestly, and so it's easy to appreciate why Kelly decided
01:48to cut it.
01:49If he included it in the middle of the climactic Mad World montage, it would have totally derailed
01:53the bittersweet mood the scene was going for.
01:57Nevertheless, given that we only see Donnie's body being wheeled out of the house in a body
02:00bag at the very end of the movie, the morbid curiosity factor to see precisely how Donnie
02:05was killed speaks for itself.
02:07You might wish you hadn't seen it, though, considering how damn gnarly it is.
02:11What do you think?
02:12Let us know in the comments down below.
02:13Should this scene have been left in, or were they right to cut it?
02:16Old Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 Judgment Day
02:19Terminator 2 brilliantly ends with Sarah Connor reflecting on humanity's uncertain yet hopeful
02:24future in light of Skynet's apparent defeat.
02:27It's snappy yet thoughtful, while bringing James Cameron's epic two-film saga to a natural
02:33But Cameron actually wrote a more elaborate ending for his sci-fi action classic, which
02:37he even went to the lengths of filming before deciding to cut.
02:40However, it was eventually included on the movie's special edition DVD release.
02:44The scene takes place in 2029, with an elderly Sarah narrating that Skynet's creation was
02:50prevented and her son John, who appears in the scene as an adult playing with his daughter
02:55became a senator.
02:56Sarah also remarks that she remains haunted by her past, before closing with the very
03:00same line included at the end of the movie proper,
03:02If a machine, a Terminator, can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too.
03:07It's certainly an interesting alternate ending, albeit one that feels a little goofy in part,
03:12largely due to the unconvincing old lady makeup applied to Linda Hamilton for the scene.
03:18Even in movement, the makeup doesn't hold up to scrutiny, but as a freeze frame, it's
03:22downright laughable, enough that Cameron was smart enough to throw it out.
03:26In such a technologically innovative movie, this ropey makeup would have stuck out like
03:30a sore thumb.
03:32Batman Meets The Joker in The Batman Though we do catch a fleeting glimpse of the
03:37Joker in Matt Reeves' The Batman, he's depicted entirely in silhouettes, to the point
03:41that it's near impossible to make out any of his distinctive facial features.
03:45However, Reeves did later release a surprisingly lengthy deleted scene in which the Joker has
03:50a Silence of the Lambs-esque interaction with Batman in Arkham Asylum.
03:54Ultimately, it's probably for the best that the scene was cut, given that it's superfluous
03:58within the scope of the story, and would have only added to the film's near three-hour
04:02runtime, but it does nevertheless allow fans to get a somewhat clearer look at this universe's
04:07Joker design.
04:08Sure, he's still veiled behind frosted glass, giving Reeves a little leeway to retool the
04:12design in a future film, but we can more or less see what Barry Keoghan's Joker looks
04:17like here.
04:19The Xenomorph's Full Body Shot in Alien Ridley Scott quite sensibly avoids showing
04:23full body shots of the Xenomorph throughout Alien, though that wasn't actually the original
04:29Scott shot a sequence where the Xenomorph is shown unfurling itself in front of Lambert,
04:33before crab-walking towards her and then standing up in full, wide profile.
04:39Beyond the silliness of the crab-walk, the wide shot makes it painfully clear that the
04:43Xenomorph is portrayed by a guy in a suit, and so Scott smartly decided to jettison the
04:49Shortening Lambert's death scene significantly and entirely for the better.
04:53It's still a fascinating scene in its own way, though, and worth gawking at if only
04:57to observe how fundamental camera placement and framing were to the Xenomorph's convincing
05:02presentation throughout the movie.
05:04With a lesser director at the helm, it would've been so, so easy for the Alien to look incredibly
05:11Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd as Homeless People in Ghostbusters
05:15Ivan Reitman shot a most bizarre scene for Ghostbusters, which he quite understandably
05:20deleted, where Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd not-so-secretly played two additional minor
05:26In the scene, the pair portray a duo of homeless men who ramble near-incomprehensibly about
05:31politics and sports while walking through Central Park, before a terrified Lewis Tully
05:36runs past them while fleeing ghosts.
05:38Ultimately, Reitman cut the scene for both pacing reasons and because he felt that Murray
05:42and Aykroyd weren't disguised well enough, and so their presence would simply confuse
05:47audiences who would wonder why Peter Venkman and Ray Stantz were suddenly dressed as homeless
05:52folk and wandering around New York City.
05:54And beyond that, it's just not very funny.
05:56Murray, and especially Aykroyd, put on seriously grating voices, ensuring the scene plays more
06:01like a skit where two friends are goofing off than part of a $30 million movie.
06:05All the same, it's nevertheless fascinating to see the duo dressed up like you've never
06:09seen them before.
06:11Morgan Stark in Avengers Endgame
06:13When Avengers Endgame was first released, many questioned the absence of actress Katherine
06:17Langford, who was announced as part of the movie's cast the year prior, yet was totally
06:22absent in the final cut.
06:23As it turned out, her role was small but significant, yet ultimately cut from the movie by the Russo
06:30In a deleted scene viewable on Disney+, we see that Langford plays an older version of
06:34Tony Stark's daughter, Morgan, who appears to him as a Vision in Soul World after he
06:39uses his Infinity Gauntlet to kill Thanos and his army.
06:43Morgan effectively assures Tony that his sacrifice was worthwhile before he tells her,
06:47I love you 3,000.
06:49In commentary for the scene, Joe Russo revealed that Langford's role was cut because it
06:53ground the movie to a halt and felt redundant given that Tony says I love you 3,000 via
06:57video in the subsequent eulogy scene.
06:59Ultimately, it's a bit of a stilted scene dramatically and so it's easy to appreciate
07:04why the Russos cut it, yet it's nevertheless neat for fans to see it on Disney+, and catch
07:08a glimpse of what the adult Morgan will look like.
07:12The pig head down the drain in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
07:15Who Framed Roger Rabbit's theatrical cut boasts its fair share of gruesome moments,
07:19but one which ended up on the cutting room floor involved Eddie Valiant being kidnapped
07:23by Judge Doom and having a toon pig's head drawn over his own.
07:27What follows is a legitimately horrific sequence in which Eddie runs home and showers with
07:31turpentine in order to melt the pig's head off.
07:33At this point, we cut to the bottom of the shower, where the meaty remnants of the pig's
07:37head, eyeballs, and all are seen flowing down the drain.
07:40It's a disgusting yet brilliantly realised scene, and one that's basically impossible
07:44to look away from.
07:45For his part, director Robert Zemeckis later admitted to regretting cutting it, even while
07:50feeling that it hurt the film's pacing.
07:52So let's raise a glass to the animators, who clearly put a backbreaking amount of effort
07:56into this scene only for their work to never be seen on the big screen.
08:01Magneto in a dress in X-Men First Class You probably remember the scene in X-Men First
08:05Class where Charles Xavier and Magneto head to a strip club to recruit Angel Salvador
08:10to their team.
08:11Magneto reveals his telekinetic powers to her, which in turn prompts her to reveal her
08:15dragonfly wings.
08:17Yet the scene originally included an added comedic beat where Xavier uses his telepathic
08:21abilities to make Angel imagine Magneto wearing a blue dress, stockings, knee-high boots,
08:27and a red-haired wig.
08:28Angel immediately starts laughing, much to Magneto's confusion, before Xavier tells him,
08:32you've never looked more beautiful, darling.
08:34It's a hilarious beat and honestly probably should have been included in the final film,
08:38even if some might have seen it as a step too goofy.
08:41All the same, it lives on a home video extra, allowing us all to savour the sight of Michael
08:46Fassbender looking very fetching indeed in a dress, and consider the many playful ways
08:50Xavier could use his abilities to troll people.
08:54The Monkey Cat in The Fly Considering how stomach-churningly disturbing
08:57David Cronenberg's The Fly is, it goes without saying that a deleted scene cut for being
09:03too graphic has to be really out there.
09:05And indeed, The Fly's infamous monkey cat deleted scene sees Seth Brundle attempt to
09:09figure out a way to reverse his ongoing transformation into a human-fly hybrid by fusing a baboon
09:15with a cat.
09:16The creature that emerges is a horrific chimera of the two animals, which soon enough attacks
09:20Seth, forcing him to beat it to death with a pipe.
09:23According to Cronenberg, test audiences responded negatively to the scene, and it made them
09:27feel decidedly less sympathetic towards Seth, who had already killed one baboon earlier
09:32in the film through his experiments.
09:33That he then brutally beat the second one to death was just a little too much.
09:37We see only a few brief seconds of the monkey cat before Seth puts it down for the count,
09:42but it's enough to appreciate that this thing is one hell of an abomination.
09:45And that concludes our list.
09:46If you think we missed something, then do let us know in the comments down below.
09:50And while you're there, don't forget to like and subscribe and tap that notification
09:54Also, head over to Twitter and follow us there, and I can be found across various social medias
09:57just by searching Ellie Littlechild.
09:59I've been Ellie with WhatCulture.
10:00I hope you have a magical day, and I'll see you real soon.
